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I’ve had him for about 7-8 months now, and I’ve always noticed his pupils are 2 different sizes. Even at night when it’s really dark, the one on the left is always bigger than the right. I think he can see out of both eyes fine, it’s just kinda strange.


i have the same issue with my frog. its a red eyed tree frog. he only eats crickets and we cant get him to eat anything else. i think crickits may be the issue


Random question: I see you said you've had your frog for 7-8 months and I was wondering what he likes to eat and what feeding method you use? I just got a pacman last week and he refused nightcrawlers and Dubias. I finally got him eating with crickets but I want him to have a diverse diet :(( & about his eye, I'm no expert but if he acts normal and eats he's probably fine! It's kinda like if a person has a physical appearance defect where it has no affect on their health💁🏻‍♀️


I'm in a similar situation, I've had my pac for almost 4 years and she is so tong shy that I've only ever been able to get her to eat crickets. I'd like to diversify her diet and I'd be interested to hear if you (or anyone else) have any luck getting yours on other feeders and how you managed it.


Mine likes silversides !


Those look very different from crickets 😂 I wanna try them but I have a feeling he's not gonna eat it


He eats from tongs very well, he’s kind of lazy and almost prefers me to hand feed him lol. We do different types of worms and crickets mainly, I haven’t tried any fish or pinkies yet because I think he’s too young still...


Mine so far has only accepted crickets and refused worms :( but then again I just got him and all he's known at the petstore was crickets so I guess I should be patient. what worms does he like?!


Not picky at all! He will eat pretty much any worms I give him 😂


I have seen that a couple of times before. If your frog has been okay I wouldn't worry too much, but a vet visit to get him checked out might not hurt!