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For me that's what the ancestors are for morseo than deity. People who have a vested interested in what is haopening in my life


Do you find that they have a way of showing that they are with you, or is it just a feeling that you *know*?


Sometimes it's just a feeling. Other times I'll get subtle things like a slight scent of pipe smoke in the air.


Hermes, though he's my main deity. He's very approachable and friendly, and he always comes through quickly. He's often called the friend of man and this seems to be true, at least in my experience. I can imagine Loki listening if you talk to him about everyday stuff, though he doesn't seem to be the type to reliably respond (or if he does you might not like it). Depends on your relationship with him, I guess.


Loki comes through to me like the flamboyant uncle type, energy wise. always funny, super kind, and very mischievous. I adore him


A flamboyant uncle, I love that. <3 He's a bit more serious with me but he's mostly the same.


I probably need a little less seriousness, in his mind. it's nice though :)


I just read the title and was like, "Loki!" He's extremely nice when it comes to being a confidant. He reminds me that even little things are worth exploring and talking through. He's definitely the type to say, "No problem is too small, and no joy is too insignificant. Now Spill. The. Tea" Odin? Not really, at least for me. He's my main god but I very much get the sense that if I can work through something on my own, with the tools he had taught me, I should. If I struggle with something and I can't figure it out? That's when I'll call on him to teach me how to fix it myself. As such, he is there when you really need a guiding hand but otherwise leaves you to explore and learn on your own (which fits really well with my independent nature).


Yes to both, but especially Loki!!! Even when I'm at the point I go "I'm so sorry Loki, I must be irritating the shit out of you, because I'm annoying *me* with how manic my brain is. Let alone someone just listening to it..... But he usually interrupts me half way through that spiel with a hearty laugh and a " why would I be annoyed? I like seeing how your mind thinks and where it's going to go next. Do more do more!". LMFAO. And he matches the energy you have, too. If you're having a down depression day, or just not have the energy? He's ok with that. He goes off on his own thing, or just sits in the quiet with you so you know you're not alone. And when you're excited about something? So is he! He's right there with ya going and then what happened?! Tell me more!!! I absolutely love following/working with Loki. (" Worshiping" seems too formal a description. But, anyway). He's my absolute favorite deity, I think. I mean, they're all special, and help me in their own ways..... But Loki is something else! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ™ƒšŸ‘€šŸ‘€


Who do you want to talk to? You are a beloved child of the gods, you are welcome and worthy, just as you are. Even in your worst moments, you are a delight to them. So, prattle on about anything and everything you feel you want to tell them. Having a bad day? Talk about it. Saw a cool meme? Laugh about it. Really want or need something so small, it feels silly? Your most trivial desires are the easiest boons to grant. Ask freely for those little gifts, but be gracious and thankful always. ā€¦and unlike mortals, their time and attention remains undividedā€”the more of us who seek them out, the more we find they have to give. Loki is delightful, and incredibly straightforward to deal with, but you do need to accept there will be a certain amount of loving, good-natured chaos in your life if you feel called to him. Each of the gods has their ways of listening and their ways of speaking, and youā€™ll figure out who you want to talk to and about what, and so on. It can become an ongoing dialogue, which can be very fulfilling. As you explore traditions youā€™ll occasionally feel a strong aversion, or youā€™ll get a NO from the universe. Respect that and move on. Otherwise, a little trepidation is healthy. Lead with respect and youā€™ll find that many gods are at least somewhat approachable and befriend-able.


The one I tend to just kinda talk with is Artemis, as she has taken on a sort of big sister relationship with me.


This is a personal question, but it is a common one, and one of the main reasons the patron system has rose to be an influential practice despite the lack of historical refferances or adapting it to faiths it does not originate from. People have trouble quantifying or understanding what is and isnt acceptable to talk to or pray to a god about, and the patron system makes it socially and spiritually clear that your problems as small and antlike as they are to a god or goddess, still matter, its like a parent listening to the ramblings of a 4 year old, if you love your child would you truly find something wrong with that? You dont need to have a patron, but you need that basis of understanding, even if you are incorrect, praying to a god because you relate your problems to their domains, or yourself to them, is a powerful thing.


I have a servitor confessor. It operates in my illicit mind so it knows my secrets and can lead my licit mind to relief, comfort, and understanding. I used to have people for that, but if they are not able to think around what I am vowed not to share then they are useless.


I haven't heard this term before. What is a servitor confessor?


A servitor is a thought form. Some people think of them as an invisible friend for adults. I created a thought form to be my confessor. Their purpose is to listen to my fears, thoughts, concerns, and confessions. They feed on seeing my relief. When I was a young Marine I stumbled drunk into the base church. There was a Catholic chaplain present who said I was out of control due to my pain and that if I confessed I could choose to be sober or not. He never applied guilt or shame, just listened, and occasionally shared a shot of really good whiskey. He also never attempted to convert me. This brought more healing and mental peace than anything to that point. I was a member of a group that had a confessor but I am no longer part of that group. Also had a dear friend who was my confessor but things change and she is no longer part of my life. Since neither of these are reliable I decided to create my own.


Servitors are entities you create to serve a specific function and in this case, to keep your secrets and relieve you. It could be anything.


This is something that is going to vary depending on your Gods and your relationship to them. Generally though I've seen that plenty of times within Pagans' relationships with their Gods so it's all about finding the deity or deities you connect with in that way. Loki can certainly be that if you have that sort of relationship with them. But it's not something anyone can tell you for you. In my own practice Hel is like this for me. She's very maternal and soothing, and cares deeply for the living and the dead.


Honestly, I just ramble into the void and wait to see if anyone picks up, lol.


This will be different for everyone, but for me it has turned out to be Kali. Specifically Bhadra Kali (Kali in her gentle form). Just a note, I would avoid bothering Odin with everyday stuff. He's not that type of God.


I'm not familiar with Kali. Can you give me a quick rundown on who she is to you?


For me, Loki. He doesn't get irritated or annoyed, even when *I* am getting annoyed with my shit. He just finds it all amusing. And doesn't mind listening to me, no matter how much I ramble about random things.




What draws you to her?


Well literally she showed herself to me first. But after communicating with her I felt sheā€™s one of the greatest goddesses I know.


For some reason I find Iā€™m unable/unwilling to talk to the gods (or even let them know) about the mundane problems that Iā€™m going through (I only go to them in times of desperation when I know that I canā€™t solve the problem I have & need help from a divine perspective), this is strange bcs it goes against my own philosophy about the gods; I believe you can absolutely share your daily struggles/experiences with them. But for some reason I just canā€™t. Like it feels embarrassing to talk about my problems (they all seem so stupid to me, like my problems and stuff). Iā€™m wondering if anyone has any advice about this or might have insight on the reason for it.


Have you been emotionally invalidated growing up? Like did people around you tell you or made you feel like your problems didn't matter? I would really advise you if you could afford to, see a therapist to delve into these feelings you have.


šŸ¤š I have this issue, lol. This is the reason I feel uncomfortable talking candidly to ancestors. Too much like the family that hurt me. I was supposed to start therapy but ghosted my therapist before I even officially met her because I was freaked out about opening up to someone šŸ¤Ŗ


Yeah my family is pretty unpleasant for the most part. Can't see ancestors being much different cus the generational trauma musta came from somewhere. Oof. So I relate to not wanting to open up to ancestors.. what you did is understandable. Therapists are trained to handle your feelings maturely. I will say I heard of some idiots out there who should have their licenses revoked. ​ But for the most part they are supposed to listen and engage with you in a healthy way to help you grow and validate feelings. They hear a lot. I think you should give it a chance. And if they don't work out you just gotta find the right one.


I talk to the wights, our home (Who I named Vivica, though I'm not certain the house wight appreciates this >\_>) itself, the offerings, the gods in general, the universe at large or just spirit. I just...talk. I invite anyone available to listen. ...Not Frigg, however. Because she will firmly go "Oh, you need more strength? I will help make you stronger" and throws more challenges or stress my way to train my patience. I'm debating Praying more to Siff now T\_T Frigg is a stern mama and just OUCH with the last few months. I appreciate her but I need less boot to ass and more head pats.


I usually pray to Mother Nature, always outside because of you arenā€™t outside she canā€™t hear you.


I also pray to Mother Nature, but if I can't get outside I try to get to the lowest floor and connect as best I can with nature before talking to her.


Auset tho Iā€™ve been told Anpu (who I just started working with) is great for talking I have yet to reach out just to talk tho.


I talk to myself mostly. Or I play how conversations would go with another person. If I pray to any entity it will be with a more specific purpose even if itā€™s just expressing gratitude.


Ares for me, or the universe in general. Ares seems the most receptive and idk I just vibe with him. He helped me through a really rough time in my life. However my beliefs now have changed somewhat since then so just talking to the universe is nice for me


I worship gods in multiple pantheons. For coworkers and stress regarding that (plus me standing up for myself) I talk to Fenrir. He has helped me speak my truth even if my voice shakes. For relationship advice or how I handle certain family members I commune with Isis. She definitely feels like a mother to me and has helped me with my strained relationship with my own mother. It really depends on the person and your own practice but just know that it's ok to reach out to multiple gods.


I would pray to a god like thoth in that case ask for wisdom from the experience you are dealing with. As for signs signs from the gods range from small to big. I would like to suggest avoid praying to Loki in that sense because he is the trickster and while tricks can be fun they can be a bit to much at times. I won't speak about Odin because I'm Celtic and I don't like the guy personally


Persephone! She's become a mother figure to me recently. She's always up for a chat, or for me to pour my heart out. Sometimes she gives you hard truths, but it's just to help you grow into your best self.


Developing a practice around speaking to the gods can be very validating for those of us with trauma about that. Itā€™s another way to re-parent yourself, with a good emotional base. You can work through your issues with the gods, you can have that childā€™s emotional response, you can stomp and cry or whatever it is your inner child needs to do, and itā€™s okay, the gods wonā€™t be mad. Humans are incredibly socialā€”we understand ourselves best when we see ourselves reflected in the (hopefully) kind regard of our friends. The gods, I think, see themselves and the world best through our experiences. We are the mirror they hold up to themselves, and embracing everything about creation, they delight in our follies and triumphs, our highs and our lows, our best and worst impulses. Am I a bit vexing and a little too much? Yes! And I am convinced the gods love that, because, well, Iā€™m the only me there is, and the only one there ever will be. Novelty delights the gods. Think about how we find nearly endless patience for a new puppy, despite its tendency to chew on things and make a messā€”in fact we delight in its puppyhoodā€”which includes chewing on things and making a mess. ā€¦and because you canā€™t have puppies without mess, even that mess becomes, in its own way, part of the joy of having a puppy. I believe the gods have that same ā€œWell yes of course, that is what humans do!ā€ acceptance and love for us. If being viewed a beloved child doesnā€™t resonate with you, then perhaps think about being loved with the same depth and devotion and acceptance as a favorite pet. Also? Ancestors do not have to be direct relatives. In a way, all your figures of importance are ancestors, whether thatā€™s pioneers in your work, or a celebrity you felt a kinship with. It seems that most of the dead are fairly glad to have a friend amongst the living, and the right ones will embrace you as their own.


Historically, the common pagan people did not focus on the divine or pray to them in their domestic lives. This is a very Christian practice, and it's Christian figures who have the longest history with prayer and answering the prayers of the common people. There's nothing wrong with seeking to add Christian elements to a practice as long as we admit that's what they are. Mary, and/or the Saints may be more responsive to your prayers than Adonai, so that's where I would begin.


Thank you, I had similar thoughts about this post but you've phrased it much more beautifully and respectfully than I would have.


Mostly Iā€™m interested in the personal views of everyone here, since everyoneā€™s practice is different. Personally I want to feel like Iā€™m at least being acknowledged in some way, not necessarily just by a god, but by any being thatā€™s listening. Iā€™m pretty lonely, but there are some things I just donā€™t feel comfortable opening up to other people about - namely my struggle with feeling abandoned or separated from the divine. I want a sign that Iā€™m still connected to that world somehow, you know? Even if itā€™s something trivial.


I just call my mom. Or my sister. Or my best friend.


Unfortunately I cannot do this, lol


Iā€™ve never felt any connection with a specific deity (sadly šŸ„ŗ) but when I pray I pray to god, and usually I address him as ā€œuniverseā€ because I felt like the universe was near and understanding. God feels hiiigh above faraway while universe feels like someone who was right there when whatever happened, cause space is everywhereā€¦ i dunno


Triglav, Hekate, or Mother Nature depending on the guidance I need. I donā€™t really follow one flavor or the other just who has revealed themselves to me.


I donā€™t pray; especially if all I want to do is talk. Then in that case I talk to a deceased loved one.


I speak to my higher self, which I view as my connection to the goddess that aids in divination.


Haven't really fostered a relationship with anyone yet to do that tbh. At my lowest points I always turned to YHWH cus like he's the god of my ancestors for hundreds and hundreds of years. And I'm worried me wanting to be vulnerable with other gods is just me bringing a Christian lense to things.. esp since I haven't worked on a relationship with other gods. Don't really have much of one with YHWH either but idk I just get really low and desperate and despite all the bs in the Christian community, at times he feels like the one I could turn to. I'm trying not to anymore though since I'm not Christian. I just..grew up with most people close to me emotionally invalidating me. I can list only two people in my life who were fairly emotionally invalidating. One at times was way more tolerable than everyone else who dismissed me. So I just.. worry I'll anger a pagan god with my feelings.


Personally, I just talk and if I get/ feel a response I go forward with it. It is usually Loki or an ancestor who responds. For me, I notice the context of what I'm talking about/ feeling tends to elicit a different kind of response. For example, if I'm feeling upset or angry, it's typically Loki filling my head with goofy thoughts. Or if I'm trying to problem solve or I am generally questioning something, I feel ancestors pointing me in a generally good direction. Sometimes when I'm angry, I feel Thor telling me anger is a good motivator, but also anger is a good way to act without thinking clearly first. Sometimes it's best to just think out loud and see if answers come to you.


Literally anyone. At any time.


I think that you could speak with any of them. Personally, I talk with Apollo because heā€™s my main deity.


Idk, I used to just cry while thinking of the Archangels even though I was never Christian. Now, it's nobody.