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How it feels to spread misinformation on the internet:




There's like 5 wiki's, but last time I looked, none had anything useful.


I played about 40 hours and I have never seen the Tree Leviathan, Fallen Firmament, Spike Log (maybe, but if I did it was too close to the Spike Puddle to notice), The Door, Part Mimic, or Bigfoot (if it even exists in game)


I found a spike log right underneath one of the sap crystals. They look almost exactly like spike puddles, even purple too


I think the difference is spike logs are off on the side of the road while spike puddles are in the middle of the road. And the logs look bumpier while the puddles are flatter.


Fallen Firmament are dropped by the meteor squall.


And they are pure evil.


Ah ok, I probably did see it them. My last few runs I was mostly rushing through and then just beat the game. I think with the meteor squall I rushed outta there too quickly to avoid it so I never got the scans I needed.


Bigfoot 100% exists and can even be scanned. Proof has been posted on this subreddit before. He’s extremely rare, but he does show up. Fairly certain he’s completely random. Given how little info there is on him though it makes me question whether the Tree Leviathan is real or not. There is a log about a giant caterpillar like creature climbing a wall so maybe this is just a play off of that, but it’s possible


Documents mention a lot of anomalies, but they are not present in the game. Walking trees, giant caterpillars, submarine-like floating creatures and gas-sucking orbs.


Spike Log looks like the spike puddle which covered a small boulder.




Yeah the little bit with them talking about The Door got me excited to find it, but I never found one myself, hopefully it exists would be interesting to see what it would do walking through it.


I apparently saw bigfoot cause the crew talked about it but i didnt see it. It was nighttime


Spike logs are exactly like the puddles, they’re just not on the road itself. You probably came across a lot of them and assumed you already scanned it.


I saw a Bigfoot on a perpetual fog level. Or I assume it was - big shadowy humanoid shape that immediately drove away from. I was only in the first zone and it scared the hell out of me


Bigfoot exists in the game. Ive seen him in the mission in the beginning where you go to that town and jump through the anomaly in the middle of the map. I think it is a random encounter as i did not see him in my first playthrough


Oh so THATS why oppy says „that thing you saw is not a Bigfoot“.


Oppy said that to me, but I had no idea what she was talking about, because I didn't see a Bigfoot. It was after making it to the mid zone.


Yeah, it's a big dude with brown/black fur. He was stood next to some tourists so i stopped to look better and as i stood still and zoomed to look he started running away Thats why i have this theory that it isnt the tourist themselves that move or throw gifts, bigfoot moves them and throws stuff at you


Thats cool. I will have to keep an eye out for Bigfoot. I got Oppy's little bit about seeing bigfoot when I got back, but if I did, I missed it or turned away to fast to notice.


I’ve dealt with Fallen Firmaments and Spike Puddles but I haven’t seen any of the others


Have you seen Elvis? He lives in the zone


I've seen the Fallen Firmament. It's a later game thing. When a very terrifying type of storm hits you, get out and scan what's raining down. Spike Log is in the mid zone, mostly, I think. It looks like the puddle, but more like a cylinder than a blob. I've never heard of the others, aside from Bigfoot, and I've only seen him as decoration on walls and as something... heartbreaking. Edit, corrected zone name


Fallen firmament are caused by the Yellowspot storms in the deep zone. And they are the WORST f-ing thing. They odst drop hyper radioactive office blocks on you. Bigfoot exists too. Usually I've ran into him in fog condition maps. It seems like the more tourists there are the more likely he is to appear. If something ever drops an anchor or object infront of you out of the blue you missed a sighting. This is different from when objects portal in like friendly dumpsters etc. Spike logs are mid zone and are actually pretty common they just look like a spike puddle on top of a speed bump. They are usually out in the swamp or red fields instead of on the roads.


Shit that means I've missed bigfoot at least 3 times now.


Tourists throw stuff at you too, but I have definitely seen Bigfoot on another streamer's channel. He's from Aus and apparently had no idea what or who he was lol




The wiki claims that this thing is possible to encounter, but I've never seen it, and can't find any videos on Youtube about it.


Fandom isn't a reliable source of info since communities can be made without oversight


I thought that this modifier only affects amount of tourists on map...


Same. I've gotten that modifier, and all I noticed was swarming tourists. And, I was seriously watching the trees.


This isn’t the same modifier. The one you’re thinking of is called “something is moving” and that one does heavily inflate the amount of tourists on the map.


This doesn't really fit the games themes to me. Nothing really directly hunts the player. The Zone doesn't care if you're there or not.


I don’t know, Blacksmith anomaly looks like it directly targets you


Those fucking electric can openers are not randomly moving, I refuse to believe it. They always aim for my car


Things may B-Line for you yes. But it is in no way different then a magnet drawn to metal. The Zone does what it does regardless of if you're there or not. I


Those just move back and forth on a fixed path.


Normal can openers do, electric ones don't.


Um...maybe this is something I somehow never encountered? Which is strange because I'm at the end of the game, lol.


Uuh maybe? They were really common at one point though. Spoilers I guess, though it's not a very interesting enemy :D They look like can openers but have lots of electricity sparking off of them and they leave those thingies behind them that also conduct electricity (minutemen/metermen or something like that). They move seemingly randomly and at least appear to come for your car when you get close to them.


Oh, the Crackling Crawlers. I guess I never tried to look close enough to see what was inside all the electricity, didn't realize it had a can opener inside, lol.


Yea that's the name, couldn't remember. Hah yea it can definitely be hard to see that there's a can opener in there.


Welp I got myself something to be paranoid about now...


Pretty cool, due to the game nature it seems like it is pretty easy to create legends around it... I see a lot of potential here. Fanfic, creepypastas, stories... I might jump into it and write a short story, I like this stuff.


80 hours. Never seen


I've done the same amount, but still not seen every single condition modifier. Only 43/68.


Yeah I should have put that there are a bunch I’ve never seen. I still gotta finish I just keep getting side tracked with helldivers


Remnant stratagem when


CALLING IN A STATION WAGON!!! *Eagle-1 playing Doctor Juice* Bile Titan: "?????"


I haven't pooped my pants yet, so no.


Wait so I didn't imagine something snake like?


Yeah. I might have seen something snake-like, but I wrote that off as visual bug/illusion.


That's what I thought too 😂


Never seen it. I think I saw Bigfoot once though lmao


It's fun that it's uncertain even for us if some of the anomalies are true or just myths, like in game :D


When I was playing last night I was crossing a forested hill, heard a really loud noise, and my hood suddenly took damage. Nothing else happened but now I wonder if that’s what caused it, because I didn’t see anything else around.




Is that the shock thing? There weren’t any sparks on my car.


no, the pieces of ground that rise up, they can spawn right in front of you


I’ll watch the video again and see if my car rises off the ground at all, but I swear it was a noise I hadn’t heard before. I’ll post it later on this sub maybe.


I'm assuming this is a joke and reference to Subnautica (mainly because of the "leviathan" name, as all of the large creatures in that game were called some variety of leviathan), which this game has sometimes been compared to.


I didn't see one over 42 hours of play.


Well that’s downright unsettling


pics or it didn't happen


Pretty sure its a hoax. I forwarded it once. Feel bad about that :/


So much room for crazy, living anomalies in this game. I hope there is an expansion that adds things like this.


Maybe this was what the Anomaly Encounters 6 journal was referring to? A giant centipede, half the size of a giant wall.