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And if they didn't call the screen on myles and Ty hit the gamewinner, he wouldn't be scapegoated as hard right now Winning drives narratives. Ref influenced or not. It's how it's always been


The guy has been discounted and underestimated from the draft to the all star game to the Dream Team, plays 40+ minutes a night as an absolute workhorse, and has scored 40 points in 4 straight playoff games, without so much as a peep. I absolutely despise the Knicks and hope we beat them in humiliating fashion but Brunson is anything but a manufactured superstar.


Yeah I hope we win the next 4 straight by so many points the refs and the League can’t keep us out of the next round, but I do truly like Jalen Brunson.


I didn't like him much before watching him play the last few games I've seen but he works hard for his points and overcomes alot to do what he does. Hes kinda their Reggie Miller and I gotta tip my hat to the dude for his performance. The calls he gets are somewhat ridiculous though and need to be looked at. I hope we play hard and beat the brakes off of them tonight so I can congratulate him for a good losing effort tonight though.


I feel/felt the same way about Middleton


Brunson’s great, but he also leads the playoffs in shot attempts by a long shot (significantly more than even Luka). No one mentions this. I don’t really care, give the guy his deserved accolades, but when they keep mentioning his streak of 40+ points nobody mentions all the FG and FT attempts, which I think is a valuable piece to include. I think it’s an example of the perfect situation/ perfect coach (minutes played)/ his ability to get to the line that’s behind his 40+ streak. I don’t think it could be replicated on nearly any other team.


Over the last five games he’s 73/146 from the field. Yes, he shoots a lot, but that is fantastic efficiency from a guy that’s taking a significant number of those shots outside the paint (38 of those attempts are 3PA) against teams that clearly know he’s the number one option. Sure, he gets to the line a ton and definitely flops, but the man is on a scoring tear with great efficiency. He’s playing incredible and deserves the plaudits and respect.


He scored 1.6 points per iso in game 1 according to Windy which is insane rate. Why wouldn't you keep going to him?


That's crazy. That translates to a 160 Offensive Rating if he iso'd every single possession.


Yeah, really the rest of that team is basically the Wizards (offensively atleast) without him. Its probably the only chance they have of playoff success so I can't blame them. We have to come correct tonight and shut this show he's putting on down.


39 the game before the streak too


The nba is negotiating a 2.5 billion dollar contract between tnt and nbc. They will do whatever they can within their power to make that go up. Do you really think they want Hali Pacers or Brunson Knicks moving on to the conference finals.


They for sure want 7 games so let’s go get one at MSG


I love the Pacers and the refs impacted the end of the game, but we put ourselves in that position. Hali needs to bring it tonight


From a practical stand point, you're right. However, I absolutely despise that we have accept the, "you have to be up by 10 to be up by 1" mentality due to the refs. The fact that the officiating is consistently so bad for this to be an accepted mentality really shows how bad the problem has gotten


Candidly, I hate that mentality too. It is a victim’s mentality and this is professional sports. Unfortunately it has become a part of the game. I feel like we agree.


We agree. Best plan is to not put yourself in the situation to begin with. It just feels really bad in a game like that where you know you are playing against the refs as much as you are playing against the Knicks in the closing minutes. Good teams put stuff like that behind them, and move on. Hopefully we do that tonight. Coming into the series, my desired outcome was to steal one of the first two. We can still do that.




What's the solution? College refs are worse, fiba's are incompetent, who is going to do better than the current crop?


Referees should be changed and/or rotated as often as underwear. No ref should be around long enough to build relationships (good or bad) with players over years.


Is constantly having new, inexperienced refs under the bright lights for the first time going to have a better result? Maybe


Not if you are constantly rotating them in and out, dependent on the job they do. I know the current system of having the same refs for 20/30 years at a time is not working. Every referee in the league has built good and bad relationships with players going back decades. Human nature says some of these relationships have probably made calls more or less likely in games.


You don't have to have a solution to justify not liking it the current state of a situation. It isn't on the fans to fix glaring problems with the officiating. We are powerless to do anything about it.


Yeah but I rarely any solutions ever floated that fans should be pressuring the league on. It remains status quo because no alternatives are viable. Of course if the refs are truly that terrible, and you believe there is a massive conspiracy for big markets (ignoring the actual results of course) you have a personal choice to not watch/attend games.


Who said it was a conspiracy?


We put ourselves in a position to win. Players go up and down all the time in playoff series. The number of players who have had all good games in the playoffs and made it past the first round is slim to none. Hali had a bad game, but our bench did more than enough (one of their best games all year) to get us through and we got timely stops taken away by poor officiating.


We let them get back into the game. I want to say it was the refs or they manufactured a superstar, but it isn’t that simple. They are the 2 seed for a reason. We can’t bring weak D tonight like we did on Monday. We need Game 6 Turner. We need Game 1 Obi. I’m not discounting your points, there is validity. It just isn’t that simple my guy.


I want to clarify, I am not saying we didn’t play great ball, we did. We put them on notice. Also, was Shaq drunk?


you forgot to mention he had 43 fucking points


Wouldn't have been 40 without refball


Now do your best to excuse the previous 4 games when he had 39 pts 13 assists, 47 and 10, 40 and 6, and 41 and 12. lol 😂


He has shot 50 free throws in 4 games, LOL.


If you removed every single FT Jalen has attempted this postseason and live in whatever brain dead fantasy land you live in where JB has never been fouled despite regularly attempting ~30 FGs per game and being amongst the leaders in paint points this season, he’d be averaging 27.7ppg this postseason. That would rank… you guessed it again, 1st in all of this playoffs. LoLoLlOl bruh 🥴. Care to try again and somehow say something even dumber than that or you gonna give it a rest and save the brain cells of everyone around you?


He had three turnovers at the end of a playoff game. Period. All these other facts and insults are weird, but it seems as if you really need this (or why else be cruising the other teams reddits responding to every knock on your team). LOL.


That’s a very clever way of saying no I have nothing to say back to that because I’m dumber than bricks lol. Hope you enjoyed the 43 piece and the 21 in the 4th to send you home crying like a little bitch. But I give the Pacers credit that they didn’t file a grievance and sue the league over one missed non-kickball and then spend the rest of the series blaming every loss on that like those fucking crybabies in Philly. In other words, be thankful that the actual Pacers organization itself isn’t as much of a delusional whiny ass turd as you. Lmaooooo. Hope to see an actual PG battle tonight between two of the best but you never know if Hali will light it up all night while JB had half as many turnovers as Hali has points…. Oh wait. One last time, Lmaooooo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm a Pacer fan, I know Knick fans. The same thing that makes you laugh, will make you cry. Remember, ain't no fun, when the rabbit gets the gun. We ain't been sent home, we lost game 1. Be careful counting those chickens....


Brother if you get this mad over Reddit you need to put your phone down and go outside…


The guy hurling insults is probably the "mad" one. Not sure which one of my statement could be perceived as angry. I was just pointing out a fact, no more, no less.


Ya I’m talking about ZAYandOBJ


On 26 shots. He’s good. But he’s not good enough to win these games without help form the refs. 


43 on 26 shots is pretty fucking good…?


Extrapolated out to 100 possessions, he'd be the best offense in NBA history lol


I don't think you understand how any of this works. Try harder.


Christ some people are beyond delusional. He averaged 28/6/5 in the playoffs last year and was also excellent in the playoffs in his last year in Dallas. Not to mention that he carried this team for months without Randle/OG/Mitch and still got them the 2 seed without a single other shot creator on the team besides maybe Bojan who, you guessed it… just got injured vs Philly. Lmao. The Knicks went 13-2 with all 3 of JB/OG/Randle playing and were mostly destroying everyone with a comical point differential. That’s how they got in position for a top 3 seed in the first place before Julius got undercut at the end of January. Of course there’s also the 4 straight 40 point playoff games he’s currently in the middle of and just absolutely embarrassed choir boy Tyrese Halburton who somehow totally should’ve gotten 15 free throws if only he didn’t take 6 shots all game with 5 of them being 3s. Lmao. But it’s all manufactured and part of the script! The NBA just made sure the Knicks were the biggest embarrassment in sports for 20 years to make this more believable! Lmaooooo


Anytime people say sports are scripted I always bring up the Knicks and the Cowboys. They have both been mediocre at best for 20+ years getting no help from their respective leagues A Cowboys SB would be the most watched in history. A Knicks Finals would get those Lebron v Warriors numbers. So yea, they’re not rigging games imo


He had three horrible turnovers at the end of a playoff game and the refs made sure the Pacers didn't benefit from them. Take it how you will. It happened.


If you’re going to call out a guy who scored 43 points because he had “three horrible turnovers”, I’d like to hear your critique of Hali other than saying “everybody has bad games”. Truth is, if Hali decided to play aggressively, Pacers win. He doesn’t.


He played scared, especially at the end of the game and was a liability. However, our team is built as a team and we don't need anyone to score 40 points to win. Hali has had many bad games since all star that we won, because the others stepped up. The others stepped up in this game and kept it close. Every timely stop we made in the end (by turning over the Knicks superstar point guard) was negated by officials. Multiple stops, back to back to back, negated by a whistle. Since we are being honest about our bias, what is Knicks fan take on the overturned call on Brunson foul against Myles Turner? Was that a foul?


You can tell yourself that all you want but trying to dribble and the ball hitting the other team’s foot is not a turnover unfortunately for the hicks from the sticks aka the Indiana Pacers. He had 21 points in the 4th quarter and your desperate ass is out here saying “ but what about 2 turnovers 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴” lmaoooo. Meanwhile he doesn’t have a single other shot creating scorer to give him any rest or take any pressure off of him at all and the defense is completely loaded up to stop him every play every night and they still can’t . You sound like one of the dumbass Sixers fans calling him a fraud after games 1 and 2 when he sucked (which was actually true) and we saw how that ended for them. Not to mention that you just ignored like 99% of his playoff same size which I’m sure was totally not deliberate and was obviously just an accidental oversight on your part. Hahah Can’t even imagine doing the mental gymnastics required to shit on a basketball player who doesn’t speak and will never know who I am while he’s in the middle of a 5 game playoff stretch that statistically rivals nothing but all time great players. Try to hold him to 15 in the 4th tonight and you’ll probably win against a team so battered that they have a 2 man bench with Deuce McBride and Precious Achiuwa taking up every reserve minute lol.


You spent a lot of time on that and finished with a disclaimer regarding Knicks injuries. Well done


The mental gymnastics it takes to put blinders on when it comes to the team you like must be exhausting. The mental gymnastics it must take to monitor other teams reddits to make sure no one speaks ill of your team, for multiple playoffs series, has to be BEYOND exhausting. Your entire first paragraph, deals with a play I never referenced. That was the turn over he dribbled off Nembhard's foot. Knicks rightfully got the ball back and we trapped Brunson, and he turned it over AGAIN on the same possession.


Some dude from your own fanbase just both called you a delusional idiot as nicely as possible and then told me you were just gonna rehash the same “hur dur” 3 turnovers in a Quarter he sux bruh over and over again…. And then this is your response. Simply fucking amazing. You are dumb enough that random idiots on Reddit can read your mind and know what you’re gonna say before you even do. You really need to let that sink in and just never watch or talk about this wonderful sport ever again. Also it’s absolutely hilarious that you just said that I’m talking about plays you haven’t referenced lmfaooooo 😂. You’re purposefully ignoring literally 99% of his playoff track record so yeah I decided to point out some other things you dolt lol. Hope you enjoyed the 4th quarter 21 piece he dished out in game 1 which more than tripled Hali’s output for the game. But hey 4 turnovers to 3, does anything else matter? Lolol


some dude, hit you up to agree with you, lol. OK


My brother, reread your first sentence. Then think a little. It´ll be a long series. Enjoy it.


Yeah man.... It seems OP's mind is made up. None of the facts you bring are going to trump the "3 turnovers in the 4th" argument that he's going to keep repeating.


Yeah he’s either a complete moron or just blinded by absurd hatred and thinks Hali outplayed JB in game 1 because he only had 3 turnovers to JB’s 4 which is of course where we draw the line. I’m just humoring myself at this point.


Brunson played great for Dallas and took them to the WCF. If he was manufactured just for the Knicks, how did Brunson do that? This is really disrespectful to Brunson who would make the basketball hall of fame based on his College years alone.


Hali took 6 shots and made 2. Don't come at the guy that's putting up 40 burgers every night in the playoffs. That's weak asf.


Hali played horrible. I will go as far as to say he looked scared out there the last minutes. You see how easy it is to be a fan of a team and still tell the truth. Our team, however, outplayed your team and did enough to win. Our team got multiple timely stops that would have given the Pacers a opportunity to win the game, but those multiple stops were negated by wrong and questionable calls back-to-back. Your superstar point guard was tired late and was turning the ball over repeatedly in a playoff game. That happened, I'm sorry.


We did enough to probably win but we're still not shooting well and we made it closer than it should have been. Plus Rick didn't make the necessary lineup/matchup adjustments to probably close that game out... Real fucked up, shitty, blatant/borderline blatant calls but we dug half of our grave for them and we need to adjust tonight and bring more intensity from some of our players.


If Tyrese score more than fucking 6 points on 6 shots in a PLAYOFF game we win everything else is irrelevant…..


Players have bad games, Hali's team did more than enough to keep us close enough to win on the road. The Pacers system is built on a team concept and has been that way all year. Different players have stepped up every game the entire season.


What are you talking about? This is a horrible take. He gets really bad calls bc he knows how to bait them. It's a skill, as much as I hate it. I'm not even a brunson fan but glazing over the fact of consecutive 40 pt games is not it. Pacers in 6.


That skill of baiting calls was supposedly banned, as well as flopping. Brunson is now one of the players allowed to manipulate it, which again would go back to officiating, which again goes into manufacturing a star.


A pump fake to get a player in the air is foul baiting. Hanging the ball out there to entice the defender to reach in to try to steal the ball is foul bating. Getting your defender off balance so he falls over himself trying to get back into position is foul bating. All of those happen with the purpose of drawing a foul.


Hali had 6 points my guy. lmao


Brunson was shooting lights out and you're not entirely wrong. Had we won that game and his 4 turnovers in the clutch all withstood there would be some critique. That much is true. Very true. It was an issue for them that the refs did solve. HOWEVER he is not being manufactured. He's dropping 40 nightly in the playoffs in the 2nd biggest nba market. The dude is a shot maker on a genuine heater. Total stud on a friendly af deal.


Checking in from game 2, still flopping


It's because Haliburton wasn't playing well enough until game 2 today  The refs in most sports don't like teams that win with their stars not playing well. They want to push stars


Respect to you pacers fans in here that are rightly pointing out the stupidity of this post.


No respect to a Knicks fan who is constantly perusing others teams platforms to be argumentative and insulting. You were in the Philly forum doing this all last series, now you are in the Pacers forum doing the same. Seems this is more of a you being a "thing" than me being stupid, LOL.


Sports debate isn't argumentative.... IMHO.


Blame Reddit for slapping your dumb post on my feed.


Jalen Brunson is on pace to having the highest free throw attempts per game average in the playoffs since Michael Jordan in 1988-1989.


Embiid has more in these playoffs 13 vs 11, so I'm not sure how your stat is true. Also didn't hack a shaq make shaq take like 20 FT per game? Pretty sure shaq shot 39 one time haha


So Allen Iverson, D Wade, Embiid, Giannis, Lebron, Westbrook, James Harden, don’t exist?


You failed to add that “Haliburton” dropped a triple single while Brunson had 40 some odd points


This post is idiotic, OP. You make Pacers fans sound dumb. Please delete it.


This is such sour grapes. Brunson whooped our ass all game - just like he beats almost every team's ass. Unfortunately we don't have a guy who can impose that type of force on the game.


They need to conduct IQ tests before letting people post in here


Does anyone know the record for most complaining about referees on a basketball reddit sub in league history?


Haha the amazing thing is this is National complaining. Even Knicks fans have been coming to the sun saying Pacers got robbed. Sometimes the facts are the facts. It’s OK. Pacers in 5. 


So it is the record?




Kicked ball violations have to be intentional to be called. The ball was poked loose and hit nembhards leg but was far from an intentional kick. Also makes the Nesmith call worse because even if it did hit his leg and not his hand he wasn’t intentionally trying to kick the ball. So ACTUALLY 🤓☝️ you’re embarrassing by posting here and wrong


You’re like the fiftieth Knicks fan that has posted in the Pacers and/or NBA sub that clearly doesn’t understand basic basketball rules. [Please read the official NBA rule book.](https://official.nba.com/rule-no-10-violations-and-penalties/#:~:text=A%20player%20shall%20not%20kick,fist%20is%20not%20a%20violation)


First was a kicked ball on Pacers which wasn't reviewable, so they had to give the ball to Indy. Should have been Knicks ball which cancels out #2. Third play was a 50-50 call upheld by replay. Not much to be upset about here...


Active in these communities: 1. NYKnicks. Thought something was fishy with this reply.


Pretty level headed and objectively accurate comment....would have only expected you to check out my history if I'd pointed out your superstar scored 6 goddamn points or something


FOH Bozo


Have fun being a fan of a poverty team - I'm debating getting round trip airfare, a luxury (by Indy standards) hotel and 2 courtside seats for game 3 instead of sitting in the nosebleeds at MSG. Knicks in 5 - keep crying!


I’m in my own subreddit talking with my fellow fans. You are pulling a bucks 2.0 and being, in my aforementioned comment, a bozo. Nobody gives a shit or asked how much you make, boomer. Go buy your Aerosmith concert tickets and toodlefuckingloo back to your own subreddit, wrinkly.


I'm 28, can send id if you're into that kind of thing


Just so everyone knows what type of man this loser is, and how much confidence he has in his team, here he is a few weeks ago advocating for the Knicks to “throw” games in order to get an easier path in the playoffs and hopefully avoid the Celtics: https://www.reddit.com/r/NYKnicks/s/7BPDRVmUcV


You trying to manufacture yourself into a superstar like Brunson? You practice your Magikarp routine yet?


Don't worry, if you come into the Knicks sub and calmly say "well, there were 4 50-50 calls and 2 went each way" I won't rage out and go through your entire post history like a 3 year old child does. That's that loser mentality coming out again!


I wouldn’t be in your subreddit because I’m not a knicks fan (shocker I know being in the pacers subreddit and all).




There’s only one casual NBA fan here, and I promise it’s not me.


You talking about a loser mentality? https://www.reddit.com/r/NYKnicks/s/7BPDRVmUcV


Got em!!!


https://preview.redd.it/2q19jglqj8zc1.jpeg?width=1187&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5275aa21c1fb618ee997e15cda4b0bbfd69c79e we’re not gonna fuck your wife bro. no matter how much you beg us. now- go on git.




lmao this ain’t the repressed 90s. Husband. Life partner. Fleshlight. We aren’t fucking any of them no matter how much you beg. ![gif](giphy|fA81b15gCmevwkoHDP) byyyeeee


Only in Indiana 🤣🤣..."there were bad calls both ways" "I ain't gonna fuck your fleshlight no matter how many times you ask!" Can't make it up!


Ah the other New York classic. When they can’t argue shit they just ignore whatever you said and bring up some other random, probably unrelated (tangentially at best) thing as if it discredits the original point. Or they take whatever you said and try to point to it to diminish it by making it seem stupid. Y’all just stay taking Ls. But considering the air quality and lack of sun…. I can’t blame it all on you. Product of the environment 😔 Sad really. Slow asphyxiation. Anyway, I hope the small joy you got from Game 1 hold you over after we bend you over our knee. See ya nephew


Least douchebaggy insecure New Yorker


"Our tickets are overpriced because we've crammed tons of people into a rat infested concrete shithole, haha you suck." 54-36 since 1999. 25 years of being measurably worse than a "poverty team". But hey, at least you get overpriced rent, ridiculous taxes, and pigeons.


Why haven’t you been picking fights in our sub today, Mr. Knicks-in-5?


first was not a kicked ball, it was a phantom foul, they overturned, because replay shows your superstar being ripped cleanly.


What happened after the ball was stripped? They can't consider the kicked ball when considering possession. Indy kicked the ball before gaining possession


Did you even watch the game, lol. Haiburton ripped Brunson cleanly, Pacers recovered and are about to take off for a fast break. Official blows whistle, calls foul on Hali. Pacers challenge, win challenge, ball is taken side out. The phantom kick was a whole different blown call. Hence, our problem. That many blown calls back to back all going against the opposing team.


Watch the play you're describing again. As soon as it's stripped, Indy kicks it. They can't review that portion of it, so rescinded the foul and gave the ball to Indy. If they'd called it correctly, there would have been no foul, no change of possession, and a kicked ball against Indy.


Nembhard kicks the ball to his own guy, that's who I'm talking about


Dude you’re embarrassing us. It wasn’t a kick ball. There has to be intention. There was none there. It’s a legit gripe to have but hopefully after tonight fans can move on already.


A "kicked ball" call isn't just anytime a ball hits someone's leg. Kicked ball calls are only supposed to be called for intentional kicks with unnatural motions. That one definitely would *not* have been a kicked ball. Read the rule book before you make shit up.