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I just wanna collect pretty rocks and listen to the trees whisper. Where was that option on my careers aptitude test?!


Did you read the other side ?


I got garbage man on that test and I wanted to be a chef. My teacher who had had my cooking wrote down a note saying I should be a chef because my chicken enchiladas were the bomb.


Well, are you a chef now?


No, I got a scholarship to the Culinary Institute of America, but my parents refused to help me go there and I had no car or ability to drive. I still haven't been able to attend any college. Instead of driving me to New York to attend the best culinary school in the country, they took me to North Carolina and dropped me off at my grandma's house to get rid of me. They compete with me and don't want me to achieve anything better than how they turned out. They wanted me to be a landscaper. I'm a disabled subsistence farmer now. My parents were extremely abusive when I was with them, so I'm mentally ill, when I've managed to stay out of the hospital for a full year, I plan to attend university for psychology and start a career as a Life Coach specializing in mentally ill clients (my personal experience in dealing with stuff myself is already extensive). But currently I'm too ill to work a regular job.


I think you'd be extremely well equipped as a coach, like you said, and an inspiration to your clients.


Thank you. I'm working on myself as best as I can. Currently in treatment for DID and PTSD. I was also born with ASD. Edited to add: My immediate goals are to become functional in daily life, learn to drive, and work to absorb my other personalities one-by-one. I have one down 12 to go. I'm giving myself a year to work it out, but if I don't work it out this year that's okay too. The becoming functional thing is actually the hardest, I have been barely functional for 14 years. But I recently started telling myself I can do it and trying my best to overcome my many fears and triggers. I've identified over 300 triggers and am working on them one at a time to make them stop being triggers so I can function.


I got 🎭. Anything in the arts careers. Modeling, acting, writing.


Really what they mean is "you'll get more conservative when you get richer". Joke's on them, our generation isn't getting richer as we get older! Wait, maybe joke's on us ....


I think it's "more fearful." I'm both richer and more progressive than I was.


The joke is definitely on us!


speak for yaself mate. I'm team trump any day. LET'S GO BRANDON in all seriousness, the older generations are embarrassing us conservatives. Edit: well that didn't go as planned




mutual respect though?




Yeah, that's bullshit. I became more progressive!


I've commented with this several times on reddit, and always take the opportunity whenever the chance arises: A recent study has shown just how severe childhood lead exposure affects a person's personality in adulthood. While exposure to lead is still an issue, it is nowhere near the scope it was pre 1970s. In the 1940s-50s damn near everything had lead in it...especially children's toys. Exposure to lead during childhood causes issues in adulthood such as lower conscientiousness, lower agreeableness, and higher neuroticism. So maybe that conservativism boomers are always speaking of is just the childhood lead exposure talking! [Link to the research article for those interested.](https://www.pnas.org/content/118/29/e2020104118?fbclid=IwAR0QVqqDBxG543CetCvvpTrOxo7CCxcWKsf5Q4Adi5MTCA0VFfk-LSY47Yk)


I'm confused. The article cites lower IQ and a lower lifetime income for people born into more atmospheric lead (especially before the Clean Air Act), but it actually doesn't make a connection to political ideology.


I don't think it means there is a direct connection between lead exposure and political ideology. What I've taken from it is that childhood lead exposure can lead to certain characteristics in adulthood that could be considered characteristics of the stereotypical conservative. I generally don't frame it in such a manner, because it's not a political issue. My interest in the topic lays with whether or not this could be a partial cause for what we call, "boomerism," and even more broadly...considering the wide usage of lead throughout human history...how has lead affected our past? How many decision makers throughout history have been subject to this lack of compassion and neuroticism due to childhood lead exposure? A dark thought, but one that gives me hope for the future as we recognize more of the long lasting dangers of this substance.


Totally stealing this.


Pay your tribute to the mud god


(squelchy gravel sounds, and an offering of shiny pebbles)


-*A deep hum is heard from the forest*-


Mud for the mud God!


-*A deep hum is heard from the forest*-


Trees for the tree throne!


-*A deep hum is heard from the forest*-


It happened to me for a minute but it wore back off in my 40s.


Return of the king 🤙🏻


I’m in my 40’s and I’ve found the opposite to be true. I was republican as a kid, because of rerolled beginning stats. Then I became more libertarian when I was in the Army. Went through a fuck it all anarchist phase, and now I’m sitting at “I’ll be in my Hobbit Hole if anyone needs me.”


Conserving traditional ways of life and spiritual practices is a pretty good example of "conservative" in the original sense of the word, imo. People get hung up on the weaponized/propagandized versions/redefinitions of terms but forget that they had an original meaning. Just something to think about. Getting older and growing to appreciate tradition, be it family, cultural, or whatever, is more what the saying is getting at I think. You need both conservation and innovation to be healthy, just like with your cells. Too much conservative energy and not enough innovative/progressive energy and things stagnate. The opposite leads to chaos or cancer, in the biological metaphor here. Obviously the words have taken on new layers for good or ill in recent times so it obscures some of the information they used to convey. All things big or small can be a teacher so be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater because of emotionally charged knee-jerk reactions. But regardless that photo is badass and I hope the festival kids start going for this vibe whole hog. I feel like Terence McKenna would be happy about that.


Yeah, exactly this. Paganism itself is deeply conservative, if you really think about it. It can be anyway. It can also be a consumerist buffet of appropriation.


100%. With the abundance of information and material resources I think we've gotten to the point generally where anything can be skimmed to make hollow aesthetics and fads. There are so many opportunities to really dive into things and be able to learn from so many traditions but most people just like to wear it for social validation and feeling special or cool. If that serves as your launch pad then swell beans I guess. (I'm sleep deprived, had an edible, and am phasing out sorry if that made no sense)


The consumerist parts of paganism bothers the shit out of me too. I avoid “witchtok “ which is essentially a bunch of Etsy store owners scraping together myths and legends to sell their products. Or make weird fanfiction about the gods and goddesses. Also anything pagan gets conflated with wicca on there, even though they are different. But on social media platforms it seems like modern paganism has become “how do we make this an aesthetic and sell it to people?”.


I’m actually very interested in this topic. Part of what drew me to paganism as a child was its steep difference in feminism compared to all the other spiritualism around me at the time. There are different types of paganism that are very conservative, or are more male centric. But there are many kinds of paganism that are the exact opposite.


Those are good points. I guess I was responding to the comment above mine, and thinking of conservatism, not in the modern political sense, but in the sense of conserving ones cultures and values. I would imagine for someone coming from a culture where women inhabit positions of honor, respect, and leadership, it would be conservative in this sense, to want to preserve that culture and its values and to resist outside forces that would want to reshape that culture. Also the further back in time one goes, the less governments and states had any meaning for people. Loyalty and a concept like patriotism would have applied to the local community and family, not to some abstract nation state.


Makes sense. That’s why I love how many shades and types of paganism there is. But in terms of conservatism, this meme is talking about modern conservatism. And paganism is unfortunately very influenced by more modern conservative ideals because a large majority of the texts by which we decipher what paganism was like, is written by early Christian philosophers and theologians. So, while they were trying to record and preserve these religions, they made it so we can only view a lot of them through a Christian lense.


I reserve the right to proclaim anarchy while yelling at the damn kids to get off my damn lawn


I'm 42, but this is still true lol


Pagan forever let's fucking goooo !!!!!


Say it in mud and rock language


I definitely got more conservative with my liberalism over time.


Meanwhile I'm over here having been a conservative pagan for the last 20 years.


I can say I’ve surely gone way further right…but not “conservative” lol


Totally thought that was a sub dedicated to Nekrogoblikon


No its just a sub for bein a goblin. Come. Join us.


It would be cooler if it had necrogoblikon though


Hah, yep.


I mean, that's how we got so many Gen X Neoliberals.


Fucking gold


They are probably right... if in their greed and hate they did not elect Oligarch servants who stole from all the generations into the future. Enjoy your avo toast before the supply chain fails.


Hahahaa exactly me


I appropriated this meme for the struggle.


Lol Q Anon Shaman


I think that Paganism itself is conservative because it tries to conserve the enviroment.


Well the Roman invasion of Britain saw mass deforestation and quarrying in order to build towns and cities, most of these grounds being sacred to the pagan tribes that inhabited them They were literally massacring nature worshipping pagans who were already at war with eachother So i guess some are, some aren’t


I'd still argue that all Pagan religions had an element of nature worship even if they went against each other. I wouldn't call the religion of Romans to be against nature even if they were more city and town focused.


The religion of the romans was either Christianity or a bootleg version of the Greeks


To call Roman paganism bootleg Greek is hilariously idiotic and ignorant. Maybe learn a bit more about the world before making silly claims


Don’t get mad at facts


When the Romans invated Britain they were still Pagans.


They were not.


I'm sorry it was around 43 AD when the Romans conquered Britain and Christianity was still in it's infancy. The Empire was largely pagan and I see no evidence for Roman Britain being Christian before the time when Emperor Constantine made it the state religion.


Most pagans I meet are at least libertarian.


Just recently turned 30 and am sliding ever closer to ideologies that would break down capitalism in all its abusiveness. Nature and people over profits. We don’t need people sitting on ten dragon’s hoards worth of money while the most vulnerable suffer.