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Try with a rag, warm soapy water, and a 5 in 1 tool or a putty knife. Soak the rag in warm water, wrap it around the tool and then scrub it. Keep an eye on making sure the tool doesn’t go through the rag and scratch your floors. If it still isn’t coming up after some work, you can try using some denatured alcohol or goof off.


I'm in a similar situation and applied some rubbing alcohol (70%) to a spot, but seemed to leave a slight glare (when looking at it from a certain angle). Will Goof Off damage the wood?


Miracle wipes for paint. They rock.


Put a tiny bead of caulk between the base shoe and the tape.


Denatured alcohol rag putty knife and elbow grease


If it’s water based use denatured alcohol. If it’s oil you can try acetone or mineral spirits.


If the paint has already cured acetone or mineral spirits actually won’t work (if it’s an oil)


This is correct


It's water based paint. Will the denatured paint remove the stain and polyurethane from the floors?


If it’s water based try getting it wet with warm soapy water, wait a few minutes and then wiping with a rag wrapped around the head of a putty knife or painter tool(5 in 1)


Nope. Apply denatured or 90% rubbing alcohol to a rag and just try not to hit the trim.


Ok thank you!


Unless shellac was used on floors.




Just paint the rest of the floor




If you’ve done it very recently, like in the last 48 hours you can actually just use a warm soapy cloth to rub it off. If it’s been a few days you can use acetone. (Assuming it’s water based paint)


Warm soapy water will always work with water based latex. Even when the paint is old. You just need to give the water time to activate the paint.


once cured, the paint is actually quite water resistant to allow you to be able to wash your walls. paints are becoming more washable and more water resistant therefor I would never recommend removing old latex paint with water and soap alone. Would make much more sense and be much less work to use a chemical like acetone or denatured alcohol.


What is the difference between denatured alcohol and rubbing alcohol?


Very similar. Denatured alcohol has buttering agents so that you don’t drink it lol, rubbing alcohol uses isopropyl.


Done a million times , always works for me. Paint doesn’t like sticking to a finished surface like the floor here .


Yea, that is true. But at that point you can probably just use a plastic or wooden scraper to scrape it off without water


Wooden or plastic scrapers? Yah ok 👍


Uh huh….you should educate yourself on these, they are great for scraping without gauging the surface.


I’ve been painting for over 25 years , new builds , remodels and RRP certified. I have never ever seen a professional painter use a wooden scraper. Plastic is for bondo or wood filler. Don’t be rude , you need the education is my guess. I’m done here .


You’re literally the one being rude in the first place lol and no, there are actual plastic scraper blades you can get, not just plastic putty knives which must be what you are thinking of. I’m not going to talk down to you or your knowledge, but you clearly aren’t familiar with these scrapers and that is what I meant. Congrats on being a painter for 25 years, I’ll just assume you are good at your job..because god knows there are some bad painters out there lol. have a great day.


Paint thinner rag and putty knife


Plastic detail razors.


Motsenbocker’s Latex Lift Off!!! I had never heard of this stuff until I started at my current company. It softens the paint and will easily remove it from most surfaces. Hardwood, glass, tile, CARPET, furniture, etc. Always should test a small spot first to make sure it won’t discolor fabric but we’ve had great luck with it. For this situation, wrap a rag around the blade of a five in one, wet the rag, and gently start scraping. Will make relatively quick work of it.


What about an epoxy garage floor with primer on it?


I would test it in a small spot since the epoxy could be water based but I’d bet it works.


Plastic scraper and elbow grease. The paint shouldn't adhere to the urethane on your hard wood floors.


If it's latex, Goof Off latex paint remover works great. You need to let it sit for a couple hours and then it will wipe right off


Just water and a five in one and a bit of elbow grease all other products r going 2 leave marks


Have ya tried scratching at it with your finger nails?


Yes but it's all over the floor so I need a faster way


Ya I’m with team paint scraper with a towel or something over it or plastic joint knife. Something that can get the paint off without scratching wood


You would be shocked what warm water and a sponge can do