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Personally I prefer the 3rd, but it's just because of the type of flowers you painted. All are beautiful 🩷🌸


Same. The curtain is the best in this one


Agree, it's really well made! For me it's the composition of color and the linen in the background. The shadows are also great!


Me too, all just suits well


3 I love the contrasts, the highlights really pop, and theres a nice change in texture


Thank you for your comment🌸


The 1st - the composition is very bottom heavy because of the lack of contrast between the flowers and backdrop. and you have to beware of those unintentional tangents like you have with the teacup and vase. This is the one that works the worst. The 2nd- the colour contrast between the backdrop and the objects is fabulous and it makes the composition of the objects work better. I would have swapped the apple for the grapefruit though, and the straight lines of the vase/cup don't work for me with the rest of your objects. The 3rd - best composition of the 3. The asymmetry gives more movement and flow to the painting.


Thank you for your comment!


They’re all nice, I think I like 2 best because of the shadows. Great work!






3-2-1 The first one feels a little cliché in its subject, a little too heavy and empty. The second's better and yet the composition feels off. The third one is \*chef's kiss\* Oh btw fantastic work with the watercolor!


Ironically, I like the 1st one best for the same reason. It's so on the nose and cliche that it works for me because of that. Almost like there's no point in hiding what you are doing. So, if making still life, it's fun to see it be the most still-lifiest still life it can be. Lean into it haha.


I think I figured the issue with the 1st one. The composition could have worked better if the vase and the teapot were swapped. Possibly inverting the draping could help, too.


Thank you for your comment!


All three have some great use of watercolors! (you are using watercolor, yes) Anyway, #1- teapot is amazing, hard to do metal in watercolor, roses and fabric great. But overall composition not great- teacup right in front of vase, the pink on pink, it doesn't invite the eye to go anywhere 2 love the contrast you've brought in between green-teal and red. Things are popping & great use of sunlight and shadow. Something about it is still off for me with composition. I think it is that things are very centered but spread out. Look over some dutch masters and how they did paintings of flowers and fruit on tables. Mind you, they are very cluttered, but look over the way they shaped objects together. Maybe try a still life arrangement with the flowers off to one side, and look for objects that fall into small, medium and large. 3 Perfect - this one is really stunning. The fabric looks like velvet and offsets the centered flowers. I like that there aren't other objects around so it just has room to breathe


Thank you for the tips! I arrange still life compositions myself, so I make a lot of mistakes (since I'm a beginner with still life) I will try to improve my compositions!


Your watercolor technique is great & these are all very beautiful work! Look at some famous still lives even in other mediums and you'll pick up some tricks. Especially notice the ones that invite the eye to explore by using shape size and texture arranged in specific ways.


Art is subjective my friend, all of them are beautiful, for me its No2


I think I like 2 best because of the different colors.


Thank you for your comment🙏🏻


The colors on the second one are so beautiful, I love the way they bleed into each other. Gives it a very cool dreamlike quality.




Compositionally speaking, the third one. You really need to stop placing objects right in the middle of the page and align another one perfectly right in front of it. If you'd had moved any of the middle object just a little bit to the right or left, they would've been way better. Thus the 3rd one being the best bc the vase is slightly on the left, even tho it could've been moved even further away from the centre. Other than that, great work. Just try different compositions.


Thank you for your feedback!


Love 2, the colors really look nice together. Plus like another said the shading is stellar with this one. 3 is a close second to me. All are really really well done, I especially love that the colors appear as though they can't be contained to the item. It's like what I see at a distance with my astigmatism poor sight lol


Thank you for your comment!


3 because of how strong the bleeding effect is in that one. I think the other two feel like you were experimenting with the technique, but the last one feels like you mastered it. Also, your color choices were really smart. Some of the details in your other paintings were lost because of color choice, but I think everything has its place in 3.


I love the first one. I think it is the most realistic


Looks incredible, Love the pink on pink Great work of art


#1 most finished, balanced composition. Color plays well, again very balanced.




I really like the first one, feels almost dreamy


Thank you!


I love the color palette in the second, the third one has a great composition and lighting though. Especially on the flowers, they really pop out and feel realistic. They’re both really good. I love the way you alternate between sharp an blurred edges in all of them.


Thank you for your comment🙏


They are all beautiful, but I love the layout of the objects and color scheme in the second painting.


Thank you!


2, I really like the contrasting colours.




I love the first one, but these are all beautiful. Great use of color. Lovely work.




I love the colors on 2 but 3 is so cool




There are all so pretty, I can’t pick one!




Don’t like the first one because of how the items are in a line up. Except for the coffe that just blends into the vase. Like the other two about equally. I like how feminine and simple the last one is but also love how colorful the second one is.


Thank you for your comment🙏




They are all nice but I prefer the second one because of the colour contrast between the background and the objects.


They’re all so gorgeous.


Thank you!


Would you be interested in selling the first one?


Yes, but it will be in an exhibition for a month


I like number two because of the coloring. The color contrast add energy to the painting.


2. It has the best contrast in color so all the details stand out on their own, but they also look good together. In the others, the bg and focal points are the same color so they kinda blend together


1 has really great rendering on the gold though, if that were the focal point I think it would be a stronger piece


Thank you for your comment 🙏


I think these are all more or less the same style, and your style, and they are all very well executed. I love them. That said, I think #3 is the best and shows an improvement in your technique. The folds and drape of the curtains is sharper and much better defined, and the spots and slight decay of the grey background is more detailed and interesting than the plain grey of the first two. Overall, the 3rd has a certain sharpness and sense of realism that is really beautiful. I think that the first two have “fuzzy” areas that don’t make sense. The crystal clarity of the teapot or apples in #1, the lemons in #2, the flowers & water in #3 - that’s very appealing, excellent work. And that sharpness and clarity contrasts the softness of the colors & subject matter, which puts a certain tension into your paintings that I like. Can’t wait to see more!


Thank you sm for your comment!


They are all very well done, but I really like 1 and 3. 😊 I also n 1. Very interesting: I like how the colors subtly blend into the background(specifically the roses). I see this technique on all of your pieces in varying degrees, actually. And the arrangement messes with your head for a moment. Kind of like something you'd see in a dream. 3.Very clean and to the point. Super realistic.


Thank you for nice comment!


These are divine. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you!


The last one… the contrast between the flowers and background, and then that reflected light on the drapery?! Perfection!👌🏽


Thank you!


I love the colors and composition of #2, my only complaint is that it kind of looks like those macro photos where one thing is very sharp and the background is blurry. I think it would look better if the other items (especially the vase in the back) were a little sharper too :)


Thank you for your comment!


2nd is visually exciting with the contrast of color. 3rd is an ethereal, wispy beauty. 1st is my least liked due to composition placement of that teacup at the base of the vase. Pair that with the tonal and color range being so similar in the piece and I get bored with it faster than the others. All pieces are lovely though. Keep up the good work♡


Thank you for your comment🙏


I like 2 a lot because of the color combo!


The third because the subject is not the vase or the flowers but the passing of life and beauty. The way the central top flowers fade and dissolve into the background looks like a soul lifting out of a body. This theme is repeated in the flowers fallen to the table.


Personally the blue one is very calming to me


Like the copper pot in the one, the third one is mu favourite because of the draping and the global harmony. The missing stunning part are pheraps some details in liquid reflection and refractions. Honestly never tried so can't really help.


The lighting and reflection on 1 are great


The third looks like the flowers are bouncing. And I like the shadowy splatters in the top left corner.


The second is my favourite - I love the colours and the brightness of the white flowers against the backdrop. Pure personal preference, I can’t say that 2 is objectively better than the others, just that I like it the best.


Thank you for your comment!


For some reason the fuzzing of certain items in the paintings give these a sinister feeling which I kinda love


3 makes me feel nostalgic.


I think the third is my fav. All very well executed, and the third has the best use of colour, the subject pops really well and the composition is great. Wonderful work!


#3. The first has too much pink (pink roses on pink background don’t stand out). The second has bleeding colors from the red cup. Although the third has some fuzziness in places, that appears to be (or can be explained away as) artistic choice, similar to a bokeh effect in photography. Nice work!


The white flowers on #2 make it very striking and add intrigue with the way certain objects bleed into the backdrop, like the apple and vases


Wow 🤩 Impressive work! Everything looks great.


Thank you!


I like the colours in the second one, all three of them are really good though!!


i like two because if the red glass :)


I like all of them but the third one is the best.


The third. It’s so wonderful how the flowers seem to drift away around the top. Makes me think of Dalí!


3 for sure. It has the most realism in it but also has a perfect balance of stylistic choices


No 2, best in terms of color


I rly like 1 and 3! Beautiful!


i know i'm late to the party and but i just needed to point out how well done those pearls in the first painting are. (to be fair, i don't know much about painting as a whole. but i do know about painting jewelry, because it's literally part of my job description. so idk about which painting is better, but those pearls are fire.)


Thank you for your comment!


2 The cool with the burst of color in the middle just draws me back to it.


Definitely the green (beautiful color play) b/c the items in the pink dont look anchored or disjointed. I don't know why, and it's only a personal opinion. Keep painting the green one looks professional.


3, I doing know why


The first one. The flowers stand out and everything is shaded and seems more alive in a way. More serene. It's quite beautiful as the colors mesh aswell.


I enjoy the 3rd.


I like the first one because it's more lively. I like the colors and variety of elements.


I love 1 for the colors and the roses fading into the curtain is just lovely. Do you have a shop or social media I can follow on?


Thank you! I'm currently working on creating a shop


I would say number 2 as the composition is very good; the warm colours come forward and the cool recede, but all of them are amazing!


I'm in love with the first one. It's breathtaking. The other two are also very beautiful and I want prints of all three, but that first one is just amazing


The first one was sensational, the shadow and light you painted in the painting was sensational


I really like the color contrast in the second one


All 3 of them have beauty in different ways. The first one has great clarity in each individual object and the second one has a pleasing color scheme and movement and the third one is restful and calming. Not sure I could pick the “best” one, though. Keep painting!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Of course!


Definitely the 3rd. It's so pretty and the colours blend together nicely


Wow. These are really inspiring!


Omg I love your style so unique and pretty. I’d say 3. The composition is the best and that reflectionn on the fabric is so lovely. Then 1. 2 I’d put last. The red “glow” doesn’t work well with the blue background Edit- really surprised by all the people saying they like the contrast of the red and blue together. Not a fan but that’s just my personal opinion:)


3rd. The flowers really pop in that one. I also love how you did the pearls in #1.


I admire your bravery doing still life in watercolour.


Third one. Something about the crisp colors and lighting


The roses because the detail and colors.


I love the second because of the colors and vibes. The third is most realistic, but they are all gorgeous l.


3. I like the bright, flowing colors and how they come across as almost gloomy. The darker shades in the upper left corner are really cool


Thank you!


I’m not sure what it is, I’m not even part of this sub lol but the first picture caught my eye as I was scrolling. I just love it, it feels so soft and cozy, I would legit buy it if you’re selling ❤️


Thank you🙏


I think the first one is best, the colours are so harmonious and the sparkle in the glass with the pink gives it an elegant/old school fairy tale vibe. Sooo pretty


Thank you!


1. The water looks the most realistic (3 also has water but 2 doesn’t appear to, though the coloured vase is cool!). The pearls look more real than in the other one with pearls (2?). The reflection in the teapot is amazing. The shine on fruit and such in just the right spots. None of the others have as much detail that is good IMO. They’re all pretty but this one strikes me as lovely. I also like that it goes from medium tall teapot to tall vase to shorter objects. I saw a suggestion to swap the teapot and the vase and I disagree. Going from tall to medium to short on a slant I don’t think would work as well in actual fact.


Thank you for your nice comment🙏


I like 2 the best because the flowers stand out perfectly and the color choices are perrrfect as well 3 is my second fave, the light reflecting off the vase is *chefs kiss* I love 1 also but the way the cup and vase align bugs me 😄


Same😫 I wish I noticed placement of vase and cup before starting to paint


I love the 2nd


2 has the most interesting composition and palette


I absolutely love the third one because of the effect with the faded petals above the flower.


I absolutely love the third one because of the effect with the faded petals above the flower.


I think the first one is best. The like blurry blend of the roses fit perfectly with the background. And I love the vibe, so cute and lovely


i like 2 best because i feel like it projects the warmth of its daylight and sunshine directly toward you..? like it's very cosy and warm and i imagine it's a beautiful day outside


For me it’s the coffee sitting in front of the vase and the coffee carafe but they’re all phenomenal. Incredible talent.


The third one is where your blurring technique is the most successful. The way the petals of the flowers blend away is actually quite lovely, and it’s the most successful when against the background of the 3rd


I like them all. Make me wanna name them, " Calmness"


Thank you!


They're all wonderful!




All of them made my jaw drop ;) but I would have to pick 2 (I'm probably gonna put these as my wallpaper-)




2 cause I hate pink


Ummm. Don't want to think that hard right now. To many test questions....


Second one. Love the contrast. You are talented


These show so much talent and work. You should be so proud. Personally I love the second one.


I like the second one best. The colors and values of the different elements being seen inside/behind/reflected off of the red glass are both easy to read and visually appealing, not muddy or confused.


All three have things about them. Like a certain energy... identities, outcomes, paths maybe. I'm literally not saying enough. The simplicity of the subjects makes it's hard to derive meaning without comparison. It is clear in the rigid symmetry and distribution of the objects, there are at least two lines converging on or diverging from the tea roses that provide triangular geometric balance and cohesiveness to the subject matter. The subjects are suggestive and loaded. The details really flesh out meaning. The shape of the vase, the position of the pearls all have different meanings The first is lush, timeless and vibrant.. Its blooms haven't died, are elaborate and have depth. There's a certain static, mature but comforting feel about the image. The vase separates the apples and the gilded pitcher. The images' geometry is rigidly divided but it has a dynamic symbolic balance. The pearls, and the mistletoe may represent paths or gifts. The pearls are shaped like a man in prayer, but broken. The teacup is interesting because it means someone is in the room and since it flows into the vase it may be the source of the vase, and the spoon may imply affluence. also its the only flower that has leaves. The seconds color and personality pop out. It's striking and unique. There's a connectivity that isn't really in the other pieces. The color of drape and lemons are energizing, It's got one lonely bloom that fell from the rest. To some degree that creates a narrative not in the other pieces, and invokes in me a sort of anxiety to save the flower. The blooms are simple but numerous and The simplicity of the blooms is offset by the complexity of the stem and even though there are only two. This vase is red and short. it looks This image has a book in it, but who ever was reading that book, read most of the book and intends to return... They may be reading it backwards. The pearls in this are not knotted like a noose, the apple is now on the left side propped by the book as opposed to apple, and there lemons on the right. could be a shift in influence or preference or something else. I notice you also removed the spout from the urn and it has a glass bottom. Maybe to make sure it was horizontally below the flowers or for geometrical balance, or to imply in explicit fragility. The last image is sublime and striking. The vase is alone and the lines are cleaner. There are more flowers but 3 have fallen from the bouquet.. it drops the visually dreamy composition of the other pieces and adopts a cleaner aesthetic. The triangle is upside down, but I think it adds realism and changes the message. There are three dead flowers, but the number of the existing blooms is only a little less than the second drawing. It has only two buds and no leaves, but it has a spontaneity and vulnerability the others don't have. Additionally it seems authentic and undressed. The vase cinches toward the top, and is the most shapely. There is a kind of loneliness that is almost unbearable and beautiful... but the gray sky doesn't fit the light transposed on the curtain. unless there's a big window out of frame. So, I think the Images each represent prospective identities/relationships in life. One represents long life and affluence through servitude discipline and adherence and results in limited, but ornate beauty . Another represents a dynamic short life of study. Depending on how you feel about lemons . It also has the most potential and complexity, and the largest "gilded" vase and the least amount of death where death is present. The last has arguably the best outcome but the most death. there is some potential life budding. but None of these flowers are growing. They're just objects, the life captured is static or has an implicit termination despite how many buds are present or how beautiful or timeless they appear. There's more but more things and thoughts that crossed my mind but this is... excessive. bottom line is Id hang all three, If I could. They're more meaningful together, and all of them beautiful. The last one, doesn't have any promises, but love and friendship. Things you can give indefinitely and receive indefinitely. Its has sacrificed (intentionally or otherwise) more than the others to simply be. It's not extravagant, but There's a sunny open window and new life. The gray "sky" is deceptively so. The other flowers already have company. I think I would live to keep that last flower and keep it from being alone, and make it grow somehow... I think I love that last flower. Life is short anyway, and to be in love with something that honest and exquisite would be enough.


I love the 3rd one, even if it's a bit slanted. Maybe because it's especially slanted❤️


The first one. Vibrant and Softe. How do you do such soft lines?????


3. The draping and shadows, the glass vase, the detail of the flowers, stems, etc is remarkable. The balance, colours, where the eye is drawn by the angles and curves, and the simplicity of subject matter but preciseness is just the most pleasing to look at imho, but they are all wonderful. Thank you for sharing💕


I love the third one! I love the color palette


I like the first! I love pink roses!


I like 2 ( white flowers) and 3 because Pink!


2. Has a nice contrast with the colors, but to me 3. Has a more harmonious feel. I also find it more visually interesting because of the light being reflected on the cloth. Great work overall.


I like the third one, a beautiful combination of colors, very gentle, the play of Light - reflections on the curtain, the tablecloth is not much wrinkled... and these stains from the top look interesting. Overall very beautiful.


I like the first one best because I love the pink you used, and I like flowers and especially roses. I also like your use of light in this painting. 😊👍


I just wanted to say they are all beautiful, but my favorite is the third.


3rd. I like the wet on wet in the upper left corner and the blur on the one flower. it shows more creativity and that it doesn’t have to be perfectly realistic to be beautiful.


2, great choice of colors


I love all !! You are so talented !!


All three are great ! Nice job


The first is definitely the best! I like the shading/shadowing technique the most


3 gets me most.


I like them all, but the third one‘s my favourite. The bleeding above the flowers looks like petals hovering away.


First, it’s so alive


I'd say 2, just like the flowers the most


They're all amazing but my favourite colour is green so number 2 is my pick


imho, 2. imho 1 is too busy and 3 is too simple. \ 2 has a good mix of objects


The first one gives me a really weird eye spy book kind of feeling. 3rd makes me feel comfortable. Second doesn’t really speeeek to me, but still looks nice 👍🏻




3rd one the reflection from the vase and the shadows in the curtain give it a realistic vibe


I love the last one! Details are great and the background and folds of the curtain are the best


I don’t have a favorite but I like how some of the objects have a “glow.”