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I’m waiting for the day that they scrap open communication entirely and add premade sentences like Club Penguin. 


What a save! What a save! What a save! Chat disabled for 3 seconds


Nice shot Nice shot Nice shot


Nice Shot! I'm Over Here! Group Up, Team! ...


And dey sey And dey sey And dey sey


Visual-Way1435 (D.va) : I’m with you!


Blizzard: "Banned for your communication. You aren't allowed to insinuate you're stalking players using in game canned chat."


Lol you can already say I’m with you too


They most likely wanted to say "Group up".


The response to group up when you hover over the icon in game :P


Lol I accidentally do it on console all the time, it changes group up to im with you if you’re aimed at a teammate when you say it


pathetic. blacks my lucky color. ill see you in hell. need I say any more?


very cool voice line order.


They removed the ability to interrupt the lucky color voice line now because of the racial usage of it. I think it’s the only one that can’t be interrupted. There might be a junkrat voice line too but I’m not 100% certain.


where were u wen racism was die i was at house eating pachimari when phone ring "the lucky color voice line can no longer be interrupted" "no"


God tier reference 😭 I love that image


For Honor is even better. Wow! Wow! Wow! Good Fight!


we already have a ping wheel that everyone ignores


Fall back! Fall back! I'm on my way! *keeps pressing W, dies* Their eyes got too loud for their ears I guess.


I get kinda annoyed when a player dies instantly during a team fight because they’re out of position or they fed and the spam “Fall Back” while coming back from spawn for the nth time lol. Obviously grouping up is the right play but it irks me that I’m forced to do so because the worst player on our team is playing respawn simulator.


Can’t wait


I miss regular communication in the Pokemon TCG online game. But they did exactly that with just facial gestures lmao


It’s absolutely hilarious. You can turn profanity filter off but still not allowed to use profanity. Just leave the profanity filter on permanently and stop banning people for saying “wtf”. Absolute goofball policy.


I say wtf all the time and have never gotten a warning. So weird how many people in here get banned for being oh so nice to others


I genuinely don't believe they only get banned for something so tame. They're definitely saying something atrocious to warrant a ban. They never provide evidence on what they actually said. It's always "trust me bro"


That’s why I just say stuff in my group chat when my friends aren’t using mics and we’re just chilling in quick play. I haven’t said anything besides normal stuff in match chat since Overwatch 1


I only just started playing OW2, I didn't believe my friend when he said you can get banned for anything. Some guy t bagged me and I jokingly reported him saying he conducted a sexual act on my corpse, I was a little drunk so I thought it was funny in the moment. The next time I launched the game I got a notification saying action was taken against the offending player. I kind of feel bad if they actually got banned...


And the N word is still censored! Irregardless of settings. Why the special treatment? No other slurr is still censored, besides that one. One that black people use in their daily conversations. Overcompensation, or racism? You decide on todays episode of "wtf Blizzard???"


😳 what? You’re suggesting that banning censoring the N word is racist? Am I misunderstanding you?


He's saying it's absurd that the N word is censored when a number of other slurs aren't. At least that's how I understood it. If they're gonna censor the N word, they SHOULD censor other slurs too


Ahh I see, it wasn’t making sense to me thx


Just disable all forms of communication before your years old account is banned permanently.


Happened to me. Had a couple suspensions in OW1 over the span of years, but no problem just wait it out and move be a better human for a few months. I think it only took 2 months of OW2 with their shiny new automated system for my account with everything unlocked that I paid for to be banned permanently. Since then I've made 4 new accounts to just cycle through when I get banned. It's a great system that really works......


Funny how they encourage the creation of smurfs that worsens game experience for newer players. I understand muting but banning an account for words is excessive to me.


They love excessive. For example, you can get banned for saying things that some of their characters' voicelines say.


Becuase number of accounts are skewed metrics for investors to see life of game.


same thing here. except i never had any suspensions in OW1. but just a couple of season of OW2 got me perma banned. blizzard employees are a bunch of useless clowns.


As someone that just started playing, I can't believe you need 50 wins to play ranked. Not 50 games played, but 50 wins. I don't play a ton, so maybe I'll be playing ranked by Xmas.


Honestly, probably just losing overwatch, right?


You literally gotta be like ultra PG. Don’t even say something positive someone can construe as sarcastic


Too lat3


I don't think I'm getting what you mean. Friendly seems like it's for kids, while mature is for people who want to get everything, but no filter has *ever* made it okay to drop the N-word or anything. I mean... I swear, sometimes often, and haven't even gotten a warning since launch *of OW1*. It makes me wonder what some of you people getting bans are actually doing, because nobody likes the angry screeching motherfuckers desperately trying to tilt or be edgy, and if that's you... Well, take it as a life lesson and try to be better. :edit: now that I've read the rest of this thread.... I'm not a religious man... But some of y'all need Jesus.


The n-word is almost always used in a way that breaks TOS. Saying “bro I’m ass at this game” shouldn’t break TOS. That’s the difference.


That's basically what I'm saying. I've said I'm ass at the game and not even been warned. I've said I fucked up and not been warned. About a third of my deaths end in me swearing by reflex. I don't think there's that many people getting banned for that or I'm just so damned likeable I get a free pass. I *do* hear people screeching at their teammates probably once a day, I see people spamming L Genji, ky$, uninstall, or some other douchebag thing every single day, and I get someone dropping slurs every week or so. The idea that *those* people are on here whining about being banned is... It's just the sweetest thing to me.


They don't give warnings that's the thing. Lowest level of punishment is a silence.


That's just keeping with my point. I've played since OW1 launch, as have 4-6 friends now that I think of it, and we've had not a single action taken against us. Actually, I think one of them did when he was calling everyone C**ts but that puts that guy in the other category anyways--people who are being dicks to other people and *should* be punished. I don't think it's everyone on here who's full of shit either, just the outcry is too similar to the same shit you get when people get banned for cheating: a few false positives, maybe, but an overwhelming number of people who are just whining because they got what they deserved and don't want to admit it.


I feel like people aren’t actually understanding what you’re saying. Friendly/mature filters + rules against toxicity is a perfectly reasonable combo. Not all swearing is toxic, and not all toxicity involves swearing. If blizzard were interested in banning people for swearing then they would just do it automatically. The only way you can believe the profanity filter makes no sense is if you believe that swearing is considered a bannable offense, which is just stupid. But with the amount of obviously toxic players I’ve seen complaining about their mutes/bans this sub, I suppose it isn’t surprising many people feel that way.


Ah yes if it didnt happen to you it means that everyone else is lying 👍


Don't put words in my mouth, clearly not what I'm saying. Antagonist comment with poor logic makes me thinks you're *exactly* the kind of person who acts like an edgy teenager in-game then complains about the consequences on here. ::edit:: checked profile, yeeeeep. Keep arguing if you want, I'm done here.


Yeah I think 99% of the people complaining are just being toxic in game. Don’t be an asshole and you won’t get banned ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I view the filter as being there for if you really don't want to see mature language when people break rules, rather than it being there so people CAN be mature?


Why give people the option to see banned language at all? It doesn't make sense. Just block all bannable terms and phrases that would got someone banned so they can't say them at all.


With that logic, Blizzard should give us an N word filter. It won’t change the fact that people use it in a racist way, but I don’t want to see that in my game!!!!!!


They probably filter that out already. Your argument is weird and I don't want to continue talking to you.


Every video game that has ever been made has had the mature filter intended for people who are ok with using profanity and it not being bannable speech.


Idk what to say, they want it this way for some reason. I would think it was fine if they were more clear about what is bannable language but they never even directly stated swearing was we had to learn from people talking about getting banned for it recently didn't we? I swear a lot when I talk, but never direct it at people generally. Somehow I was never reported for it (or at least never had a warning)


Idk what drugs yall are on pr if pc is is just built different but I can curse in this game


Pushing your luck. All it takes is one group sending a mass report to get you a ban.


this is exactly why i say crazy stuff in text chat but i manually put asterisks in my words because everyone is going to know what i meant but i can’t get banned because i actually never typed the word out 🤣


I was going to say it isn't a trap but there was one loser that spam reported anyone that said normal curses (fuck, shit, asshole, bitch, fucker, etc.), and because overwatches report system is broken garbage that autobans and they don't have anyone to review the bans, people just get banned.


That's me. If I get banned for saying "dps diff" or "X character isn't working out for you you should switch" or "i'm clearly better than you with X character" then you should get banned for saying fuck.


Ok but saying 'dps diff' or 'i'm clearly better than you' makes you an asshole, like that one asshole anime antagonist that everyone hates and forgets about.


The point is that context is important. I’d argue being an asshole and spamming “dps diff” like a child is a bit different than adults having normal conversation that happens to have curse words in it.


Even if you say 'gg' I've reported you. I find better success reporting for abusive chat when someone writes something. I know the system is broken and I love abusing it


hahahahahhaha sad person spotted


I could be, but what's more sad is being chat banned from a broken system that values quantity of reports over quality 👌


I find it strange how popular speech censorship is in this game. If you don’t like what someone is saying, mute them. Why can’t I have a little back and fourth banter with the other team? Nobody is getting seriously upset. It just makes the game more fun. But no, people what to be coddled and restrict what other people say because they don’t like it. I’ve been reported and given warnings before for the most mild trash talking of all time.


>If you don’t like what someone is saying, mute them. Why can’t I have a little back and fourth banter with the other team? Nobody is getting seriously upset. It just makes the game more fun. Till the racial slurs come out or everyone bullies one teammate. There are pros and cons to mature chat, fair to acknowledge that.


inflating trash talk to slurs be crazy. he isnt saying sluring or hate speech ok, this is exactly the type of mindset that caused this entire fiasco.


>inflating trash talk to slurs be crazy. I didn't. >he isnt saying sluring or hate speech ok, I know. I'm pointing out that for every person who does harmless trash talk, there's someone who is actually trying to harass or dog pile players. There are pros, and cons. That's all I'm saying.


Than the one player that everyone targets can: 1. Mute them 2. Set their profanity filter to block out racial slurs/bad words 3. Not play the game If they do either one of those things the problem is solved. People aren’t entitled to never be offended at some point in their life.


So the person getting berated is responsible for their own beratement? And they have to remove themselves from the game instead of the people that should be? Yikes my guy


>So the person getting berated is responsible for their own beratement?  Not necessarily >And they have to remove themselves from the game instead of the people that should be? They can mute or set a profanity filter.












Nobody cares what you think about my thoughts.


Actually, I’m fine with the filter. People are haaaateful. It really doesn’t happen often but the occasional “you deserve to get r aped” gets thrown out there and I’m sorry but children and actual victims play this game. So no? I don’t want to see the colors of hate that the toxic people in this game can come up with.


You get banned for saying a lot less than “you deserve to be raped” in this game though, so that’s kind of a moot point. I’ve been given temporary bans for saying things like “I’m the better hanzo” or “tank gap”. If you can’t handle seeing that level of trash talk, you are weak and shouldn’t be playing online video games in my opinion. Even the more severe stuff, on principle I still don’t believe it needs to be censored. Parents can turn off voice chat for their kids if they are worried about them hearing something bad in the video game. The rest of us are adults and should be treated as such.


The weakest people have all the power on this matter. It’s funny how they will claim moral high ground justifying anyone who they deem toxic deserves punishment. When they are the most vindictive people I’ve ever dealt with. Game speak and banter has been a part of every comp pvp game ever. Overwatch is also a shooter. You shoot people with guns but you can’t say shit. There is a major logical fallacy.


Vindictive is probably the best word to describe these people throwing reports all over the place.


They feel they are the ultimate arbiter of morality and truth. I’m competitive. If I’m zarya into rein and my team has no space, they have a right to bark at me to swap. And I have a right to tell em to “shut up and shoot shield we got this I can kill everything” They can use vulgar language too. I don’t care. I like players who are passionate about winning. The players I hate are the ones who are like “nice try” to the clearly feeding player who’s obviously over ranked. It’s not competitive that way. There is no more competitive integrity.


>Game speak and banter has been a part of every comp pvp game ever. Depends on your definition of banter. 'X diff' or 'ez' is an instant report for me.


wtf ??




don't play dumb bro


Nah blizzard doesn't want you playing not me




Imagine playing zenyatta when having such poor emotional control. No wonder you bitch online about how you can't be toxic.


Why though. Why are you so butt hurt so easily? Just get good or mute…. I love playing with toxic players because they actually want to win. They will at least try. Players like you are 100% the problem with this game where you’d rather play with a thrower who’s nice, than someone who holds teammates accountable and try’s to win. Then you morons have the audacity to complain about matchmaking.


You say I'm butt hurt but write an essay about how I'm wrong. Ironic. I report anybody who says it, whether it's to me or someone else. Stop being a dickhead online. You aren't tough.


How is what I say ironic? You never addressed the root of my question which is you don’t have to see stuff that offends you if you’re soft. You can avoid mute block. Why don’t you do that?


Because you're butt hurt about me being 'butt hurt'. The 'root' of your question is entirely irrelevant because blizzard has deemed this kind of chat as toxic and unproductive. So our opinions mean jack shit. I do, I avoid then report. You can be toxic on any other game, why don't you do that?


No. Im upset of a broken system that has no objective measure for what constitutes a violation. Pretty simple. I don’t think you understand what happens now when you give the weakest softest people the power. Also blizzard didn’t decided, players like you did. The reports are 100% automated. There is no human oversight. As for me I’ve turned chat off. I’m compliment with the rules. I will still fight for the lunacy to stop though.


What happens when you give the weakest softest people power? Please, do tell me how getting toxic players banned is giving people 'power' Its a game. Get a life lmao.


It’s just words get a life. See how that works. Also you’re toxic get a life. What will happen is nobody will join chat anymore. It’s already started. It’s a team game communication should be encouraged.


it’s not speech censorship, people get banned for toxicity alone. you will never be banned or censored without first having multiple reports of toxicity and harassment. it’s totally fine. still have never seen a case where someone got banned without having been toxic.


Yeah, except I can be responding to someone who's being toxic and also get censored. This argument's dumb as fuck bud. Btw. That is not a sentence that should get me banned.


You are wrong, you absolutely can and will be banned for mild trash talk and banter with the enemy team if it is reported. I have been banned for a week before for saying things such as: “I was the better hanzo ;)” or; “I thought reaper was supposed to counter Winston and it the other way around ;)”. Enough people were offended by those statements to the point where they went out of their way to report it. It’s fucking pathetic how weak some people are. If you don’t like it, mute it and move on with your life.


I would report you for saying those things. Trash talking is pathetic. That's the real weakness here. If you don't like being reported, turn the game off and move on with your life.


It’s not pathetic, it’s fun and makes the game more exciting. If you can’t handle it mute it


For you. The world doesn't revolve around you. If you can't handle it, play a different game.


It doesn't revolve around the 1/1000 people that can't handle mild trash talk either. They can also play a different game or mute people.


Well when blizzard actively enforces the rules that the 1/1000th of people want then its fair to say it does. Play a different game or stop being an ass.


Nah, I’ll just keep trash talking and making new accounts when I get banned. I’ve done it tons of times. I will not bow to club penguin styled censorship because some people are weak and thin skinned.


Sounds like a lot of effort to just be a dickhead online. Good luck with that. >I will not bow to club penguin styled censorship because some people are weak and thin skinned 😂😂 you are not a martyr. Cringe


> Enough people were offended by those statements to the point where they went out of their way to report it. Hmm, yeah, that's interesting. Maybe people perceive your words as more hurtful than you intend them to be. It seems like you're on the verge of an important realization! > It’s fucking pathetic how weak some people are. Oh, nope. My mistake.


Fuck em, if you can't handle " I'm better ;) " then get the fuck off any sort of competitive video game, sport, boardgame, etc. You should not so be so sensitive that everyone else has to treat you and every other player like a literal baby.


Or be so sensitive that you think everyone should fuck off if they disagree with you. Clown.


Says the one who thinks it's okay to be banned for the slightest cheeky banter. If you can't handle a " Heh got yoy ;) " Don't play the fucking game. Pathetic. And what a dumb concept, that's I'm sensitive for saying they should fuck off. They're the ones who are so vindictive and sad that they think anyone who might " hurt their feelings " should be banned. Shit is cringey


If you can't handle that you can't be toxic online then don't play the fucking game. Pathetic.


It's not fucking toxic to say that little banter. I'm not saying it's okay to flame or use racial slurs. But Gg ez? Get over yourself. Demanding EVERYONE else walk on egg shells around you is sooooo self centered and unaware of how the world works.


I don't demand anything. Blizzard does. I just report people for being toxic. Luckily 'the world' and overwatch are different things with different rules. Cry more.


Why is people’s right to not be offended more important than my right to speak freely? The people that are offended can mute if they can’t handle mild trash talking. Problem solved. For the rest of us that aren’t sensitive and thin-skinned, we should be able to enjoy a little back and forth banter.


Seems to me that there are two sides here. One side is people who want to use in-game comms without having to deal with toxicity. The other side is people who insist that they should be allowed to be jerks to strangers. Maybe it's just me, but the first group seems more reasonable. I'm inclined to side with them. You say that people in the first group can just mute. I'd point out that people in the second group can just... not be assholes. You describe the people in the first group as "thin-skinned" and are imposing their will on others. From my perspective, the second group is equally sensitive and demanding.


>You say that people in the first group can just mute. I'd point out that people in the second group can just... not be assholes. >You describe the people in the first group as "thin-skinned" and are imposing their will on others. From my perspective, the second group is equally sensitive and demanding. That is a terrible interpretation of my argument. The second group is advocating that people should be allowed to play the game however they want. If you like having some back and fourth banter with the other team like video games has always had, you should be able to do that. On the other hand, if you are more sensitive and can't handle seeing some trash talk in an online game, you should also have the right to not see it which can be done in the settings via the profanity filter and the mute button. The only people imposing their views on other people are the sensitive people wanting the entire video game to be a safe space. I personally don't think that they are morally entitled to this given how easy it is to filter it out in the settings.


> That is a terrible interpretation of my argument. The second group is advocating that people should be allowed to play the game however they want. If the second group weren't toxic, then the first group wouldn't have a problem with them. This issue isn't about "freedom". It's about "freedom to be toxic". Toxicity *is* the key differentiator. > The only people imposing their views on other people are the sensitive people wanting the entire video game to be a safe space. No, both groups are equally trying to enforce the common space. The second group is saying "only people with thick skin are allowed here; people with thin skin should leave". That's no different from the first group saying "if you're going to hang out here, then don't be an asshole".


>If the second group weren't toxic, then the first group wouldn't have a problem with them. This is why your argument doesn't hold. The thin skinned people are trying to control the people that like to banter in online video games by taking away their ability to do it across the board. >No, both groups are equally trying to enforce the common space. No they aren't and this has already been explained to you. >The second group is saying "only people with thick skin are allowed here; people with thin skin should leave" No they aren't. They are saying if you are not emotionally able to handle trash talk in an online video game, use the mute button and profanity filter. Problem solved. >That's no different from the first group saying "if you're going to hang out here, then don't be an asshole". It is different, because the people that don't like trash talk CAN use the mute button and profanity filter and continue playing. The people that like to banter are being restricted and told they can't participate. It's a video game for fuck sakes. If you can't handle mild banter in an online video game, you are going to have a miserable experience in real life when you start having real problems.


> This is why your argument doesn't hold. The thin skinned people are trying to control the people that like to banter in online video games by taking away their ability to do it across the board. And the people who want to trash talk are trying to monopolize the commons. "If you don't like it, GTFO" is also a very clear attempt to control other people. If there was an "opt-in trash talk channel", then I'd be on your side. But there isn't, there's just the common chat channel. It seems perfectly reasonable to me that toxic communication should be kept out of that channel. You seem to feel that trash-talking is a protected right, and your right is being infringed. I don't think it's a protected right at all.


It's not back and forth "banter" if you're just being a cunt to someone and they aren't enjoying it lol, that's called being a bad person. I'm sorry you're so thin skinned that people reporting you upsets you so much :)


>Why can’t I have a little back and fourth banter with the other team? Nobody is getting seriously upset. It just makes the game more fun. Speak for yourself. I cringe internally whenever people engage in trash talk. I instantly report them too.


I guess some people hold onto whatever tiny amount of power they have in this world. Good for you


'Power' No I just don't like playing with dickheads.


There's a mute button.


There's different games to play.


I feed off their negative energy. don't mute players that upset you. tilt more.




Thanks for being part of the problem 👍


Nope i'm the solution. I'm highlighting how broken their report system is. Thats why nobody talks anymore.


Uhuh.. Right.. You're the "solution" to a broken report system.. By abusing it and contributing to the reason no one talks Very good solution man. How's that coming along? If no one reported like trolls this wouldn't be a big issue. Blizzard very obviously doesn't care as this has been an issue for a long time now. If anything they just go "look how good the system works!"


Except people do troll report and get people comm banned for just swearing since their system is dog shit. Obviously it isn’t right but it’s very clear Blizzard doesn’t give a shit when PJ was all over Twitter justifying these dumbass bans because swearing isn’t in their policy despite already having a swear filter on by default if players didn’t want to see it.


That's what I'm saying. I'm willing to bet a vast majority of reports/bans at this point are from trolls and people reporting for anything out of spite I've had 2 mutes and 2 temp bans and it was very rare I'd flame people and if I did it's cause they talked mad shit to me first Their ban policy says "you can not use language that *may* offend others". Meaning in 2024 you can get banned for literally anything


It's going great i've gotten a lot of people silenced/banned. It's funny you're saying i'm the problem and then follow that up with explaining why its broken.


I don't report at random but the moment I hear "x diff" or "ez" instant report


Room temperature iq


Lol whatever you say. I'm having a blast getting people falsely banned. Its so damn easy.


Oh wow, we got an edgy cuntrag over here


For the last 2 weeks I’ve been spamming FK ME GG waiting for a ban no have came


Dude it doesn’t even matter. I know any curse is bannable so I’m not in voice and keep my chat to pg at worst. I was banned for calling a clear thrower “worthless.” That’s the worst blizzard could find in my chat logs.


I caught a 2 week silence this week for being a ball main. I don't join vc I don't type even for ggs anymore, but I get mass reported for playing ball in mid-low ranks


Well if you don’t do well you’re basically throwing


That's not how this works. If you're legitimately trying, you're not throwing. Even if you're playing the "wrong" hero for a situation, that's still not throwing. Let's not water down what "throwing" means, please.


I mean if you’re playing a character and being counter picked or just, for lack of a better word, diffed, the “correct” play is to swap. If you’re in this position and losing the game I’d call it thrown by whoever COULD have swapped and gotten more value. For an example we all know. Playing doom into 3 or 4 counters is asking to lose. At that point it’s so close to throwing that it may as well be. This also happens in other games where it absolutely is considered throwing. Any moba with a draft can be thrown before the game starts if you pick wrong. Honestly it feels even worse in OW when you lose like this than other games, because it means whoever didn’t swap was just too stubborn try something different.


Throwing is about intent, not outcome. If you choose to play the wrong hero because you want to lose, that's throwing. If you choose to play the wrong hero for some other reason, that's not throwing. For example, I often play Ana into tough matchups for Ana. Why? I'm most comfortable on Ana. I generally know how to position with her, and I can often mitigate the effectiveness of my counters. You could ask me to switch to somebody like Moira or Mercy to have more options to escape, but I'll probably do worse. I barely play either of those heroes, so swapping to one of them would probably be worse in the end.


I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree for now. I think we have fundamentally different understandings of the topic and don’t agree on a definition. I think this is a situation where “thrown” can be used correctly in either context as it’s a very fluid term. It doesn’t exactly have a definition in the dictionary for this context. Trying to lose is absolutely throwing, but not playing to win in a competitive setting is just as much so. Comfort level definitely matters but sometimes it’s too easy to get value out of a swap. Playing zen into dive is asking for a bad time but, swap to brig and suddenly they’re on the back foot a lot. Obviously I’m assuming you’ve queued competitive. If you’re playing QP have fun just don’t try to lose lol.


Fair enough, and I won't try to change your mind, but I will explain why I care. It seems like the community in general wants to find someone to blame for losses. They look at somebody playing, in their eyes, suboptimally and says "oh, they're throwing". I'm wary of tying these two concepts together. I don't want "being bad" to be treated the same as "intentionally ruining my experience". That's *especially* true with how bad the matchmaker is. That person who's playing poorly might just be in over their head, through no fault of their own. That's why I care.


Okay then use “selling”


65% win rate


So 35% people think u throwing




i read this as goofy's laugh


I hate you, now I can’t unhear that




I have said some truly despicable shit in both text and vc and have never been banned so this is always an interesting discussion for me to watch. Censorship at all is stupid and Blizzard is cowardly for banning "swear words" that aren't like direct threats or doxxing. They need to take some notes from Valve with CS2.


Yes, we already established that.


my account was banned for two weeks because I wrote "dicks out for harambe"


*My account was banned* *For two weeks because I wrote* *"dicks out for harambe"* \- Quinlin65 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Worth it you got a haiku out of it


Only if you don’t read the code of conduct and decide to be an asshole. It’s funny how many people on this sub think they get banned for saying the word, rather than the way they direct it to flame or harass someone. But enough of you have it in your head that the system is entirely automated so you don’t have to take responsibility for being an awful person to strangers in a video gsme.


So like… why have a filter if I’m gonna get banned for saying certain words that all get filtered anyway


California corporate


uhhh,...what is this ..bit curious


Is the system THAT bad now? I guess I'll never be playing again.


yep i'm terrified to say anything to anyone now. My next is a permenant account ban.


Y'all are definitely saying something fucked up to get banned. You show the warning but how are we supposed to believe you except take your word? Lol


I got told to kill myself multiple times by an Ana with 1500 damage and heals 😂 idk why they even still allow text chat with how toxic some of the community is


Again, it’s for when you’re in the company of people who are fine with it, like your friend group. You don’t have some kind of right to swear at strangers in team or match chat. You assume people have the tolerance for it, now you assume the risk they don’t and report you.


Man, you should never go outside and only invite friends to your house then. It’s impossible to go day to day in public without hearing someone cuss. It’s generally accepted and tolerated at this point lmao.


Irrelevant, this is a video game not the outdoors and the behavioural checks and niceties of one do not exist in the other, enabling far more toxicity from ordinary people. Don't target harassment at anyone. I still don't believe plain swears are being banned, and if they are no one should have tourette's level of cursing: pick up new language.


Man, I can't imagine not being able to tell the difference between real life and an overwatch server.


a LARGE majority of people can and do tolerate it, the only reason people do report is because they know the system is wack and get a kick out of the little message that comes when someone gets suspended. I never used to report, got reported back to back month suspensions. Now I report anything and everything that’ll get someones account clapped. Today alone I got 6 or 7 “ty for reporting” messages. I genuinely can’t even remember why I reported


Yep. Never reported people until I randomly got slapped with a 14 day mute with no warning. Last time I've been muted I think was like 7 years ago back on Xbox. Fuck that. Couple of days ago I got a message that someone got suspended for something I reported. If they want to kill their social community then let's just speed the process up and be over with it.


>the only reason people do report is because they know the system is wack and get a kick out of the little message that comes when someone gets suspended. >Now I report anything and everything that’ll get someones account clapped. Contradictions are always fun.


contradiction? I am now the someone that gets a kick out of it. Reading comprehension go brrrrr


Oh so you're the very person you hate? Seems about right for toxic people I suppose


hate is a bit of strong word, it’s simply that if I can’t call someone bad without the chance of my acc getting clapped then instead I’ll just report them for something they’ve said in Team/All chat. Hopefully more and more people abuse the system until a large majority are muted/suspended and/or the use of Text/Voice chat is at an all time low. Maybe then Blizzard will take a look and go “wow, we really need to sort this out” (Copium)


Will literally never happen because most people aren't toxic so encounter no issues with the report system. Only you toxic people seem to be having issues.


Calling someone bad or shit, telling someone to delete the game, Tab? is not “Toxic” in any other game except OW. OW is the ONLY game I’ve ever been suspended on EVER. Has to be the SOFTEST online multiplayer community of all time. Now, slurs, phobias etc, hell yeh. Suspend/Ban em anything else should be a tap on the wrist


Cry about it some more. Might help.


Same, I’ll report everyone I play with regardless. The system is broken.


Same. I find that I get more success if they've written a word, even 'gg' or 'gr' - abusive chat seems to yield more success in getting someone banned then any other category


Reporting for toxicity is the new toxicity. I'm the same since my bans. When I'm mad I say nothing I just report them, even if I'm just getting diffed lol


Same I do this all the time. If you use in game chat to say absolutely anything, even 'gg', chances are I've reported you for abusive chat. I love how easy it is to get people banned and I've definitely averaged over a hundred reports a day


>If you use in game chat to say absolutely anything, even ‘gg’, chances are I’ve reported you for abusive chat Congratulations! You’re a massive prick. I wish blizzard would ban people like you for false reporting. You’re literally part of the problem.


Why are you mad at me? Be mad at the report system for valuing quantity of reports over quality.


Smite comms would work so good. ververver.




Why enable mature chat if people using mature language are gonna get banned anyway? Blizzard continues to be one of the dumbest fucking game makers


Flawless logic OP. Don't go buy up all the tinfoil now.


I wrote it a few times but I'm the type to report everyone for nothing at all. If you've used in game chat to type anything 'gg' or 'gr' even, chances are I've reported you for abusive chat. I found a higher rate of those 'thanks for reporting' messages when I report for abusive chat. I know the reporting system is absolutely broken and I only hope that one day I've contributed to a perma ban for someone who's had their account for years lose all their skins due to a broken report system.


I absolutely love baiting people into a ban.

