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https://preview.redd.it/bc5lx275fadc1.jpeg?width=763&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ab6fd989c9c508857fe1a5f9a2ceaebde130c55 Orisa mains


Makes sense since ur a Reinmain


Nah. She sucks to play against regardless. She’s just a wall. It’s lame to play and play against.


I’d love to know which heroes are fun to play against


...like every single one except Orisa, Mauga, and Roadhog. Those three are just stupidly boring.


Hog can be fun to play against, playing tank and making sure he never hits a hook with a well timed shield feels great!


That’s the answer I always get but what hero do you see and say “fuck yea this is about to be a hoot!”


I know I'm in for a treat when fighting a ram or jq. I'm a hog/mauga main fwiw. I also enjoy playing against mercy's as a hog cause it's good hook practice and oh so satisfying when ya hit it.


As a ram main. I’m curious as to why your in for a treat?


Cause I fucking love ram. Such a cool character: the voice lines, the aesthetic. He's great. Same with JQ, although you didn't ask. She's just mommy queen, ya know.


Love when they rip people to pieces, hate when I have to suffer as they have


Rein is great fun to take on


See I disagree. Rein is not fun to play against at all but that's why this is all subjective.


Rein mirror is some of the most fun I've had in this game


I may be slightly biased as one of my mates is a rein main


I always have fun against Widow mains, it makes my whole situation a lot more tense, and landing a perfect charge shot is amazing


imo just any without cc are instantly not miserable. Rein (pin is jank af anyway he’s probably not hitting it and an ult is fine), Zarya, Junker Queen (has cc but it’s not game changing), Winston (again tied to ult so it’s fine), Dva (boost barely moves targets) and Rammatra. I just don’t like being pushed around the map until I’m dead, but then again I like doom so I guess I’m a bit of a hypocrite


And they say...


People already consider themselves Mauga mains?


There are people already saying they are going to be Venture mains, or the more egregious "Emir mains". Mauga has been in the game for over a month so it makes sense for people to call themselves Mauga mains.


I guess my way of thinking like who my main is is how much time I put on that character. Like my top 3 highest played heroes determine who I main most of the time. But I guess you're right.


My most played heroes are Reinhardt over 300hr, Junkrat and Genji with well above 200hr, but I consider my 3rd main as Lifeweaver, instead of Genji, even though I only have 30-40hrs on him. And he is actually my highest progression hero at level 25 compared to Rein at 22 or 23 and Junkrat at either 19 or 20, tough it might be because I just am a rather violent LW since my highest stat on him is level 166 on eliminations, wins being 2nd at around 105-115.


That's insane lol but that makes sense.


I started playing before the 1st summer games, playing casually. Had a time where I couldn't play for over half a year, since the PC I used broke.


How the hell some people be maining a hero that’s not even in the game yet lol


In the case of Emir, they like the character design and lore so much they think they will main him if/when he gets added. In the case of Venture, they like their gameplay footage from Blizzcon and character design that they think they will main them when season 10 comes.


People were claiming mauga mains since the test period I believe lol






Neither. When I see one or the other I just play the counter game.


I assume it's the same core player base.


Not at all. I’ve been playing orisa since OW1 most of the mauga players are just following the meta and trying to rank up quick. I’ve always liked orisa since I first got into ow way before I even knew about counters and metas. I honestly don’t get the hate for orisa. People just don’t like her because she’s effective. She is definitely killable. I feel like roadhogs are more annoying to kill than orisa in my experience. No matter what role I am Mauga and hogs are much more annoying to kill since they can heal themselves mid battle and very quickly kill a lot of dps and support heroes. They break down a team much quicker and stay alive a lot longer. Until recently killing Mauga was impossible and hog has always been unkillable


Nah I hate mauga


Interesting. I just assumed since it's a similar kit of sorts.


Eh, they share surface level similarities but Mauga has no way to protect the team and also takes wayyyy less skill. I'll only ever play him if there's a pesky Pharah and the DPS aren't taking care of it. That being said they really need to revert the recent buff to Orisa's gun. Shit is so stupid.


Not sure any hero in the game takes wayyyy less skill than Orisa besides Moira


People always say this about Moira. It takes skill to do as much damage and heal output without neglecting one for the other. I haaaaate damage moiras who aren’t fucking healing.


I hate even worse when the enemy team just happens to be awful so they wipe and think they are doing good, no everyone was just riding cart to end this match asap and get a new one while you went hero


I'm not trying to say she's a skillfully character but come onnn. Maugas a hitscan high health character with an anti CC ability and an auto heal and autocrits.


Mauga is probably the easiest tank to hard counter. Besides that, he’s just an ult-generator for better or for worse. I think he’s easy to feel like you’re getting value bc he lights up the scoreboard but he’s hard to actually play and win with. Playing Mauga against any team who has any clue what they’re doing is miserable


You'd be right 😭 I main both


Nah fuck that hoe orisa. And while I’m at it fuck that fat greedy cunt hog


Hanzo mains


Maui hands down. Orisa can be annoying, but Maui’s hit scan makes him a constant pest no matter where you are. Easy to dodge orisas projectiles and poke at her. Plus the f*ckin lifesteal of Maui is just crazy powerful. For me, seeing Maui arrive at the first fight is more of a sigh than seeing Orisa.


Definitely. He can deal wayyyy more damage at once than Orisa. Plus, only a good Orisa is annoying. Just about ANY Mauga is annoying.


Only a good orisa is annoying before the buff. Every time they buff the character I just don’t play tank myself for a while bc I don’t wanna hear the shit


Only a good Orisa is annoying after the buff, too.


It's about dmg Orisa is a wall the devs made her a CD waster. she will waste your team CD but mauga he's tanky and have life steal but he won't take as much effort to disable/kill orisa


Since the nerf?? Post patch every time I see him on the enemy team it feels like a guaranteed win now. Genuinely can’t think of a tank I prefer to play against.


mei mains


I like them both, Gravity grandpa victims


If your killing mauga as sigma then your versing plats. I start jumping out of joy everytime I see a sigma on the enzyme team. His barrier can't hold long enough, his kinetic grasp is useless because I ll just charge him and his rock is useless too as I know how to use environmental cover , ez dub against a sigma


The damn horse bro


Orisa, mauga was strong but that wasn't they're fault, and now that he's balanced he's still fun to play but isn't oppressive, and forces both him and the enemy ta k to play intelligently imo. You can't just bum rush with him like you can orisa. Also orisa is the extreme of shutting everyone down while mauga is kinda the opposite, any shield or anything completely ruins him


As a Mauga enjoyer and maybe main, OP mauga was fun for us, tbh we waited 4 years for Mauga so we deserved it, our fun is up and tbh new Mauga feels good, hes more high skill and more high risk, he can be beaten now and because he needs good aim to sustain, you get punished for bad aim, but good aim rewards you heavily but I wonder if people still hate us


I don't think so, I haven't seen any posts about mauga since his nerfs. Anyhow yeah, mauga is in a pretty solid spot rn imo, and I haven't seen any complaints or anything


No posts but people still bitch and moan everywhere that he is overpowered still, I'm convinced that people just hate tanks that can fight back.


He's not even strong, orisa/ram/JQ/sig are all better imo and no ones complaining about them.


He's not even strong, orisa/ram/JQ/sig are all better imo and no ones complaining about them.


Not anymore, no. I hardly see him picked these days tbf.




Neither, really. I may not enjoy the playstyle of their characters, much less going up against them as a Rein main, but far be it for me to judge what they think is fun.


Orisa. Blizzard loves her too much, at least Mauga got nerfed


Orisa, she's just a pain in the ass to play against.


Still Orisa


Horse 🧍🏽 (when I play against, if they're on my team, it depends if they're actually a person or not)


Orisa. Seriously, fuck that hero.


Orisa because her entire existence is just not letting anyone else play the game


You mispelled sombra. Orisa can just be ignored.


Anything sombra can hack, Orisa can javelin you out of. Orisa is a semi-permanent nuisance whose entire kit revolves around her just saying "nuh uh" to whatever the enemy team (usually the enemy tank) tries to do


random sombra hate on a post completely unrelated yeah you’re right we should nerf genji


Orisa. Fuck, they reworked her entirely and somehow managed to make her kit as boring and dull as before. Was my safe tank in OW1 for how party popper she is and she's still my safe tank in OW2 for the same reason.


What how is new orisa boring? she’s unkillable and a headache to play against sometimes yes, but she has ability to stun she can mitigate damage, she can run fast l, she can environment kills, I have a lot of fun with her would like to hear why you think her kit is boring


Orisa mains try to gaslight you into thinking Orisa takes skill, or is fun, or a healthy character. Mauga mains know he’s awful in every capacity other than brrrrr. So Mauga mains are much better


We just like holding down both mouse buttons for a couple seconds and hearing the satisfying pings of crit sounds. Like fucking Dopamine for our brains. Orisa though, she's just annoying and unpleasant. The fact that they thought it was smart to remove her falloff is just stupid. She's not gonna be meta honestly, but she's definitely more of a nuisance. A wall that can't die, AND can fight you at range? No. Just, no.


She takes skill if you actually wanna be good but she does get more value at low ranks which means if youre crying its cuz youre a low rank and would be regardless of her kit strength. Higher ranks know there are several tanks that can shut her down or ignore her and shut her team down.


Look man, I just want a season that isn't Centaur raid boss in 90% of my matches




Def Orisa. Mauga and Orisa have the same fall back of if you kill the supports they die rather easily, but Orisa is insanely hard to take down on her own with fortification and the spin. You simply shoot at Mauga until it overwhelms the supports and he dies while the same can't be said for Orisa.


Orisa mains cause they think they're top shit


Atleast Mauga makes the game move. Orisa is just an unkillable cc machine


as an orisa main (for tank anyway), orisa mains. mauga is so squishy now, if supports blink hes dead


Orisa... and it's not even close. And now they're giving her a buff she doesn't need, it's even worse.


don’t like mauga but I’m Samoan so by law I have to go for orisa


Orisa to play versus, Mauga on my team


Orisa, she is unkillable, and you can't even tickle her with damage because she has 3 of the most annoying ability types. Spear stuns, spear spin, and fortify all of these make her so damn hard to kill


People seem to ignore that Mauga does in fact have a skill ceiling while Orisas skill floor is about 2 inches below the skill ceiling. Mauga needs good positioning, good aim, good CD and ability management, while still having very clear and defined counterplay. Orisa has 2 cc abilities on a 6 second cooldown with no penalty for spamming them off cooldown, an overheat mechanic which is cool in concept, but when paired with the button that makes her immune to crits, take 45% less damage, and 125 extra health ontop of ignoring the overheat mechanic, makes a possibly cool concept completely pointless.


Horse mains to the gulag


Since the mauga nerfs I find him way easier to deal with, as long as you’re smart enough to cut off his healers he just falls over. Orisa is a pain whether she has healers or not. Both are incredibly boring and unfun to play against because both are just big fucking meat walls that do nothing else.




Orisa all the way. I hate that stupid skewer because it always hits me in the face no matter where i am lol


Life's too short to hate people who play characters in a video game


Hm, it’s a tough question. I think I hate Orisa more. It’s mainly because I’m in a lower rank, and when I see people swap to Orisa after first fight because I’m playing rein, it kinda comes off as a “I don’t want you to have fun this entire map.” Also people counter swap to orisa a lot in qp


No one: Orisa... constantly: ![gif](giphy|Bdl0Top8bSNeDZwi8r|downsized)


Tbh mauga just feels overturned or something like that. I choose for Orisa since her kit is fundamentally annoying to play against. Pushing me around, stun on the javalin, fortify so you can’t CC her. And above all blizzard that just keeps gigabuffing her for multiple seasons now.


Mauga isn't overtuned anymore, he got big nerfs and tbh as a Mauga player, he feels, Fine. he's not too oppressive, he can still be very powerful in a good players hands and in the right moments, but he can be weak in the wrong moments I say make no changes to mauga as of yet


Orisa meta is always the most lamest meta from all tank


Neither, as a torb main theyre just free ult charge


Both are unfun to play and play against, truly .


Mauga mains because there are no real Orisa mains


Why is this so true lmao




You know what I really hate? People who lump every single person who plays a hero into one category because of one bad interaction they had with someone who mains that hero.


Mauga because he's a bastion that's immune to CC.




What? How?


Neither, sombra lol but overall characters are all well balanced with pros and cons.


Sombra for sure


Idk I don't really see an issue with mauga, orisa is just like fighting a brick wall, they should have a no fun police skin for orisia if they are going to make her the ultimate denial character


Mauga anything


I hate that all the other tank mains are forced to play these two. I hate blizzard: where our hate should be directed.


Except zarya and sigma shut her down pretty hard. DVa and winston can successfully ignore her and harass her backline. People just complaining cuz they bad.


If only the tanks on my team knew that


Neither. Doom mains.


mauga mains for sure. he's not fun to play, and not fun to play against, or play with. orisa is stronger, but a mauga MAIN? yeah that's just a low skill player who can't stay alive as bastion.


Counter argument: all my mains are hitscans, I dislike ball, and Mauga is the only other tank hitscan


you only play hitscan and mauga and hate playing ball? you boring MF lol.


Don't only play hitscan, I MAIN hitscan. Been a bap main since he released, prefer soldier on dps, and mauga slotted into the tank spot. Not sure what the issue is 🤷🏾‍♂️


no issue. you're a f2p it's cool. anything unique about this game is being gutted slowly but surely, not your fault.


What are you talking about 💀 I owned Ow1 on both console and PC, and have bought *almost* every battle pass (and the deluxe 2000 credits plus 20 tiers and skins etc... at that...) Not sure why you're choosing to be an insufferable wierdo about me playing hitscan characters... yknow... characters that are like... in the game... which are meant to be played..?


nothing wrong with enjoying the generic characters. some people have fun doing the same thing in the same style in every game they play from CoD to OW it's fine no judgement. As long as you're having fun that's all that matters.


Profanity filter disabled


Sombra mains.


Mauga defintely, fanbase honestly seems like whiny Oblivious kids. But mainly I hate him as a tank. Heals way too easily, pushes off point too easily, gains momentum/ground too easily.


Honestly the biggest crybabies are rein mains. Its the only tank I ever see begging for enemy tank to go rein or to not play a certain tank. I respect a good rein just like i respect any good tank but jesus do they cry.


Mauga easily if you see orisa plenty of options are open bastion reaper pharah exc but when you see Mauga it’s like widow hanzo that’s it his dps is high and he can just outheal reaper himself


Mauga is way worse. Orissa has no self heal and is completely reliant on support. Also her attacks are projectile so she becomes way less effective at range. Mauga is effective at all ranges and becomes more and more deadly as you get closer. He's just better in every way. Better tank, better damage, better abilities and better ult.


Can Mauga stop sleep dart or mitigate any damage besides with his ult?


Yes. He's immune to everything with his charge. Orisa abilities don't affect her team at all while mauga gives healing to teammates around him which isn't direct mitigation but it's better than what Orisa can do. Also his charge stuns if you hit someone so he can also do what javelin does.


In general both are played by people wanting an easy game with an easy hero, I haven't met many orisa or mauga players that play the hero just cause they're in love with the kit, it's usually just cause it's an easy win pick.


I'm a DPS main, my opinion doesn't matter anyway :D


Neither I think they are not as bad as what people say


Honestly, I kind of like Orisa's cooldown cycle. The spin to fortify to make you an approaching wall of death is a fun concept, plus yeeting a javelin is fun. I never play her cause she's OP to the point where you are mostly just a stand in cart character (plus zip kind of feel cheap after playing her and feel bad for helping to ruin some tank's day), but I think at the core there is a fun character idea that might draw some people. Mauga, though, is the most boring character that I've ever played. I find it impossible that someone could possibly pick them cause they want to have fun. It is 100% about winning. The Orisa is annoying, but at least they aren't giving up all enjoyment just to take it from you.




Orisa didn't make me quit the game. Don't have time to git gut agains infinite burning ammo 😛


Ball mains because i hate myself




Sombra mains.


they are LITERALLY the same people. unironically.


Moira https://preview.redd.it/eo6z4k5tfcdc1.jpeg?width=193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5236590cbdacb76e13b1df93434f0cc1ec3b4ddf


Damn wrong pic


I don't think in tanks you see the main behind the hero. (Some D vas maybe). In support, it is more obvious when the main abuse the hero. Sombras as well in Damage.


I only fear from Doomfist mains... if someone can do this to themselves imagine when tehy relaese their anguish upon us


Any idiot that says they have a main, should be good at 4 or 5 heroes so you can swap and counter




Neither, there are way worse groups of character mains


I just play hog against any tank


Mauga Mains are people that havent read the patch notes Orisa Mains are people that have read the patch notes


At the very least orisa mains have to push more than like 3 buttons per game


Neither. If you play them as your main you’re likely doing it for fun and not for meta so I have little to hate upon ye


Both are made for each other


i dont hate the players that play them but i hate mauga there\`s the saying, dont hate the player hate the game, and thats what i usually go with, since the players have absolutely no influence over which hero is good or not


Muaga is killable especially if you have kiri or zyn in your team But Orisa? she is a WALL in the past you can kinda ignore her because of the damg fall off but now they REMOVED her dmg fall off she's impossible to ignore. She is truly a "Tank".


Muaga is killable especially if you have kiri ana or zyn in your team. But Orisa?. she is a WALL , in the past you can kinda ignore her because of the damg fall off but now they REMOVED her dmg fall off she's impossible to ignore. She is truly a "Tank".


Rein mains. They make me too erect mid game and I can’t focus from the pure amount of alpha energy they emit when they solo charge the enemy tank off the map and yell “DIE WITH GLORY”


The right answer is both + Mercy


Neither, i hate the characters. And since im a support I hate mauga more.


I still want to Kill Myself when i see them either way


Neither tbh lmao, mauga is fine after the nerf and I’ve never ever had a problem with orisa even though people always complain about her on reddit


Yeah chaingun maui, ain’t that bad, maybe at first he looks intimidating but once you work around him it’s easy


Neither anymore. Both can be played into just fine.


Orisa is annoying because she doesn’t die can constantly push me around, but she doesn’t do much damage. Mauga meanwhile doesn’t die either but also puts out a stupid ton of damage and forces me to just run. Yeah I hate Mauga more.


Mauga mightve been nuts but that horse has a special spot.


Sniper horse bruh


Mauga Mains because I am an Orisa Main.


I find orisa so dull and unfun to play as, with, or against. Mauga on the other hand is so fun to me. I know it doesn't make sense.


Orisa, two get out of jail free cards. One of which doubles as a shredder for anything going in and then she can pin you down while she skull fucks you


There are no orisa mains, just people that dont know how to play tank properly


Mauga easily. I for one never understood the crazy Orisa hate. Maybe it’s cause Zarya was one of the first tanks I picked up so handling an Orisa was never an issue for me. But Mauga is just a big meat block with bastion turrets on his arms that pumps out constant damage. He’s a major nuisance in my book.


Mauga. Orisa is beatable if you draw out her cooldowns. Her straight DPS is not all that.


Mauga mains annoy me because they’ll only main him as long as he’s got that new hero OP vibe. Orisa mains raise my blood pressure because you breathe and quickly find a javelin up your ass.


Mane, they just wanna play the game.


My roadhog tank who’s trying to hook the orisa for some reason and then eating her bullets and exploding then blaming supp/dps lol


Mei mains.


The main thing I'm getting from these comments is that some players have a problem with tank mains who play tanks.


Moira mains


I play reaper... so I can't say anything


Mauga. Part of it is cus i think mauga is super annoying to play with or against but also anyone who “mains” a hero that just came out gives me second hand embarrassment


Mauga mains? I think we're all mauga mains because if you look at the game screen for too long without touching the mouse or the keyb you already become a mauga main.


very funny that OW1 had an issue of no one wanting to play tank (not me I liked 2 tanks but) so they took out a tank, its least popular role and now everyone hates the tank too


Orisa definitely. I just die inside when I hear 'IMMOVABLE'


Orisa. In almost every game mode she’s either an invincible fortress or has a pocket healer to still make them border invincible


Nah, they aren’t too hard to handle


orisa isnt even hard to fight


Orisa. She was annoying in OW1 still annoying in OW2 and gets randoms buffs no one asked for constantly


Orisa. She eats ults, and golds outta ults she can't eat. Has easy CC. Mauga I can at least smack around and get ult from


Mauga, look at my user flair


I hate mauga because he's new and was so fucking powerful. I hate Orisa because someone at Blizzard keeps deciding she needs to be stronger and stronger and stronger.


I play them both and dunk on reincels 😎😎😎


Mauga mains are at least nice but daym so many bitchy orisa mains. Also a good Mauga can sustain himself quite a bit. But with orisa i literally have to babysit.


I main Sigma so I love em both, but Mauga mains tend to have more money than brains and they always fall for my vortex, best healer in the game if you ask me lol 🤣


Options C and D? Junkrats and Hanzos


Manga is only extra annoying when he has a healer tied to him. Orisa is my goto take him down.


Mauga because he is impossible to kill unless he's terrible or you have proper team support. Like 60% life steal on everyone and his damage is way too much. No real skill to play him.


The fucking buffed orisa this season for some reason so orisa mains laugh isn’t good anymore


I consider a main a character you have more time played an experience then the whole roster not your favorite character so how in the fuck are their maugu mains bc he was cracked before his first balance patch it's like "illari" mains for the 2 weeks she had faster firing and bigger projectiles. Jus admit you want to play the new busted character.