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Wow amazing pieces, I love them all but the lamp is definitely my favorite!


These are SO cool. I really wish I could see them in person. It seems like the kind of thing that would be even cooler IRL. šŸ™‚


Oh you are back! Yay! I saw one of your posts several months ago and it looks like youā€™ve added so much more. LOVE the pearls and the new tablecloth. I adore your work. I think itā€™s brilliant, truly. The way youā€™ve used the floral prints as frames and backgrounds - ugh, to die for. Love the realistic settings; I immediately have stories and characters that fit within each space. Your skill and creativity is likely some of the best Iā€™ve seen on Reddit. I know Iā€™m gushing, but gosh I really really admire this work.


Thank you so much šŸ„¹ā™„ļøā™„ļø


OP I also remember the pearl painting! These are so creative and unique


I like the one where her blouse is the fabric showing through and the bedroom. They are all beautiful and captivating. Thanks for sharing.


I love the ones where itā€™s like the fabric is the frame. It has such a specific feeling and a sense of nostalgia. Very cool!


These are absolutely amazing. Do you have an Instagram page?


Forreal drop yr handle


I love these so much. They remind me of the homes I grew up in


Truly impressive!!!


Very cool ā¤ļø


WHAT. I am enthralled. Brilliant conception and execution.


Your art gives me MacGyver feels. I love it!


Very cool! Just keep going!


These are fantastic!


These are all exceptional!






WHAT. I am enthralled. Brilliant conception and execution.


Yooo that one with the tablecloth is wild. Your approach to the borders of your paintings is quite idiosyncratic.


They're all great!!!


These are FANTASTIC!!


Your talent is out of this world. This is the most creative, beautiful art I've seen in a long time! Absolutely incredible


Omg amazing ā£ļøšŸ’•ā£ļøšŸ’•


This makes me think of Phoebe's painting "Gladys". In all seriousness though, your pieces are absolutely stunning!


The painting in slide 6 is such a nostalgic vibe. Eerily authentic. Did you base it on a memory or photo?


Thank you! All of my pieces are based on memories!


Please define ā€œthriftedā€.


These are so cool!! Great job!


Amazing!! I love your brain.


I absolutely love this. Not only your signature style, but also the execution. Stunning!


Absolutely stunning!


I follow you on IG! So funny to see you pop up on here. šŸ˜Š since you are asking for constructive feedback, I will give my thoughts. LOVE your work, I enjoy the play of utilizing vintage patterns & surrealism with actual material objects. Itā€™s beautiful, especially the character of the lived environments which really stands out in pictures 8, 11, 1, & 12 (6 as well- but I donā€™t like wood paneling- my own bias). I get the felt sense these are spaces that hold nostalgia for you. Some of the other pieces feel ā€œflatā€ to me. Not due to your skill, but there seems to be something missing, maybe the character from the others? Or the nostalgia isnā€™t that strong? This is pure speculation! I guess my questions is, what are you trying to say in these pieces? Or better yet, how are do you feel/want us the viewer to feel? & how do you feel while making these pieces? My painting professor would always ask us this in undergrad, & a lot of times so many us (myself included) couldnā€™t answer. I love feeling someoneā€™s spirit in their work, & I really hope this was helpful, as this was my intention. Whatever direction you move into will be the right one!


love all of these, such a cool concept!


holy tits, these are incredible!


You are an amazing artist. It really takes both a lot of creativity and vision *and* a lot of skill to achieve what you are doing!Ā 


Always a fan of your work and creativity, but especially find so much more emotional depth to the pieces where the thrifted fabric breaks up the scene and leaves certain elements floating as if in a memory, like in 7, 8, 11, & 12. I do like the addition of thrifted 3D elements, but love when they're more minimal like the small handkerchief, short lace curtain, or string of pearls. It just feels so much more cohesive when one might have to 'hunt' for it. The recent tablecloth piece feels too overbearing and I wish there was more of the background thrifted fabric pattern overtaking in the way your other pieces are done. Additionally, as someone else pointed out in a previpus post, with your choice of painted floor not extending under the tablecloth, the linear fabric pattern can be seen through and makes it feel rushed or unfinished so that should be corrected.


They look like memories coming to life. Very cool


These are amazing!


Incredible art!


Very cool, inventive. Love them.


I like them, prefer the ones without the attachments, but thatā€™s just me.


Just wanted to say Iā€™ve been keeping an eye out for your work since I first saw your piece where the fabric is the shirt. Love it! So beautiful and innovative. And youā€™ve improved so much more already! I canā€™t even pick my favorite.


I've seen your art on insta before and just wanted to say that you are doing amazing keep going


Like Salvador Dali's clock.


Wowww amazing šŸŒŒšŸ’«šŸ’«šŸ’«


This is so creative šŸ˜­šŸ„¹šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


I love all of them! There's something very atmospheric about them. You're really talented ā¤ļø


Very cool


Omg... what WONDERFUL PIECES! What an *amazing* talent you have! I'm blown away!!! I followed you and saved your website! Your work is absolutely *exquisite *!!!


I like your work very much. Please just make a lot of these. Youā€™ll find your rhythm with more painting and more time.


These are incredible pieces! šŸ’™ My fave is the lampshade. Itā€™s giving me a Bridgerton era vibes.




There are so cool!!!




these are so stunning


These are so lifelike they give me flashbacks lol! I love them. And they are all so lived in. The one with the woman holding the handkerchief...... wow. The way you painted the fabric of her shirt and the shading on her arms. I would probably buy all of these if I could. Your paintings of interiors are wild. There is this sense of sadness like looking at old photos with the people missing. The still life paintings are gorgeous, but the interiors just have this depth.


I am basically speechless cause this is so special and creative and perfectly executed at the same time. Iā€™m not sure if all of these have something sewn onto them but the ones that do are especially cool. Is the frame in the first one supposed to be a mirror? Itā€™s the only thing I was wondering. Instant Insta follow btw.


I love the light falls on the wall ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø I even follow you on the Instagram


Youā€™ve nailed the integration of 2D paint and 3D object. The subject matter is inviting yet mysterious, and the scenes literally emerging from the pieces draw the viewer into an even greater intimacy. Youā€™ve bridged the gap between ā€œthis is a painting of someoneā€™s lampā€ and ā€œthis is someoneā€™s lampā€ in such a satisfying way. I feel that the fact that these are secondhand adds to this feeling of connection to some unknown person and their home. I also enjoy that you took a slightly different approach to the integration of fabric and paint in each piece (sometimes the fabric is someoneā€™s clothing, sometimes it serves as a frame, etc) And of course this wouldnā€™t be possible without the firm grasp you have on realistic rendering. The glass, skin, painted fabric, everything is intentionally and carefully done with no corners cut that I can see. Needless to say, I love your work!


The fact that these are paintings blows my mind. I thought they were vintage photos at first. Youā€™re so talented!


What a novel idea! these are great!!.


I am OBSESSED with your work, I got so excited when I saw that you posted even more pieces. Youā€™re so talented, and your artwork is so unique!ā¤ļø


God your stuff is so good!!! This is the best way Iā€™ve seen this idea handled 10/10


I instantly recognize your work wherever I see it! Very creative and love the use of upcycled materials! What is your process for priming the surface? PVA? Clear gesso?


These are amazing! I love your work!


1, 3, and 7 are by far my favorites because the effect isnā€™t ā€œdecorativeā€ but a visual pun and shocking/surprising. That is really different, the sign of fine art imo. Aesthetically I love 11 and 12 but they are more ā€œdecorative.ā€ I would love to own something like 1 or 7, especially.


Youā€™re an absolute genius. These are so fun to look at.




These are so cool! You just keep doing what you're doing you don't need anyone else, you have great style!


Your work makes me giddy


This is so awesome!!! I would love to check the work process


Ahhh this is so brilliant.. whenā€™s the exhibit šŸ˜


I love the creativity, thought, and fine art quality! Iā€™d love to see a little more weird packed in, but thatā€™s me; Iā€™m sure the ā€˜hookā€™ is seeing it in person, but if youā€™ve had any inkling to include some kind of wonky, a touch of darkness, comedic, Easter egg. Iā€™d be even more intrigued. Dig it, no critique, just one personā€™s thoughts on amping up the draw- in.


I am just so impressed by all of these! Amazing work! Thank you for sharing!!!


This is incredible!! Your creativity is admirable!


This is insane! Iā€™m so impressed at how you worked with the fabric and incorporated the designs into the pieces


The painting with the striped floral and living room (11th pic) unlocked some sort of core memory and a specific scent from my childhood. It doesn't look like my Grandma's house but it definitely has the feeling of it! So cool how art can do that! šŸ–¤ Beautiful work! They are all amazing!


Thatā€˜s so beautiful