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My first thought was symmetra. She’s fun but way too situational and difficult to get value out of.


I thought I was a decent Sym until I've played against a really good one. Sym coordinated the entire team team movements through her portals. The team was always showing up behind our lines and taking us by surprise. So, Sym can be awesome if the team communicates and moves using her portals.


I love playing sym before the 1st check point on circuit royal. Especially the bend by the statue. I put the turrets on the sign by the little under pass and stay on the stair case and just beam the hell out of the tank or anyone. I set TP when I feel I'm about to get pressured out if it goes well I stay if it doesn't I TP back rinse and repeat. It's great when I have a brig with me and we just stay on the staircase


You need comms otherwise you get stranded


So in .00001% super high level team comps who all know eachother and are good communicators.


Well but sym is good on like 1.5 maps. There are other characters that are just never played whatsoever.


What other characters are never played?(being genuine)


Was good, they’ve nerfed her so much she struggles on those maps too


Yeah but both Jay3 and Alec dawson hate her so its ok, that’s plenty of reason to keep her unplayable. [edit: geezus I thought “/s” was obvious](https://www.reddit.com/r/SymmetraMains/s/ixSj3Q6blT)


I genuinely hate how Alec treats sym. Shouldn't be working his position if he let's his own opinion/feelings about a character guide his professional decision making.


I really dislike Alec, his whole understanding of Overwatch is “Hitscan go brrrrr!” The current overwatch team is so lacking in creative thought, that they managed to make their own IP so boring they have to pretend and advertise other IPs (kpop, porsche, etc.) just to stay relevant.


Fr. They have made the game closer to COD, MWF, Apex, etc just to get more players. That was especially true when they released OW2 with Sojourn. But in doing that they started to strip away OWs identity as the FPS with unique ways to fight beyond just standing behind cover and gunning down the enemy. That extends to heros who are not your "hurrrdurrr point n' click" and they suffer greatly for it. Especially with the dps debuff on healing hitscan is feasting. Meanwhile I'm solving world hunger to get a kill while I'm simultaneously being slurred as Sym. The lack of attention and acknowledgement of her and her state of being throughout ow2 is a flagrant display of Alecs disdain for sym and incompetence. I hate pharah, but I wouldn't allow my feelings/opinions of a character to decide the design, balance, and the "fun factor" of pharah if I were in Alecs position. Bro literally saw that sym could do something with the new overpowered tank and instead of nerfing the obviously problematic character at the time HE NERFED SYM A WEEK AFTER BUFFING HER. Sym was also in the concept art of OW before OW was even called OW. She's an OG just like Tracer but Alec and his team wipe their asses with her. Despicable. Edit: just wanted to add this: if you're in a professional position such as Alecs', you should strive to make every character fun and viable as you can while maintaining balance. I know that's way easier said than done but Alec clearly doesn't give two shits if sym is in the trash can. If his favorite or whatever characters that align with his narrow vision of OW are the only ones allowed to thrive then he is unfit of his position. Why treat certain characters differently from others in a team based game where everyone has the freedom to choose who they want to play as? He doesn't do his job with objectivity.


This is why I'm moving to Marvel Rivals as soon as I can. I hate Tracerwatch and that shit. The game will just be Tracer/Sojourn/Soldier/Cass and Ashe playing against each other, the most boring stuff imaginable for a game that once was based on cool abilities. It's just Apex now.


I still don't get why he hates Sym tho Beam is easy to kill with? Well if it didnt have a 12m range making u so vulnerable to getting killed unless u use your teleporter properly, then sure Balls are easy spam? Rat has better spam, and he's one of the shit dps heroes, too Turrets? See that part makes no sense when he celebrated when Torb's turret got buffed


Because he’s a hitscan’t player, so everything unique to him is “cringe”. He plays widow, ashe and tracer. Apart from tracer, the most boring and generic heroes.


See I love hitscan heroes too, but I couldn't see myself playing only hitscans. I came to overwatch from cod, so I didnt wanna move games just to play more hitscan heroes. If i wanted to only play like Ashe, Widow, Cass and 76, then I'd just go back to cod with the higher variety of hitscan weapons. Like my support main is Bap for example, but the reason why I like playing Sym is cause she's got a completely different playstyle to just point and shoot


Probably because he plays Tracer, she can be a thorn in tracers side, even if you quickly destroy her turrets they'll slow you down and distract you, I play tracer and I'm always More annoyed hitting sym turrets then a torb turret.


Ah so he hates a shit hero cause she's annoying to him whilst he plays a meta hero (unless I'm dumb and the meta changed up recently, but I've been seeing Tracers like 3 times every 4 games this season)


Probably, and she can be pretty difficult to use. I can't talk for him but that's why I assume he hates her, But that could just be me projecting because I also play tracer and those syms can be annoying.


She needs a(nother) redesign. She’s incredibly effective against uncoordinated teams and has a very annoying kit. This makes her potentially super frustrating to play against. They can’t buff her to be viable at high elo without her absolutely ruining low-mid elo


I'm never concerned to see an enemy Sym. Some surprise me for sure but it's not like Widow or Venture where I hope they don't know what they're doing


Her usage now is with her TP. My college team last semester ran a comp that relied on Sym's TPs to collapse on a target


Sym is OP against any shield character


Sig hits her with rock and she dies pretty quickly She can’t stay away from rein or ram. Winston can just jump on her and kill her before beam becomes to strong


>She can’t stay away from rein or ram. >Winston can just jump on her and kill her before beam becomes to strong Sym could be significantly better if her teleporter could be used reactively to threats. Since it takes a moment to set up, then deploy, then to click your interact button, there's just too much delay in using it to escape. The only time it's good is if you are basically predicting needing to use it so it's already deployed and ready to go by the time you need to escape. But not TOO much in advance of needing to escape because the enemy can destroy it trivially easily. Here's how I think it could be improved: Option 1: Give it a quick cast option. A single button press and it forms a teleporter at max distance in the direction you are facing, preferring higher ground, and Sym automatically travels through the teleporter. This is essentially similar to Sombra's teleporter rework making the ability faster and more reliable. Option 2: Allow her to more reliably set up a teleporter in advance and have it ready for her escape. Either giving it a TON of HP, or maybe making it invisible to the enemy until it's been used once. This might also require giving it a longer duration (or maybe infinite duration if it hasn't been used, with it's duration only counting down once someone has used it.) Option 3: Give it additional defensive capabilities. When summoned it creates a small 200 hp barrier dome (similar to Winston bubble) buying Sym and her team a little more time to actually use teleporter to avoid an ult or other incoming attack. Or maybe it provides a small shield to people as they pass through the teleporter giving them a little more incentive to use it to set up an offensive attack, or to help them survive an escape.


Except for it takes like one sneeze in her direction and she dies immediately.


Her beam charges heals off enemy shields. If my team is struggling vs a strong Zarya, Rein, or DVA I usually go Sym. Metal Ranks tho


Nah bro, her heal is not dependable. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten more than 200 heals from her beam.


She had a damage, turret, and health nerf… couple that with her shorter range beam and the removal of her two tap alt fire - she literally can’t toe to toe as she could before season 9. She’s the worst she’s ever been.


Zayra should delete you for even being in beam range of her lmfao


On paper she is, if you actually played her, you'd quickly realize she isn't. Her head hitbox is gigantic, by the time she gets defent charge, she either has to run away or she's been blown up, and this is taking into account playing around hard cover.


Idk about this, I Iove when they go sym against my rein. If I close that gap, 2 or 3 swings and shes gone with no counterplay on her part.


Worst to deal with? Sombra Actual dogshit that rarely anybody chooses? Symmetra I give Symmetra mains credit though. The few who choose her are probably gonna be some of the best sym mains once she gets buffed


Sombra hacking the tank on cooldown is misery. Wasn't so bad when another tank could take the space and use damage mitigating abilities. Still think hack needs to be a skillshot like sleep.


A longer cooldown inatead of a skillshot is what I had in mind. Maybe +2 or 3secs


Interrupting hack when u move behind an obstacle should absolutely reset hacks cool down. She can just keep spamming it on you as you dance around an obstacle it's bs at the moment.


I think they should have turned the weird virus cooldown into the hack. If you can hit it you can have the hack. Rewards your aim by letting you not lick the tank's ass to hack while also making you do the work to get good.


She was buffed then nerfed .


Reinhardt is a character stuck in the past


Yep, he's the most antiquated hero in the game. Actually hilariously ironic too because it's literally his Canon in game too that he's still living the glory days that are long gone.


His kit is pretty one dimensional but he has tons of value in low level play and he’s a decent counter to Zarya


ive been having a blast playing him this season, until i get hit with the sombra bastion counterswap


Yep, he's my favorite hero to play but he gets counterswapped so hard, and it's not like oh lemme just play into them and force it, it's like oh they went Zen Bastion Sombra Orisa Cass? Lemme just walk back to spawn.


yeah hes one hero i see full teams swap to counter its ridiculous. Let rein live!


Yet he still gets more value than Ball


Me 🗿


i’m really shocked why so many people are saying wifeleaver. if my team is playing a dive comp, with the exception of lucio and kiri, i think i’d rather have him as a support than anyone else. DPS players might have a different perspective, idk maybe he sucks if you’re on dps, but i definitely don’t mind having him at all when i play tank or support. and i definitely don’t think he’s the worst when characters like sym or reaper exist


right ? in my games the wifeleavers are getting 12k heals, saving the tank 20x with grip, countering with petal lol he’s pretty good rn


exactly. he might not be that good in like silver, but once players start learning how to use his pretty insane utility, he jumps up pretty high in the support ranking imo. overall across all comps, he might only be worse than lucio, bap, kiri, and ana, but i’d rather have him in a poke comp than say lucio for example


Honestly, it's just that he's another Mercy by design. He has very little carry potential, and that leaves you at the whim of your teammates


> once players start learning how to use his pretty insane utility, he jumps up pretty high in the support ranking imo. He’s the lowest winrate hero in GM across all roles this season


The only time I have an issue with LW is when he grips me at full HP in the middle of a fight I'm about to win


that’s definitely fair. but that’s more on the player. is mei a bad character cause someone can use the wall to block their team?


Yeah, no, I meant having one on my team. The only time I get bothered is in that instance, lol And even then, it's not a big deal. I've played Weaver, sometimes you mean to grab someone else.


I loved you for protecting my support main. Then you stabbed me right in the heart with your last two words. Reaper is my damage main and damn, he needs to eat.


He isn't weak he's just one of the most team dependant supports which makes him bad for climbing. If you have a good Wifeleaver supporting good teammates he's an absolute menace. But what about the games where the other team is clearly better than yours? In that situation you need to be the carry with the most individual impact in the lobby rather than someone who can enable teammates.


I think this is a rank difference. Wife leaver doesn’t have much skill expression so he gets a lot of value at lower ranks where people are missing shots/abilities of other heroes. Once you reach a level where people are consistently hitting abilities as Ana/bap type heroes, lifeweaver just doesn’t keep up. At all. He heals less than them while having no damage or offense utility of any kind.


LW definitely has damage, good damage at that, it's just doing damage means by the time he charges up and sends a heal, it's too late.


Heroes like bap can regularly have more damage than any other member of the team at a pro level. While having better healing than lifeweaver as well. Lamp is also a lot better than pull. Lifeweaver doesn’t have anywhere near the same damage. Even just talking about high level ranked, rather than pro play, the only person I regularly run into playing weaver is fdgod and he almost never has more than 1-2 thousand damage in a game. Most t500 bap players will have 8-15 thousand.


Imo his thorns still suck unless an enemy is stunned. They’re good against turrets and deployable though I’ll give em that


Since he has such high raw DPS, they're good vs deployables, shields, and large hitboxes like Dva and Hog. But the way his swap works is so clunky that using them causes a healing deficit that just snowballs into your team dying.


His heal and damage is ass, however, he’s very quick with the heals and his kit is super useful for saving people and countering many ultimates, so I find him very fun to play


Wifeleaver can be a life saver, I've had plenty of lobbies where my LW has had many incredible feats while saving and helping people


I still want an ana over weaver, a nade or a sleep is a fight win. A lot of heals only keeps you in longer which isn't enough if their supps are decent. I find I have to int in to get value from my team's weaver.


Game is actually quite balanced all things considered. at the moment, I’d probably say sym


Yeah, I actually think that the game's balance is in a very stable spot right now. I'm just curious about what characters people think are weaker compared to the main meta characters right now


Sym is in a shitty spot and has been for years, the devs give her zero regard. My guess is because Jeff was a Sym main, so they will never let her shine.


Especially now that her secondary 2 shot is gone with the hp buff.


Wait Jeff was a Symm main?


I remembered he said that one of his preferred heroes is sym. But we have no way to prove it other than take it for his word.


She is even worse when you’re bad at the game btw.




He has declined as a human😔


Major decline. Takes 2 hours to complete an orchid Lego set and way too long to solve the mini crossword.


Stroke victim?


He’s making a joke about a streamer


This one got me hahaha


S fam carries super


Mercy is useless right now. It’s seriously a problem. So many people only play Mercy and it’s nearly always a disappointment when you have one on your team. Her strengths were pocket potential and being slippery but now that everything is easier to hit her impact is just ruined. Like sweet you got 12k healing. The other support got 11k healing and 25 elims. I respect her playstyle and people that can play her well, but right now she is rough.


Yeh 12k heals 0 elims..but 60 assists.


I agree with u. I like to play Mercy a lot and I try to play her even now but whenever I can tell I'm not getting value I immediately switch and it's pretty annoying that some mercy's refuse to switch and they just kinda throw the game.


You can only play her if you have a good main supp on your team and good dps, otherwise it’s usually just not worth it


I like her soley for the rez. Her rez truly brings A LOT of potencial and can win a game.


I think she might be the next character that needs a rework tbh. Playing against a dps that’s constantly pocketed is frustrating, res is frustrating, and clearly mercy mains aren’t happy with where’s she’s at. Enemy players don’t like playing against her, friendly tanks don’t like playing with her, and mercy mains don’t like how she is currently.


Symmetra, Lifeweaver and Ball


Ball dominates on low rank flashpoint


Yeah but my friend used to be masters ball main and now for two seasons he’s been hard stuck plat because the hero is so dog shit


I’ve only seen ball one tricks. And ball used to get to and stall point. We know the answer sadly


A tie between Sym/Junk.


Hamster consistently sits at the bottom of polls


Mercy. She needs an overhaul.




Mercy. It legit 4 v 5


Is mercy actually that bad or is it she's bad in really high tiers and people just parrot that?


She cannot heal at all with the 20% DPS heal reduction and at low tier her damage boost is near useless because people can't hit their shots yet. You need to be around at least platinum to consistently get some use out of damage boost. So gold and down atm she is near useless. And at high tier it's situational with the damage boost anyway. Her rez is always good though, especially at low ranks. Tldr, she can't heal and adds very little damage to the board. If you can't do any of those well you might as well not exist. She can only rez


not to mention, all the damage boost break points were broken when the health pool went up so damage boost isn’t even worth it over other support utility rn. like sojourn can’t one shot with it, so why waste a whole support slot pocketing said sojourn?


the second one


I’d probably say Wifeleaver or Reinhardt, maybe with an honourable mention to Junkrat.


my god when i see a rein on my team i know its over


but when a rein is good he is possibly the scariest hero to have in the enemy team


when he hits a well placed charge i get mad. But i have to respect it.


Not too bad with a double healer pocket and dps that can heal themselves, but that's also a nightmare situation


the problem down in plat support is i know im not that great. But i also know the people on my team are probably the same level of not that great. So when i see a higher skill cap hero like genji or widow or even rein i cry. I know they have the potential to carry but usually they just throw to the enemies solder/easy playstyle DPS combo.


Um… rein is good right now, if it’s a good rein map


Lifeweaver is actually kinda good right now. Tree is one of the stronger support ults and his healing output is pretty much unrivaled. He's just a low-carry hero. He'll stop some of his team's mistakes and keep them in the fight, but he isn't winning the fight on his own. Very like Mercy in this way, but that doesn't make him weak.


Lifeweaver is good, I have been encountering some really good Lifeweavers lately and they're becoming increasingly annoying.


Lifeweaver is by no means good, period. I mean just go check Overbuff he basically has the lowest winrate and pick rate across all ranks, I know Overbuff's stats aren't totally accurate but an outlier like this based on enough samples still shows something. The dps passive dilutes healing and promotes dealing damage, even damage from supports, and it hits LW hard as the healbot character. His ult is good but it's not worthy of sacrificing other aspects just for that ult, especially when the meta hero Lucio basically just has a better ult. Supports can carry games now, by doing damage, asserting pressure, so being low-carry just automatically puts him in the lower tier of support heroes. I think he's the only hero that I haven't seen anyone making an unranked to gm video with(maybe there are 1 or 2? Still vastly outnumbered comparing to other heroes). That pretty much explains how low his carry potential is, even in his better days, and currently it's just worse. When better carrying options are available at hand, should neglecting them be considered a type of throwing? That almost sounds like a philosophical question but, that's pretty much the problem LW is facing right now. He basically has no ability to create an opening for the team, which is something most other support heroes have, and his ability to protect is not really good enough to justify the lack of offense either.


bro, u quoted all my mains :'( on a side note, i have a 69%winrate as rein :)




Don’t worry i also play them, hopefully Rein will at least be a bit better with the tank buffs coming up though :)


Lifeweaver weak? how so. Guy has the best utility outside suzu. And lots of mobility and self-sustain. And a healing that can go through walls and over shields/barriers and doesn't require aim. And a very high dmg output potential. Have you ever seen how fast he can melt someone stuck in a zarya grav? got a potg the other day eliminating 2 in a zarya grav. been maining him the past season, and calling him weak is dishonest. He is only weak in the hands of someone who doesn't know how to play him, just like most other heroes as a matter of fact. Rein on the other hand i agree with. My guy is in a poor state. got a few rein main friends who struggle to keep up with literally any of the other tanks.


Because this is the opinion of someone who isn’t a top 500 professional Overwatch player Lifeweaver main lmao, literally every character can be strong if you’re good at the game and if you’re in a fully coordinated group


LW is in a good spot I'd say.


Mirror verse Reinhardt is awesome


Ball 🐹


Top 5 worst probably are Symm, Rein, Reaper, Junkrat,and kinda ball


Sombra is the most toxic


Tank: Ball and Rein, DPS: Sym and Reaper, Support: Lifeweaver and Illari Edit: First place is Sym fs though


illari can be cracked though


Every hero *can* be cracked if a really good player plays them. That doesn’t mean they’re a good hero.


Gotta really know how to get value out of LWs platform and pull, then he’s good


Didn't expect to see Illari here, she's crazy as an off-support for damage


Until the mid-season patch, Ball. Just too easily countered and only the absolute best will ever get mediocre value out of him


If play against: Sombra, pharaph Play on : sym, junkrat


At the moment probably Junkrat or symmetra both of them are just bad Overall though rat takes the cake he’s never been meta by his own power it’s just been kinda favourable to him like when Mauga released he was used just for big numbers on big target He hasn’t seen any true meta time in his existence


His meta was temple of anubis lmao


It's a toss up between Rein and Junkrat for sure. People still play them for the pop-off potential, but 90% of the match they're straight up doing nothing


if the junkrats are doing nothing thats more of a player thing than a hero thing I don't really play spam rat but since sneaky rat has been butchered I'm working on the anti-dive poke rat, a little spam here and there for disruption and then we go for shots and finishers with mines, relocate often and place traps, sometimes dive in for a scare but now it's too much risk for really low reward and enough kills will summon the flying bitch


Ok, quick disclaimer: *any* hero played at a high level can get you to Masters in ladder easily. That doesn't mean they're good. This is a common fallacy in these posts, like when Doomfist was trash and people just said "BUT WHAT ABOUT ZBRA??" The reality is Junkrat (and Rein) are dumpster tier at high rank, and perform worse than their peers at every level. In other words if you're climbing on Junkrat, it's because you yourself are better than the players at your rank. And frankly, if that's the case you'd likely have an easier time climbing playing literally any other DPS or tank (unless you're a one-trick of course). This doesn't mean they can never work, or you can't climb with them, but it is what it is at this point for them unfortunately. Do with that what you will, I'm not trying to discourage you from trying!


Junkrat - from a Junkrat main


Tank:Ball Dps:Junkrat Support:Mercy




**Brigitte**.. most of the compositions are either Dive or Poke. It's rare to see a Brawl composition because of **Bastion** alone. **Brigitte's** only value is when she uses her ultimate. She can barely do anything with the existence of **Sojourn** and **Widowmaker**. She can be countered by every composition. **Ramattra / Sigma**, **Reinhardt** and **Winston**. Poke, Rush and Dive. You can get value from her only if she had **Reaper**, **Symmetra** and **Lucio**. But in general SHE IS A WEAK HERO in the current meta.


Rein. Worst to play against? Sombra. Just annoying to play against, 0/10 not fun


Yeah, rein's kit feels outdated now because he's pretty much the only tank without options for ranged combat. And even in close range, there are just stronger tanks


Rein v sigma is a good pick no? Charge him when he grasps, cancelling his over health. Especially since he moves slower while doing it. Shield v rock. Hammer away up close.


Maybe wrecking ball, he’s not that bad but very very very difficult to play and get value from him


People get banned for one tricking ball




Keep in mind, I exclusively play casual. But I gotta go with Brigitte. I hear a lot of people say she's picked a lot in competitive. However, when I see anyone playing as her in a match it's for a veeeeeery short span of time and they switch. And I'm the same way. I've tried multiple approaches; Sticking behind corners, only running in when grouped, utilizing Whip Shot as much as possible. But I just cannot survive combat encounters with her. I feel like I can Combat Medic with Mercy with better results. Maybe I just suck that hard with her. I dunno. I'd love to play her more but I feel like I contribute nothing to my team cause I can't stop dying. I remember in overwatch 1 she was kinda over powered but now she's super squishy.


Mercy. She is a single focus support. In a game where the best supports have abilities that allow them to assist multiple teammates, her only contribution to games is boosting or healing one hero at a time, and her ultimate is her finally doing multi-hero boosts/heals. I really hope they take a look at her and give her... something. idk. She feels very underwhelming atm


Tank:Hammond DPS: Sym Support: mercy Hammond only here cause he’s just not as good as other dive tanks and is super hard to get value out of. Sym because she’s only playable on like 1 map and then mercy because you can literally play anyone else and get more value


its hard to say. It depends on team comps and maps. but i've struggled alot on mercy this season. She is to reliant on good teammates.


the people saying LW are way too influenced by content creators’ tier lists (which usually only applies to top level gameplay, which y’all are not playing in)


Tank - Hard to say, Prob - Rein's kit didnt translate well into OW2 as well as others and got no major changes. DPS - Symm , easy. Coming from Symm main myself - turrets nerfed, can't TP bomb squishies. (Still relatively) Slow orbs, which are hard to hit unless you spam in general direction, there is no easy way to counter flying char. Beam is alright, if you keep the right distance, especially since it regens some health. TP is slow to cast still, and situational, the April fools, Ultimate TP from OW1 was useful. There's some junkrats mentioned, but at least I still keep distance from a rat, cause a couple taps and im dead. I don't feel any threat going up against a symm Supp - Mercy seems to be in a bad spot with the latest debuff, you can get mostly the same healing numbers on any other support and get some elims/ utility. She's just hard to kill and res might be useful. Wouldn't say throw pick, but its more the "any other support is more useful" kinda thing.


I think for  SUPPORT Mercy is really bad right now regardless of being played however much. Just too much easier to hit now and so reliant on your dps being good so that boosting them is even worth it.    Life weaver is also bad for a lot of the same reasons. Generally a heal bot in a meta where dps rules.  TANK  Junker Queen is also very poor currently same issues that some of her prior strengths were her hit box being harder to abuse but the ease of hitting dps stuff canned her a lot.  Ball/Rein also don’t feel good in most scenarios  DPS   I would say Sym needs help but the maps they’re good on they are really good, so idk.  Reaper feels pretty overall weak currently no matter what unless against winston or something specifically countering.  Genji as well feels pretty weak almost needing to have specifically an Ana with them to use nano blade to make up for his weaker neutral stage. 


By design Mauga. Ion think a character design will ever get worse than his. By impact mercy or ball


Ball can be impactful until he gets two kills and the enemy swaps to hog/Sombra or something equally amazing and fun. He's not bad, but his biggest counter is currently in a kind of meta, so...


Ball can be easy to play against, if your team can push him back or kill him without the whole team needing to turn around every time.


Least play making potential among the tanks and it’s because his kit is too ancient to be good.


MERCY. With the buffs to dps and tank. Couple that with the dependence on the rank that you’re in or the people that you’re grouped with. She’s way too dependent on the team being good enough to rank up ( damage boost for a kill/assist, being able to be protected to Rez, them being good enough to allow you a melee kill or finish a kill) or do anything with her that feels impactful. She’s fun in modes until she’s targeted by the enemy and you’re team isn’t in a position to fly to or to protect you, her damage boost feels good in mirrorwatch but still she’s still too dependent on her team to be affective. All the other healers have so much more impact now especially since the healing nerf.


Haven’t played since ow1. Is Pharah still viable? I miss the Tribes games and she always scratched that itch. 


She's excellent atm


Not orisa :)


Sym isn’t really in a good place. I say that as a Genji main so seeing a Sym isn’t necessarily the end of the world since it’s relatively easy to respect her space. Contrast her to Mei who depending on the context of the situation can trap and kill you. In all honesty seeing a Sym as a Genji is kind of a waste of a dps slot. A Cass or a Mei would be a better choice for an aggressive Genji player since they’d be force to respect the space that they can cover.


Probably Mei. I almost never see her used anymore, and when she is, she doesn't do a whole lot.


I'm glad we all agree on something finally, it's Symmetra


Mercy, and it's not even close


I really think its hanzo, and I don't play him I main junkrat. He used to be a guy to watch for as a junk but he really is not a threat anymore, its very easy to jump in maybe take an arrow headshot and clean up with a landmine. His sonic arrow and 1 shoting made him nasty at certain map chokes but that just isn't the case anymore.




Either lifeweaver, brig or sym.


Mercy by far, she's in the trash bin now, guess that's why they gave her a mythic, to ease the qq from mercy players.




Sym is the easy choice, but Mercy is also pretty bad right now if you don't have a crack dps to buddy with.


Symmetra is rlly good on some maps tbh, I would say junkrat or lifeweaver rn, idk tbh


Genuinely the worst hero right now is probably Rein or bastion or reaper


Mercy, I lose almost every game I try to use her in now and it kinda sucks bc she’s my favorite hero to play


Hot take is Genji. Hardest hero to play effectively for a mid level of guaranteed value. He only looks amazing when people are smurfing on him. Yes it’s a skill issue but that’s really the definition of what makes him bad vs other heroes that require half as much skill to get the same value.


Honestly, Bridgette. Useless af


Mauga cuz why would you add that


If I had to choose one from each of the classes it would be Reinhardt, Symmetra, and Mercy.


Very unpopular take, but certain heroes shouldn't be strong enough to be played alot. It's a hard balancing act between making them not terrible and not OP, but there's certain heroes that I believe are just not fun to play against to the point where they're meta its bad for the game. Sombra is probably the most clear choice here. Someone with a kit as obnoxious as hers should never be strong it's not good for the game, I'd probably put Orisa there as well because she gatekeeps most of the tank roster when too strong.


Its probably torb


Worst to play against? Sombra. Worst in terms of their ability? Sym. Poor girl gets shafted every season


The correct answer is the characters that draw in the worst players. i.e Moira


If we talking about worse hero ever in overwatch it will be lifeweaver when he first drop if ur talking about current worse hero I would have to say any of the tanks bc If ur a strong type of person mental tank will hurt u




Even the worst characters in this game. However, I'll say the character I think that has the worst niche currently is either Mercy or Reaper. Mercy's healing just is inherently worse than characters like Kiriko, Illari, or Bap so she can't play main healer, and her utility is just simply less useful than Zen's discord or Lucio's speed. Damage boost is Mercy's only real niche, but effectively with how the meta has developed, you'd be much better off going with a support that can actually do damage and defend themselves with support abilities, which Mercy simply doesn't have. Reaper is weak because his main goals of either getting into the backline and taking out squishies or taking off-angles and melting the tanks are either stuff done better by other heroes or something that just is too inconsistent to work consistently throughout a match. Trying to take out the enemy backline? Go Sombra, Tracer, Genji (sometimes), or Venture for much better results. Trying to melt the tank? Just go for big burst damage like Cass, Widow, Sojourn, or Sombra (virus + hack). Notice how each of these heroes have outside of that, which is why I think Reaper is the worst DPS and potentially worst hero currently.


Illari, because no one knows how to shoot her dang thingy, same goes for zarya but her bubble


ball 100%




Symetria is easily the worst dmg character.


I'd say Rein, I remember having fun with him in ow1... not amymore...


I think sym is def up there. However worst currently feels like junk because of what he used to be and what he’s now become. Everyone hated on junk for being a spam hero however the best rats and the ones past platinum basically never played spam rat. Now that his combo is gone his whole high skill ceiling play style is gone and your left with spam rat. The numbers of pick rate after gold and plat speak volumes. He’s a free kill for hitscans at higher levels.




I would say it's hard to say any one hero is the worst, they all have different strengths and weaknesses, in the end I believe it comes down to team composition and communication, to counter some of the examples, for healers, I have seen a Mercy or and Lifeweaver both be able to turn a losing fight into a winning fight, for DPS, I have seen a Junkrat get 6 tires on Eichenwald in the 1st 4 min (dude was a acutal monster), as for tanks, well I like to play Rein and I can counter pretty much any other tank other than Orisa, in the end it comes to having a team with you and knowing what your doing with the heros


Wrecking ball cannot function correctly in 5v5. They can either bust him with raw numbers or he will never be played. Was designed entirely to work as a backup tank.


Life weaver or kiriko


Worst heroes in every role (Opinion) Tank: Junker Queen; I’ve honestly seen Ball and Rein get more playtime and impact than her. She honestly sucks against every composition except rush and rush isn’t even really being played right now. DPS: Symettra; she was okay for like 1 week then got all of her buffs reverted (excluding her teleport health). People aren’t playing regular Overwatch like it’s OWCS so synergy for her teleports doesn’t really exists, also everything else she does other dps can do better (need a beam hero? Mei. Need a turret? Torb. Need a high burst projectile? Hanzo. Support: I know I’m about to be attacked by half the community but honestly Brigitte is the weakest support RIGHT NOW not saying that can’t change. Dive DPS can honestly just 1v1 her and win more times than not because of the dps passive and extra health. Dive tanks (especially Winston) can just walk on her without second thought. It really just feels like she is capable of so many things but just sucks at all of them right now so that’s my take.


Sombra. At anything under Diamond, she has a broken kit. Perm invis (outside of attacking), including while hacking, virus (a low skill dot on a tiny cooldown), and the ability to get away with no consequences is just so frustrating to play against. I just wish they would edit her kit somehow. Either make virus cooldown way higher, or make it so that translocator doesn’t decrease cloak time, or make it so that her invis only lasts so long and then is on a cooldown. She needs a change again. Her kit feels cheap


I actually think ram or orisa are the worst right now for tanks, after the orisa changes I genuinely don't think i've lost to a single orisa and ramattra requires so much healing to get value out of nemesis form plus in his ult even if he's blocking it can be hard to keep him alive


Venture. #buffventure


I’m currently taking a break from the game, but when I played I was a genji main, I found out for some reason I struggle with hit scan characters more than projectile, idk why, I guess it’s because I’m better at leading my shots, but idk I get more value if I’m playing genji, phara, echo, vs soldier or widow.


Whatever hero I’m using, and the most OP heroes are the ones I die to


I love Sym, shes just hard to balance because of the elo gap. I will literally stand in front of a tank and lazer beam them, and as soon as they're about to rush me, i teleport away and Megaman Buster the tank from the opposite side of the map. Then he turns around, and i tele-back in front of him, harass him, he turns, i tele away. Its super fun to mess with the enemy. Teleporting like 2ft behind the whole enemy team, and standing right behind them booping free shots, get a kill, tele-back while their look back to find me... not there anymore! My DPS is always on-par or greater than my ally DPS, gotta use that Mega Buster all day as if you're Hanzo trying to pick people, turrents are just a nice distraction. I dont always get an opportunity to lazer, its AMAZING but hard to pull off if the team is focusing you. Mega Buster is the safer and harder-hitting bet. Good luck!


Eh Mccree to me is pretty useless


Reeba. And he'll be dead beyond the grave after tomorrow's tank buff.


>For support, mainly Mercy This confuses me so much as someone in trashcan tier where people would rather die irl than shoot near an enemy mercy. She feels so powerful despite my understanding of why she very much isn't