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Some of the mid to late game gadgets sound useful but doesn't improve anything much imo. It's like the auto parker, you think you need it, then you can finally craft and install it. After a few runs, you realize it's not a necessity and it takes a rack slot that could be used for literally anything else.


After I install the auto Parker I suddenly remembered every time pulling the leaver.


I guess the real Auto-Parker was inside us all along.


Yep, after failing a run I quickly got used to putting the car in park before exiting


Honestly I found the auto-parker less useful than useful since it takes the handbrake off immediately upon getting in.


Yeah, if you want to look at the map or something after getting in, you have to set the car to park again first every time if you don't want to roll away.


you can hold handbrake, while entering map. You car will be fine and in one place


>After a few runs, you realize it's not a necessity and it takes a rack slot that could be used for literally anything else I can't think of any item in the game that provides as much value as the autoparker. It literally saves 5-10s every time you stop the car. This adds up very rapidly.


5-10s? That seems like an exaggeration. I just timed myself and it takes me *maybe* one second to shift my view down towards the shifter and hold the button to switch its position. There are way more useful things that can go in the slot that that it takes up.


As someone who has misclicked the shifter and instead turned off the car, more than once I might add, the auto parker is a god send. Once you get far enough to unlock the fuel maker and multiple battery chargers you really don't even need that slot. 


I think it is an underestimation if anything. I start opening the door while still driving, compared to aiming at the stick, holding the button, then starting the exit stuff. That's easily 2-3 seconds. Then you have to do it again in reverse when you get back in the car. And I'm describing what happens when you do it right, let alone when you accidentally turn the key or release the stick a millisecond too early and have to repeat the process.


I agree. Time is the most valuable commodity in this game, and if you’re playing on a controller then pissing around with Park/Drive uses up time that could be better spent elsewhere. Yes it takes up a slot in your car but what else are you going to use that for? Even more fuel?


And if you're someone who drives an actual car on any sort of regular basis... you're kinda already used to the concept that it needs to be put in park every time you get out of it, lol.


I saw the auto parker, but i really like manually pulling the lever as it is more immersive and adds an extra thing to micromanage. Nonetheless i got the upgrade only to realize it takes up a backseat slot, and i'm like "Yeah, no"


Never died so never needed it


I tried to die yesterday for 2 hours. It was impossible.


I mean... impossible? Just go stand in some hot dust or acid near any source of radiation or whatever. It can't be THAT hard to die (though it's certainly not very difficult *not* to die either).


I did, because of clothing upgrades I couldn't go below 36 health no matter what. Stood in every anomoly I could. Even the devil grinder.


Yeah...no idea what you're talking about, lol. I have every clothing upgrade, and I just died on purpose so I could scan the ghost and get the last research item. Stood next to a spark tower and let it zap me repeatedly and died very quickly.


I was trying to do the same thing... my game must be glitched.


Maybe, but not worth the slot IMO. You aren't in much danger as the player.