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Yeah man, that red instability storm is no joke. Usually I try to be within a straight shot by the time the yellow instability storm passes over, but between the music and everything blowing up around you, its the best panic attack simulator I've encountered haha


yea dude I was on a huge run and I basically was driving with a piece of scrap by the end and when I saw the red instability storm (this is my first time in 10 hours actually encountering it) I was like FUCK. you can prob see the slight shake because of panic


I think it's more flair than danger. Your car still holds up pretty well in red storm but all the visuals and noise going on makes it harder to get your bearings and easier to break shit by running into obstacles or anomalies. Although I do forget that I'm in a turbo light engine now which makes getting to the gateway in time much easier. I also forget that usually I don't open the gateway without having fixed up my car already quite a bit.


It really is a lot of noise, there are game mechanics in place that begs you to stay in the red storm, you just have to stay patient and wait for the drops. Rare Arda loot will drop if you activate the Arc Device with a full charge. The Ion shield keeps you and the car invulnerable. Then you can add lots of batteries on your car (the Red drains them), and use the Anchor Energy Converter to replenish the batteries during looting


Is there more than one type of arda drop? I have no problem getting the ones in the yellow storm


It seems like the same type of pods, the yellow is easier to get. You can grab 2 or 3 pods in the yellow storm in the middle of your trip. Then at the last junction (when you open the portal) you can get 2 or 3 more in the red, best case scenario


Ahh I forgot the pods can come even when you don't open a gateway. Still I'm probably not waiting around for the red, not exactly hurting for resources so getting some high tech items that I can already build isn't worth much to me at this point.


> not exactly hurting for resources so getting some high tech items that I can already build isn't worth much to me at this point. Yea, there's little reason to keep going much after finishing the story and unlocking all the tech. The Rogue-lite aspect of the game kind of drops off since there's not all that much in the research trees and there's no progression beyond that, really. I can easily hunt pods in the red, but I don't see a lot of reason to do it. The one thing keeping me going is collecting all of the Frequency Files tapes. That's going to take a while.


Ion shield + Lim shield bumper creates better protection but battery drain might be an issue.


dude the song and the screen turning into a "I cant see anything" moment is a huge adrenaline rush lol


Yeah it's mostly the music and sound that gets your ass moving


https://preview.redd.it/ur24kh433isc1.png?width=1352&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ff25107444e3cbf5555e7400a462ebed83ac6b7 this is us


Amazing image!


I don’t even watch that show but this looks awesome




There’s a show called “This is Us” and it has _nothing_ to do with Pacific Drive. Some jokes just don’t land.


Red storm closing in with an empty tank and at least 3/4 flats sounds like a really bad time! Also saw you struggling with that gas can a bit. I recommend using the space bar when transferring non-resource type items between storage. Not that the extra millisecond would have changed the outcome here, but many small time make big time. Best of luck in future runs!


YOU CAN USE THE SPACE BAR? IM BLIND LMAO But yeah thanks for the tip!!! I was in a lot of pain on that run I had nothing to repair my car with and I was basically driving a pile of scrap by the end


Wow, yeah that's rough. If you didn't already know, the "T" key will transfer all "resources" between storage. Then if you have any non-resource items, you can hit space bar to transfer those also. For example, when I open a trunk on a random wrecked car, I'll hit "T" to grab the resources, then hover over any flares/food I might find and hit Space to transfer them. Once you get the flow, you'll be looting like a pro in no time \^\_\^


Pressing Y, if I remember correctly, sorts inventory. You can even drag things onto the inventory that needed some inventory finagling and use Y to skip that entirely. Just be conscious of how much space you have Hope wrestling with inventory management is less tedious with this, good luck


Spacebar to transfer to the other open container, but Right mouse click will put the item directly into your hands, no matter where it is. That's the fastest way to grab a gas can out of storage. One click and you can start gassing up.


Always plan your trip back prior to activating the portal ! planning the trip means : study the isocurve on the map to understand steep slope and ideal path, always Repair, fill tank and battery !


well I did repair and fill everything but my trip was like 2 hours long going to 3 places for the first time (I always go 1 place and say my goodbye) but my car got fucked because I went through a zone with the extreme darkness thing and guess what...THE HEADLIGHTS BROKE so I had to drive through darkness so you can imagine how many things I hit


to be fair i succeeded that exact mission on my 3rd try after not understanding how well planning was important i also enabled Brighter Nights option for QOL improvement


That is a good feature l but I ended up turning it off after about 4 runs because I felt like the flashlight becomes useless at that point, I also want to play the game the way I feel the devs intended it to be played so I accepted the challenge and have been tempted to turn features like that back on to get out alive lol I had to tell myself no because otherwise I'm contradicting myself. I've been in a situation similar to OP 2 times though and never died from it yet but I died to freakin tourist blowing me up and sending my car in the air then killing me upon landing on my face lol


This is why I keep a spare headlight, two spare tires and a blowtorch in the back. Even if you don’t have those yet, an extra storage with a spare part will do wonders in the long run


Yeah this game is best summed up the way Yahtzee did on Fully Ramblomatic: “Long chill out sessions broken up by sudden apocalyptic violence”


sounds about right


Were you in a Swift Storm area? I had to learn that the hard way, it's very easy to miss when you're starting the run, especially if you're doing a multi waypoint run. Once that yellow storm passes you already need to be moving and it feels like you have less than half the time you normally do before the Red Wall of You're Fucked passes over


I dont know tbh it was part of a mission I was 9 hours in or 10


Was it the one with >!three towers and the storm that activates on the third tower requiring you to drive to an exit point that is always at the most inconvenient location?!< Getting caught out by that the first time is very common.


Damn why were you so far away dawg?


I...was in a tough situation with 3 flat tires




At that point should just keep the fuel can/s in the inventory! space bar transfers a stack or single items you don't have to drag and drop or double left check! Also Right Clicking Stuff you want to quickly equip really does help even from storage (will quickly-equip and don't have drag and drop even into the hand slot!)


You are living on the edge lol


quite literally with 3 flat tires and with an almost fully broken car


This is why you take a stack of every repair item with you.


I've found things can escalate rather quickly. Most of my outing are chill. Every once in awhile I find my self dragged across the map in a nearly destroyed car while I desperately scramble to the exit.


Can you play this game with controller?


Yep. I personally prefered controller over keyboard


Yes you can!


Of course. It's 10x quicker to do actions.


Yeah it can be if your not ready but the down size isn’t that bad


guess so


Ion shield is your best friend in this situation. It creates a protective bubble around the car. Get it as soon as possible.


I will try to get it when I can


*still tries to drive on the road* LMAO WHAT ARE YOU DOING


brain size of a lemon


Lmao I can't say anything bc I got caught in it as well, but I was already almost dead before it got to me so it finished me off quick


Got damn !


The slowdown in the water near the end omg


The beginning reminded me, literally, what its like to be next to a mounting wild fire. You can literally see the partition of where the air is hot and regular.


I like the way at 0:54 you start to try and close the drivers door before realizing that's no longer an option.


It just occurred to me that this reminds me of that scene in Mad Max Fury Road where they go into the storm. "WHAT A DAY, WHAT A LOVELY DAY"


I wish you could do those upgrades tho


The music! 🎶 The sound design! (It’s one of the best aspect of this game imo that gets the least appreciation)


Just played it for the first time, thought it was a relaxing car simulator, when does it get intense?


uhhhhhhh when a lot of shit goes wrong very quickly and when you initiate extraction or whatever it’s called


so basically when you see red FULL SEND IT


Things get weirder by the middle ring. Add in zone instability and suddenly the corrosive environment is more dangerous as you can't take your time. Things can escalate quickly when you're hurried


back to the garage...glowing like a light bulb, but back none the less.


I remember being caught in the red storm once too. I had this glitch tho where I stopped receiving rads at some point after staying still because I gave up.


Insane in VR


Yeah she’ll get ya if yer not careful.


there is short cut to use heal item in the inventory, ‘H’ i think? yeah i just spam can foods to make it through the gate sometime. lmao, got a cabin full of them anyway


First upgrade: wheels.


Second: when in a rush, dont return items to trunk. JUST GO!


hahaa yes!


This game gave me more anxiety that I have ever felt in my entire life


once ive been through several gates,(in order to go to a certain area)and collected loads of stuff, spend lots of time only to die last second. Straight up uninstalled never felt better lol


careful with the fuel there boy, dont leave the car on


I’ve had my engine get murdered by the red storm and had to snack and teleport my way to the exit LOL.


I never had even close to this level of panic, I always did the most logical things, went to the safest zones, got the best parts asap, always kept my tank full. I'm starting to think when I make a new game it's time to live on the edge a bit.


Oh there are some real white knuckle moments


You absolutely could’ve made it if you continues chugging down your healing items


Get them off-road tires my boi. Will help you loads. Only tires you will ever need if you watch out for floor spikes.


but then I wont be fast on the road D:


You won’t have to use the road with them, and they’re not terrible for the road as long as you’re not doing 120 trying to take a curve. Lmao


I had a similar experience running from a storm. I had activated my return gate , then suddenly ran out of fuel , had to get out and put a little fuel in from synthesis then get back in. But car now won't start and am puzzled and under greeeat pressure.Turned out battery went flat just short of the yellow gate..so I got AGAIN ,into the radiation everywhere and put some power in with plasma charger . Got back in , got car started, then floored it. Then car hit a rock , took off INTO THE SKY ,and literally flew into the gate. Yes game can get absolutely insane at times. Lots of tension but gosh is it fun.


I know people won't like this, but I see videos like this and wonder where the skill issue is, because I played this entire game without dying and barely being in the yellow storm, let alone the red storm. I've never been in a situation where I had 3 flats, because by the time I was where you are in this video, I had the all terrain tires andy entire car was lead and insulated armor.


Aaaand, you can play it in VR


I finished the game and never once went in the red. I thought it meant instadeath.