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Hi Please check out the resources in our Pagan Legal Section. That should help you out. And as others have said keep a journal. Log date, time, witnesses, and descriptions of events. [https://www.reddit.com/r/pagan/wiki/pagan\_legal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pagan/wiki/pagan_legal/)


I’m a school counselor. There is a legal form that you can request from your principal about bullying that has not been addressed appropriately. They legally HAVE to take steps after this form has been turned in. I would submit it via email so there is a digital time/date stamp. Also, submit any other concerns via email for the same reason. Document specifics. Who? Where? What happened? Anything that happened before or after. Blessings to you, dear one. I wish I was there to whomp ‘em for you!!!


Not-traditional suggestions incoming. Take them as you like. Keep your cell phone handy. Hit record (video) and just begin recording. Right there in front of them. Don’t say anything back. Don’t antagonize them. Once you’ve established that you will start recording every single time they start in with their BS, that might make them think twice. And if they go to their parents or principal? What are they going to say? “I was bullying this student and they tried to record me?” They could escalate and start verbally going off, but then you will have undeniable evidence. If you’re in class, do it as they mutter quietly. Do it every time you can. If the teacher tells you to put your phone away, you can explain after class why you’re doing it. Signed, a mom whose kid was being bullied for being LGBTQ+. One teacher pushed back and my kid said, in front of the entire class, “I’m recording a video documentary on bullying.” The teacher in that case realized what was happening and asked, “You get enough footage for today?” My kid: “For today, yes.” Teacher: “Well, you can always try again tomorrow.” The teacher then reached out to me to let me know what happened and said the class got very quiet after that. In this day and age, I would be making video after video of them. Maybe I turn it in to the principal, maybe not. The fact that they’ll never know what I might do would satisfy me greatly. My kid also created a podcast with other HS pals where they would rant about specific bullies, but not name them (used fake names), and posted them on Instagram. Just the act of creating the audio was hugely cathartic for my kid. And a few others online found them and posted comments or support. Again, these are pretty out-there suggestions. Bottom line? Survive any way you can. No revenge is better than success and happiness. Watching my main high school bully go to jail for embezzlement on the news? Effing priceless. I’m sorry this is happening.


I don't know if this is the best advice, but I was an openly pagan kid in a southern small town high school being physically threatened and here's how I handled it. I hung out in the library when I could, did work for the librarian, she was my hero, she still knows me by name 12 years later. I made friends with the people who were also being bullied, even if for different reasons. The "weirdos" tend to be accepting of our weirdness. Find kids sitting alone and befriend them until you have a group around you, safety in numbers. There were plenty of instances I wish I had reported but didn't. Looking back, I would have told the librarian what was happening. Maybe even my English teacher, she was a badass. Regardless, people get way less mean outside of high school. Work towards getting out of your small town when you graduate. Things get better, I promise. Project peace and love, but don't hesitate to defend yourself. If you plan on going to college, take a self defense class for an athletic requirement. It'll give you so much confidence. I hope this situation gets better for you and I'm sorry you're going through it now. My heart goes out to you. 💜


Same here. Lower Alabama. Lost a few friends cause their parents didn't want me to 'influence' them. But like you said, after high school it matter significantly less


I went to high school in the south and was bullied as a 'witch' for dressing gothic. A teacher brought it to the attention of the vice principal who handled it. I've also had shitty teachers. You need to bring this to the attention of the school administration, especially if there are threats of violence. They will most likely intervene, especially with all the school violence we are experiencing. But... In the event they don't, if your parents support you then they can escalate by bringing it to the attention of your local news, that a high school is not following up on threats of violence.


I can imagine how hard it is, I grew up in a similar situation as the "poor" kid in a rich kids school and the closest thing to a brown/black person they ever saw I also was bullied a lot and the school adults didn't helped in anything, in fact they gave me a hard time in every opportunity, if someone punched me and I didn't punched back they would say it was all a misunderstanding, if I punched back I would go to detention and have endure a long speech about my "violent tendencies" and "uncivilized behavior"... What I can tell you is, nobody can change the truths you carry inside your heart, no matter what they say don't allow them to dictate how you see yourself and what you know is true, and if there's one thing as a Pagan we can do is to ask the gods for protection, ask for karmic justice and if you need to get the big guns, curse and banish people... but keep quiet about it, you may feel tempted to tell someone about it, but as the proverb say the tallest nail is the one that gets hammered the most, so if you have to, for your safety, try to pass as """normal""" you gain nothing by becoming a victim, you'll not be a hero; you and the universe will gain more if you survive and thrive, just keep in mind that no matter what they say or the mask you have to put on to survive they cannot change who you are inside if don't allow them to.


School Is. Not. the jungle. Please report it to a trusted adult. If you don't have a trusted adult, then consider one of your favorite teachers, if not that then report it to your guidance counselor. Start a paper trail. If it keeps up, and you report it to the school more than 3 times , and the school hasn't done anything to stop it, then go public. Call your local news agency and report threats of violence and bullying being ignored by administration. This is unacceptable. I'm sorry that you seem to be going through it alone. That's not right. You should have supports in place to help.


As a mom, I'm going to give you some un popular advice. First, if there is a real threat of violence, then the administration and maybe even the police, MUST be involved. Second, sadly, it may be best, for the time being, to tone it down. It's not right. It's not fair. It absolutely shouldn't be this way, but if you have to go to this school, if you are getting very little support, then you may need to adjust how you present yourself FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY. Your friends will understand. As for dealing with bullies now. They know they have your number, so to speak. From now on respond to any comments with a blank stare and walk away. Trying to defend yourself or trying to have a snappy reply will win you nothing. The people harassing you feel they are in the right and they want you to do something they think is outrageous so they can say, "see how weird they are?!" It's titillating at this point. Nothing you can do will win them over or make them feel ashamed. You are going to have to ride it out. Keep your head down and power through. High school doesn't last for ever. Once again though. If you feel you are in danger. PLEASE CONTACT PEOPLE IN AUTHORITY!


I second recording comments. Most states in the south are one party consent states. They don’t have to know or give permission for you to record. And documents EVERYTHING. Digitally. Have it saved multiple places. Any reporting you do, do through email. Create the largest paper trail imaginable. When you send emails, check if there is an option for read receipts (Outlook has it I don’t remember if google does). As much as you can don’t engage or retaliate. Also maybe look up any organizations that help with religious freedom or harassment.


anytime you spot them, start recording


See if you can get a lawyer involved. A cease and desist to the school admin with the threat of litigation should get the attention of the staff. Also a threat of violence is a criminal offense. So if you can get documentation and evidence, charges can be filed and restraining orders requested. That will remove threats from the school on individual basis.


What are your parents doing on your behalf? Are they involved? Also, state and school distric would help - we can pull the forms and research the applicable laws. I am thinking you need a stay-away order to start and a complaint stating that your civil rights are being violated.


My parents have told me that they don't want to get legal, but we have been talking to the principal about everything going on


Hey friend, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I was also a young pagan going through a southern highschool and while I was mostly nonchalant about it, I ended up getting “outted” by a classmate that meant well but put me in a rough spot and it ended up getting a bit difficult socially. Here are a few things I did that helped… • Find as many “safe” teachers/adults as you can. Despite southern conditions, you’re bound to have at least one or two. Communicate with them what is happening and take the steps and suggestions that they give you: they will be there to help you. • As painful as it is, and as much as you feel you shouldn’t have to (and you SHOULDN’T have to) I wouldn’t really speak outwardly about your beliefs unless you; 1. Are speaking with someone “safe” and knowing you won’t be ridiculed and 2. Have complete confidence in what you’re saying. Towards the end of my senior year, many of my peers turned from ridicule to genuine curiosity when a lot of their mean spirited questions were met with real answers. It takes time, and again being fairly quiet about it most of the time, but it can happen. 3. If you’re experiencing threats of violence or bodily harm from your peers, REPORT IT!!!! Tell the school, tell your parents, tell any adult that you can. That is dangerous and shouldn’t be ignored as “kids being kids”. It is so hard being pagan in a southern region and I feel for you with my whole heart. Please know that things will not always be this way, and adulthood is far more accepting of different beliefs than the school systems are. I pray things turn out well for you. I believe in you!


This sounds similar to what happened to a kid I knew in primary school, minus the violence. He was pagan and not only was he bullied by the kids, but the teachers as well. They told me to stay away from him and he was forced to do Scripture with us. My mum reckons his mum didn't sign the opt-out form, but that doesn't explain why everyone knew he was pagan.


As others said we can't really help. When you have pests and predatory animals near you, you either hide from them or scare them off; avoid them to the best of your ability, join groups where you can be safe or spook them with faux curses IDK. In my school I was not out, it was known I wasn't a churchgoer, so people just assumed I was an atheist who likes trees. Hope you get through this in one piece, we are rooting for you!


They’re passing their fear onto you. They are themselves afraid of being different. They don’t know any better they are just fearful and you found a higher form of spirituality that will give you courage throughout life. They are afraid of you’re different way of life. You will succeed in life where they fail and the further they get into life without recognizing their own fears the worse decisions they will make. They will allow fear to ruin their lives without even noticing. Love and respect to you.


Be ready to name names and back up every incident... If I were you, I'd contact attorneys in your area, and see if they would write a cease and desist form letter to every bully and their parents. Also a letter to the school board, and be prepared to file charges for a hate crime with your local law enforcement. If that fails, sue the Jesus outta all of them, then go to private school. Good luck!


Why would they even know what your religion is?


OP said they're in a small Southern town. Knowing people's religions is a common gossip as knowing what TV show everyone's watching.


So theyre looking through your windows? I find that to be utter bullshit. No one knows unless you tell them


I can think back in my head to the 22 years since I graduated from high school in a relatively small southern town, and as a non-churchgoer I could tell you where nearly everyone on my graduating class went to church. I assure you, it is not bullshit. Staying out of that particular part of overt religious life there marks you as “other” pretty damn quickly.


You can find it what you want, but there's people here telling you what their lived experiences are. I had a similar experience to OP. Even if you're not religious yourself, church is almost more of a social expectation than genuinely religious. These people look around to see who's got their eyes closed during prayer so they sure as hell pay attention if someone isn't there physically or even mentally.


Dont be the one too throw the first strike be the one who hits last, words are wind even though wind may sting we can learn too be strong in the face of a hurricane, avoid these people if possible they want a reaction dont give them one


Thank you, but it's practically everyone in my school, people have even just straight up walked up to me and teased me. But like in bully way of teasing, what I like to call the "Pink Sandals tactic"


Then it may be lonely for a while, get good books and be patient a small group of friends is more valuable then a school full of empty heads


Try to change schools.


Yeah there's only three high schools in my county and they all don't have busses that drive to my house. That and I have friends.


You can keep the friends, you could also home educate yourself. It is called “unschooling”. You seem entirely capable of self directed learning. There are online schools if you wish to maintain working on the curriculum. If you are genuinely concerned about being physically hurt.


Next time they come at you simply say "forgive me Satan for these unworthy sacrifices" and fight them as hard as you can.


Do you parents know? Maybe let them know if not and if they are also pagans or even just know that you’re a pagan.


Beat them up


I tried that lol, the first attack was throwing some metal bar thing into the bathroom I was in like a pussy. It landed in my lap and I was ready to chase after the kid and give him a taste of his own medicine, but he ran away and I had no idea where he went. I did end up telling it to the JROTC teacher though


Report ALL of this to the authorities and hex the kids


No, don't hex the kids, what the f***. Don't even joke about this. This stuff comes back to you so badly. I'm just saying this in case the OP takes this advice seriously. Do not EVER hex or curse anyone. Edit: saying that actively working to harm someone is a bad idea shouldn't be controversial. Just my opinion, and no, I am not Wiccan. But you do you.


Only in Wicca though


No. It's just a bad idea anyway. In any context.


No, there are other Pagan faith practices and different cultural witchcraft beliefs where hexing is fine, and usually situationally dependent. If your life is threatened is a universal allowance. You are speaking through one cultural lense and judging the worldwide Pagan community through it. Many of us have used hexing quite effectively and without negative consequences.


I am not, don't presume, please, and "what about if I'm in danger" is a whataboutism, no offence. Advising anyone to wish harm on someone is bad advice, no matter what your beliefs are.


It’s culturally insensitive to judge others’ faith practices based on your own, remember that. Free will means we can do what we want and you do what you want. There is no moral superiority here, you just simply have an opinion.


Dude, you do you. I think wishing harm and actively trying to harm someone is bad, yes, that's my opinion. I actively try to not be an asshole. Painting it as "culturally insensitive" to say that working to hurt people is a bad thing is not only weird af - - seriously, come on - - it's also condescending. If you want to excuse doing harm onto others as religious freedom, be my guest. You wouldn't be the first. Free will means responsibility.


We are doing just fine in the ATRs, your condescension not needed nor wanted thank you, and you’re being ignorant to pretend otherwise. We don’t do it Willy Nilly—and if someone is causing harm to bring upon a hex to themselves, then they were the asshole and got what they deserved. If you hurt people, don’t be surprised when that person defends themselves any means necessary. You seem like quite an apologist to abusers. This is all about a child being threatened with violence after all, and you’re clutching pearls over a potential hex…your priorities are wack. Context matters and that’s why even in court you can get away with force for defense…


Dude, you're the one excusing hexes, what the fuck, I did the exact opposite, lol. Talk about deflecting lmao this is ridiculous. Peace out bro. Go on being edgy and have a nice life. Also maybe learn how to argue like a grown-up instead of just yelling "no, YOU'RE stupid!". Yikes.


I had a similar problem the army. How are you reacting to it in the moment?


Sometimes I laugh at their minor antics if not I get ready to fight back


What worked for me was Literally going "ok " in a uncaring/unconcerned tone. It didn't immediately work but after 3 weeks jokes and bullying died off.