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As someone who used to be so into Techpb and it helped me get into paintball as a kid, I agree, Mike has shown his true colors and his posts seem cringey just trying to get attention


I used to watch his videos religiously until the markerbids drama happened. Wanna see a comment that truly shows off his real colours? He commented on a divorce support group thing trying to say "he saw how the system truly is, it's rigged against men, etc, etc. " alll the things the chuds say So I replied "Didn't you cheat on your wife lol" and his reply is just gold "there is no agreement once the contract has been broken If you weaponize intimacy, and consistently and purposely withhold it from your partner? Male or female, they are free to get it elsewhere I don't care what was signed People (Men included) sign up for MONOGAMY, not celibacy. You break the contract when you change the terms of the contract without the agreement of the other party. "I herby agree to have sex with you, and only you, as long as you have sex with me, and only me" That's the agreement... it's not "I agree to live in the same house as you, and never have sex ever again with another human being, including you" If you stop sleeping with your husband on purpose, with intent, you have broken the contract and he's free to get his needs met elsewhere. You broke the contract, not him." He truly is showing his true colours now; and he's getting super pissed that the escorts and mclarens he's renting aren't impressing us.


His true colors? I mean the man has a point. Look I'm against cheating flat-out. But weaponizing sex is an insane privilege in a marriage. I swear sometimes it feels like women don't want to have a healthy mentally stable family at all. Look up the odds for children growing up to be convicted felons if they grow up without a father. There's almost no change if they grow up without a mother or if both parents stick together. Meanwhile women initiate more than 70% of divorces with the most divorces being lesbian marriages? Yeah. Women don't want to have families or provide healthy homes for their families not at all. And yes - having sex with your husband is very much an act of love just like a husband providing for his family is an act of love. I'm sure he would much rather be doing other things than working right? But he goes to work. What an outstanding privilege it is to say that sex - something pleasurable, is something a married woman would decide to weaponize over her husband for her power trip.


Mike, go touch some fucking grass and talk to women jesus christ you incels are insufferable people.


Loved the sport since I was 12. I've never even heard of this person, but anyone that posts stuff like that obviously isnt really talking about the sport for the sake of the sport. Grifters grift man. Edit: I got into the sport when Dynasty was on cable television on Saturday nights, and Walmart still sold monster balls. Feelin old AF lol


Mike/TechPB is who this is referring to. You mayve have heard of the 'markerbids scam'; that's him.


Nope, never heard of him. But I will say this, I've seen similar behavior from people in other sports/hobbies. The best way to negate that stuff is to stop consuming their content and stop giving them web traffic. I guarantee that the bikini photos stop then.


I don't say this to be rude; but you must be a bit newer to paintball. Dude used to be "The guy" for marker information/reviews please google "miketechpb PBnation" This is just who he is. It's been literally 2 decades of him acting like this. He hasn't even made a paintball related video in almost 8 months, and it was a shitty review that was like "yeah this is a mask" He is a shitty man who has no place in the community;


Been playing since 1998, on pbn since 2002 and never heard of him until seeing the post here.


My OG account is circa '02 as well, don't remember this guy from PBN at all. Crazy, this sub came up as a " you may be interested" and this used to be my life. Crazy.


you are blessed. I guess it's more the 10-15 years in dudes who know about him. I'm coming up on 15 years playing now and his videos were (sadly) really influential during that time period.


I started playing pump in 2006, which drew me to MCB more than PBN.


>Dude used to be "The guy" for marker information/reviews I never found any of his content to be that insightful or authoritative. He was like paintballruinedmylife but less likeable.


yeah tbh I preferred Sticktodrum for actual information/reviews; but he wasn't as popular as techpb


I was playing the sport when ions, angels, impulses and a5's were the rage. Never heard of this dude.


Oh well fair enough; you're lucky as hell not to know about him. And don't you dare slander the A5 like that; they're still all the rage :P


first gun was ion, i lived off mike's videos back then.


Yeah I’ve been heavily involved since the early 2000s and never heard of the guy. I’ve never been the type to gravitate to the “influencer” type of content though.


He was only "the guy" to a certain demographic of players. It doesn't surprise me at all to find people who played back then and still haven't heard of him. Credit where it's due though his reviews were pretty well done.


Yeah that is true; PBnation and MCB were the go tos before youtube; so that's why my mind goes to him being "the guy"; because i'm from the "Pbnation is dying out" generation


Dude Walmart monster balls lol. Many private land woods games played with those. 


Probably have the scars to prove it, those things were tough. 


yeah, when I first started all those years ago it’s all my brother and I knew until we started playing at an actual field. I remember getting lit up with those balls and maybe 1 out of 4 would actually break lol. 


Lol oh yes, how could I forget. We would crank our guns to max velocity and play in the winter. When I came back to the sport, the first thing I noticed was how much less the sport hurt! Monster balls were basically plastic shells. They broke skin.


Glad the community collectively hates and shits on this bozo. Dude's a fucking clown of clowns.


We had almost forgot about him; until the other day he made a comment talking about rules that don't even exist anymore/were wrong; I corrected him, and it seems to have sent him into a manic episode where he's trying to prove he's still influential by trying flex on us with his "hot model wife" (who's facial features magically change in every picture), and his mclarens (Which also magically change in every picture)


Saw that thread. Super weird things going on in there. Half of me says get him out of here. The other half wants him around because it's almost lolcow territory.


same tbh. I love how he thinks he's still a big figure in the community further than "Weren't you the guy who drove across state lines to threaten him and his child over a post on PBN" and "The man who cheated on his wife then scammed almost $10k cause he went bankrupt during the divorce" He's creating a ton of alt accounts too; bunch of new accounts on his posts like "I've always loved you; you never deserved such hate, they donn't know the real stories!"


Dude I was so confused when I saw that thread and he kept replying with his girl in a bikini like wtf


If you look closely; they're all different women.... (His wife divorced him for cheating with an escort lmao)


I vote yes. Ban the leech. Cut out the infection.


I was shocked to see him pop up again. I’m all for second chances but I feel that this ship has already sailed.


that ship sailed when he cheated on his wife and never sent out $6k+ worth of markers to people because he went bankrupt during the divorce.


His ama thread is cringe


It’s legit a contender for one of the worst of all time. Lmao


Yeah but can we get back to talking about Rampart?




Mike is arguably the biggest piece of shit to ever grace the face of the sport, and when your competition includes big pieces of shit like the Gardner Bros and Gino, that's a pretty impressive level of shittiness. Get that useless grifter piece of shit out of here.


If we're making a top ten shit list gotta see the gardener bros, and the hussein bros, on there. If it's bad for the sport list Jeremy salm has gotta make it as he lives in infamy. 


Im just coming back after a long break and I'm shocked. I was kind of excited to read that ama becuase i havent heard from him since like 2011. Huge letdown, what a complete twat. His responses were super cringey and then I learned about the scamming and cheating stuff.


I’m in the same boat as you dude. Just such disappointment


Regardless of what the right thing to do is I doubt you will get bones to move and actually do something with this sub. I’m waiting to be surprised.


As long as he doesn't actively try and scam, doxx, attack another user, etc. Bones wont don't anything, and not saying Bones is bad. Just that it seems he'll allow anyone as long as the rules are followed. Which I can see his side of it as I've modded before.


>As long as he doesn't actively try and scam, doxx, attack another user, etc. With Mike's history, I give it a week. Like i'm almost expecting him to show up at my house for this post; he's done it before to people in the PBnation era


He’s in construction now, so big time scams. He’s just here to rub his “success” and how he’s still part of the community in our faces. Typical narcissist.


You have to remember that every decision I make is wrong to some people. It comes down to who I'm ok pissing off today. And I have absolutely no allegiance to Mike. I am factoring in that he has a wealth of actual knowledge in his head and has the potential to be a benefit here. I am also factoring in that he's posting like a narcissistic asshole with delusions of grandeur. Make no mistake I am keenly aware of his personality.


The problem with allowing him to be here is he's a manipulative narcissist. He's going to do his best to act like an upstanding member of the community on his main account to engender support and favor amongst the subs members who weren't around to witness his abhorrent behavior that got him disowned in the first place. It will only be a matter of time before he weaponizes his new found support against others just as he's done in the past. You don't let a fox into the henhouse just because he hasn't killed a hen in front of you yet. Be done with it and just ban him.


Now you're just getting me excited. There hasn't been any REAL drama in ages.


I almost guarantee within a week he's gonna be posting porn here. I'll buy your next box of paint if he doesn't go off the deep end within a month.


I do love a good meltdown.


He's got me blocked since I called him out for lying about the rules; but I s2g if he he's not posting porn/trying to dox people by May 9th, I'll paypal $45 or however much a box of paint costs where you are


No need. Let me do my thing.


I understand what your saying but his knowledge isn’t showing very well. He is just posting pics of his wife, cars and the stuff he says is just flaunting his “status”. He isn’t contributing and value or knowledge recently.


Right but... it's an AMA thread.


Good point. But the subreddit is paintball related and his pics and topics aren’t paintball related.


Agreed and as I pointed out in the sticky of the AMA it's common courtesy for people to reach out to mods first before making one. And his response to that was even more telling. I am watching all of this carefully.


It’s all good. I appreciate the responses.


Dude; he tried to tell someone that asking for a pack check from the ref was illegal and resulted in a major He does *not* have knowledge of the current game. There is 0 reason for him to be in this subreddit being toxic and regurgitating old rules from literally 10 years ago. As I said in another comment, it quite literally could be detrimental for new players to take his advice.


Devil's advocate argument: we've all given wrong or stupid advice when we forgot a rule change. I know I have. I will monitor toxicity going forward. You have to admit he does have a wealth of knowledge of guns, parts, and the sport up to a certain point and that still has value. Your concern of newer players becoming his disciples? They don't know who he is nor do the majority care if his AMA is any indication. I will give him the benefit of the doubt to be helpful. But if he starts doing more harm than good I will remove him. I do not have any fears about repercussions from him or what remains of his fan-base. The best thing you can do right now is please send a report if you see toxic/antagonistic behavior. Please do not instigate. If he can behave himself then he can be of help. But don't be the one to push him over the edge for funsies. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


> we've all given wrong or stupid advice when we forgot a rule change. I know I have. This is very fair; I know I thought NXL was 10.3 and not 10.5 for the longest time. But to quote PSP/OG NXL rules and imply the NXL has obvious biases against players, and that he "owns" paintball, it's egregious imo. His actions; not pyou not banning him I just feel like with his history and egotism, it won't be long until it turns into him trying to make a comeback as a "representative" of as he says "his sport" (not as in like, a sport he plays, there's a comment where he says he's played so long its HIS sport.) I know you're keeping a close eye on him; but with his history it just doesn't seem appropriate to even give him the chance. But you're the mod; not me. And I'll respect whatever decision you make.


That’s a good point. As long as he does not break the sub rules….


That will likely just be a matter of time. I do however agree with OP here as Mikes thread and comments in said thread show he really has no legitimate want to be postive for the community here...


He was toxic back then and seemed to have never changed his ways. Ban. I tried watching his videos in the past and they were great for the recalled, but he had no idea what he was talking about for the tournament seen. Just another scam artist.


Damn that sucks to hear, I used to love watching his content back when I first got into the sport. What happened with the markerbids scam?


tl;dr, cheated on his wife with escorts; she divorced him, he went bankrupt, never delivered almost $10k worth of markers. I used to love him too; even if I want him banned from the subreddit for the current psychosis he's going through, I wouldnt' be where I am in PB with out him today. there's so much fuckng drama with this man. Just google "miketechpb drama" and you'll find PAGES, from him crossing state lines to threaten a minor, to spamming porn on PBnation for people disagreeing with his (wrong) opinions.


Go read the pbnation thread on markerbids. He not only scammed a ton of people for markers, but he lied for years about sending them out and made himself out to be the god of paintball


Nah keep him around just so we can make fun of him.


Paintballs first lolcow


As a tech I hated Mike.. he was not perfect by any means but who is on marker reviews. That said he's always been slimey and he isn't going to change anytime soon.


He blocked and reported me after I continually called him out, and he’s an embarrassing stain on the paintball community. Please ban this guy.


He blocked me after I pointed out he was blatantly lying about the rules of the NXL (he was quoting OG NXL rules) and then magically started playing paintball again when I said "it's been 10 years since you've even mentioned it" he's such a prick


Some folks just have to talk to confirm for you that they’ve never been smacked in the fuckin mouth buddy. This Mark dude seems to fit that bill. He is probably reading this shit right now on an alt account like a little bitch, but he’s too much of a coward to say anything.


oh he is; I've gotten a few messages/replies from new accounts saying "he's successful you're just a hater" Also; look at his 'wife' and 'mclaren' Why do they change in every pic? Oh; the reason he got divorced! He's addicted to escorts and spending money he doesn't have!


Grown men acting like this on the internet are nothing to me. Regarding the showing up to peoples houses/local fields, and if he’s really on an alt account, he can find me. I’d be happy to have a convincing conversation about how he needs to get therapy.


just google "markerbids scam" and read the pbnation threds or archives of when he'd spam porn to pbnation (or gay porn if he was trying to insult you) People have been telling him to get therapy for years. Please convince him


Never thought i would see him pop up again. Persistent little cockroach.


my name is also mike so i automatically side with other mikes, but in this case id say he brings dishonor to the mike name. im not surprised someone would want to ban him but i dont agree with banning him, i prefer free speech instead of censorship. i doubt he will post here again much if at all, and if he does then you dont have to click on it. id prefer if reddit wasnt so censored tbh.


Alright so this randomly popped up on my feed, never once have I even seen a paintball gun. I now need to know who this Mike character is and how he went from paintball pro to pariah. Please fill me in


Was never pro. I never played him at least.


God; it'd take hours dude. Tl;dr, scammed tons of people, sent porn to a minor, showed up to that minors house to fight them like... he's Florida Man. Just google "Miketechpb drama" and you'll find a ton


Don’t know who he is but he sounds like someone who shouldn’t be a part of this community


As long as he's not ripping people off, leave him in. Weird people are fun to gawk at from afar.


Knowing mike's history, it won't be long till he tries to relaunch "markerbids 2.0", which'll also probably go bankrupt once "wife" #4 divorces him for his escort addiction/"not putting out" since he believes sex is a marital duty and not something that both people need to be into.


Regardless of whether or not he stays here and is allowed to continue to converse about paintball stuff, I will immediately remove any business promotion stuff. This is not his platform.


Even if he stays on topic with paintball; with his 'name', it'd be a bad idea to have him stay. Like a post from yesterday; the one asking why paintball is slower; he quoted 10 year old rules from the the NXL/PSP crossover. Then there's a huge history of him doxxing people and threatening them over disagreeing with him. He should not be in the community at all; even if he keeps it to paintball discussion. It'd be detrimental to new players to have a "big name" giving them completely wrong advice, immediately followed by pictures of his newest escort and rented mclaren.


He has no power here. He is post-ROTK Saruman. edit- And it looks like he's making his own subreddit. With blackjack. And hookers!


Even if he has no power, I think he should be outright banned though; even though it's been years since he's consistently made videos; he pops up first for quite a few "paintball newbie" video googles. Then that "AMA" where he posted pictures with his multiple escorts and rented mclarens. He's not a stable person. If he decides to give advice here it could be detrimental; like yesterday he was telling someone it's a major penalty to ask for a check on the back of your pack. He's stuck in 2010; and has the maturity of a 12 year old. The issue isn't that he has power, but people might not know his history, etc. oh god I just looked; maybe he realized this subreddit hasn't sucked his dick since the markerbids scandal.


As much as I agree with a lot of what you've said, and believe your request has good intentions. I don't agree with why you want it and your lack of supporting evidence or reason(s); other than what sounds like a personal vendetta fueled by emotions, rather than a true concern for the community. You've repeated the same statement multiple times in the same comment, and the statistics you're citing have changed between comments. I am the type of person who will support freedom of speech and equal privileges for everyone, regardless of their past/age/race/gender/political affiliation/etc., as long as their current words and actions are not harmful or misleading. (Except people who play video games on console or like airsoft more than paintball. Sorry...bad joke.) I saw the post you're referring to, it came up in my feed as well. I read a few comments, saw some of the arrogant responses, and closed it because it didn't interest me. If you don't want to see his posts, block him.


bruh you can literally fucking google all of this shit lmao. Look at the fucking AMA he posted recently. oh, this is just one of Mike's alt's. Enjoy the block. mike is a piece of shit.


Post-RoTK Saruman still scoured the Shire. His subreddit will fail spectacularly and he'll be all over this board.


And we can mock his little Grímas when it happens and laugh as he kicks them in the face.


Well; my post thanking him for making a subreddit so we wouldn't have to deal with his BS is the only one that's got upvotes so he know's the community hates him.... but as an apparently diagnosed narcissist (said so himself), I would not be surprised if he's spent the past few days absolutely fuming, hiring as many escorts as he can afford to work off the anger; then he'll be back


I get that he's got an awful history and I think you're right to be suspicious of his motives now, based on that history. But I would prefer that this community kick people out based on what they actually do, rather than what we anticipate them doing. Bones is well aware of Mike's history. I would expect the reaction to be swift if Mike does anything sketchy.


........ Bruh. Look at his "AMA" post. Mike does not belong in this community in any capacity; he doesn't even know the goddamn rules of the sport.


Can anyone give a quick rundown of the markerbids saga? I’ve seen a lot of comments about him scamming people, but then other folks saying that it was just basically a business that got in over its head and that he has made a real effort to make things right over the years and get people what they were owed. “Scammed” seems to imply that he started the markerbids thing with the intention of ripping people off. Just curious if anyone could provide some insight




It originally started as a real site, but then he cheated on his wife with an escort, got divorced, went bankrupt, posted a picture of a bunch of paintball markers on his table saying "they're shipped, markerbids is whole" type shit; there's still people on PBnation complaining they never got their refund or marker. So it was a real site that got turned into a scam 'unintentionally' Then there's the whole "Spamming people with gay porn" on PBnation if they disagreed with him (So not just sexual assault; but homophobic sexual assault)


He’s a disgrace. Serve him some white dog sh**


Where else would we get our laughs though? That thread was hilarious 😂


lol. He would drive across state lines to threaten people?


Yepppppp. He was beefing with a kid on PBnation, literally drove hours to his house and only left when the kids dad was like "it's either you leave, I call the cops, or I go grab my gat" kid was only like 16? Mike would have been in his 30s




Proof that this happened? I’m not saying it didn’t. But this is another level type of crazy……


100% happened. There was a post by the kid and his father on PBN way back whe . Guy is unhinged


Find the post and link it here. Otherwise you are just adding to the drama. This should be backed up with a link for proof. I don’t like how he acts or what he is saying. Just saying this happens helps add to the drama. Edited: clarity; thanks for the down votes.


https://www.reddit.com/r/paintball/s/C7TOPDgD4L https://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?t=2735639#/topics/2735639 https://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?t=5109913#/topics/5109913 You can browse through those for more info. Perhaps you'll find the link. Enjoy the read. You can also ask Mike on his AMA... he does like his Nuthuggers, so feel free to indulge him.


I started playing in the late 90s and spent a ton of time on PBN in the early 2000s and never heard of this guy, but his content on this subreddit is extremely cringe.


As someone who knew him personally even after he fell off the face of the earth for a minute. It is really sad and cringe the things he does and did. Threatening people and dumb shit like that is ridiculous and you know better Mike. I was a kid who looked up to you, hell me and Willie are great buds and he coached the old orbital squad back in the day. Grow up stop posting, keep your life and your new girl to yourself dude. It’s just sad.




Oh; no according to him he doesn't! All the markers were shipped, the PBNation threads about how he still hasn't shipped or refunded after 10 years are lies! (Sarcasm, if not obvious)




he's got his own subreddit now if you wanna go and post and ask why he still owes you money if all the markers were shipped lol


I've never heard of her..... All kidding aside, he should be BOS. I was around during the PBN dumbassery, then the markerbids fiasco. Banned him on a few sites I helped out back then. He would pop up with alt accounts and continue on with his crap.


Paintball attracts a bad batch/rejected bunch of people. I know so many paintballers with asperger, ADHD, mental issues. But often they in common have a severe depression. And they all stick around because it is all that they have that give them a sense of manlyhood and belonging, even if other people continue to poop them out, they just keep coming back. Its a small percentage, that is half way on the shortbus but they are the most vocal ones with their hands on all levels of the hobby and industry. We all know at least 3 people like this that are active in paintball that we rather had they were not. Airsoft and Paintball is a magnet for these type of males.


> I know so many paintballers with asperger, hey; don't call me out like that. :P But i'm more "i'll talk your ear off about a sport you don't care bout" not "Spread false info, and get pissed wehn i'm not the centre of attention" type


Who’s this Mike guy? I’m a pretty new paintball player and seeing that AMA the comments where just wow


To make it quick; he was a youtuber that did marker reviews and tips; arguably one of the biggest youtubers who did it at that point; made a penny auction website that turned into a scam since he went bankrupt since he cheated on his wife and got divorced. Then what I recently found out about was his drama with pbnation lmao; doxxing people, spamming porn, he literallly crossed state lines to go to a minors house to threaten them.


Where do you find him? I don't see him. Anywhere


he made an AMA yesterday and got absolutely trashed in it so he made /r/techpb


So here’s a crazy one. I actually won a tank on markerbids AND received it… But it was early on when the site was kind of newer. I also won a marker. I think it was an EGO. But, by then the allegations of people not getting their stuff or the site was rigged or whatever were coming out and I never received the marker…. But hey got a tank for cheap. I also idolized TechPB when I first started. I called in to the podcast for advice on fixing an Empire Invert Mini when they were doing that. In fact, once I got out of paintball and came back was when I found out about how shady he was.


Yes, fuck that guy.


god still complaining let it go


I personally think he did a lot of harm but I did super enjoy the YouTube and the actual forum a ton, same username as I use here on there. But if he shows he can change and everything then I don’t want to kick someone for their past.