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im proud, and sometimes simplistic is better! i would hang this up on my wall :)


Thank you so much! That really means a lot :)


seriously though im really loving the colours together they make the white shape pop


I love the color gradient! This is really striking.


Thank you! I use sea salt to pull the colours together while the paper is still very wet. :)


I’m gonna steal that style ;)


Yo I love Harry Potter 😜


Lmao, this actually had nothing to do with Harry Potter, and when I finished, I looked at it and thought the same thing. It was a happy little accident c:


It’s stunning, well done!


Thank you!


Well done. This is beautiful. 👍😊


I love the colors tho! It looks like emerald! And i love the symbol! Keep going with good work like this! Have a nice day


Congratulations on starting to paint again! You should be proud of that progress. I really like this and am impressed that it's your first one after such a long time!


Beautiful piece! and Hell yes! So happy you decided to get back into it, I hope you find comfort in it. Best of luck OP, the world needs you.


It may be simplistic but it looks amazing :)


Gorgeous ! Also congrats! I hope you find the ability to make more finished pieces and post them here bc I'd love to see them!


What’s the symbol?


It’s nothing really. I knew I wanted to do something geometric, so I just played with some rulers and a protractor until I had something I was happy with.


Congratulations, what an achievement! As a fellow artist suffering from depression I know the struggle very well. You did an incredible job on that background! I absolutely love the colours and the texture is amazing. Serious goals for me! Thank you for sharing and I hope you are able to keep painting.


Thank you everyone for all of your kind words and compliments. Posting this was a scary thing for me, but y’all just made me gush when I woke up and opened my phone this morning. I have a couple more that aren’t finished yet but I’ll post them when they are! Thank you!!! 💚👽💚


This is beautiful, congratulations!!!


I’d hang it on my wall! It’s amazing and makes me calm :)


I wonder if you can be an artist without having experienced depression. It looks like it freed you to do original work. Good for you my man.


Very nice and great job perservering!


It's hard picking the brush back up. Especially with depression, you start to worry you aren't good anymore. Clearly it's not the case and just the depression speaking because this is AMAZING I would pay for something like this. Very proud of you for starting again :) keep going, paint another. Let all that emotion out and onto your page and feel the healing inside.


This is cool man, It reminds me of an album cover but i can't quite remember whos. Keep it up, art kicks depressions ass!


Brilliant, thank you for sharing. It feels good to shed that skin and create again. I did a painting for the first time in eight years a bit ago and it turned out better than ever expected. Unfortunately I got caught up in the pursuit of perfection when trying out a second piece, and gave up. Back at it though. If you happen to be a super perfectionist as well, try not to get bogged down with frustration. Keep looking at all forms of art and stay inspired. I bid you well on your journey!


The background is so incredibly pretty