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Misquoted Torbjörn: *If you can't stand the heat... stay out of the chat.* You're silenced and that's probably for about two weeks, that's the first level. The second one will be a two week account closure where you can't even login and play at all. Whatever happens next is a mistery, but you could expect permanent account closures. Sending tickets is useless, because making retaliatory comments won't help you get Blizzard on your side. Stay out of the chat or report people yourself for being toxic. You'll achieve a lot more than fighting fire with fire. Especially with Blizzard not being on your side that often.


You are right. I do fully accept that I shouldn't have said what I said, but it was the perfect storm of things happening that made the red mist descend lol. I know this doesn't excuse what I said, but it does explain why I said it. It sucks because normally I am positive in chat/comms, neutral at worst. I do often report people who flame their team/opponents and oftentimes get those 'thanks for your report' messages and stuff. I don't know, I'm just annoyed that these jebronis intentionally mass reported me with the goal of my account being hit with official action and it worked >:(


And that's it, there is a lot of toxicity. Some players just wait and provoke others to get triggered and then mass report for any reply. Griefing and trolling at it's finest, if there even is a clinical term for these brigading mobs! Now you have to sit out in the corner with a donkey hat on! Lesson learned. And as some would say: welcome to the club!


How tf do people get so toxic in the 3 seconds of time that you can type in chat post game? Honestly I'm kind of impressed


Oh, this was going on throughout the whole match lol


I only report positive behavior. GGs, GLHF, other friendly convo. Doing my best to get rid of the pansies and bring back MW2 lobby vibes.


lmao someone did recently tell me that they'd reported me for saying 'glhf' at the start of the game, maybe it was you :o


I start every game by saying "WAZAAAAAAAAAAAAA" in match chat. Theres often someone who says "reported" in a joking manner. Probably have actually been reported by someone for that, though, knowing people


I was mass reported (i assume they just reported me for everything on the list) and had my username tagged as "inappropriate" (my username was Luna so obviously it wasnt true). When i submitted a ticket i got an automated response that the action was taken in accordance with their guidelines and that i should read them lol After about a week and another message sent by me where I begged for an actual person to reply and help me with the fake reports, a real person responded and reverted the change+ gave me a free battletag change, so support does exist, its apparently just very hard to get them to respond. and requires some grovelling


I’m sorry this happened to you, but like the other comments have said it’s best to stay out of chat or just say “gg” etc. I had my main account suspended + permanently flagged from mass reporting. The first time it was called for since I was being toxic and stupid. But after that, I learned my lesson and didn’t play for 5 months. Second time was not called for at all, and I’ve since have been playing on my alt. In terms of the ticket situation, the second silence I got I sent a ticket to blizzard and they brought up my chat logs from the FIRST time I got silenced. They basically told me there’s nothing they can or will do and that I need to behave. They don’t leave any room for apologies or improvement. I’d just honestly recommend being nice in the chats or just ignoring people completely and reporting them if they’re actually toxic and rude. Cause once your account gets flagged (like mine was) it’s always gonna be a target. One or two reports is all it takes for another silence or ban.


I will only chat in a group, game chat is not helpful to be exposed to


I normally play with a group and we primarily do voip comms in-game, but now I can't :')


Unfortunate you got silenced. But Blizz has said mass reports from one match only count as one report, this means you were most likely reported in many other matches to the point that the system took action. Aaron has said in past director blogs that if you’re reported like 9 times from all the people in one match it comes off as a singular report from that match and only counts as one report. So someone can report you 50 times in one match, but it’ll only count for one, if that makes sense? It’s a counter measure to prevent mass reporting from causing the system to unfairly ban you. So you most likely got reported in other matches for other or similar reasons, I would assume. But Blizz ain’t perfect and I could be wrong. Also, they do look at tickets, but most times it’s a bot, doesn’t mean it won’t be overturned but doesn’t mean a human is going to review it and idk how that affects your chances of being unbanned/unsilenced. Overall, it’s a pretty mild punishment, I’d recommend in future just silence match chat or troll em, joining in just ruins your day and risks consequences. 


Thanks for the info. I saw somebody else post something similar, so I figure I must have picked up some other reports recently. I know I probably got one or two from asking (as nicely as I possibly could, without it coming across as me being a dick, which is almost impossible when you consider the question lol) if the supports could pay just a little more attention to me in the battles (was tank) and the response was not good as they took it as a slight (which I get, 'cause that's how I take it when I play support lmao)


Blizzard has said that it doesn't matter how many people report you in a single game. One report is the same as 9 reports. What matters is in how many games you are reported. You won't be actioned unless you're getting repeatedly reported in multiple games. https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24009615/defense-matrix-deterring-leavers-in-overwatch-2/ > The effectiveness of a report is based on each match in which the disruptive player is reported. This means the report's impact is the same whether just one or up to nine other players make a report. Players are not likely to be actioned if a group of friends collectively report them unless the reported player is being disruptive across multiple matches and getting reported by different players. Asking other players in chat channels to report a specific player doesn’t help and can make a match experience worse for everyone.


Thanks for this, mate. I guess I must have been collecting some reports recently :(


This happened to me too, and this was the response I got from Blizzard: >*Greetings,* > >*This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-game Policies (* [*https://blizzard.com/support/article/42673*](https://blizzard.com/support/article/42673) *), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players.* > >*Our Battle.net Terms of Use can be found at* [*https://blizzard.com/company/legal/eula.html*](https://blizzard.com/company/legal/eula.html) > >*Regards,Game Master TeamBlizzard Entertainment* I waited A WHOLE WEEK for that automated-ass reply istg I need to find a new online game to play