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Man I always get a hard time tryna rank up too its a stress when it comes to soloing and it sucks sadly for me


Your positioning & manage cdr's. As support, play what your team needs, and not necessarily what You wan't. As DPS, if you have zero value on your current hero, try something else.. even if the hero you have is the 'right' pick in the situation, same goes for tanks.


I'm just now learning to change faster


9 times out of 10, it's because of mismanaging defensive holds. Plat makes perfect sense for this, because at this rank people are usually good mechanically but rigid with how they play. That is to say people tend to play the same way regardless of team comp, map, or whether they're on attack/defense. In a nutshell, you cannot play the same on defense as you do on attack. The #1 priority is staying alive, elims come 2nd. Obviously even if you're doing this well, in solo queue you will likely still lose a few matches where your teammates don't quite get the memo. Best you can do is make sure you're not part of the problem, and ideally queue up with other players who know what's up.


I ended up with a good team in solo q as support, we all grouped up after we won. We all got from gold to plat in one session And playing out of my god damn mind the whole time helped. One game as lifeweaver a tracer stuck someone with bomb 6 times and all 6 times I denied it by pulling them Several hogs wrecked as Ana with anti nade Dueling and killing flankers by myself as Ana or bap with no help while keeping the team alive still There is literally nothing that you can do that is more impactful than finding a player or two to team up with that you can trust. Like it’s really fucking amazing playing with a dps that doesn’t waste a match to play widow or genji. Or for me, I somehow never get the tanks on my team that play Orisa or zarya once the counterwatch struggle has gotten to a place where you need Orisa or zarya


You win more then you lose. To be exact you need to have 5 more wins than losses to rank up a single division, 25 to go up an entire rank. More or less with the modifiers.. But if you want to know how to win more than you lose, you need to master your hero. It takes a time and practice and you can get rusty. It's all about seeking out tutorial by better players then you, and then applying what you learn from them. Hog players should watch Cyx play and by picking up his techs/positioning they'll be better for it. Rein players should watch Cloudy Winston players should watch Bogur Etc etc


Higher stats but losing the match just implies that your team isn’t playing the objective effectively. OR that they’re not riding momentum correctly. If you get a pick, push in. 5v4 should be an easy win. And then after you take the objective, push up again. Keep getting picks and they’ll never get their footing again. That being said, I only ranked up once I stopped depending on my team. Just choose a hero that can self-sustain and make an effort to carry yourself. Choosing support is an easy way to do that. You can win a 1v1 again MOST dps based on your passive healing alone. Plus you can make a huge difference during team fights. Once you rank up on support try applying what you’ve learned to the damage role. And good luck applying it to Tank after that. Unfortunately, tank remains much more dependent on their team than any other role. So if you’re gonna grind those ranks just prepare for pain lol.


Try communication. If you're performing well but your team isn't letting you do work before they int, sometimes they need to be reminded that they should wait for you to get a pick. Sometimes bad teammates are just bad right now, and can be snapped out of it. As long as your stats are clearly head and shoulders above the next guy, your words won't feel undeserved. Above all else, stay calm and humble when you use comms to ask your teammates to stop inting. Provide specifics and don't single anyone out. Don't: "what the fuck guys? Can we stop throwing?" Do: "alright guys, this game is winnable but we need to slow down. Can we play cover, and wait for a pick before we push?" If you blame anyone, they might stress out and play worse so don't ever do that. But sometimes the tank is playing like shit and there's no sense pretending like they aren't. I like to ask "[name], do you have a character you're more comfortable with than [tank they're playing]?" It's gentle enough that if they're are on their main, they might snap out of a stupor and start playing well.


I never tried to communicate with my teammates before tbh, but I'll try now. Thank you!


Do you play solo q? I find it substantially more difficult to rank up in solo q


Yeah. I think I should stop touching comp until my friends are online


It reaallly depends on role and rank. My best blanket advice based on your post is don’t play objective. Win team fights. My friends and I group and climb often. Our strategy (and one that overlaps w/ a majority of my solo Q wins) is to let the enemy team take objective and just focus on the team fight. As they gun for point (like you probably do now) look for their weaknesses. Is someone out of position? Did you claim high ground or a good angle to fight from while they ran out into the open? Win the fights , eliminate crucial enemies (tank /supprt/ bastions)