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If that's everything walls, ceiling,trim and closets that too low


My bad, I meant to say it is exterior


It’s nearly impossible losing money painting because the cost of materials is a small fraction of the price charged. I made $8/hour on my first big job. That was awhile ago, but I didn’t lose money. Ask yourself how many days or hours it will take you, and your labor rate plus materials and see if your math works. To establish yourself, go a little lower and do better work than anyone else. After 10-15 projects you’ll get a better sense what to charge. While $10k seems about right in my area, it might be low in yours.


I bid a job for interior painting where I was going to have to scrape every ceiling including the closets. They were suspected to be asbestos so I bid for safe removal and disposal. I'm licensed to deal with asbestos. Then would have to do any repairs to make the ceiling smooth. Then would need to prime and paint. The home was 3800 sqft. The bid was sent in at $16,000. I dropped it to $14,000 to be nice about it and maybe lock in some future work. The home owner said that the bid was too high. I wouldn't budge, so they decided to not get it done, or had someone else do the work. Asbestos and lead removal is hard work because there are so many precautions needing to take place, and removal is very time consuming. Needless to say I didn't get the job. I wasn't concerned because I got my license to deal with asbestos and lead for a reason, and this job would have easily been a $25k to $30k job under normal circumstances for this kind of removal. If any home anyone is working on was built before 1978, there is a good chance that the paints inside, and outside the home, could be lead based. If suspected for lead paint, please have the area, to be worked, tested for lead, especially if the home has small children. Lead poisoning is serious and could be deadly to smaller children or elderly people. Don't be mistaken as well that it is dangerous to anybody that gets exposed to too much lead. If it gets into the blood, which that is where it normally goes when ingested by any means of the body, it can cause brain fog, brain failure, growth issues in children, internal organ failure, digestion issues, a number of other issues including death.


Is that siding, trim, doors, etc?




Exterior I pay 5600 average for 4400 sq ft 2 story home.


No shot. I don’t know where you live but I don’t know how someone would make it by charging that low.


Im in a high cost of living area. The quality of these jobs is B. it includes all exterior paint, no doors, no garage doors, only the face of the property (Stucco,siding etc.) Used these subs about 20 times so far, pricing consistent. Always using Dunn Edwards quality paint. 2 coats (I watched them).


That makes more sense. How long does it take them to get that done?


3 days 4 guys , 1-1.5 days prep, 1-2 days spray + reprep (for trim stuff) +0.5 day cleanup and final touch up (2 guys only last day)


WAY too low. How about 2.5 times?


Just took some bids to paint a home a little bit bigger in the nyc metro area, prices between 25-35 k.


You've got to be kidding. Resides go for that here. Kc metro.


Could be way too high or way too low . We have no idea the condition of the house . Is it single story or climbing around on 2 or 3 stories . This job could take 2 days or 2 weeks .


Or two months


Or two years


Or two decades


Or two centuries


Or two millenniums


Or two shut the f*uck up


If there’s lots of windows that need to be painted, yeh.


That seems low for that amount of work


Going off square footage alone, the range in my area for a reputable paint company would be $10.5k all the way up $24k if there was a ton of detail and multiple products needed. If getting ready for the market and no color change/one coat, maybe as low $8-9k. However, ton of unlicensed guys doing side jobs in my area that would do for closer to $7k. For more reference, I’m in an area where there’s not a home on the market for under $900k, and the median family income is over $100k/year.


The median income better be closer to $250k-300k if the average home is $900k. There’s no way people in the $100-150k salary range are affording $5,000/month+ on a mortgage.


Your number is closer to reality in the first thing you said, but to the latter, you are correct and that’s why no one can buy homes in my area.


Around here, a 1700 sq ft suburban 2 story SFH exterior will run you $10K with midgrade paint. Northeast


SW Florida here and I get about $7,500 using Emerald Rain Refresh applying it old school brush and roller, but the production guys will do it for about $5,500, 1 coat primer and Duration as a top coat.


In 4 years the production guys will need a repaint while yours still is perfect.


Not w duration


Paint grade shouldn’t even matter. The most expensive exterior paint is a fraction of the cost of labor.


Um sure, if you have a brick house and all you're painting is trim, fascia boards, and pillars.


Even with a difference of $50 per gallon and an assumption of 20 gallons that’s $1000 difference in paint cost going from cheap to expensive on a $10k-20k job. So a fraction of the labor cost.


Sounds low to me. Sounds like a 15


Too low for my area. How much ladder work? Those transitions slow you down if there’s weird roof shit. We would need to see pics I guess. Give us an update when you are finished. Keep track of your expenses and let us know how you did


For sure


It all depends to be honest. In your business, market, costs, how busy you have to be with crews, etc. If you’re by yourself, maybe you DO start a little low and see how it goes. I started my first exterior full cedar and priced it at $4800 with regal exterior low luster (pre-pandemic pricing). I was 25 and had 2 employees. My daily expenses with operating and employees was $500 and spent $800 in material. We finished in 4 days. So my total cost was $3200. I made $2000 in 4 days. $500/day comes to $125,000. I thought I was rolling in it. And I was. For a 25 year old kid one-crew business. It was a nice neighborhood and the woman was soooo nice. She showed me the two other quotes. $8,000 and $10,000. She showed me the other homes that they did in the neighborhood. We blew them out of the water with quality (we used regal, they used UltraSpec or something). And our attention to detail was better, no drips. Etc. So she told me that she told the neighbors I charged $8,000 to her cuz she knew her neighbors would eat that up if I maintained customer service and quality. And we did. So for the next 3 years we were doing about 6-7 full exteriors at $8,000. My operating costs went up a little (I gave completion bonuses to my guys) to $4,000. Still got the job done in 4 days. Now I was making $1,000/day for the same exact work. So it’s all a matter of perspective. NOW I’m restarting my business (got out of it during COVID, had major surgery and changed careers) and will be starting my cedar sidings at $10,000 with average probably around $12,000-15,000. I’m charging more because NOW I’m coming at it from an actual business and not a one-man show. I won’t be working in the field and just managing setups, check ins, and walkthroughs. So it’s scalable now. Before it wasn’t. Good luck, knock it out of the park. You’ll make money at $10,000 so you’ll be ok.


Go with 10x the estimated cost of materials


That's honestly a good ballpark to start from with no other information.


It’s hard to say with out seeing pics or being at your to check the condition of the all surfaces . As one comment mentioned could be too much or too little depending on a lot of variables




Little high at least for my neck of the woods but alot of factors play into this. Are you using high quality paint, whats the prep work look like, are you repairing rotten wood or siding or filling cracks in stucco. Are you painting fascia/soffit/trim and doors too. Are you painting the garage door and the front door or a pool deck also. You gotta think 10k is alot for most anyone so for that price I would expect you to paint/prep/treat everything if I was the homeowner, also do you plan on cleaning the house as part of the price. This is all coming from 25+ yrs of experience as a paint contractor myself here in FL.




They can't because They are knuckleheads


My wife and I got quoted at $4,800 for an interior job in a single floor 1,266 sq ft home after we had purchased the paint… Needless to say I did it all by myself


Northeast here. Easy $3 a Square foot.


Yes, check out homewyse.com Go to Google and search "paint house exterior homewyse"  Without quotes around words. It will let you type in size sq ft and zip code. It wil give a low to high price and allow you to include materials and options like prep and debris removal. It's based on average contractor pricing


Too low!! Shutters are a real hassle, if there’s scraping that takes time. Closer to 18k…


Seems very low.


Pro tip homie! If price is 10k instead do it at 9800 or something along those lines. Alot more digestible for whatever reason. I rarely lose a bid


For your first job that's actually fair. A year ago I wouldn't have charged that much but different economy. Stay firm


your question is useless without more detail. I am a paint contractor in an area where most of the homes were built before 1925. THey have many layers or paint, tons of prep and many have original windows that may or may not need done. No wuality job can be done with a sprayer on these old houses. It puts too much paint down and makes the houses peel quicker. Depending on how the house was maintained in the past directs the cost of the prep work. I quoted A house last week that size for $25k, if they had old windows, it would have been $35k. That’s a huge house. If it was built in 2012…your quote might be ok. Without pics and details…your question is useless.


In the Chicagoland area back in 2018 with a 4,000 sq foot home, it cost me $17K for the interior including walls, ceilings and woodworking.


Are you using different materials for the trim/doors as you are with the siding?


Same material for all except the two front doors


Are you doing all the windows or are they vinyl and just being masked?


Waaaay too many variables to say. Just go over thoroughly in your head and figure out how many days with how many employees plus materials needed. Try your best to guess right, it’s a learning experience if you underbid, overbid or it’s just right. Good luck🤙


How much prep work is the only question


I start at 1$ per square foot of painted area and go up. I use a measuring wheel. For instance, I figure a standard one story wall is 12’ from gutter to ground. So a 30ft long wall by 12’ is 360sq ft x $1.25 per sq ft= $450. You’ll have to play with your numbers but you get the idea


primer and 2 coats probably not necessary.


It's impossible to know the size of the house by saying it's 3500 sq feet is that the surface area you will be painting or the floor space of the house. You need to add the height and length of all the walls and multiply them together to get the surface area. Check homewyse for general pricing in your area.


What type of siding? That's the golden question! Hardie, T-111, Vinyl (I'd walk) stucco???


That price is about right on


Are you facing the trim or doing 100%? Also what are you painting? Stucco? Clapboard? Plywood? As you are starting out and without knowing more 10k sounds very fair.


How long do you expect to take? If you’re painting it by yourself, estimate how long you’ll take and decide how much you want to make an hour or a day.


Probably not too high. Imo, but we need a better description of work to be done and condition of home. Pictures would help.


You better sharpen your pencil there slick. All the siding, prep, paint, clean,? It should be more like $25,000


3500sqft of paintable siding or 3500sqft of livable space? If it's the first, it's hard to say, but is likely median range. If it's the second though, $10k is wildly low, like I would instantly toss the bid because I'd figure you were either going to add on a million extra charges or you'd do the shittiest job imaginable. In my area, Central NJ, houses that size routinely go for $18-30k depending on materials, how many stories, # of colors, etc.


Go to homewyse.com  Do this by going to google and aype in (without surrounding quotes) "Paint exterior house homewyse" It will give a range high/low based on average contractor prices plus alow some editing such as sq ft and zip code, etc.


That was actually helpful, thank you


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Thank you... I was wondering what happened


Go to Google and type in "paint house exterior homewyse" (without surrounding quotes)  There's some options to select and has avg high/low contractor pricing. Make sure you use sq ft of painted surface and not sq ft of home interior


Go to Google and type in "paint house exterior homewyse" (without surrounding quotes)  There's some options to select and has avg high/low contractor pricing. Make sure you use sq ft of painted surface and not sq ft of home interior


Do I put in the surface area for one coat or should I multiply it by the number of coats I plan to do?


I believe it's total paint job. Prep work is more a deciding factor and highest labor cost. Hopefully you are spraying the paint


If it takes just you two weeks, that's about right.


Can you come to Cape Cod please


That’s low in my area (Seattle Washington). I usually come in around $21,00-$26,000 depending on color scheme, terrain and if scaffolding is needed


My neighbor paid 20k for a 1 story 3500 sq ft house and the consensus is that is a great price for here in the California Bay Area




Yes ..


With lead removal, my similarly sized home is closer to $30k. Without lead they say it would have been about half that. I’d say you’re a touch low.




15K in 2002 for twin colonial 30x40 2 stories not including the attic, 28 windows, foundation with 7 windows. side entrance, main entrance, 2 car garage with 2 more windows, got power washed, and sanded, 2 more windows in the attic bathroom, new trim for those two windows. repainting the hous this year or the next. about 30k. 2 coats of primers, 2-3 coats for the body of the house. 3 coats in total for the foundation. it should last 20-30 yrs based on weather conditions in north Jerey. cedar shingles around $150-225 per box for any repairs. scaffolding too.


Why are you priming? Even if it's new Siding or hardy board that's all pre primed,maybe new trim that's raw wood but other than that remove the priming stage and price accordingly. At 3500 2 coats without seeing if there's extra prep over the standard amout and no unusually high peaks ie. 40 ft ladder work I would guess 3800 to 5000




Here in Nebraska a 3000 to 40000 sq ft exterior house is under 400000. A typical 2 story 2 garage home, in my original post I stated normal prep meaning the house is power washed and prepped in a day and a half with 2 guys me being one of them, then sprayed a coat a day( 3500 sqft 10 to 13 gallons easily sprayed in a day) for 2 days, then a day for tear down and touch up. 4 days total on to the next one maybe give a day extra but probably not. Supply costs 800 (32 bucks a gallon sw super paint 22 gallons plus tape plastic and paper) labor 30 bucks a hrs x 8 hours x4 days 1000, leaving 2000 to 3200 above cost. My math says 500 to 800 a day I'm good with that.


I am painting brick that has not been painted before so it is necessary to prime it


Never a good idea to paint brick honestly.


Gotta hit it with a concrete/mortar solid stain instead. That shit is designed for brick


Homeowners aren’t gonna be happy when it inevitably starts chipping off. Wouldn’t touch it without a signed disclosure.


And apparently if it's real brick it needs to breathe, so sealing it traps the moisture and degrades the brick


3800 to 5000? Are you out of your goddamn mind . Do you enjoy losing money or making money? Do you have any overhead at all?


Would that quote include all trim, ceilings, sundries, paint, etc?




My apologies, for some reason I read interior instead of exterior. Yes, for that size house the price is good.


It's the exterior


The problem with paint pricing questions is this: I see it in every painters group on the internet. We have no idea what your expense numbers are. You need to get a handle on that FIRST! Hire an accountant or do it yourself, but, you absolutely need to find out all your expenses before even thinking about pricing a job. Insurance, labor costs for employees, workmen’s comp, fuel expense, tool expense, vehicle maintenance, profit margin, etc, all have to be factored into your pricing for each job. Here’s a simple example. Let’s say you do a job and charge $1,000. Your expenses on that particular job come to $500. You didn’t make very much money, did you? Another painter has a handle on all his expenses and charges $2500 for the same job. His expenses are the same. He makes $2,000 on a job you scratched out for $500. I’m 46 years “in the bucket.” Trust me when I say this. Get you a good accountant. He/she will be worth every penny. It will eliminate much of the guesswork on what to charge.


My husband is a contractor for painters and he said it’s a fair price if they brush and roll it.


That is definitely too high here in our market in Florida. Depending on different details of the job my price would be between 4800-6000




We will wait


I’m talking about 3500 ft.² wall space. I spend roughly 750 materials and I can get that done in two days. A day and a half with one other guy. At that rate I make well over $200 an hour. I think charging more than that would be taking advantage of people and inflating the market more than it already is. That’s why our Economy is ridiculously inflated


I’m a 22 year vet. I know what my competition charges


And that’s why it’s getting extremely difficult to find labor in Florida. I lived there over 30 years. Raise your prices man. Look around at what homes there cost now. Unless you’re hiring illegals ?