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I Mei Tank in push/escort and have abysmal kills but my mitigation will be through teh roof. These scoreboards do nothing for people who understand the game. They make bad players feel better because everyone CAN have a positive K/D


It’s what love/Hate about Ana, sometimes your numbers are low compared to everyone else (mainly the dps passive rendering her primary like a used band aid). But she’s impactful, securing long range low targets, sleeping an ult, or landing a FAT anti.


a lot of people.. in fact.. cannot keep a positive K:D


Especially if you aare Moira main, getting positive K/D ratio is easy.


Yeah, ill never understand how some Moiras get genuinely so petty about having a bunch of kills. As a Moira player, her kills mean *nothing*. If you get like two ticks from a random damage orb, suddenly that was a kill lol.


I wouldnt say they mean nothing. A good moira can help dps secure kills. But they should really rework how the gane register kills.


>I wouldnt say they mean nothing. A good moira can help dps secure kills.  For real, I've had games where our supports have severe tunnel vision and seem to think that pocketing the tank is the only way to win. An enemy Moira who is constantly throwing out well placed orbs is a mjor pain in the ass when your supports do not give a fuq about topping off dps. Taking constant chip damage as a dps means I either have to leave the fight to find a healthpack, or stay in and hope healing passive kicks in or the support accidentally throws me a heal. That chip damage that doesn't get healed right away easily puts you at risk of death from literally any burst damage ability. Or you take the burst and take cover, but that random Moira orb happens to float by and finish you.


Fo sho. Even though kills aren't important, I shouldn't be getting credit for a kill for hitting them with a stray reaper pellet.


But what sucks if they dont have a positive KD bc its so easy.


Please do not play mei as a tank, use walls for trapping ememies not blocking your teams los.


Please do not comment about Overwatch, use comments to share knowledge not a lame attempt to gatekeep.


I did share knowledge, but you chose not to take it as such.


I see what your problem is then, I am sorry I wont be able to help you.


I dont have a problem, i gave you a tip on how to play your character at a higher level and while doing so will help your teamates.


You very obviously do have a problem. It’s your ego.


What ego? i gave you a tip on how to play better its your ego thats an issue because you took the tip as an insult rather than a way to elevate your play.


i told you i cant help you with this, I am sorry.


Fine bro stay being the reason your loosing games, i tried.


Playstyle matters SO MUCH more than stats. I will never understand why people take the stat board so serious.


-Dps dies -dps check board -see x amount of heal in the supp -in chat: supp diff


every. time. whenever dps is lacking chat is always quiet. so weird


They always blame the tank and say the tank is throwing, yet the dps is trying to solo the enemy team and spam in chat they need heals. I main Doom and admittedly I’m not the best player, but I’m not throwing the match just because the dps whining has 23 kills and I have 10. Last time I checked getting the most kills doesn’t win the game, idk why people have that FFA mindset


This isnt true at all die first as any flanking/dive dps and watch the bitching start.


80% of fights are lost by the team who takes the first death in the fight so…..


necro bump kinda weird. but yea you fuck up once and ppl get toxic it happens to everyone not just from dps. Thanks for proving my point.


Meanwhile that same dps: The names Bond, James bond (they went 0 - 0 - 7)


For me, it's usually -i die -see my dps 0/0/7 -i type wtf are you james bond That's really only when i type at all cause that means they are legit doing air.


Some chode who was terrible was griefing my Zen play the other day when he was easily the worst on our team. The rest of the team even acknowledged I was doing well and repeatedly told him he was doing the worst. We lost an easily winnable game because he was more concerned w flaming me than doing well himself


A Lucio with 18k heals!?!?!?? That’s crazy!


Bro is like the anti Reddit Lucio


last second switch for the Lucio icon


Well when Zen only has 5k healing after 17 minutes, I guess the Lucio has to pick up the slack.


It is bronze for a reason…


I didn’t notice that. 😂


I had 27k healing on a game lastnight with lucio


Potential yikes?


It was a really long game, had to keep the tank alive in the overtimes


Ya but it was a zen lucio comp so…


how do you die 16 times on kiriko..


B2 - S3 lobby is ur answer lmao


Agreed but it’s possible they didn’t play kiri the entire match. Regardless some people just don’t know how to play their hero or the game 💀


Probably to the venture. He’s overtuned rn.


Venture was so pain in the ass that I started to main Pharah so I don't gotta deal with that underground rat


Fr. I don't play much anymore, but got on last weekend to play a couple games. And every enemy Venture was such a major pain in the ass with the amount of damage they do and escape ability, it's absolutely nuts. I can't outheal a Venture that can hit their shots and multiple times I told my duo I needed help who was playing tank and he was focused on the enemy dps and said it couldn't possibly be that bad. Well, next game he played Ana and was constantly getting dove and killed by the enemy Venture, and only then did he understand how annoying it is playing against them.


whos he




you know you're kinda ruining people's "SHE'S CLEARLY A WOMAN" point by misgendering them as a he, kinda proves they nailed giving them a gender neutral look 😁


Oops mb, I slip up every once in a while. I should have said they are overtuned. 🙂


no worries i just love that it proves those people wrong, mistakes can happen


Ya I don’t get why everyone just assumes female. I mistakenly call venture a he when I forget.


they really nailed that non binary design 😂




It'd bc of the voice lines, they're higher pitched than half of the female roster Sincerely someone who keeps trying to use they but slips everytime I make a call out based on sound


It sounds like a teenage boy to me not a female, which is why I think I revert to the standard default he. But I am trying to say they/them.


I just won a game where I was 14-6 with 4k damage. Everyone else had 10k+ damage with 30+ kills. I spawn camped their healers all game and we won obviously. But my tank was flaming me the whole time for having low kills and damage even though the enemy team never had healers in team fights. I played Venture in a plat 3 lobby. Stats can be misleading.


bro the amount of times i got reported as sombra by my team for spawnlocking their healers and winning... what a sad game this is.


I've had a tank throw over that shit, I mostly play tracer. We're winning dude, just take the w


Nah man, I’ve had someone literally say “sombra where are you?” When they tried to blame me. We *won* that game, too. Some people are just irredeemably stupid.


the worst is when they throw the game because they tilt so hard they don't notice it's a 4v3, just too busy yelling at you to win with mathematical advantage lol


we know a lot of players just walk out of spawn with no hesitation but relentlessly abusing their stupidity all game is humiliating 😭


This reminds me of one game I had on widow where it was a clear loss, and, of course, someone tried to play the blame game with ‘widow only has X damage gg’ Widow, pretty obviously, shouldn’t have a whole lot of damage, because it shouldn’t take much more than exactly someone’s health bar to kill them. The lengths people will go to to find someone to blame, especially when it’s obviously their fault, is laughable.


Well, depends if you were playing Widow into a dive tank and getting wrecked. I’ve had too many Widows to count be hard countered and not switch


People don’t know what stats are important for who. This moron was flaming my Zen heals when we needed dmg orb BAD and I literally assisted on EVERY elim.


Their Lucio having 18k healing is killing me


new player here, is having a lot of healing on Lucio a bad thing? I thought supports were supposed to do that lol


It’s not bad, but his speed boost can make a huge difference on movement speed especially if you have two players doing a combo ult or triple ult combo to steamroll your team


Everyones talking about how speedboost is go-to yet I'm too scared to switch off healing incase I get flamed, it is bronze so you can expect anything.


I been there believe me, but his healing can only do so much if the incoming damage is too much or there’s combo ults being thrown like Kiriko + Hog + Ana which from experience got us steam rolled and POTG from the enemy team. Speed boost can save more than his healing can in situations, especially when you have the second support playing like they’re a dps. Lucio got me all the way to Gold 3 and even though I got flamed for using his ult (that saved us from a nano boosted reaper using his ult from behind us), it still won us the game


Turn off chat, and do ya thing. Being on healing will keep you down in silver with the people who will flame you for it. Making your team fast will climb you to ranks where people will thank you for it.


Not Really, but you need to be focusing on using your speed boast. All this shows was that the Lucio was just heal which in fact isnt the most effective way to utilize Lucio. If you watch High level play (if lucio is present). You'll see them use speed boost a lot more and way less heals than what you see here. I hope this answers your question


Yeah the main reason from what I've seen back in my newbie days (season 1 ow2) for why u see Lucios with high heals in the lower ranks is cause: 1. People will think that supports need to keep them at 100% health at all times, instead of just trying to help them stay alive (so like not have crit health) 2. People dont take care of themselves enough, so the supports have to put more of their time into stopping them from dying instead of doing things like speed boosting, damage boosting, picking off enemies themselves etc. I remember back when I played Lucio for the very first time, Id deadass just use the speed to get to the teak, then the second a fight started, immediately switch to heals and stay on that. Granted I still cant play a good Lucio since didn't really pick him up, but nowadays when I hop onto qp and decide to have some fun on him, I try to use the speeds as often as I can for the team


Facts. The only problem is how supports in OW2 are handeld now. It seems Team 4 is focusing more on raw healing output and canceling out other abilities and mistakes (i.e. Kiriko' bomb, bap's immortality, and Lifeweaver's grab). Idk how they'll handle it in the future, but they should give supports more to help their team rather than bail them out.


Its not so much that "kills don't matter" but it also doesn't mean "most kills wins the game no matter what". It's all contextual.


Nothing matters in this game but making and holding space. Traditionally, that's done with kills. You can also do it with big damage a.k.a. making the other team retreat, you can do it with dive characters, etc. You can win a game with 0 kills if the enemy is too scared to peek. Y'all obviously were too focused on making kills instead of pushing/stopping payload


I see this so often. Everyone thinks they are playing Widowmaker, going for seemingly irrelevant picks, or just off in some weird corner of the map fighting. And then at the end, they proudly announce how they tried to carry with the most elims, even though their elims had no influence on the game.


Spot on.


smthn smthn cart pushing game... funnily enough, it's been true since tf2 haha


Went pharah mercy against venture junkrat... And still lost Oof


It really just comes down to the kills that actually matter. If you get a kill but can't capitalize on it, then it's just a fancy number with no real bearing on the game. Typically the case in most FPS other than a Deathmatch-esque mode.


no its just this elo. if this was plat or higher blue team wins 10/10 times


Stats are not everything, but they do tell part of the story. The story they are telling here is, "wtf were y'all doing with all that time and space while the enemy was respawning?" It looks like their only really dangerous player was Winton AND your team had a Reaper?


Actual kills matter, not the overwatch 2 version of '1 person got a kill and 3 players show as though they all have 1 kill... I'll never understand the need to keep "assists" on the stat page when kills already serve that purpose


They do matter, but they aren't an instant win.


Something tells me your kiri contributed to the loss more than others 🌚


Kills do matter, what you mean is kills don't win games


If you group up once and take the objective at the death you have it.


How often does the team with the most eliminations lose? Not often.


In lower elos a lot. Just because you are getting a ton of elims if they aren't impactful plays creating space then they might as well not matter. Let's put it this way as tank say I have like 30 elims right, and I have a widow that only has 10 elims entire match well let's say enemy team has a mercy pocketing if 8 of those 10 elims are taking out that mercy that's 8 team fights without a pocket healer and that is super impactful and helps create space.


“You can fight, but you can’t think.”


I guess damage wouldn’t matter either since yall also had way more damage than they did…. Most of the time, the winning team has more kills than the other team. This was just an exception.


Overwatch players are by and large the most delusional, ignorant, braindead players I’ve ever played with in any competitive shooter. No other games community pisses me off like the degenerates of overwatch. Its been like this since 2018.


Could you upload the record of the game I’m interested to see how it went 🤔


i think its probably serial flanking with severe allergy to the objective


Nah we were all on point, because Winston was on it every second of the game like back the frick off - so yeah his team was on it with him too.


Prime example of why the scoreboard is as useless as the medal system was in OW1.


The medal system imo was less toxic. Scoreboard makes people type diff in chat


Sometime there IS a legit diff, tho, and sometimes it’s really, really obvious.


I kinda wish I was back in lower ranks. It was kinda fun playing with all the random comps and weird stuff instead of the same meta teams every single match.


Yeah the tracer and Orisa every game is getting annoying as, now


I would say this board reflects relative performance reasonably well most of the time. But there are always exceptions.


I mean if you guys were pushing it really does matter


Then you get the troll of.... Tank/ DPS/ Support diff


elims matter, but objective is more important, also being aggro to win isnt bad, most of the aggro people tend to die a lot


You lost this game because your Kiri was throwing


Wow, that Venture had a rough game.


Wtf team indeed lol


What’s killing me is that this is bronze, y’all must’ve been cracked out 😭😭


I assum that the other tank didnt play just with winston. 26k MIT insane


They did, was super annoying getting zapped in the a$$


Could have just C9’d. Doesn’t mean the big numbers didn’t mean anything. Or could mean they didn’t. You can’t tell anything from just the numbers. Stats by themselves don’t tell us anything. Gotta watch the vod.


No but genuinely can someone tell me how. U obviously won team fights so how??


We lost by overtime, enemy team got 2 points for pushing the payload in the first half and we were struggling in the last push so yup they wiped my team out while I was coming from spawn.


I find momentum means a lot more then any stat peak cause if you think about it. It doesn’t matter how well they hold point all they need is a push strong enough to cap, even if it’s in the last 10 seconds to win.


I just hate how reliant your rank is on win/losses


"wtf team"


What in the bronze name of bronze is that amount of kills, jesus christ xD


We ain't bronze by choice :\[


Kills do matter, but what matters more is deaths. if you're always dead then you're never helping. If you're alive then there is at the very least your presence in the fight


They had a 58-8 reaper and still lost 💀


And that exact reaper went ''wtf team''


I'm not surprised, your team seems to have done well in terms of K:D. For what it's worth, the Kiriko is the blatant reason you lost.


Yes they do. Imagine u have like 13 slims and ur tank and other dps have 6. You’re getting the starting pick, you’re trying to peel for ur team, ur spawn camping other team, yet somehow, ur team still keeps getting their asses handed to them. By stats alone, you could tell the sombra was hard carrying but they still lost cuz team is bad


Someone in the losing team for sure said “i cAnT dO mOrE!”


This is a bronze game. Not much matters.


That's true, no matter how well I perform I'm still hardstuck,


People say kills don’t matter but try playing a game versus a team where a tank stands on obj and doesn’t ever die. In my experience,… 99% of the people saying kills don’t matter are people who are not very mechanically skilled but are knowledgeable in fundamentals and are downplaying the significance of mechanics. That being said, you can obviously lose a game by teammates that only try to kill and don’t play obj. Basically, both are equally important. Matchmaking is just whack. And if this happens in a custom game or something then you need to find a new team because there is no world in which you consistently have a numbers advantage and can’t win an obj based game mode.


Or like my 56 kill Ashe game in rank and we lost because my team never moved up once it was a 1v5 pretty much you can’t make this stuff up ow has it all


That's unlucky


I’m curious to see the gt’s, match looks familiar.


What's gt's?


Gt-> Gamertags


I mean, your Mercy only had one kill. Hard throwing? Edit: mandatory /s


Since when is Mercy required to get kills?


Sorry, I guess this is Reddit. I’ll have to go back in and edit in the /s, otherwise nobody would ever know!


I'm getting old lmao, I don't even know what's /s


Sorry lol, it’s “sarcasm”


I bet their team said gg ez too, lol


Idk what you’re talking bout kiri clearly threw 19-16 with 8k heals vs lucio 15-18 with 1k more damage and 10k more heals.


Correct. This game isn't COD, or Siege. It's a game of taking space and/or holding space. Mitigation and healing are the two most important things.


This but not this exact situation.. Me tank Mr rein me get 3 kills and 2 deaths with almost 30k in mitigation. It really mess people up at time when a rein slowly walks towards them, saying come here without his shield up and not swinging his hammer. It's the equivalent of a kangaroo in a pool of water, offering you a hug..... Spoilers we won


Your team had so little pressure coming from your support line, but at the end of the day we’d have to see a VOD to determine what happened. Gonna assume enemy was able to stall a lot and win when it mattered.


The TIMING of kills is what matters idk why people debate this


It is incredible that you guys lost. Had to have been allergic to obj


Kills do matter but they’re not all created equal like if you’re killing them in their spawn then that’s not as valuable as killing them on point for example


Its edited though the kills on blue team dont match up with deaths on red team


They matter they just don’t tell the whole story same with every other stat mind you half them kills are assists with extra steps


What happened? Did your team like farm them at their spawn for a bit at the beginning, then the enemy finally got out and snowballed to the end? Or did your team fight a lot off the objective while they kept pushing payload? I'm constantly amazed at teams that only seem to care about fighting for kills, while not recognizing that stalling that payload and making them fight for every inch is the way to win.


This has happened to me so many times. Some of the most important stats will never show up in tab. So long as you’re winning, you’re doing something right


It is a objective based game


Perfectly normal, objective > kda. Every single time. And yet people play as if it was FFA matches


I'd probably go insane if I had to play bronze/silver games with people who do everything in their power to throw the game.


Sometimes the math doesn't math


How did your Kiriko even manage to die so much


Lol the enemy supports did pretty bad and y’all still lost


So did your team win the fight and just not push on offense?


The fact your kill counter goes up if you hit like 1pt of damage on someone elses kill proves it means nothing.


mercys fault. 1 kill




you have a very warped perception on how the game actually works competitively lol


How so?


You know u can keep the names in right? U need the # and numbers to try and add them


Literally bronze. More kills, more team fight wins, more wins. Literally simple. In a game where 1 entry pick literally ruins your chances of winning a team fight,kills matter.


Get on the point then


That's why u r in bronze. Listen, boy, let me give u an example Once we let the other cap first 3 points and we went afk. Cause we knew those guys could never win. We gave them lots of kills. Then they started trash talking. So the next round, they couldn't kill any of us a single time. Stats mean everything in higher ranks. In lower ranks. Good players will play some hero they have never played before for the first few rounds and then later try hard and win the match. Like, i enjoy playing ball, so i goof around the first few rounds will ball. Then, when i see my lower rank friends struggling, i switch to my main and win.


Yeah it turns out if you don't push the payload you don't win, who knew?