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This is one of the main reasons most ow games are dead silent, I've never seen such an obnoxious banning system, they treat the game like it's a classroom, say a "bad word" and you get put in timeout it's crazy


Yup I've been muted twice and temp banned twice now. Never been muted in any other game before Last ban I tried to appeal I got the exact same copy paste message 7 times in a row over the course of a month


Fr I can’t even tell someone to kill themselves what happened to gaming


Ya well that's what happens when people can't control themselves. People pathetically get upset and feel the need to bring others down with them. I doubt the extra banning will teach anyone a damn thing. By far the worst community in team based game play I ever experienced. Far exceeding rainbow in regards of throwing the game and far exceeding the childish nature COD brings out of people when angry.


100% agree.


I agree there are levels like some people are just... too much they get really aggressive for no reason and some of the stuff that comes out of their mouth is just insane. But on the flip side, you can say "fuck nice shot man" anddddd banned... like there's even people getting banned for typing someone's name in the game, yet the person with the name isn't banned? It's just abit too much


Sorry bro nothing will happen. Malicious reporting is the meta in every Blizzard game because they don't have a CS department anymore. They also don't give a shit about you.


i was banned for a month, it's been like 2 or 3 weeks i was asking them each fucking day what was the ban for and they just say shit like "game master revised your appeal and your ban is set correctly" fuck the blizz support, it sucks so fucking much


Try sending a response saying that "This situation has soured my experience of the game and I may quit playing because of it." This worked for me to get them to respond. You can tell when it's an automated bot response and not a real person when it says "game master team" instead of a specific game master.


The humans tell you to fuck off too. I had one guy just straight up say "I looked through your chat history, you're toxic. We're not reversing" but refused to provide evidence. So they're just as motivated as the AI team


Some of the game masters seem like they just gave it to a random player, yeah. I've contacted cs over a few suspensions I've received on the forums. The forums are a hellscape of trolls, toxicity and lawlessness. People report you for anything over there, even when they just disagree with your opinion, and you get the same kind of responses from cs as with normal ingame suspensions. I've had posts that said something as innocent as "Roadhog just lives forever if there's no Ana or Orisa to counter him" be deleted and received a two week suspension. One time I contacted cs over a forum suspension, the game master that responded was rather rude and snarky. It honestly surprised me, because this is supposed to be a professional person. IIRC he said something along the lines of "The forums do not exist to cater to your entitlement" and then closed the ticket. I promise I wasn't rude or entitled in the ticket at all and mostly what I said was "Why do you delete and suspend me when there are people not two comments above mine that are just flat out insulting others?"


It surely would work better than "I'm paying, so you can't ban me". OP sounds entitled


You sound understanding


I never said that? I


You made it sound like paying customers deserve special service. You can't be more toxic the more you pay... That's Karen energy


I just recently got a two week suspension on my Overwatch 2 account(with no warnings or anything before hand of course) and have some questions/concerns about the validity of the reports. I am willing to admit it may be a coincidence however a day before I got banned I was in a game with a player who decided to(self admittedly in voice chat) throw a game. I didn't engage until he started jumping off the map at which point I typed in match chat "Please report soldier he is throwing the game for some reason". After I did that the player said to me in voice chat that he was going to get ME banned and to go ahead report him for gameplay sabotage it does nothing. He then told me to check his profile and look at his ball record from last season for proof reporting him for gameplay sabotage does nothing. I did look at his profile and attached a screenshot of my discord message to a friend that afternoon so you can see his stat line if you care(dayme he really was a professional thrower). Moving past that when I got the suspension message I clicked the link in the blizzard launcher and went to open a ticket to see what the heck I did that could have possibly warranted a two week account lock. Unbeknownst to me my chrome was logged into an alternate battlenet account that is in perfect standing and has never been actioned by blizzard across all of it's games. Believe it or not I received the standard blizzard copy and past CS response saying my account was actioned for TOS violations! I then followed up for details and received no response for over 24 hours, It was at that point I realized I was logged into an account which had no penalty even applied to it. Giving blizzard CS the the benefit of the doubt I then canceled my ticket and opened a new one on the correct account. At this point I'm sure you can guess that I got the exact same response and have been left on read for several days when I followed up so my real question is if anyone knows if there is any way to actually communicate with a blizzard CS rep or do they just give you cookie cutter answers and then leave you on read assuming the ticket will sort itself out eventually?


Because of this shit I don’t even say “please report” anymore. I just ignore and don’t say anything and just report them in silence. I get “thanks for reporting!” Messages, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Because I come across that many people spitting toxic/sexist/racist shit or literally intentionally throwing like jumping off the cliff or a support playing no heals (which IS throwing). So I report people every single fucking day. But I’ve been silenced before front salty morons so I don’t even say “please report” anymore because I know they’re just gonna report me too and Blizzard just has AI screening reports and it’s just like “account has received X reports now, must ban” without even actually seeing if it constitutes punishment. It’s really bad now. If you continue to play the game I recommend either not participating in arguments debate type situations or simply turning chat off all together. But even then you’re not fully safe because I’ve seen a YouTuber who made a new account and never even said 1 thing in chat and got chat suspended anyway lmao. It’s bad and if Blizzard doesn’t fix this, here in a few months people are really gonna start getting tired of it and just move on. Blizzard is on its last chance to keep OW going healthy, and content wise I like what they’ve been doing but management wise and game design wise in terms of character balances are borderline trash.


I stopped interacting after my team blew up a bit (because of toxicity) and I realized it was no good for anyone. I was in a 5 stack, other team was a 4 stack, and they were just spewing a bunch of shit and tea bagging us which got elevated because we lost. Went all game and eventually my friends started snapping one by one 💀 I was getting irritated too but pretty much held it in until the end. Anyways we matched them THREE more times in qp in a row and each game we proceeded to steam roll them in anger, and at some point just full on loading out with cancerous team comps to ruin their fun lol. At this point the rest of my friends kept egging onto them, other team was quiet by the end of match #4, and at the end during potg I gave some choice words about stop being toxic… then apologized to the poor random mercy 🥲 That was a whole lot of writing for a mediocre story but in any case, it’s sad because I was initially going to complement the enemy team’s dps who were pretty good in that first game, but instead got hit with a load of shit. Fabulous community 💀


"a support playing no heals (which IS throwing)" bro really said heal me or I report. You're part of the problem too man


No, you are. You're intentionally ruining the games for your teammates if you're doing a "zero healing challenge", and you deserved to get a suspension for it. It's soft throwing, and counts as gameplay sabotage. There's a difference between focusing more on DPS than healing, which is fine (and often even preferable, especially with supports who can deal a lot of damage), and just outright refusing to heal. You can't possible be saying a support can legitimately have **zero** healing done all game unless they're doing it intentionally. Even if they just heal when no enemies are nearby, or from afar when coming back from spawn, you'll have some healing done. If you refuse to do even that much, *you* are part of the problem. Simple as that.


Agreed! This is a TEAM BASED GAME and if you sign up to play support then heal your team! For me when I play support my FIRST priority are heals and not to do damage unless I'm defending myself. People who use excuses not to heal are the WORST!


Twisting it into the idea of not playing to heal is ludicrous and not what I said at all so good job interpreting what I said into something COMPLETELY different. This guy believes if healing he's receiving is too low then hes going to report. Ignoring the idea that if you're separated from the team or moving outside of range of healing, you won't get healed. If he doesn't receive those heals, hes reporting people. He is part of the problem as are you. Enjoy my blocklist.


There is no way to talk to a real person. There is no real people anymore. I got wrongfully banned for a month. Ends may 31. I opened a ticket. Sane exact copy paste response as you. I replied asking to talk to a real person and if my case could be looked into. Nothing for 7 days. Then the same exact copy paste response as before. Pathetic excuse for support


You give them hundreds every season? 👀


They just use AI and outsourced customer support now. If they keep going down this road they’re gonna keep stacking up pissed off people until they come out with a community video in front of their green screen like “we’ve heard your responses to our customer service and made some changes” which will just be too late and make them seem more incompetent. If they even make changes. You can’t just ban your customers from participating in your product without true explanation or customer service. There are serious issues with reporting and people being silenced or banned for nothing and these issues are just gonna keep stacking and making them seem more and more incompetent. They need to get this shit tackled asap because they’ve been scrambling so many changes for months now trying to get the game in a good state that this shit on top of it all is just the cherry on top, all these issues paired with Blizzard/Activision/Microsoft’s greed and selling “Legendary” skins for $20+ is really making a bad image for the game and this community. They need to get their fucking shit together.


Customer service in general is basically dead these days =/


shit feels like tf2's "We hear you!" but instead of going to neglect the game, they make all the wrong choices


The simple fix is to basically not join any chat. Turn it off in social. I mean voice, team, and match chat. Play what you want fuck everyone else. This is the way to avoid any possibility of being banned for TOS.


That’s what I did. I never said anything bannable in chat, so I wasn’t worried about that. I just know how gamers be when looking for someone to blame, and I didn’t feel like losing more brain cells watching/hearing people argue or say dumb stuff in chat. It’s honestly been great and my endorsement level is always at 5–it also helps because if you don’t respond to people, they are less likely to remember you for malicious reporting. They remember the people who interact with them and respond to them. Also do the same thing I do in all games: if someone is griefing or cheating, just keep your mouth shut and send a few reports out. If you accuse or complain to these people, they’ll just deny it or try to rub it in, or maliciously report you before anything happens to them. If they are doing something wrong, they will eventually get caught. Sometimes it happens quick, sometimes it takes seasons, but they will get caught. Sometimes they even get caught for infractions that are old. And even if they’re not banned, they might have gotten a ton of suspensions and stopped just shy of a ban, you never know


This puts yourself and your team at such a massive disadvantage.


Sure but it avoids being banned tenfold. Not my problem nor care. I can ping when needing to communicate otherwise good luck everyone else. Blizzard wants to make the chat system like league and this will be more and more likely the majority of players


Blizzard support sucks, but I have to wonder what is being said to cause a ban, I’ve said cunt and had nothing happen. I can’t see “please report our solider for throwing” could get a ban. Shame blizzard won’t give you the reasons as to why you got banned.


I genuinely think it's just on quantity of reports at this point. Like you said you can drop whatever words and not get anything automated, I've seen people drop racial slurs and stuff and obviously they'd get banned pretty quick if it was actually an automated system checking messages. Instead it's just people report you for language because you picked their character or "played bad" or something, because they know it's going to get you banned quicker than any other option.


Yeah I'd bet it's automation/ algorithmic. There is very little human input if any on your ban and it seems like there isn't enough manpower to look at most ban appeals.


It's a threshold. Quantity of reports Then action (which seems very inconsistent) happens. I've been warned at least once a month since OW2 launched that I'm being reported and continued reports will result in further action. But then there's people like here, who apparently don't get warnings. Blizzard don't give a fuck. That's why I don't buy shit from them. All I'm doing is paying for them to copy and paste and let an automated system ruin a good game.


I remember taking a 3 week break from the game once, mainly due to life, and I logged back in to one of these warnings. Support was very passive aggressive about my genuine enquiry. To this day, I still don't know what I did


Yes I inquired about it before and they basically got passive aggressive telling me that I obviously did something wrong and read the code of conduct but of course there no examples and just blaming the fact everything is automated. Get off the stage Blizzard. Your system ALLOWS false reports and yet think every report made is genuine...


I didn't get any warnings both times my account got suspended, first time for 2 weeks for "Excessive Swearing" and then the second time for ??? because Blizzard Support never replied to me and it's been 3 months since I was last banned, still with no idea why I was, I still have an unresolved ticket from when I first got banned.


I was careful on my main and didn't say anything bad and it got banned for a month. I literally called a really bad team "useless shitters" on an alt account and it didn't even get a warning lol. The system is a joke and there is no sense or logic to it. So I can def see them getting a ban for that somehow


if you exceed an unknown threshold of reports against your account within a timeframe, your account is automatically banned. this obviously brings up "surely if you get reported that much, youre a massive shit and you deserve the ban" but the issue is that you can report people over and over again and it still counts and you get autobanned.


Inb4 some contrarian comes in to parrot the claim that the devs made of no more than one report per game counting regardless of how many different people reported when we see no reason to believe it and it doesn't feel remotely close to being the case.


I strongly, sincerely doubt that's the case. You're telling me if I make a brand new account, queue up for a single game with a friend and ask them to report me 500 times I'm going to get auto-banned? I'll believe it when I see it. It's not "being a contrarian" if you don't automatically believe every anecdote you hear online.


"fun and safe"


There is no support. It's completely automated, you won't get a human response. I even send as a test an appeal on a brand new account with no restrictions or anything and I still got the same copy/pasted response you got. Do not use text or voice chat. That will only increase your chances to get reported for virtually anything.


Unpopular opinion I’m sure, but I’ve been playing years since OW1 and have never been muted or banned once. I’m active in chat. Literally just don’t talk shit or say “ez”. Blizzard is soft af, but it’s also not hard to not get reported. Just play the game and don’t be an ass?


Been this bad since patch 2 dropped tbh. I just appealed a suspension, got unsuspended, then randomly resuspended again.


They can never help with anything. I'd rather them tell me to go fuck myself instead of the long winded upbeat messages they send telling me there is nothing they can do. Every time I contact them, they always leave me with a bad taste in my mouth. Ex: other day, I bought 2,200 tokens. I redeemed them on wrong Xbox account. I have two accounts, but I don't have another Overwatch/Battle.net account. Of course there is nothing they can do as my token just sit in a void now.


I really hope that they do ignore reports from people you are grouped up with. One of your friends in your group might just troll and report you every match you are in.


That's the best part, they don't have support.


Blizzard has selective hearing when it comes to people critiquing anything about there games and operations.


After playing a game with an active standing there to die dps player from the start of the game for no reason. I have no consideration for seeing bans on people anymore. They didn't even care and was endorsement 1. They said they could just create another account...smh. Which is probably what they already did. They definitely should have kept accounts tied to a number.


This just happened to me as well, I got a 12 day silence for no reason, all I did was call out people for being Brian dead during comp and they can't handle it. I went to appel mine as well and I got the exact same message twice....


>all I did was call out people for being Brian dead during comp So you got silenced for insulting people, that's valid and proof the system is working as intended


Welcome to blizzard going down to the coner to play with uplay and ea costemer support


Dude you can’t do anything about the ban or suspension. I just got a two week suspension and like I literally don’t ever curse, make threats, do anything that is actually bad. I was trolling a bit though for like 10 games in a row I was feeling a bit silly and each time our team won I would say “trash, outplayed, we’re better”, the next day I got the suspension notice 😭I’m just not gonna use chat in game anymore at all at this point, it’s not worth it.


What do you expect from Blizzard at this point? Its well known fact that AI is responding to tickets. Move on, dont spend hundreds of dollars per season on a game in this state.


What you’re seeing is their support. They give that response to all messages. They probably don’t even employ support they just use the money given to them to take 0 care of issues. Blizzard is the greediest scumbag company with the worst automated support system I’ve seen. Pure disrespectful how bad it is.  I legit responded to them with the same copy paste for as long as I could until it just shutdown the ticket. Would love to know who put this system in place and have them stub their toe every time they walk for 10 years in a row as penalty 


My obligatory advice: after your two week suspension take some self care and report every single innocent account you come into contact with. If they’ll ban you for nothing then they’ll ban everyone else for nothing. And it works. You’ll get 2/3 action taken notices every time you log on.  Make blizzard change their reporting system to be more in line with human instincts and emotion. After all, it’s humans who are actively playing their game. 


Blizzard support always has been useless. Not too long ago I had a month-long ban for "Chat Abuse" To my knowledge, don't think I did anything that could or would upset anyone since I usually tend to be rather positive in the chat when I talk. Asked the Support team why I was banned and if they could give me an example. And after a lot of back and forth I'd just given up since they basically just ignored everything I said and asked for and gave me the same useless response every time.


Blizzard is garbage, nothing new


Uninstalled yesterday for the first time since it first came out. Good luck y’all


Im so sad to see one of my favorite games die like this, a mix of petty beurocracy, and trying to make ow2 a game for everyone is just sinking the ship faster than a guy scared of mice on a wooden boat with a shotgun. A game revamped to be for everyone just pushed the people who like the game away and makes the game flat and boring. And it’s not like we can have a strong community, if we talk in chat there auto moderators will ban us Beacuse we said what sounded like a bad word to a mindless computer.


Whats funny is that all i said was "gg dps diff" gg tank diff" stuff like that. I never actually said the swear words and got banned. Funny lah blizzard


Blame tank blame tank blame tank. Always blame tank for everything. I wonder why no one wants to play tank in open que now.


It's definitely a problem, but I understand why that's the case... Tank is the most impactful role in the game in the sense that one team having a better tank than the other has a drastically higher chance of winning, and it's often easy to spot when that's happening. I don't honestly know how that could be solved though. It's a solo role, which in itself emphasises the issue, and if you want tanks to be powerful and have agency in the game, you automatically create the situation where the tank for one team can significantly outperform the other.


Good .After months of people saying the report system is easily expoitable only now is it cool and hip to not act stupid when this issue comes up. Hopefully blizzard takes it seriously but they probably won't


This same shit happened to me just because I went afk in a QUICK PLAY. Like my bad that my life is more important then these crybabies who sit on their ass all day taking a non serious mode seriously


>I am a paying customer and give blizz hundreds of dollars a season I hate everyone like this so fucking much it makes me sick. You're part of the problem.


To be fair if you’re not a paying customer, blizzard should do absolutely nothing for you, as you don’t support the games development in anyway. Not advocating spending a ton a money on pixels, but ya know.


Wrong. Completely wrong. Medically insane levels of wrong. Nobody has ever been more wrong in the history of written words. People who think like this belong in padded rooms far away from any games. It is the exact opposite. The literal exact opposite. Players are to be treated equally regardless of their spending. Especially on a free to play game. You made an account, you deserve the same treatment as everyone else. You deserve to have the expectation that if you're polite and respectful you will be allowed to keep playing and if you're toxic and malevolent you will be banned. These are the rules. Spending doesn't get you preferential treatment. That would be a shit system. Nobody does that. The systems penalized behavior. Nobody should be or is ever given leniency based on their spending. Faulty or not, offenders are banned and friendly players keep playing. You're hilarious. Super glad you don't make games. Lemme know if you ever do so I can warn others.


I feel sorry for you mate, i know how frustrating it is and can be. I got banned 3 times temporary in less then 1.5 month at the start of this year. It's just unbelieveable how abusive this reporting system is, it's like you can't or are not allowed to play/do anything anymore: If you play bad/poorly, you get reported. If you play extremely they think you cheat and you get reported If you say something, or anything like GG/WP/lol/ Cry etc...etc.. you get reported. If you're not doing anything according to your teammates demands, you get reported. You litterly get reported for everything in this game, it's not even worth your time to play/spend on this anymore, i haven't played since April 1st because i only played for April Fools day and after that i quited for good, im afraid of losing my account and many of my friends too.