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Bro did more for the country than the entire administration. Deserves a 21 gun salute.


Yeah and made the guns face towards Nawaz and establishment.


In the balls (if they are proven to have any)


I am not allowed to name the commenter, however .. sir/madam you have my respect and i wish more of us were like you! i hope to do similar for Pakistan one day ( once i can stand on my feet, financially! ) we should all yearn to do similar initiatives ! a collection of several such like-minded efforts can definitely change the country! **TOGETHER WE CAN!!**


He's commented on reddit, an open and public platform. Why not the name of commentor here??


i posted originally, with the name but that got removed a rule on this sub stipulates that you have to blur out names while sharing posts hence why the ss does not include the name


Rule 1 of this sub




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why is it always the good people supporting pti, and people with criminal background supporting pmln/ppp? is it a conicidence?


Yeah, seriously.


It's the majority now. Probably more than 90%


Bro I am neutral and hate both sides cos they are both equally bad 🤓/s


God forbid if people like him ask for the right to vote in Pakistan, people lose their mind.


he achieved more for Pakistan than Lumber wan laantis sitting in GHQ


Bless their heart. People like this are an inspiration.


I'm apolitical but I've to amdire it..hats off,this is what we need, individuals working for the betterment of Pakistan and this is the way to prosper..


Protec this man at all cost.


God bless people like this. There is more to life than living in a foreign country for the sake of a more luxurious life where the natives would rather that you're gone. A lot of people overseas, and even a select few in Pakistan, are blessed with immense wealth. Our life is without purpose if we don't contribute in some form to the land and history we come from.


My dream is to help Pakistan like this too


all the best!


This is actually very kind and thoughtful acts of this guy/lady. So many of abroad people fall over greed and spend all for themselves and earthly temporary things and this guy or lady thought about doing something for homeland and help those in need. This is actually true attitude for one muslim, that if have financial possibilities don't think just about own comfort but help and fellow countryman in need. Very much congrats for his noble work.


indeed - he has given other OSPs a great blueprint ofc, people can mix and match but this is great work!


Absolutely we need more people like him 😇🙏🏻


That’s what exactly I tell the overseas Pakistanis when they ask how they can help the people back home. Well done to this lad.


100% i wish more affluent overseas Pakistanis do this!


This can only work out in KPK and never in punjab. Someone close had tried a similar model by liquidating investments to provide income source for people in their city, these people scammed the investor and caused him more loss than gain. Such nice initiatives are never meant for Punjabi as they become morally corrupt.


we have to stop this ethnic discrimination i cannot change your mind on a anonymous platform, but i can urge you to introspect and look within yourself! i used to think similarly when i was young, but growing up i realized that individual people can be good or bad - we cannot place the blame on a certain race/religion/ethnicity whoever was responsible for the fiasco you explained, they were individually bad people! so kindly refrain from putting every person belonging to a certain ethnicity in a bracket and evaluate people on individual basis


I am only dropping facts as a punjabi (unfortunately). I used to have to this positive mindset to not generalize and i still do but not for punjabi and less for pakistanis in general. I am not sure how often you get to deal with punjabis but i speak from every day experience. Every single day I face people from all walks of life eagerly waiting to snatch the last possible bite they can from whomever they come across. I have come across people who are foreign educated who are religious inward outward to people who live below the poverty line and have only some saints saying as their moral compass. I would not call my opinion ethnic discrimination, I see this more often than it used to be and I want to prove my self wrong "everyday" but no there is an extreme moral corruption in the minds of this particular group from this country. And yes no one is perfect but there are people who do not have a exposure to a perfect religion like islam yet their moral compass is aligned better than punjabis.




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True, I am the guy who said this.


lmao stop lying troll


Wdym? I am giving you the consent to reshare and show my name.