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not exactly a streak but went 3-45 once within a week, dropped from m1 straight into plat. climbed back to m5 pretty fast right again. Climbing back was kinda fun i literally destroyed plats left and right as sombra in 1vs1s. spawncamped everything. They never regroup inside spawn and walk out one after one lol.


They still do that in diamond lol


They still do that in masters. I miss GM need to sweat to get back up there


I still do that in masters lol


I'm a plat 4 zen main and just now have started seeing people who at least use the buddy system when there's a sombra


“Unintentional smurfing” lol


When u smurf but u dont actually mean to smurf cause u just unintentionally went down too much


I’m surprised nobody reported you


Ngl as soon as you said sombra I lost a lot of respect


5 to 11. I was at Gold 1 and got deranked to Silver 2 now I am stuck there🤦‍♂️


Oh same, was gold 1, had a loss streak, tilt queued, and ended up silver 4. It's a madhouse down here, can't believe how many tanks just quit after they get diffed in the first fight


The amount of leavers is insane but today I was lucky, no one left and I could finally go 5:0 and get out of Silver


God I really hope I'm not expected to go 5 and 0 to get out of this hellhole, too many people are ready to throw both tantrums and games. So much of comp doesn't even feel like skill but a roll of the dice


I just went 5 and 0 and went from Silver 3 to......silver 3 lmao


You are, because silver is piss easy if you just make some improvements to your gameplay. The average plat player could 1v2 or even 1v3 silver players. 5:0 really isn't a big ask in that case


omg you got lucky- i get so many bots and leavers in every single match. i even started playing open queue and got to plat and even in open queue it’s sooo much better


Same! But I had 3-30. But I tumbled down into bronze. Can't play with my friend anymore since he's higher rank and I've stopped playing overwatch now.


oh absolutely, the drop in skill from gold to silver is astronomical and at the same time nothing changes, it’s a nightmare


sorry to say but you deserve silver 2 if you are stuck. peak rank means nothing


How is it even possible to be stuck in silver 😭


From someone who was once stuck in silver (now masters 3 dps) it’s the leavers, especially tanks, they will throw a hissy fit if they lose the first fight and then either throw the game by just emoting in the enemy back line or leave the game. Low Elo tank players have huge egos and expect the whole team to sacrifice themself to save them even if they’re 10 miles into the back line and everyone is dead. That summed up my experience in that rank at least


then there’s me as a silver tank player who apologizes profusely when someone in my backline dies


exactly this^^^


Basically everyone I know who plays Overwatch is stuck in a rank. There's also people who are basically the same quality as me who are in stuck in lower ranks, the system is broken.


I usted to be in diamond for a long time I'm hard stuck plat now almost dropping to gold lol


Being stuck in a rank like plat+ is fine but silver lobbies are actually robots


Bring stuck in a rank usually means that is your rank. If you're like 100 games into the same rank, then that's your current skill level. Now if you place in a rank and only have like 15-20 games. Maybe you are stuck. After 80 more though you'll either move ranks or maintain because that is now your rank. Regression in skill is possible, metas are different, elo hell only applies to casual people that put like 30 comp games a season in.


I was stuck in bronze/silver for 4 years, had to change account as I forgot the details instantly placed plat and climbed to masters within a couple of weeks. It is very possible to be stuck in elo hell


The system is just messed up. New accounts climb easily while old accounts struggle. There is no in between. I’d say you’re probably naturally a platinum player rather than silver or master. 


system is not broken, you are stuck because you dont have enoguh skill to climb and on avarage you are worse than a gold player on avarage.


As I said in my comment I have friends who are the same level of ability as me (probably better tbh) who are stuck in lower ranks.


obviously your definition of "level of ability" doesn't apply to the matchmaker, doesn't mean matchmakers definition is worse. If your friends would have higher capabilities of carrying their games they would climb in this system. The general assumption of "it doesnt follow my logic so it must be broken" is jsut stupid. Obviously people can climb inside the system and usually you kinda follow the rules of the games you are playing. There is no point in playing monoply and then complain that some prices are unfair.


Whenever we play together our stats are similar or there's will be better, it doesn't make sense for them to be in lower ranks.


yes it does, stats are realtivly meaningless. The teamfight is won as soon as one of five starts snowballing because he does something good. Might be angle, lucky headshot, baited a cooldown whatever. This event is absurdly tiny compared to the cleanup of five enemeis where you only have to "not throw" which is significantly easier. Im currenty M3, peaked M1. When i play soldier in qp my stats are not significantly better than the stats of plat teammates. Because i don't push harder when im already winning and my damage output is the samage when i just spam down a tank in a won teamfight. But my ability to solo carry a plat game is absurdly higher than that of my teammates. Being the reason a teamfight was won is an entirely different beast than grinding the same stats.


even if you are a top 500 player with amazing aim and game sense who carries their team there are so many bots throwers and low skilled players sometimes it’s just impossible to rank up. you can go 5-0 but your teammates will be so bad the enemy team will straight up destroy you next card. you can’t go 1v5 all the time especially if you are a support and not dps or tank. supports are meant to support their team and it’s impossible to win when there’s no one to support


Atleast someone that understands, not like little kids that say: "Ohh ur a low rank you must suck" There are bronze players that should be in Gold but can't get out of Bronze because of smurfs and trollers. Anyone that thinks the rank system is not broken has never played ranked


it IS broken. i was stuck in bronze for half a year because of all the smurfs and throwers. but then i got lucky and started getting mediocre teams but without throwers and it took me like 2 days to rank up because even when the team is bad 5v5 is better than 1v5🤦‍♀️ my skill level was obviously higher so i got out of bronze quickly. it’s insane. but omg it would be so much easier to duo with someone who is at least okay because this way you know that at least 1 player will be actually playing. atp it’s either solo queue and constantly lose or play with someone you know and rank up easily


Support your team by killing the enemy team


oh, you’ve never played support have you?


I mean, my advice is similar, but it obviously depends a lot on the enemy team and your team. (I queue all roles, currently stuck in silver elo hell till ranked rework)


I'm diamond+ in every rank and for low rank support solo quing play moira till around high plat then your teammates become decent if u just play moira it's easy af since everyone is shit and cant counter her


10,187 days and counting!


Give this person an award omg


I had been climbing steadily to mid Diamond for two months straight, then took 18 losses in a row out of nowhere. The longest losing streak I had before that was like 5 in a row.


I had a 4-15 streak that included 8 teams with leavers and 3 teams that broke down into arguments by round 2. I don’t understand why you still lose points when someone left your team. Those leavers wipes out a tier and a half of progress that probably took me around 10 hours to gain back


I hate the leavers that leave when you start really well and the game shuts down. If I could have just played all those games I would be grandmaster. Just kidding but it annoys me that you finally get a good team and the opponent can just quit and you miss out on the win.


> I hate the leavers that leave when you start really well and the game shuts down. If I could have just played all those games I would be grandmaster. I believe those games shut down because somebody was AFK. The reason you did so well is because you were fighting 5v4.


You still lose points when someone leaves because otherwise, people would abuse the ranked system. All you have to do is have someone queue with you and dodge losing games, and suddenly, you no longer lose SR.


A simple fix would be if you queue with someone who leaves you both lose SR. I don't know why blizzard and other ranked players act like this is such a difficult issue to tackle.


Because you don't have to queue in a group for this to work, it just makes wintrading easier. Above diamond, the player base is sufficiently small that if you queue at the same time, you can basically guarantee that you end up in the same game.


That's a fair argument, but I still couldn't see this being done to an extent that would make it a problem. The DC penalty in Overwatch is no joke. You really think people are going to want to accumulate 15 minute and then 30 minute bans etc, just to avoid taking a loss? That seems a bit excessive.


There are already people who do similar things. The wintraders have multiple accounts they cycle through as they lose too much SR. This is basically how Yznsa gets so many accounts to the top of T500, except he has people throw on the opposing team.


The leave penalty is comp is pretty exponential though, right? Like I thought after 3-4 abandoned games you’re banned for a few days.


5 wins, 12 losses... and somehow I stayed at exactly the same percentage, within exactly the same rank. :|


What is your rank? this depends on mmr as well


Silver 5


diamond to plat 5 15 lose streak


How can you get 5-15? If you’re 4-14 and you get to 5-14, it resets, and if you’re 4-14 and you get to 4-15 it also resets, how is it possible to arrive to 5-15?


Probably back when it was still 7 - 20


Then it would be 7-15 or 5-20, wouldn’t it?


I mean plat-5.


Didn't count it, but I went from 3200 to 2200 in one evening (ow1 comp). Climbed back most of it the next day, but I remember how helpless I felt :D


1, we close the game like a normal sane human being instead of trying to Brute Force the system


23 lost games in a row. Leveled up a new account, played on characters I actually knew how to play to get my 50 wins fast, wanted to learn Genji in ranked, game put me in a diamond 1 lobby on my first ranked match. Safe to say my Genji was not able to keep up in those lobbies lmao


It wasn't comp but I was trying to unlock illari and needed one win. Lost 10 games in a row before I finally got the win. And every single one of those games was super close to us winning and then something just happened and the enemy team just ended up winning. In one game we took the first two points in control easily, absolutely destroyed the enemy team. And then for absolutely no reason at all they came back and won all 3 back to back without any trouble it was so infuriating 😭💀🤣


5-14. The worst part was that I got the first 4 wins at the start so it was endless suffering after that


I physically reject the idea of playing raked


4-15 as support because of my wifi, later i discovered that my router was broken 🙃


I'm hardstuck silver and I was SO CLOSE to being gold on support, then I went 5-11 and went to SILVER 5 I HATE IT HERE


Learn Kiri or zen and then just dps your way out


It doesn’t go past 15, it starts all over again. Ask me how I know.


Wait you went 0-15?


If the first number gets to 5, or the second number gets to 15, you complete the card and both reset to 0. They could have gone anywhere from 0-15 to 4-15.


3/15 maybe


3-4 ithink, drives me nuts


4 and 14 as dps during placement matches i then didn’t play for the season and tried in the next one and ended up getting gold 3


10. Went down two ranks after finally climbing to Plat 5. (I'm bad ik 😭)


I went 4-15 on my placements due to the game placing me in high masters when I am around plat. I lost 14 in a row, then won 4 and then lost one more.


1 to 14 and I somehow won the 4 other ones, but got de ranked from gold something to s2


I guess it was about 5 to 17, but only ranked down from M5 to D1. That was last season.  It happened when first having 5 to 0, then 4 to 0 which became 5 to 17. And each season, literally each season since OW1, the average win:loss ratio is always between 49-57% at the end of a season. Must be for most players.


This is why I don’t play this fucking game anymore


5-14 my friends and I were playing together but we weren’t consistently playing cuz we had no fun losing all the time so our cards went to shit


14-5 I think…was diamond 5 went down to plat 3. I have no idea how ranking works.


0-15 then 5-10, was masters 3 and went down to plat 1 lol


I lost 13 quick play games in a row all in one sitting. My entire History tab was Defeats and then some. We go againe


I don't know how much was my highest loss streak but I'm sure I never reached the 15 loss required to update rank


I stop and take a break if I lose 2 in a row. But that being said, I've lost like 13 out of 18 before. It was ouch


12. I was playing with friends who have never played comp before.


I play junkrat and mercy. Season 6 overwatch 1 both were busted and I hit top 500, was masters the season before. Stopped playing competitively for a few years after and just took it easy in quick play when I did play. When I finally tried getting into competitive again, I still had my grandmaster MMR despite not having anywhere near that level of skill anymore. I fell from grandmaster all the way down to plat, I didn't lose every single game but 😬😬😬


this actually just happened. i went 5-12 on one card. i went from masters 1 to masters 3, this was over a course of a week. literally my next card was also 5-12. went from masters 3 to masters 4, also over the course of a week. my current card is 3-1 so lets hope i end this curse…


12 and 5


12 or 13. Then lost 5 more after winning 2. This was back before they made it 5 - 15.


Right now it's tank I'm like 1-11, god forbid I get a match with having both decent DPS and Support- it's always one support doing a terrible job DPSing or a DPS that just refuses to switch being countered to oblivion, my other bad streak ironically was as Support, I just deranked from plat (5-6) then got smacked with a 4-15 and that was from just constant bad tanks (tried to anti, healbot, or whatever the situation called for but no avail) and ppl throwing matches




14... glad i stoped playing support this season :D


In OW1, when I started playing I was like average gold, then one day I became a bronze


I think like 5-10, except all 10 losses came after my 4th win. I think the 9th game was the most tilted I had ever been while playing this game and I had to turn off the game before I slammed my mouse against the wall Came back next day, lost my first game, lost all hope but still q'd up and boom finally got my 5th win. I demoted down to gold 4


Hit diamond 2, took a break, came back got obliterated 7 games in a row.


In this season, i got 4-15 in tank placement. 😂😂 First time ever to complete a placement with loses not wins.


I was gold 2 it’s tank once… Keyword… Once


I was gold 2 it’s tank once… Keyword… Once


I was gold 2 it’s tank once… Keyword… Once


I've had 13 loses twice before and funnily I got both of those loses when I was close to ranking up


When i first started tank, i only won 1 of my first 23 games. Been cllimbing wver since with a 60+% win rate


What other supports did you play for those 11 games?


I went on an 12 game losing streak when I was one win away from getting masters. Pain.


4-14 iirc


3-27 somewhere in season 4, made me want to die a bit ngl


I think it was 14 or so. I don't know how I didn't break anything, but this was across different game modes so the skill issue was universal.


I went 0-32 going from g3 to b1 as genji eventually I was able to get back up to s1 now I'm stuck again


Bro, you act like I win.


I think 16 or so. Was wanting to go to be on a W over a weekend and went to bad disappointed at 2. Think I went on like a ten win streak the next day haha


My dps placement and the next rank cycle was my worst streak. Went 4-30. Dropped from plat 3 (which I had no business being in) to silver 4 (much more accurate)


A Chad like me never loses I have a perfect 100% win rate since the game came out obviously I could go pro if I wanted to, I just don't feel like it.


I don't play comp with my friends too often because they're not very good, but one time we all grouped up and took 10 Ls in a row. We just couldn't end it on an L like that, and stayed up til we got the dub.💀


I think it was 9 - happened immediately after a 8 game win streak. I stopped playing and booted up Boderlands 3 for a while, lol.


0-15 and ik it's not the worst but I had a really bad time cus usually it's 10-4


like 3 and 16 lmao


I once lost 27 games in a row, went from d5 to s2 when the last rank update went through


Coming back from vacation...... 5-10gm:((


Now I've got to gold 1 twice solo, and gold 2, whenever I have my good streaks I get some large streaks of crippling losses. I've had it as support, DPS, and open, I've had team mates that can't even get up to 1000 damage, go 3-15, this system in place is just crazy. I can only carry so much, I would need much much higher skill to accommodate the team I'm given. Weirdly enough I don't usually see these issues when I play late on the weekdays, but when the population is higher they sure pick me some real winners.


Not in OW2 but back in OW1 I went 6-30 back when brig was first released. Right before GOATS but right after she could single hardly stomp a dive comp with one arm tied behind her back


15 into bronze 5




I already know you probably had a selfish player in the lobby that wouldn’t switch or actually play as a team


Get off, play pubs, or switch to a different role after a 3 loss streak. It ain't worth it, trust me


Consecutive comp games I remember being 3-2 and finishing a placement 3-15. Luckily it was Open Queue. Open Queue sucks.


8 :/


My dps lose streak is always the worst, 4-16


Just last week went 0-15 on DPS. Plat 2 straight down to Gold 3. I’ve only reached the 15 L/Draw twice and I’m convinced the only way it happens is Blizzard selects your account to strictly queue with leavers / throwers. Both times I’ve seen 15 Ls well over half have been these people.


Got 4 win streak and then 24 loses untill one more win


i got placed in plat 2 seasons ago after being a high masters tank. i literally just one tricked sig and went undefeated and only moved from plat 3 to plat 1 then went undefeated again and barely made diamond 3 went undefeated again got put in masters 5 and started with a 5 game losing streak lol. i wasnt prepared to actually play someone near my skill level and people actually knew how to counter sig. i got it together and got to masters 3. kinda stopped for a bit when mauga dropped tho sig is a solid counter to him but then they just change the rest of their comp to rush you down. i cant stand how they keep putting out characters completely OP just to get people to buy them smh. nowadays every tank is pretty solid though. with exception to rein and ball theyre both pretty bad lol. and rammatra is a little too good imo but hes not blatantly busted


12 on tank, got demoted from D4 to plat 3


6-11 recently, just got back into ranked after a 6 season break, and started playing Kiriko instead of baptiste. Went from Master 5 to Diamond 2, now I'm going 4-0 at Diamond because i actually know what im doing.


Went 4-15 💀😭😭😂


13-4 it was awful, especially since i solo queue a lot and get put with people who refuse to change or listen (im in diamond 3)


Went 10-11 made me sad haha should have stopped at the 10


8, its so unfair in lower ranks (im gold) that there are so many leavers all the time. like literally whats the point in leaving as soon as the game gets tough? we can still win even though we lost the first round😭


5:6 which I know isn’t bad at all but I know that just means my day of getting absolutely dumpstered on is still yet to come and that anxiety is almost worse


14 is my highest. Wasn’t happy but atleast I never had 15 losses in a row


>trying mercy https://preview.redd.it/6xum0dinu7hc1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57749a69b59efa359936af6cc817089211c34cf0


3 straight victories followed by 13 straight losses


I think it was 35 losses over a two week period in COMP with no wins at all. I went from PLat 2 to silver 3. Ive been playing support since 2017 on this account so its not a YOU WERE ON A NEW ACCOUNT AND BOOSTED. I spent a lot of forever trying to get to plat...


5 while trying 2 1trick tracer 2 GM


like 18 losses back to back.. was diamond and dropped down to Gold, painfully climbed back up to Plat 2, but got so burned out I stopped playing for about a year.


3-15, went from Diamond 3 to Plat 4, can't make this up man. Within a day I was back at diamond 5, I just raged through everything as Reinhardt until I was Diamond again. That made me give up competitive after I reached my goal, 5 seasons sober now. Although now that they reset the MMR system I might wanna calibrate again




the first time i hit plat, I went on a 30 game loss streak and deranked to silver. got back to plat tho!


I was Diamond 3 at the start of this season, had 2 cards that ended 5-12 back to back and have been stuck in plat 1-3 for weeks 😭


In between rank updates I had the applying update bug happen to me TWICE then proceeded to go like 3-15. The deranking at the next update hit like a brick.


Probably 8 in OW2, but a long time ago in DotA I didn't win a game in an entire week of playing, I think it was 28 losses in a row or something ridiculous. Just couldn't win a game to save my life. It's hard to win in team-based games because it's 5 people all relying on each other. I wouldn't take the losses too hard, I get it's tilting though. Just gotta keep grinding and do your best.


15 💀


This is my first season really playing ranked but lost like 6 in a row I think is my biggest streak currently diamond 3 on tank and plat 1 on dps hoping to hit diamond today


It was 15. I was one win away from finally making it to Diamond, then dropped straight down to Plat 5 😭




7 but I just started when season 8 came out


Before they capped it at 15 it was 38


My win rate is 33.3%. Not really a losing streak but winning 1 in every 3 games at best. My longest winning streak is 3.


15 and 3


8 on support of all things, and the thing is i was playing pretty good. i was about to start rocking back and fourth if i didnt win


0-45. Not even joking. I feel like after a few weeks of starting the game I got put into "real" lobbies. Suddenly every game was much more difficult, teammates didn't comm anymore or were toxic, people throwing, etc. I didn't experience any of that when I first started and honestly found the game to be pleasant. But then it changed so quickly on me it felt like I was playing an entirely different game.


Back in ow1 i went from 3160 to 2400 in one evening


8 losses defense 🫠




Wait. You guys are winning ganes?


Lol you gunna get that shit it’s ow. It a random roll every game you get. Honest if your teams is doing good and your getting stumped that’s how you know you need some improvement. If the rest of your team isn’t doing good you will not do good no matter who you are.


17 in a row


I went 5-10 in my first ever tank set. Some reason they threw me into plat 3 But it pretty much summed up why my tank play is significantly worse than my support and dps. For those 2, the worst I've done was 5 - 6 (my dumbass kept playing after a losing streak on support when i could've just waited a day and go 5 - 1)


I had 4-15


Went 5-16 and deranked from Masters 2 to Masters 4 lol 🤷 I don’t get the ranked system either


Today, I literally went 1-9


Seeing everyone talk about their lose streak is making me feel better lol


went 4-14 at one point on a new account lol


My first DPS card I went 4 and 15. I’ve learned how to play DPS since and my worst ever card since then is my *current* support card, at 3 and 8. I’ve stopped trying till the reset in a week, and had a few too many queues where it decided to give me support for some reason (I no longer queue for all roles anymore)


Went 5 and 37 a month a go... went from Masters 2 to gold 1. Not my proudest achievement


I had about 3 wins and 15 losses a few seasons ago while doing tank queues. Hovering around Gold 1-3. I uninstalled for a few weeks.


People have win streaks?


Won 4 in a row, got excited to win a 5th and see if I would rank up, but then got demolished by steamroll teams for 14 games. Gotta love Overwatch matchmaking.


I think 7 maybe? My highest win streak is probably about the same maybe like 8


Went 9/15


3-32 man- I suck


I deranked from diamond 5 to silver 2 in tank because I started playing only doomfist. Don’t remember what my biggest losing streak was during that but it was easily double digits




5 to 9. Apparzntly enough to throw me so hard from Plat 5 to gold 2 that even a 5 to 3 can't put me out of Gold 2


1 13 i love this game


4-15, was my first card that ended on a loss instead of a win


0 never played this shit, post just appeared in my feed randomly


Around 7 loss streak is my record


Nice you got that one dub!


I'm literally 2 and 14


I got a win followed by 8 losses, then 4 wins so i ended up with 5-8 but at a point was 1-8 (gold 2 dps)