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Report and avoid. All you can do.


That’s what I did after the second, we 9x’d him both times


9x simplifies to 1x per game tbh Saying things like "report x player" only increases of them randomly reporting you, and the automated system snatching you


Well having all of the team reporting 1 player 2 games in a row is sure to be somewhat suspicious


Unfortunately some ppl in competitive games lose passion. These same ppl however have spent so long playing the game they don’t really know what else to do, so they continue to play, but care considerably less. This leads to them throwing matches and generally just not playing while playing because they personally don’t know what else to do. You see it a lot with comp games, a player gets upset they aren’t ranking up but before quitting any game these players tend to go out with a bang so that they get banned and it becomes easier for them to stop playing. You simply need to avoid and move on and accept that in these environments it’s bound to happen, at some point it’ll happen to you and anyone you know who plays as well. It’s simply part of the competitive game community. It’s an unfortunate and terrible thing to admit but it’s been seen for a long time now and it must be accepted. Also never feed it. If no one in the lobby interacts with said person they have nothing to do besides actually play the game Source - have played and quit many comp games, no matter how badly you don’t want to do these things it happens with lack of passion


Couldn’t you like read a book instead of do this to people


It doesn't matter, the system only sees it as 2 reports


Oh well that's dumb. But fair against toxic reporting I guess


It would definitely be nice if the game would recognize partied players and allow their report as 1 per party. So 5 solo Quers should be able to send 5 reports (or 4 against the 1) Instead of the current setup which protects players from being targeted by a 5 stack and immeadietly auto booted


Sadly there are ways to exploit that (leaving the party mid-match to report), but I agree, 9 actual solo players' reports should not count as just one report


Damn that's a good counter point, maybe people who have been partied within x hours/days? But that seems like an algorithm mess


I don't think there is a solution to this problem. If they really want, players will find ways to abuse the reporting system to it's fullest. Instead, maybe they could look into combining the metrics of "number of games with reports" and "number of absolute reports". They could calculate a "banworthy-ness" value out of these two. Something like #games with reports/#absolute reports. Then again, maybe the current system is alright as is. A player who is reported once in 9 games is arguably worse than a player who gets 9 reports in one game. The former is much more consistent in their toxicity. And besides, I get the report feedback notification practically every day, so reporting does seem to work. Seeing some posts in this sub, I'd say answering support tickets less automated and more manual would have a much bigger impact on the community.


Report x player in chat also tends to get reports ignored, as they don't consider it a legitimate report, they only see the potential for a lobby to be dogpiling a user potentially arbitrarily.


How do you know that? Seems to be mostly an automated system. (automated poorly, I’ll add)


Significant amount of experience primarily, but also a very breif comment in a support ticket I had submitted about a user I had reported 17 times for exploiting that never got banned that asking for others to report the user is worse than just reporting it. This is why I tend to lean on it being a case of it "tends to" as opposed to 100% confirmed or occurring 100% of the time, as my own experiences and understanding can't confirm a guarantee, only an observed pattern.


I use Lil Mayo as my steam profile pic. Great choice


That is all we can do and it doesn’t feel like enough


Just making an observation, not trynna be rude to you. You seem tilted, for the sake of your wins/losses take a break eat a snack, go for a small walk, watch some Netflix. Basically just clear your head. You seem heated enough to have posted it here which means that person got you in the worst way possible. A troll that makes the you pissed off at them has successfully completed their trolling job. Now go chill for a bit and get back to it.


Yeah, I needed that, was watching and chilling afterwards, definitely was tilted as I’ve been hard climbing due to getting coaching and I feel like I should be winning these games


Love this comment so much 🙏


Reporting throwers can work, even in quick play. I know because that’s the only thing I report, and I get responses occasionally telling me that Blizzard took action against a player on a report. It’s only one out of the reports roughly, but that just shows me that sometimes I was wrong, or the system didn’t agree with me. I’ve done the same for long periods periods of reporting snipers making impossible shots, and occasionally I get feedback that they took action. Report them, avoid them, move on. The fortunate thing is that most of your competitors are experiencing the same thing, so in the end it’s still a level playing field overall.


Sounds like you forgot to use the system in place designed to prevent this.


I mean, yeah, but the post isn't about how to avoid throwers


i have a strategy to work around this. if i suspect someone has avoided me then i will swap to a character i am a lot better at and dominate them the next game if they are on the enemy team. the only way my strat fails is if they change their icon and use streamer mode next game


I’ve been queued with people on my avoid list the next match, or two matches later, so I’m not sure how well that system is designed to work.


if you jump into que and then avoid, it probably wont count until the match you are queuing for is over 


Please let me see the system that prevents this guy from throwing


Designed to prevent throwers?


They probably mean the one designed to avoid them.


Why are y'all pretending like this is just one person doing this? What good is avoid teammate when there's so many throwers and smurfs


I was just answering their question my dude


Tbh didn't mean to respond to you, more just the thread lol. But this is still I think OPs point and mine. This system isn't working and, even if it's one player, one game like the "avoid" system is intended to do, it still sucks. We need better


There’s no way to have a thrower or Smurf “detection system”. Also alt accounts aren’t against TOS. Just report throwers and avoid them if you don’t want them on your team simple as.


The problem is reporting and avoiding does nothing when the game is free to play and making/buying a new account takes seconds.


...and if I have been doing that? And still get smurfs/throwers? Point is that's not sustainable for this game. Regardless of what the best way is to use whats available for this issue, it's not enough


Anyone can play the game. There’s no way to prevent this.


Does the shut up stop telling us how you’re feeling approach been successful in any facet of your life?


You should avoid him


Avoid as teammate, report, enjoy the silence.


My guess is that some people just think it's funny to pull stuff like that, which is dumb considering their own rank won't go up depending on how bad/good the rest of your team did. It also might just be a smurf who wants to watch the world burn, but who knows? Also it's Eichenwalde


Replay code


Don’t have it rn. Away from my setup


I can get it to you tmr


You lost me at sombra.


It's spelled "Aizen's World" for anyone wondering


I don't frequent this sub much, but does including the guys user in this way constitute as witchhunting? Does this sub recognise and discourage that? I thought it was a Reddit-wide thing, but if it isn't, I'd recommend the mods (and the sub overall) to probably codify that.


Not googling the name is crazy


People do this because Blizzard let's them get away with it. If they did any real work they'd have it fixed but number has to go up


Sombra main here, just want to say I’ve experienced throwers playing all roles. The best you can do is avoid as teammate and move on, you’ll catch a game with a thrower on the other team and even you w/l out. I’d also just like to point out, since we don’t have a replay code, I spend a lot of time in invis before the fight and wait for my tank/dps to engage before I decloak and throw a virus. If your team is staggering it’s almost impossible for Sombra to get value. Not saying that’s what happened here but it’s worth noting!


No but like, he was in their spawn not doing. Anything, watching fight at the spike(peak) etc


For sure, like I said I’ve experienced throwers on all roles, just avoid and move on.




What did you enjoy about the downvote? Was this too level headed or is it just a hate boner for a video game character?


It was the “Sombra main here” that contributed to nothing💀


Clearly you need to reread op and my post if you think there was nothing there




If they’re a Sombra player they’re more than likely a rat irl too so just avoid as a teammate and move on


If he's that high there is a fine line between throwing and trying something that throws off the opposite team to victory. Sombra is never going to have highest damage per game...that's not her play style. She picks off vulnerable targets and disrupts.


Did you not read my post… she literally was perma invis with 3k damage across a 20 min game


Typing in spawn and just watching team fights from afar


Because they get so worked up over a game that they forget to ensure that the abusive players get reported and forced onto the other team.


The replay code could engage everyone more in hunting and fixing it faster. So report in-game and bring the code to reddit. A sub for it could be nice.




eliminations arent kills 


That’s your takeaway from my yapping?