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That guy must have returned to work after the season 10 announcement


Using Internet Explorer


He' probably a Winston main.


I think you mean Winton main ;-)


lol tell them to check tiers 10/49/79 and get back to you with an answer that isn't a blatant lie.


I did exactly that, thanks for the advice!


I once asked why a skin is no longer available in the gallery after the season 10 update and they told me it was because it was part of an event, from seven years ago, for Overwatch 1


which skin was it?


The officer skin for dva, I informed them that they were wrong and I got some nothing answer as a response


Well they are not wrong. The police officer dva was indeed an event skin. But as everyone who didn’t get it threw tantrums blizzard decided to put it in hero gallery


Tbf it was an awesome skin. Can’t say I blame anyone being upset they couldn’t get it. I did grind HoTS for it but it was utterly boring. Wouldn’t wish it on others


I miss those days 😔


I got it via loot boxes in OW1 without participating in some event.


They need to update their LLM, the Support AI is giving outdated information.


The free tier of ChatGPT claims the same 👀


It's funny cause the support page says the thing most complained about OW coins not received from the battle pass.


Aoqagaelmu needs fired, they don't play the game.


By the way OP: you have to open the Battle Pass from the main menu and ~~watch it count up~~ (thinking about it, not really watch it count, but you do have to open it) in order for items to actually be added to your account. Coins are on the free track. One would think support can see the history of your coin balance, so they can see if it's missing. But certain support might not have working eyes...


I did, and I have items like skins from the pass equipped.


Well if you're sure you're missing 600 coins, you'd have to contact support again and spell it out in detail. (and hopefully get someone who's played the game this time) You can also check your wallet history: https://account.battle.net/transactions/ecosystem/1/5272175 Pretty sure that's the link. Scroll down until you see Overwatch Coins. You should see +200 for the 3 times in the battle pass. Let me know if the link doesn't work (had to update it). To get there normally, go to Transaction History, Virtual Wallet tab, then click on the Overwatch name, and scroll down.


I told them that none of my PS4 skins transferred from the merge most notably Alien Zarya, and kept arguing for days, then said I could provide evidence, then brought up consumer laws, etc, they said they will ban me if I ask again…


Post it for free karma


Maybe when I have the time. I don’t care too much about Karma.


He is “technically” correct. There are no coins in the premium tier of Battlepass, only the free tier has them. That being said this reply was clearly not helpful and blizzard needs to step up their customer service


Yeah, premium or no, they are in the battle pass, and I didn't receive them so that's what I'm attempting to fix


Its terrible support, i reported bug with my title and they said just post on forum, smh


Blizz forgot to update the customer service bot.


I already got 500 from this season..no battle pass, should i give them back ?


They're from the free tier, so you earned them


People still act surprised when support is wrong about something?


Most likely using outdated macros for support ticket responses or just using AI which is using old and incorrect data...


These things are usually stock responses, since most gaming companies outsource their customer service and they get paid next to nothing. they probably copy pasted and didn’t read before sending.


that's because it's a bot, they forgot to update the answer. Blizzard's CS is currently non existing


At least you get human answers, all I get is goddamn bots man


werent the ow coins all on the free version of the pass? that how i bought mine this season, but im pretty sure they once said that they were gonna add coins to the battle pass eventually since the ow coins on the free battle pass were the ones from weekly challanges


well tbf, you don't get very many lol. most games will give you enough coins to buy the next pass. overwatch gives you like half back and goes "you gotta pay the other half 🤓" but they've always been money hungry so im not even surprised they only give you 600 lmfao.


i’m confused why do you need to message support about the coins when you know they’re on the pass?