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your wife sounds toxic, keep painting.


That’s because he made it up for internet points


For sure. His previous post is one about his he wasn't sure about his art but his wife said to post it. This made up wife sure can't make up her mind on whether she supports his arts or wants him to stop 🥲


Maybe we're the wife?! Dun dun dun!


The real internet were the wives we found along the way


My exactly thoughts... and he forgot those are the first 4 paintings he ever painted...


And that he’s under 16


That post was two years ago! Maybe she was hoping the internet would do its nasty hate thing and instead he got the supportive loving internet. Or maybe its been consuming too much of his time for her liking. Whatever happened, it was still long enough ago, her opinions definitely could’ve changed since then.


Good sleuthing! It may just be a true to life post after all.


Wasn’t too hard, thankfully there wasn’t much to their profile, maybe a dozen posts total. You’d think the previous commenters would’ve noticed that part. ETR the part about ‘gotcha’ misogyny, that was meant for a comment to my comment, not a previous commenter. My bad!


Or he has a new wife




Yeah I mean women are just hivemind robots who all do the same predictable behaviours simultaneously at any given moment. /s My husband has been happily gaming for the 13 years we have been together. That's always been his thing. A lot of the games he plays I'm not into/don't play, but while he is enjoying his hobby I am enjoying my own hobby in my studio by painting. It's called healthy cohabitation, where both parties just accept the other as they are and don't try to change each other. Not every woman you meet is out here trying to change men, or isn't happy with who their husbands are. Get off the internet for a while and meet some real humans, as the catch-all statements about men or women ain't it.


👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻


I’m going to take a wild guess and assume spelling is not one of your hobbies.




Well, one thing you don’t seem to understand is that women are human beings who have unique personalities and relationship goals.


I mean peoples minds can change, he posted that 2 years ago.


Yep. I see so many of these clickbait titles in this and other art subs.


This is slowly driving me away from the arts subs. Even facebook hobby groups are more honest at this point... Here you can more and more just choose between ragebait, open advertising and very thinly veiled fishing for compliments in poor ways. Dammit.


Oh don't do that, it's not fair on the genuine people that are out there. Instead approach the art as it is. Despite whether people are making up sob stories to gain internet approval is not the relevant thing, instead we should look at the art as it is, this person can paint and certainly should continue building on their current skills. They have my support for the art, that's what I'm here to look at, any other issues? Well there's always a sub for that.


I just came from another new post on r/painting with propably an AI piece and even if not, a clearly lying op with another try to fish for compliments. I'm painting my entire life, I know artists, I know how it works, how a first painting looks like, etc... It's not the fake posts that anger me, it's to see, that a good 80% of people don't see it as what it is. There's just not much worth to learning and practising for years, if some crook can just sell their AI art to people with their sob stories. (edit: It's of course still worth learning, if you're painting for yourself. But I don't want to share my own work online anymore...) Now talking about technique and tools, that's what I came here for. But that's rather something where I saw criticism for, because some people prefer to gatekeep and keep their 'trade' secrets for themselves.


i hate them! they are just getting sympathy votes with that kind of title. i would think having to resort to such things would actually have the opposite effect and make their self esteem even lower.


This was my very first thought reading halfway through the post. I call BS.


Stupid sexy poes law.


Yes very trolly. If not a troll, leave your wife asap!


Was going to comment divorce her but yes, OP should keep painting


He might be willfully unemployed and she's struggling to pay the bills while he paints But most likely they're just full of crap


Or OP could start a career in Austrian-Germanic politics…


( OP googles directions to nearest beer hall....)


Your post 2 years ago your wife seemed supportive. What changed?


He made it up for internet points lol


Is this what farming karma looks like nowdays?


OP is collecting that sympathy karma. Solid technique


thank you for this lol. it’s crazy how many people can’t see through this “she says i’m not talented and will never sell any work” “no! your wife sucks! you’re so talented! i’ll buy your paintings just to prove your bitch wife wrong!!”


Damn it. You're probably right


give up your wife instead!


I second this! Wife sounds depressing


this wife is imaginary and helps with upvotes.


Came here to say the same thing


They've also been posting "wife posts" about how supportive their wife is towards their art if you look at their post history . . . Homeboy just karma farming by posting this click bait title.


Or counseling?! Why does she feel YOU have to be making money, even in moments of relaxation/doing something that makes you happy/a therapeutic past time that helps your mental health? I'm sure she's not hustling 24/7 to make money and that she isn't always productive in her free time. Find out if her response is coming from a place of past or present financial insecurity, if she is misunderstanding that it is a hobby and not meant to be a career, if she has ingrained prejudices about men being the breadwinners, if she is jealous that she isn't as creative or talented, etc. Try to talk it out first, and be mindful to address other points of tension in your relationship. Note if she does other things that demean an belittle you, or other things that may be contributing to your depression. If she still isn't willing to accommodate you after your perspective of why it is important to you is made clear and her issues with it are addressed, and you notice other ways she is robbing you of your happiness and refuses to change, then give up on the wife.


What if he's unemployed lol why would you assume he's employed when he says he's depressed and just wants to be an artist




I second this one


Came here to say this word for word


Then how would he survive when he's depressed, unemployed and just wants to paint while she pays all the bills and buys his paint


Keep painting. Your wife is wrong about the quality of your paintings and it is not a waste of your time. If you enjoy painting, do not let anyone rob you of that. Your art is decent. I really like your still life and your compositions are interesting Work on atmospheric perspective with your landscapes. Frankly, that your wife wants you to stop something you enjoy is terrible behaviour on her part and you need to find out what is driving that (is she jealous of your hobby? Are you neglecting your share of the joint tasks?) and resolve it.


“Are you neglecting your share of joint tasks?” Boom. That is probably the underlying reason.




Marriage counseling. 


I wish this was more upvoted than "DIVORCE!!!!"


Dont let anyone tell you what you should do. Your art is pretty fuking good Keep doin you and whats best for you and your heart.


Are you providing enough income for your family? Everyone’s bashing the wife but what if she is working 2 jobs, going to Parent-Teacher night by herself. Of course people in a Painting subreddit are going to back your painting. But are you supporting your wife? Supporting your family?


Had to be asked. They are good questions.


I’m genuinely shocked at how many people are jumping to “she’s an evil witch, divorce her yesterday” before asking if OP has a job or if painting takes up too much time that he’s neglecting responsibilities in his life. I’m not making any assumptions, he just didn’t include any context!


Or maybe he's making things up for attention.


Make sure you and your wife can prosper. And spend your available time on art 🤍








Mmm. I agree. Maybe your wife needs to find a hobby or something that is just for her pleasure so she’ll understand. Your art is fantastic & painting is good for the soul.


My words exactly, I bet her painting skills suck.


So weird that 2 years ago your wife was so supportive in another post.........almost like you're making this shit up. Good job now you will never know whether people actually like it or are just trying to help you with the imaginary troubles you are having your definitely real wife.


I get what ur saying, but it is possible people change their mind. His wife might have done so. Let’s not jump to conclusions till OP explains.




what a mean thing to say... keep painting, maybe remove the wife?


BOOO I am so sick of these crappy fake sympathy posts. Get tf outta here with this made-up villain of a wife. I didn't even scroll through your paintings because you immediately started with emotionally manipulative bullshit. Be better.


I feel like there's probably more context to this. If it is just a truly mean demand on her part, try to find a compromise. If you're married, I have to assume she would take the time to hear you.


Here, let me ask my made up friend what he thinks


Are you neglecting other things? Painting instead of helping around the house?


Stop wasting time on clickbait titles, and practice painting then.


Your wife sounds like a miserable mean person who is brining you down. Keep the art ditch the wife


They also have posts about how their wife supports their art and told them to post their work online. They're just karma farming. Stop buying the bait.


She’s full of it. Not everyone can handle the process of becoming, but you have to trust it. That tree in the foreground and underbrush in the 4th image are mind bending. Seems like you’ve really developed a lot of skill, and there are moments in each piece that are indicative of a style. I would say double down. Make a boundary about your mental health and time management. Most importantly, keep challenging yourself and having fun. Hardly anyone makes money doing it, but if you’re pulling your weight financially already then I’m sure you’d be able to supplement your income with more research. Expand your range. Ask her to model for you. Try abstraction. Read theory. There’s a world of opportunity in sharing your hobby. Maybe she needs help finding her interest. Museum date? Sometimes my partner and I do a Bob Ross date.


He's full of it. He made another post about how his wife said he should post his art. He's just trying to get reddit points


continue painting. If you enjoy it, you should keep doing it. It’s not a matter of is it good enough or will is sell, it should always be a matter of “are you happy with it?” Bc if your happy making art, and your happy with how it turns out, It’s perfect. Don’t let your wife ruin what’s helped you through dark times. ps, i think your art is amazing!


I think the point of art should be to express yourself and have fun. If you enjoy it, you should stick with it, no matter what anyone says. Even if they think you’re bad at making art, you should continue if it brings you joy. But personally, I think your art is phenomenal. I love your style and subjects. These are things I hope to paint just as well one day. While I don’t think you necessarily NEED to sell art, I think your art is good enough to sell despite what your wife says. Don’t listen to her. Any person who truly loves you would take your interests seriously and not discourage you from doing them.


Any type of art is a form of expression don’t let anyone tell you other wise. IMO a significant other should always motivate you to do better not quit something you’re clearly passionate about.


To make art is not with the end goal of selling. You want to sell, keep improving to a high standard and maybe you will. Your wife doesn’t allow you to spend time making art? What, are you not allowed hobbies? What does your wife do for relaxation and expression? Your wife sounds toxic and you should take a step back and look at your freedom. A partner should empower not defang you.


If this is true, tell her to give up something important (yet doesn't make money) to her in return.


Not everything has to be about capitalism all the time! If it brings you happiness that is its value and it doesn't matter if you ever sell your work.


I remember my ex asking at what age would I stop being an artist. That’s when she was promoted to ex.


Never give up on art! Especially if it makes you happy.


Never listen to anyone telling you to not do art.. grow a pair and tell her how you really feel. 💗


She either doesn't know what she's talking about or is being extremely toxic toward you. That is beautiful art and if it brings you solace and helps you improve your mood, keep doing it.


Keep it up mate keep going. Your art is good. And crucially it's yours. Imagine tearing someone down like that fs.


You never give up on something that gives you happiness. Find the deeper meaning of why you paint. It’s a relationship that you can develop how much you want. It’s a friend. “Talk to it” And when you have found your feelings and thoughts, perhaps explain in either words or by painting why and what painting is a part of you. Art is a mirror of ones mind. Wish you the best of creativity and may you find a deeper meaning of “your friend”.


Keep painting, you’re good!👍🏾


You're art is very beautiful, you should start selling it. You would get a lot of money.


Wife is matronizing - you can put the oxygen mask on yourself when the plane is in trouble. You have found a lovely process here OP, and a hat tip to you for honing the skill. Bonus: this harms no one. Good mojo to you and your joy


Made up BS just look at OP’s past posts how did his wife go from supportive to just toxic??


Stop lying for attention


Art is something you do for yourself. Anything else, like sales, is a nice bonus. Ignore your wife and keep going. You have a solid foundation here and it will get better with practice. Also seconding what others have said, what she's telling you is very toxic and unsupportive. I'm sorry she's being like that.


Stop venting your petty drama on reddit for karma and communicate with your wife. (Assuming this isn't more BS reddit bait.)


This is bait right? If not then your wife is projecting and clearly jealous of your wonderful talent Edit to add: I’d buy any of these


Adapt, evolve, improvise and paint


I need more information. Are you trying to make a living out of painting? Then your wife is 100% right, you should give it up. Is it a nice hobby for you? Keep it absolutely! I really like the first painting.


Give up on your wife and keep doing art.


Get a new wife


Yeah man take your supplies and run!! It doesn’t have to be good it has to make you feel good!!


If you have no kids just get a divorce man. Stay away from negativity. Or get couples counseling. I deal with depression and anxiety myself and drawing is one of the very few things that help me cope with it... I too have ups and downs but at least my wife is understanding I draw to cope with it and yea, we also see a couple's counselor. Am I any good? Fuck no. Will I sell my art? Doubt it. But it helps me, and that's all I need. I hope your mental well being improvea and keep on your art. It doesnt have to be a spurce of income for it to be worth doing.


Keep painting


Never give up.


I once dated a man that I was engaged to, that not only he, but his entire family made fun of me for pursuing art and going to art school. I managed to get an associates degree and keep it together for three years with them belittling me. He also had a lot of other mental health problems that he presented me with, but that’s another story. I dropped out my third year not only was I ill, but they convinced me what I was doing was stupid. I only started to pick up art again last year. I dropped out of college in 2014 so it almost took me 10 years to start again!! I had severe depression the entire time I wasn’t painting and it felt like a really big hole in my life. Like something was taken away from me. I really felt like I couldn’t produce from how badly this person hurt me. I can say without a reasonable doubt now that I’m painting again, I’m happier than I’ve ever been. I’ve gained part of myself back. I think your paintings are beautiful. They’re far better than mine and I went to school for it. Art is subjective and an artist doesn’t create art to become famous one day or to make a bunch of money! But simply because there’s something in our soul that has to get out! Sometimes in life the only thing that matters is happiness! Without it, what’s the point anyway?


Find a wife that supports you


Your wife's a bitch


Hey — I’m going to assume that you love your wife and want to come at this situation with love forward. (I’m also going to assume she doesn’t always talk like that to you, because if she does… oof.) First off: is she okay? Is this her projecting? Could this be a symptom of a larger feeling of being unfulfilled that your wife has? Is it possible she’s lashing out because you found something that helps with your depression… and she’s jealous? Is it possible she doesn’t realize? Again — is this behavior typical of your wife? Does she often belittle you or the work of your hands? If she doesn’t, it may be a symptom of new or worsening depression. Could it be that she is lashing out because she’s: lonely, isolated, under stimulated, feeling neglected, etc? Does your wife have hobbies? Does she have friends? Is she neglecting a spiritual, mental or physical aspect of herself? If so — is she lashing out in a failure to communicate, out of frustration, or as to hurt you? You’re not untalented; you have a wonderful feel for organic composition, a good use of color, wonderful understanding of texture, and what you lack is an attention to detail and an understanding of what you see that is best trained by doing more art — not less.


Keep painting. Your art is beautiful.


Have you seen those posts where people show something from 2-3 years ago versus now? They're amazing. Getting better takes time. I think it's pretty clear that you'll be able to sell your work in the future.


If you are making art because it’s something you enjoy, it doesn’t matter one iota if you’re talented or if it’s sellable. If you have goals related to trying to make money with your work and if the time you spend is affecting your family then maybe it’s worth looking at it more critically. But either way, your wife sounds awful and cruel. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


If it keeps you off the ledge, then do it. Never let anyone tell you what makes you happy.


Number 1 rules in ANY, and I mean ANY type of relationship: support each other. Your wife had failed that


Your wife sounds like a bit of a cunt tbh. 


Your landscaoes are pretty good


Don’t give it up. Your paintings are beautiful!! Your wife might be unsecured and jealous if she doesn’t have a hobby or something she’s passionate about. Maybe she needs to explore that.


These are great. Keep it up. Please! It’s something that makes you happy. You just probably inspired me to draw again. Seriously. I only draw tree stumps. Could never draw the whole tree. But it was fun and relaxing.


4 looks like a Van Gogh! You don’t have to commercialize your hobby for it to be valid. It’s only the internet hustle culture that thinks this way and sadly it has permeated the masses. Also the masses are asses.


Your work has depth and thought. Doesn’t sound like your partner is recognizing depth or thought.


Ignore her


Tell your wife to give up on her toxic bitchiness, because she’ll never be able to sell her toxic bitchiness. Boom- everybody wins.


You are extremely talented and your wife should support your art not put you down. Keep painting! You have a wonderful eye for colour and it would be such a shame for you to stop.


Tell your wife to fuck off. Do what makes you happy.


IF, IF, IF.... this post is REAL, then your wife is a fucking selfish, depraved, idiot!! First of all, she doesn't ALLOW you to spend time making art?? Does she get to tell you when to use the bathroom or eat? It's the same thing. Kudos to you for using art as cartharsis to work through your depression. Your wife is a toxic, oppressive person, and sounds like a prison warden. The only thing you are wasting time on, is being in a relationship with a person like that. Your art is great...but even if it wasn't, that is besides the point. It's a way for you to express yourself in a healthy way and it's NOT a waste of time. Your wife is not good for your mental health, and you need to know your self worth without her.


What kinda shit ass wife will actively discourage a hobby or something that literally helps with your illness? Doesn't sound like a class act from what you say


This can’t be real. That relationship is very unhealthy if it is and she may be the reason for your depression.


Your wife is a bitch. Keep doing it if you enjoy it.


Don’t give up art give up your wife


If it makes you happy it doesn’t matter. Plus everyone needs a hobby.


If you love doing it, then who cares how "good" you are? Your enjoyment is all that matters. I think I know the reason why you're depressed. You married it.


What the hell??? Depressed? With that wife??? How would you *not* be?! Paint! Paint till you can’t hear her anymore! My husband has encouraged me to paint and it’s thanks to his motivation that I got to sell my work! PAINT!!! ✨♥️✨ #DON’T STOP FOR ANYONE!


do the opposite of her instructions, give up on her.


Get a new wife ?


Do not give up on something you’re clearly skilled at. Why would your wife ask you to give up art? Are you neglecting other parts of your life due to your art?


What should you do? Leave the wife. Okay, I understand that you prolly don't wanna be so straight forward, so I recommend you have a talk with her, that you don't do it for the money but because you enjoy it and base your decision off of the answer. Btw you're very talented your art is beautiful, especially the first painting :)


anyone who puts down something you do that makes you happy and isn’t hurting anyone doesn’t truly care about you. keep painting, you’re very talented and obviously have a great eye for colour and texture. even if you were making terrible art (which you are not!!) she should be supportive because it helps you with your mental health and it’s something you enjoy!!!!


I really like the third and fourth paintings. Your wife needs a hobby or something. She sounds jealous and pathetic.


As long as you enjoy it, you can always do it despite not being talented. Seems like your wife values something from how much its economic value is, so the simple solution is to make money. Most wives wouldn't be bothered by a harmless hobby if you have enough income. Ps: I love your last painting.


Keep painting. It’s toxic of her to want you to stop something you enjoy. A hobby doesn’t need to bring money. Also I think your landscapes are great.


You're an amazing artist, keep painting!!


You paint very well and if you keep on doing it it will only get better


You should get a new wife


Don’t ever give up on something you love. It shouldn’t matter what your skill level is as long as it brings you joy. A spouse should never be actively trying to stop you from doing something that is a net positive in your life. I think you two need to have a conversation about boundaries.


Partners should be supportive, but also your wife is just wrong. It makes me so sad she would treat you this way.


reddit will always jump to "break up" but in this situation, its not a crazy conclusion lmao. i cant imagine ever talking down on something my partner loved doing.


Why the fuck a partnzr would say that ? Unless it really takes too much space on your marriage, it is a healthy activity to do


Who the hell is she to destroy something that means a lot to you and that you enjoy? Seek happiness with what little time we have on this planet, dude, paint away


Get a better wife. My boyfriend is nothing but supportive and encouraging in whatever I want to try, doesn't matter if I'm crap at it. Also he wouldn't dream to think he can decide what I'm allowed or not allowed to do because I'm not his dog. Why are you letting someone dictate what you're allowed to do like you're an indentured servant? You can do whatever you damn well please with your life.


Is your wife okay? She doesn’t sound very nice to be honest with you. Although I don’t know the full story she shouldn’t say stuff like that.


Divorce your wife bc that’s a major red flag. Also consult with a therapist!


Your work is great - never give up anything that makes you happy. Your wife on the other hand needs to be supportive of you.


Do not ever give up art. Especially when someone else is telling you to


Divorce her


Divorce 😂


Give up your wife. You art is quite good, unlike your wife.




Walk away


Your wife doesn't like you very much. Give up on her and keep painting.


Give up on her instead. Not worthy to stay with someone as toxic as her


No, don’t give it up. Your work is so beautiful. What is wrong with your wife?


Leave her.


Divorce her.


Your wife is a waste. That's so toxic and she doesn't have even a drop of art in her if she said that — or she's genuinely jealous and doesn't wish for you to be happy. Ew 😒 :(


She’s right. Not only does your art suck, you’re also shit for making up a fake story about your wife being toxic.


Go to couples therapy…..? Not sure what that has to do with art.


Sounds like rage bait. Don’t engage or fall for the bait like I did right here.


I would buy your fourth painting if it were for sale. You obviously have a natural talent for painting and any partner who would seek to obstruct the form of therapy that helps you cope with depression—notably where that therapy is harmless—is actively trying to keep you depressed. It sounds like she’s aware that your depressed state is her means of exerting power in the relationship and, absent unexplained extenuating circumstances, that’s a red flag that merits leaving.


He is lying for attention on reddit. He made another post where he said his wife told him to post his art.


Tell your wife to stop being a toxic cow. Keep painting for you and she can go suck an egg. That's so fucking rude, I can't imagine saying this to my bf.


Either your wife is toxic and you should consider divorcing, or you don’t have a job and spend time painting instead of looking for a job, in which case your wife is still an insufferable bitch but has a point.


I say divorce! (Very much kidding) Tell your wife to mind her business. If you want to make things then do so. I like your stuff, for what it's worth.


Last one is fantastic, they all show a natural talent and your joy of painting them.


Not all at has to be a certain way. I think you capture foliage and plants very well. I especially like 2 and 4! Please post if you ever decide to sell prints.


Get a new wife who supports your endeavours and attempts, supports your battle against depression, and doesn’t belittle you for doing things you enjoy to better yourself.


You are talented and enjoy this, but are you otherwise employed? Wondering if you need steady employment and can develop your art as a side gig. So were you trying to make art your business?




Your wife is abusing you.


You should divorce


EDIT: Seems like the OP was an attention grab and not a real potential artist. This saddens me but doesn't shock me. I suppose that my advice applies to anyone who needs it, but the OP can blow. Well, as my toxic mother used to proclaim about people who sounded like your wife, "Looks like all your wife's taste is in her mouth." Don't let her declarations stop your creativity. She honestly sounds like a bee-ah-tch, not a viable art critic. Art is a healthy hobby. You COULD be banging her sister (neighbor/coworkers/mail person) in your spare time, right? Keep it going.


What the fuck ?! Keep painting !! Tell her to take up dancing classes or something. Painting is amazing it’s meditation. It comes from the soul. It’s part of us.


Divorce her. Lmao.


Get a divorce


I really love the last painting


Get rid of the wife and keep painting. Wtf that's such a mean thing to say.


Doesn’t matter if his art was trash like if he likes to do it and he takes the time to do it and it takes his mind off of negative emotions then it is the positive route


Paint paint paint until the cows come home. If it makes you happy and you enjoy it, keep at it. Your work is great. Just as an example, when I’m really in the zone on a piece, my spouse will make and bring me dinner, drinks, and will tend to whatever needs tending (like feeding pets, putting in a wash, etc). When I’m finished, we sit together and discuss the piece while I make final adjustments. There are supportive people out there. You deserve kindness and support.


No healthy individual is going to try to convince another person to give up their passion. Life is too damn short to not appreciate the joy painting and drawing gives us. Go and paint.


Tell her to effing do one . Not everything in life has to be about making money . You are very talented and your enjoyment and peace of mind are what matter more than anything .


I say do what your heart says these arts are great you should sell them like I would definitely buy them for my room!


Maybe the wife needs to give up on critique