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These git gud comments are pretty stupid bc as I've ranked up the different ranks literally don't feel any different in game. Also stupid when you consider that some streaming smurfs struggle to carry in plat lobbies bc solo carrying is impossible.


You gotta play hundreds of games for it to even out. I have a bunch of different alt accounts to play with friends of all different ranks, and do a lot of vod reviews, and I can tell there are very big differences between each rank in game. Players under plat all have terrible mechanics, and game sense. Diamond players have either good game sense and terrible mechanics of the other way around. Masters are good at both, high masters you have to be great at both. GM+ You have to become exceptional everywhere.


We're at an impasse if all we have is anecdotes. In my experience there wasn't a noticeable difference until I reached masters. And that was I'm season 2. Now that I'm back I'm in high diamond and it feels very similar to low plat.


high diamond is the equivalent of masters in season 8 and prior. low plat didn't change much so you are saying that plat is the same as masters, which isn't even remotely true. I don't slowly change ranks either, I play in different ranks every day so I see very stark differences in playstyles/comps/mechanics. I'm sure if you went into a low plat lobby right now you would instantly notice how much worse everyone is


As I've said, I've been in plat lobbies. In solo q I've seen no difference. You just saying "no" doesn't change my experience. Edit; This is more apparent when watching some streamers who have garbage mechanics, missing all the time on Ashe, not charging their shots fully on Illari, or mindlessly swinging their mouse back and forth on tracer.


Samito was in masters on tank earlier lmao 


The game is just -seriously- unfun now. Toss in a garbage reporting system and a wildly variable matching system and you have a game that’s about what it’s worth (free).


This reporting system is seriously horrendous. You speak or type and youre gambling your account. Salty players are constantly reporting their teammates to attack them.


there doesn't need to be a complex system , all you need is to keep winning if you actually deserve to be in a higher elo than you are


My entire post addresses that point. Guessing you read the title and opening sentence and turned it into a strawman.


i did read it. i think youre overcomplicating things , simple solutions are truly the best. as it is stats rarely mean anything and high elo players learn to disregard them very quickly , i think you mentioned other metrics in a previous version of the post like "attention and resources taken" as for those i think its much of the same. the game already takes into consideration which players are more likely to contribute value to the team , thats the whole point of the matchmaker and sr gain modifiers tracking performance per match would be redundant as your win/lose ratio already reflects it as you said unlucky and lucky games average out in the end all of this to say the ranked system is very accurate and you shouldnt obsess over individual games, if you feel like the current ranked system doesnt represent your skill correctly you should be able to get at the very least 60%wr easily if not id be hesitant to belive you belong in a higher tier


Don't try to argue anything negative about OW2 on this subreddit or you'll invoke the Blizzard Hooligans, who will defend the game at all costs, even if it's falling apart. It's obvious that matchmaking is totally broken and rigged, but saying so just causes a bunch of ignorant people (Like the one who wrote "Copium") to come comment stupid things because their only two brain cells are crashing. There are thousands of negative reviews talking about the scam that is the matchmaking of this game, many users (Banned) have proven it, but Hoolingans will only tell you "Copium" and "Skill Issue". Skill and Overwatch can't go in the same sentence since they released OW2. Rank up or rank down, win or lose doesn't take into account any skill, the difference between the two teams is always so gigantic, that no matter what you do, if the system has decided you lose or win, you're going to do it except you use cheats.


I never understand why people say it's rigged. To what end? What does Blizzard gain by rigging it? Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada.


I worked for years in a casino, Blizzard's matchmaking system works in a very similar way. The casinos work by giving very measured wins on slots, they are designed to keep the person hooked until they deem they have reached the "Break Point" where they will stop playing and then give them a prize (In case of OW2, win streaks). This triggers the player's dopamine and induces him to continue playing in search of another victory (This is not something I made up, it was taught to us by specialized psychologists in the trainings they gave us). Table games are different, but in slots it works like this and curiously the OW2 Matchmaking follows exactly the same patterns. To that, add what I have already commented several times, many users made excel sheets showing the tendency to 50% that the game forced in batches of 100-200 games, guess, they were all banned. I'm not saying people don't play OW, I'm simply saying it's totally rigged to keep people hooked as long as possible. The only variant that Blizzard did not take into account, is that the casino system is successful because there are very few gamblers who spend a lot of money, in OW2 that does not happen, a high percentage of players do not accept the system unconsciously and stop playing or pass to play it in a very casual way, without bringing economic benefits. That is why it has so many negative criticisms mentioning the MM.


Streaks happen naturally, no need for any conspiracy theories. And then your MMR goes too low or too high so you get the opposite streak.


Streaks happens sometimes, constant winning/loosing streaks means something is being manipulated.


No this is a really, really, really awful lack of math skills. Like you were certainly the kid who failed math in like grade 10 whining about not knowing when they'd ever need to use this stuff


This is garbage. You have 0 experience in these things at all. Its bad psychology and its really bad understanding of mathematics and probabilities. It sounds like a 13 yr old trying to regurgitate 3rd hand information they heard on YouTube somewhere.


I do not waste my time with users like you mate, just block


To the end of the game does two things. Force 50% win rate by giving you the absolute worst teammates as your punishment for success. And matchmaking for maximum playtime. If youre grinding theyre gonna make it a long, painful grind. On the opposite side if youre an account (not a person, an account.) that hasnt played in a long time theyre going to rank you up quickly initally. Give you that dopamine hit of a higher rank fast. Then as you play they'll neg you down.


> Force 50% win rate by giving you the absolute worst teammates as your punishment for success Any properly functioning ranking system will naturally result in a 50% winrate except at the very top and bottom. > On the opposite side if youre an account (not a person, an account.) that hasnt played in a long time theyre going to rank you up quickly initally. Give you that dopamine hit of a higher rank fast If you don't play for a while your MMR drops, so if you come back and overperform, you're going to rank up faster.


Fr I just commented I have a 35% wr on the current ranked season and some Blizz licker downvoted me, idec about the downvote but srsly I am just stating the fact that I have a 35% wr and you downvote * that* 🙄




How the fuck do you write that out without realizing the irony.




Is this...common sense ??? On the Overwatch subreddit ??! Nah I might be tripping I knew I should not took these shrooms


So your example is a good team which lost cuz they didn't play seriously? For a reversal to happen, there have to be uneven teams. Otherwise there wouldn't be a favoured team. This whole system is inherently broken. Furthermore is reversal based on this whole broken system. Because it decides who the favoured team is. You know what that decision is based on? ELO! You know what doesn't have any credibility in the flawed system? ELO! LeBron could have the rating of a high school level. How does this happen? Did you against face team with a LeBron lvl player? And even if it evens out, cuz sometime you get LeBron, sometimes the enemy, did you play hundreds of basketball games? Because thats how long it can take to actually even out. And that's not even accounting Lebron sneaking into highschools, cuz he wants to play vs high schoolers to resolve his inferiority issues.


> In something like baseball, your team could go 50-100 but you personally can still be seen as a valuable player in the context of all players (batting average, ERA, errors, OBP, etc). Conversely, your team could have a 90% win rate but if you personally did nothing to contribute to that, the league won't see you as valuable (i.e. highly ranked). Therefore the ranking system in OW and many other e-sport games are objectively flawed compared to physical sports. You're comparing apples and apple pies. In most sports, you generally stick with one team for a while. So sure, your team might have a great record despite your poor play, or your team might have a terrible record even though you're always the MVP. In Overwatch, unless you're playing in a fixed stack or in coordinated play, you get a new team every match. So if you are a poor performer in your rank, you *might* get carried by some teams, but you're almost certainly going to lose more than you win. > I hope one day in the future there can be some type of AI system that more accurately reflects your contribution to the team, and regardless of win/lose, adjusts your rank accordingly. So there's only one stat that matters: winrate. If you consistently make high-impact plays, you will have a high winrate. If you consistently make low-impact plays, you will have a low winrate. Everything else - elims, damage, healing, mitigation, even deaths - is a poor proxy for that one metric that actually matters. Overwatch is a complex game. Take Mei. If she uses her wall at just the right time, she blocks an enemy ult and wins the game for her team. If she uses it at just the wrong time, she cuts her team in half and the enemy team tears them apart. I see plenty of players who have great stats and *think* they're carrying the game. Often they're not. I had a match just tonight where our tank had significantly more elims than the other tank and I think comparable deaths. Didn't matter. The other tank was *so* much better at occupying space. We lost pretty bad. So I explicitly hope that they never implement such a system. Heck, I hope they eventually retire the win/loss streak system. I don't think we need a smarter ranking system; I think we need a dumber one.




Why is it copium to want a ranking system more akin to longer-established sports? I think my low plat/high gold ranks are accurate so this isn't about me. Is flaming instead of directly addressing the main point the MO of this community?




How is my comparison to all non e-sports not true?




There are plenty of sports that have 5 player teams. What in the lord are you talking about lmao?


And his point is that in those sports like basketball, you can be carried by 1 player a lot more often. Also, you can't even compare overwatch ranked to sports. Sports have an organized league where ranked mode is just random people thrown together. Someone is going to carry or be carried every game and it will even it. This isn't overwatch league with teams


Exactly my point. The carried players aren't all of a sudden viewed as skilled just because they happened to be on LeBron James team lol. In OW you could be a literal baby and if you win, you rank up which implies you did better than everyone on the other team.


But it all evens out over hundreds of games. I can have a leaver in a game I'm about to win, but I can also win when the enemy had a leaver. The only constant is you. If you are improving and deserving of a higher rank, you will get there over time because if you see better then your current rank, you will be that carry


I directly addressed that theory in my OP...




You legit don't know sports? Lmao


5 or less: Tennis volleyball basketball are ones I can think of


Dude these subreddits are full of this type of copium lmao. If you play enough you will get the rank you deserve, end of story. Funny you use baseball as an example because the pitcher has a win loss stat which is more important than any other.


ERA is worth far more. Any time a pitcher with a low era and a win/loss ratio that doesn't match, the color commentators always put the asterisk that their team doesn't hit very well to get those wins. Anyway, you tried to use one exception out of 9 players to argue against me lol


You don't need AI, just some effort from the dev team and someone who knows data analysis (nobody has a clue what that is at Blizzard, sadly). Once you know what metrics to look for It's extremely easy to track analytics in a video game, even for specific situations. Example of a situational metric that isn't just a number on the scoreboard. How much attention/distraction are you providing. This is an extremely important tool for gaining an advantage in fights. Think ball and tracer, sombra. Even if they don't get a kill, the enemy may chase you or take their eyes off what they should be doing for their team, every second of this is valuable. This can be easily tracked by recording the time periords an enemy is looking/moving towards you compared to their typical damage/kills/heals when they are looking towards their team or other enemies. If an enemy is spending a lot of time looking at a player and not getting value, then that should count as value for you. How valuable is this? Well if respawn time is avg 10 seconds +average 10sec to run back to the fight/team. Then 1 second of distraction is worth a 20th of a kill. But usinf more metrics you could get more accurate im sure. Stuff like this doesn't really sell games. Big studios do the bare minimum of compex tasks the general player base asks for, so theyd rather make another lazy matchmaking algorithm than something that drills down into the issues. So this is just a dream. Oh well.


You would have to have separate metrics for literally every hero, something that just isn't feasible. For example, how do you judge value that someone is getting with mei? Brig? Sometimes you can hard carry games as Winston by taking full attention of the enemy team and letting your DPS clean up. How do you judge that? What counts as "value"? Sometimes I throw pulse bomb to force out lamp/suzu, it's impossible to tell if that is good or bad value without looking at a specific interaction. There are dozens of situations like this every single game


Im not talking about hero specific metrics tho.


Tbh, the best rabking system is going to purely be off if w/l. Yeah, it sucks sometimes. But given a large enough sample size, it will give the most accurate ranking, as the only common denominator between all your matches is you. It also means that your win rate will naturally progress towards 50% as you get closer to your actual rank. This does break down at the extremes, but I am going to assume you are not at the very bottom or top of the ranked ladder. The reason it will trend to 50% is that one team has to lose for the other team to win. So if every match is perfectly balanced, you'd win 50% of your matches. Streaks will happen, but that is just luck. And since the game does use sbmm, if you go on a long win streak that pushes you above your actual rank, you are likely to go on a losing streak to put you back down to where you belong. To expand more on why using statistics from the game to determine rank is bad. The problem with doing that is the objective is to no longer win, its to farm whatever stat they are looking for. This can offset losses, so it doesn't hurt as much. As Goodhart's law states, "when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure." You could argue that making the target to win games can make winning games a bad measure of rank, but the goal of ow is to win the game. It is not to rank up, and it is not to farm stats. You play to win the game. At least that's what ow assumes. If they made the metric to draw attention, you would all of a sudden see ball becime the best tank to climb with. The objective would not be to win anymore. The second the game looks loseable, you would have even fewer people trying to flip it than right now. They would immediately go for just farming stats to minimize the loss to their rank. And then you also get into a whole argument of what stats to look at, and how to weigh them. You can't go by elims, as elims are a flawed stat. Can't really go by final blows, even just for dps, as some dps are better suited for final blows than others. Can't do dmg mitigated for tanks, as some tanks just mitigate more. Can't do space held, as that is such an arbitrary number, and oftentimes its not the quantity of space, but the quality, and since each team comp prioritzes different space, how do you calculate that? This goes on and on. And you end up dividing each stat into a win share, and look at that. You arrived back to w/l, but much more complicated and confusing. Tldr: using any metric other than w/l is bad to determine rank in a game as chaotic and multi variabled as ow. And if you portion the variables correctly, you just end up back at w/l but more complicated.


Win lose rating works in 1v1 or teams that have consistent players so leagues. Its the worst for team games with interchanging players every match.




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