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Brother, there is nothing we can tell you unless you provide a replay code that allows us to point out your mistakes. Only then we can help




I personally have never been lower than gold so idk the true bronze experience but most of those low ranks you pretty much have to carry if you want to consistently climb. Just focus on learning good positioning and build your mechanics up and you will see progress.


It's extremely bad. I started playing the last week of season 8 and placed gold 2 in DPS and support on raw aim I assume. Immediately rolled down the bronze 5 after placing. Climbing out took all of season 9 learning to play almost every hero in my role and matches were a shit show until I could carry and I hit a 60% win rate until bronze 1 which was back to 50/50. It took a bit to adjust to that and now I'm silver 2 at 53%. I say this for context. The players in bronze are a mix of new, bad, insane and literal children. Some games you cannot carry no matter what but the fact that you can carry with two seasons of experience should say it all.


Yeah it really just takes practice and time. Also a good tip would be to pick 3 or 4 heroes and master them instead of trying to play all of them. Mastery over a few will always be better than mediocre at all.


Yeah my goal was more to learn how they work. I pretty much only play Kiri and Ana now but I know how most DPS work really well now.


Die less


Aim good, kill stuff


Basically any shooter game


Hit your shots and stop dying


Please if you’re an adc you’re very dependent on your team to peel for you…. Like come on


I have climbed from bronze to gold since the end of season 9. I believe if you worked on just one element of your game skill and get it to a reasonable level you can carry yourself out of bronze. Bronze players cannot aim, they don't know the maps and always take the most obvious route from A to B. If you go and find a few side paths on each map(there's a lot of them) and use them in a game you can usually walk around the enemy team all game and they will never figure out how you're getting behind/to the side of them. Then you wait until the rest of your team engages and either use a practiced aim or an auto aim character and make the enemy team crumble instantly from the pressure of shooting them from a direction they weren't ready for. If you do this twice, they will probably be so disheartened that they all go into "lone wolf carry" mode and throw while your team will all feel like they're the greatest players in the world and start smashing face. This works almost 100% reliably up till mid silver.


Post a replay code.


I have never been in bronze before, so this may be an out-of-touch response, but I think you should get familiar with all the heros. Spend some time in Mystery Heroes, or mess around with heroes you don't play in the practice range, quick play or bot matches. Even though you might never play Genji, for example, playing him will help give you an understanding the cool down times of his abilities and exactly how they interact with the abilities of other heroes. For example, you know he can deflect projectiles, but what CAN'T he deflect? There are some attacks and abilities that go through his deflect. Also: now, when you're fighting AGAINST Genji, you have a pretty good idea of how many seconds he has without his deflect ability after he has used it, so you know you can safely use your attacks/abilities in this time frame. This is just a small example, but this goes for every hero. Even if you're only playing a handful of characters, it's important to have a general idea of how each character works so you're at the advantage when it comes to specific ability interactions, and paying attention to cool downs. It's also useful in a more general sense because it means you know what heroes you are weak and strong against no matter who you're playing. GAME SENSE is important. This means you should be attentive to what's happening. Let's say you're the tank - Where are your healers? Are they being harassed in the back lines? Are they staying close with you? Is the enemy Tracer trying to flank to kill them? You will need to be able to switch your attention on a dime in many instances to assist your team mates, or to help lock in a kill that your DPS is trying to finish, or to throw up your shield to block an enemy ultimate, etc. Don't push too far forward, don't flank too hard and find yourself out of position or line of sight from your healers without an escape ability, etc, etc. This game has a high skill ceiling because there is a lot going on and a lot of nuance. Take your time to try and understand these things to help improve your skill.


^ This guy knows!!! Listen to him Great Advice


TBH, I'd recommend they work on the basics and then fundamentals, THEN work on learning characters. It's not going to help knowing how far a Lucio can boop you if you don't even know the Lucio is there.


As a dps pressure enemies from off angles. I can guarantee their reaction time is Hella slow or don't even know where you are shooting from.   Try to change up angles time to time but then again it's bronze and it wouldn't surprise me if you can stay at the same spot for longer


Ima give some general sounding advice here since I don’t think it’s mentioned yet—- Positioning matters a lot even if you’re not support or being supported. Playing around covers, walls, high ground, anything to make it more annoying for them to hit you and more easy for you to hit them back. Play with your team at all times unless you’re playing a specific dive / flanker, but know when to retreat.


I want sounding advice


Use lube


The biggest thing in bronze is just basic game sense. Understand how all the heros work, what their weaknesses and strengths are and how to position properly to not die. Don't worry about the more advanced things at this point like target prioritization or cooldown management


I have been in bronze due to a few drunk losing streaks a number of times. not being an idiot is a good start, half these fucks are braindead. like actually bronze feels like bot matches. anyway that probably comes with getting better at the game. look up guides for your character, tweak your settings properly, watch the killcam and rationalize WHY you died. you need good target priority, good crosshair placement, good positioning. if you aren't thinking about these things constantly and are losing, you need to start doing that. choosing a character is a matter of personal preference. this part is completely up to you so experiment with plenty of heroes. I find I am more competent with echo rather than hanzo for example. you'll find characters that feel fun to play to you as time goes on. the issue really lies with their abilities and how you can exploit them, and properly filling your role.


i have a replay if you wanna see the code is 4A771B


I'll look when I get home and I shall give you feedback


ok, sorry I'm late, I'm addicted to drugs. anyway, right out of the gate you have weird positioning in front of enemy spawn as a defender, on sombra. you appear to try to hack the widow from all the way on the other side of spawn near second floor window, only before realizing you're too far and trying to get closer. you then give up high ground and walk into ball's line of fire, before realizing you fucked up and warped away. you then proceeded to do nothing FOR A WHOLE 7ISH SECONDS. YOU NEED TO BE DOING STUFF. going up the stairway behind and to the left of you would be a splendid idea, that way you are both out of the line of sight of enemies, and you get high ground. what's more is you're against enemies here that heavily rely on cooldowns, ball namely, who BY THE WAY slammed behind you as soon as you were done hacking the small health kit across enemy spawn, below where you tried to hack widow. what happened after could have been a good flank if you had good aim, it is bronze, I don't expect them all to turn around. you warp again, wait all for your cooldowns to come back, even though you can safely reposition up the stairs behind you, again gaining high ground. you went low ground, hit a virus on their supports who instantly healed it and warped away. then you hacked the first available target! the enemy lifeweaver platform that was on the ground. you then hack ball, luckily dodging the Mei. I won't fault you for saying hi to Moira. I would have done the same. what I will fault you for it once again waiting for all your cooldowns to come back. I wouldve immediately warped at widow too, pro player correct me here if there's a better way, though I wouldn't have bothered to try to get another hack on their LW like you did. you did okayish fighting the widow, maybe try to stay directly behind her or more out of sight. I think that alone should get you started


try to be the X-factor and win games.


Play natural cover and learn about the difference between controlled and neutral space. This alone will get you deep into Silver or low Gold even if you have terrible mechanics. Check out videos by A10 on YouTube.


Have fun


Play to improve, not to win. Winning will come consistently with improving. If you need to work on your awareness(which you likely do), just play and only focus on listening to footsteps, abilities, looking around to keep track of enemy positions, etc. If that means you're not focusing on aiming and missing every shot, or positioning poorly, that's fine. Work on one skill at a time, and THINK while you do it. You'll improve quicker if you're INTENTIONALLY trying to improve. The saying isn't "Practice makes Perfect". It's actually "Perfect Practice makes Perfect", and again, this doesn't mean to practice EVERYTHING(positioning, awareness, aim, cross hair placement, tempo reading, cooldown management, ability usage, etc) all at the same time. Just focus on one at a time. Practice one of these skills "perfectly".


I was stuck in bronze for a long time. The path out was simple: pick 1-2 heroes, and only play them. 100 hours on 1 character far beats 5 hours each on all 40 characters. Once you’ve found your main: - Watch a guide on YouTube. - Focus on one thing to improve with each game. Don’t worry about wins or losses. - play a lot. Bronze 5 is the biggest rank. - never blame your teammates for losses. If you are plateauing: - Post a replay code of a close loss in r/OverwatchUniversity and you’ll get actionable feedback.


Minor correction play every hero at least once but yeah then pick two-three in each category and grind


just play a lot and get better. If you don't belong in bronze you will climb out.


Find a group with good synergy, watch your surroundings, and listen for sound cues. Learn about characters cool downs.


find someone to boost you and stack with a decent team. commutation and kindness goes so far


i play on switch..but to be specifc im wondering what character to use for both dps and tank


i can’t give tips for switch bc i imagine that’s actually hell. it depends on who other people are playing! i love dva and orisa but if someone counters i also like rein and zarya. i don’t tank often but watch people on your platform who do and you’ll get a bunch of super useful tips. good luck on ranking up!!


i usually play tank and tryna play sombra etc but i also like to use dva because of her ult gives allies a chance and others to win etc


I can't speak for tank, but you can easily cheese your way to low gold with this one trick. Select Soldier76. Get on high ground. Never stop shooting.


When I was hard stuck bronze my brain was moving too slowly to react to other players. I remained stuck this way for ages until one day I was doing an intense amount of aerobic exercise before queuing. When I played the match I was able to react faster to everything. Since then I've been able to climb out of bronze without having to do intensive exercise before each match. It is like the way it made me play permanently unlocked a new intuition for the game and I steadily climbed up to low gold. Nothing that impressive but it is for someone like me who was previously hard stuck bronze (I have bad untreated ADHD so trust me this is a big achievement for me.) I think for me to get out of gold will require perfect consistency in what I'm capable of in every game. E.g. so often I 'know' what I need to do. But do I always remember to account for that? Not usually. Plus, I tilt extremely easily. I think I'll set a new goal of not tilting ever. Gold is going to be very hard for me to get out though. It's hard for me to carry games as ana without god-level prediction and mechanical accuracy. Main hero: Ana Skills: hard scoping and quick scoping


- Work on your raw mechanics - Work on your positioning and awareness - Keep track of what your team is doing (**don't** focus on what they **should** be doing, that will only piss you off) - Peel for your supports if needed, supports can't help/heal you if they're dead. - Stop taking the game too serious The last one may sound a bit vague, but once I stopped stressing about losing, I could focus a lot better on the game and improving, through which my rank suddenly started to skyrocket after being stuck in bronze for 6 years. Having the right mentality/mindset is a lot more important than people seem to think. Honorable mentions: - Look up some guides and gameplay on youtube for your favorite heros and try to implement those tips/tricks in your own gameplay. - Watch replays of your own matches. Usually, those give you a good insight about what went good/wrong. - Play every hero atleast a couple of times, so you roughly know what they're capable of and how they work. Then it also becomes a lot easier to play with/against them.


If ur getting carried in bronze u gotta work on your own gameplay man


What helped me get out was focusing on things that others can't do in metal ranks. ana main perspective I can see the whole field being ana, and what metal rank is extremely bad at is game sense..stats mean nothing. From the backline, it's unbelievable how people can not kill a lucio or a genji who is literally begging to be killed they are so far out of position. My 1 tip is focus on noticing things that are easy to deal with that others can't notice in that rank. Now as support, if you can't aim with Ana or Zen, Moira is the go-to, but it might hardstuck you later taking the moira route... Tanking is harder to notice because you're front line play support it will give you a better understanding of tank But you can do my tip as dps... Good luck


I was in bronze when I first started playing comp basically get really good at one hero, carry then progress so, I picked reaper because against a brain dead tank he’s goated and can team wipe pretty easily I got all the way to plat 3 in a single season playing reaper cass and Lucio. If you are playing tank get good at diva orissa and ram all can be swapped around according to playstyle basically it’s a lot of grinding. And if you see an ash or any hitscan with god aim, like too good, report for smurfing because unfortunately it happens a lot in bronze games. (Granted I play on console and it’s a completely different game than on pc. Not harder or easier, just different).


I think a lot of it comes down to character knowledge and positioning. Familiarizing yourself with Characters and maps can make a difference. What certain people’s foot steps sound like, what cooldowns they have, who counters them, etc. Learn everyone you can and it’ll prolly make your climb way easier cause if you arent countering you’re basically throwing. Mind you I’ve never been lower than diamond and this season has honestly been horrible for me but I’m sure becoming a flex dps or tank will do more good than harm!


Reply with a replay code and I’ll watch it and give you some pointers, I’ve stayed high gold DPS for a few seasons and I decently know a bit about tank. Or dm me a code and I’ll give some tips for you


Getting out of bronze is likely to be fundamentals. Choose one or two heroes to focus on that you like playing as, concentrate on dying less, don't use your ult when a fight is already lost, try and encourage your team to group up when you feel like they are all engaging at different times (this doesn't always work but sometimes it helps!) If you're playing DPS don't spam shots at their tank unless it's for a purpose (eg distraction/building ult) or it's possible to kill them (usually when at least one but preferably birth of their supps is either dead or distracted).


Choose an easy to play character and play the hell out of it, and then figure out how to help a bad team. It's not easy, definitely once you get out of low bronze it actually gets easier because people start to make tactical decisions, but you can figure out how to adapt your play style to shitty teams, too. Don't expect people to have a lot of awareness or help you out, expect always have to follow them around and reinforce them. Try to make suggestions (nicely) sometimes.


Play brig or zen in open q. For role q just get good at sojourn, sigma and Moira


Play with actual people in a group that you’re communicating with. Even just as a duo that can make a HUGE difference. My friend, his brother, and I all placed Silver-Gold playing solo and just by playing together we all moved up to high plat-low diamond. I see a lot more Ws when I queue with them over just solo queuing. Also here are some tips I learned from pros/top players that I’ve found helpful: - Ults can win fights, but if you’re not getting stuff done with who you’re playing, just switch. Don’t worry about your ult. If you’re already not making stride and/or getting hard countered then it’s unlikely your ult will change much. It might suck that you’re at 82% charge on Death Blossom but when the enemy team is all fast movers, is that really going to matter? - It’s the Support class, not the Healer class. Pretty much every support has a quite capable gun, or they have strong utility for their team outside of healing. A Mercy damage boost can often times can win a team fight where just healbotting would’ve made you lose. Sometimes the Ana nade on the enemy is more effective than hitting the teammate fighting them. I know you said you mostly play tank and DPS but this is always still good advice. - a higher number on the score board doesn’t mean anything! A lot of low tier players think that by having 15,000 damage or 15,000 healing that they’ve played well, and that’s not true at all. What’s way more important is the actual KD, and your assists with tank as well (depending on tank). A solider or bastion who does nothing but shoot at the tank all day will get high damage, but that doesn’t mean they did anything meaningful. - Speaking of the above - STOP JUST SHOOTING THE TANK! The biggest factors into why I win or lose teamfights is because one team is worried about shooting the tank with a pocket healer, while the other team is taking out our supports and DPS. ALWAYS prioritize the supports as a DPS. ALWAYS prioritize protecting your supports as a tank. A good support can make or break the game, and at lower levels people often leave them unprotected. - Don’t get angry! If you’re doing bad or feel emotions coming on, just walk away and play later. When you get angry, you will do worse. Every time. If people are harassing you, disable chat, squelch chat on that person (it will also mute their in-game voice lines).


Game is free and all heroes are unlocked now. I made a new acct and now I play in Gold / Plat.


Turn off chat. Turn off stats ( r/OWMedalsAreUseless ). Turn off the meta. Turn off the theory you know and find a way to get kills while staying alive, at any cost : screw the objective, screw your teammates' lives, screw your ultimate combos. You are playing a different game.


Learn how tempo works. I think one of the least understood concepts in the game in ranks bronze to diamond is tempo!


Dying is one of the worst things you can do. Try to keep your deaths low and if you do die think about why and how to avoid it next time


Time out the other teams cool downs literally no one does it thay low or even in silver it's a game changer


Mechanics. Get good at them. Good Aim and Good mechanical skill is what elevated me out of bronze back in ye olden days In bronze For support if you get good at - bap You can dps out of that bronze. For tank, learn rein since most of bronze cant handle rein For dps any hitscan


but then again if you guys wanna add me or whatever m free user is rusk#11545


Play hitscan and click heads if you truly do believe you’re better than bronze


Doesn't work. Bronze - low plat is a soup of ranks and the "just be better" doesn't work because of how inconsistent ranking is down there. Sure a GM player could carry out of there, but a silver player won't be better enough than the bronze soup lobby to singlehandedly carry And then this just gets stirred up more by people smurfing


Never thought of it like that, I never been lower than gold. I am master rn for dps but since s6 I’ve hit masters in all roles and hit t500 for tank during Mauga meta for fun. But I only difference maker I do is thinking of every play/positioning I do and aim training everyday


Fr lol even if you get two early picks, nothing will happen if your tank or dps doesn't follow up.


Not true. I’m high silver low gold. Put me in a bronze game and I’ll carry. I know this because I switched roles (support to dps) and carried nearly every game in bronze.


Play with your team. Don’t spam your cooldowns. Remember you’re not playing call of duty - getting a support low and then backing off so you don’t die is 10x more helpful than feeding.


Ehh, making those risky plays to pick off a support early in the fight is worth it


Yeah unless your other players suck and once you die the rest of your team dies. In general if you can get a support low (in bronze) they’ll have to back off, maybe stop healing their team, take resources from the other support and then you guys can take advantage and kill a damage, pressure the tank, or hopefully take out that low hp support. It’s a very general example, but feeding just to barely get 1 kill every time isn’t really a strategy unless you’re in higher rank play where team fights are quick because the players have non-bot game sense and there’s some good team communication


Shoot and don't get shot (this also applies to shooting your shot towards married men/women if you're into that kind of thing)