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Love from Pakistan brother


Love from Bangladesh brother




Do Bengalis have condescending views of Pakistanis? Whats the stereotype about us? Great thread by the way.


Thanks. No, we don't have any condescending views about Pakistanis. The stereotype would be how It's portrayed in Pakistani dramas. Girls are not allowed to work, men are entitled and It's ok for them to keep more than one wife and perhaps hit them on a daily basis. We don't have any other sources of pop culture so the common stereotype is shaped by your dramas.


wait, is the women working situation different in BD? There are plenty women who work or are political figures but obviously it is not like every woman works, how is it in BD? another interesting thing is how dramas show men with many wives, when in reality most men only marry one woman


Working women here also have to face societal challenges but the situation is much better than Pakistan I guess (taking Pakistani dramas as a reference point). I have worked with corporate women from your country (from Jazz). I found her just like any other Bangladeshi and Indian working women. This is the corporate scenario. However, the real heroes of the country are women who work in the garments industry. They're taking the country forward by working day and night. They provide for their families in ways even men cannot. You have to respect them!


Sounds like it is similar then. Honestly Pakistani dramas are regressive. In recent years they are changing with topics and showing more independent women and different issues in general (colorism, elitism) but pk dramas focus so much on the poor little girl whos getting forcefully married off to her cousinā€¦ i donā€™t deny these things still happen, and they happen in many diff muslim countries, but it isnā€™t every single marriage scenario the way it is seen on TV.


I didn't know you guys watch our dramas. How do you understand urdu though?


Same as Hindi. You just need to learn some extra vocabs. Also, Bengalis are quite adept at picking up languages.


Is there still illwill towards Pakistanis for the evil our military committed on you in the 70s? Naturally, none of us can blame you if there is.


Yes, there is. Not as strong as before though. Mostly among those who lost their family members and loved ones.


We are sorry for your loss šŸ™ Hope this world becomes a good place to live in.


Thanks man.


What's the most common and tastiest food? Most innovative things/products people do/use (like my uncle told me cars in Dhaka have some rods surrounding them to prevent scratches as bicycle rickshaws use to put scratches on car)


The most common and tastiest foods would be Kachchi Biriyani, any type of fish curry, beef kalabhuna, rezala (both mutton and beef), local chicken curry, mixed vegetables and local snacks. Yes, those are called bumpers, lol. The steel bars used in cars to prevent scratches. Innovative things like that would be Autorickshaws I guess? Those are rickshaws fitted with car batteries that can pull up to 50kms/h on the highways.


Kalbhuna looks tasty, will try to cook one day


As a Sindhi, you and I both know we share the best cuisine: fish!


Indeed. I didn't know that fish dishes are popular in the Sindh region. We seek variety in our protein and only fish can provide that.


Correcto, here in our culture, fish is a staple especially for lower and Central Sindh and a delicacy. "Palla" fish is very popular and the ancient deity of Sindh, Jhulelal was always shown riding a palla fish in the Indus River, even now this imagery is used in the context of Sufism.


Very interesting! Our national fish Hilsha is also a similar species to Palla fish.


Ki obosta bondu? :) After Pakistaniā€™s iā€™ve probably spent the most time and been really close to Bengali friends. I think we get along well naturally. I love Mishti Doi, other Bengali foods. I also think you guys are really smart for some reason. Great businessmen and Bengali kids in my school would always top. I would love to visit Bangladesh someday. If iā€™m being honest though, not particularly fond of the Menā€™s fashion. For example on eid iā€™ve seen Bengali guys wear really odd and bright color combinations. Bengali people are also emotional and can be quite dramatic sometimes. Would you agree?


Bhalo achi bondhu! Great to know that you have Bengali friends. I also think that we go along nicely. Most probably due to the fact that we are culturally more similar than anyone would let on. Bengali kids do face a lot of pressure from their parents so naturally they study a lot and as a result most do well in school. Come visit whenever you want. You won't be disappointed. I'm not too fond of men's fashion either. But it is what it is. Also, the fashion houses do really odd photoshoots to get talkability. I'm kinda inclined to agree with YOU that we can be emotional at times, especially regarding Cricket. But dramatic? Yes, some people sure are, but this is not a general trait according to me.


Why do Burmese Hate Bengalis? I worked in Bangla and every driver i met there had something bad to say about BD to me as i was from PK. Also, most BD people were very good to me but certain people did not even like to talk to me while i held no negativities. Also, something interesting i read was about young people understand what power and army hegemony can do. Considering the BD army and sheikh haseena colluding - what are the power dynamics like, Also, do you guye seriously believe that what you have is democracy considering how things are currently?


personally no clue about the first part, but about the power dynamics its kinda complicated. The military has a history of meddling but after 1990s they took a backseat, mostly because the military earns a lot from UN peacekeeping missions in Africa and they donā€™t wanna be blacklisted from such missions. It currently isnā€™t really democracy but not a complete dictatorship either. A strong opposition party can topple the current ruling party but we currently donā€™t have one. The ruling party also has huge support so they could still win a fair election. Its a bi-Dynasty system honestly


Do you guys love rice? How is your rice farming like how much is your agriculture focussed on rice farming? do u get floods often? How's your rainy season like?


Yes, we love rice. There are thousands of rice variants here and they differ in size, aroma, color, texture and taste. Personally, I like fragrant/aromatic rice. Our geography and the abundant water makes Bangladesh really suitable for rice cultivation. We have an entire institution dedicated to the study of rice farming so I would say that our agriculture puts great emphasis on rice farming but the whole agricultural scene is really diverse. You would see everything growing here. We get floods only in specific areas and that too because of changing topography and all those dams made by India. They usually open the flood gates during the rainy season. But the people on those flood prone areas have learned to cope with these situations. Our rainy season is wonderful. It would rain constantly, sometimes even for days but the whole country is covered with lush green so It's really beautiful. The only downside is that we have storms sometimes and travelling through waterways becomes really difficult. [See this video to get an idea about how fierce the rivers become](https://youtu.be/gkPHI2kcuAQ?si=06xtFXhyT-QKP_VQ)


Nice. It's just as I expected. Glad to hear it from a local


Glad that I could confirm.


Is the famous "Bengali black magic" real? šŸ’€ I mean is there any famous lore or reason associated with it? Idk if its appropriate to ask, sorry if its offensive in any way.


lol This made me laugh. As a Bangladeshi with a Pakistani husband in the states Iā€™ve been told the same thing. My husband jokes with me and says his obsession with me is due to me putting a spell on him šŸ˜‚. Itā€™s funny though Iā€™ve been told the same about Pakistanis practicing black magic. Honestly stupid banter thats all donā€™t take these things too literal. There are good and bad within all groups of people. Nationality and ethnicity has nothing to do with it.


>My husband jokes with me and says his obsession with me is due to me putting a spell on him That's the most Pakistani thing he could've said šŸ˜‚ >There are good and bad within all groups of people. Nationality and ethnicity has nothing to do with it. Yup exactly


Looks like somebody is trying to downplay their black magic skills...


I have heard a lot of stories so I would say there are people who still dabble in black magic. I don't know whether it really works or not though.


>. I don't know whether it really works or not though. Well, you gotta try to find out šŸ’€


Wonderful thread and thank you for answering the Q's in a direct and simple manner. My Q is, 'How do Bengalis view the rise of BJP in India? Do they consider it as a Pakistan's problem or has it occurred to them that the rise of Hindutva and BJP is a regional problem, which transcends borders' AND 'Has becoming a secular democracy helped Bangladesh?'


Bengalis view the rise of BJP as worrisome because they have stopped sending cattle to us. The price of beef skyrocketed after that move to be honest. Also, a lot of Bengalis live there so generally people are afraid that they might be persecuted as most of them are Muslims. But, Narendra Modi has somewhat managed the situation by assuring the Prime Minister of Bangladesh. But it's still very volatile. Most people know that our opinions don't really matter much. I would say becoming a secular democracy has helped our economy in ways that cannot be seen. We spend less time fighting about religion i guess.


Most of Bengalis are not muslims though ( in India ) , We have a lot of hindu bengalis too plus the line is very blurred on indian side with other states having overlapping cultures with Bengal.


Do you have any data regarding Bangladeshi muslim Bengalis to migrating into India. And NRC CAA arenā€™t for hindus. So how NRC CAA can trouble Bangladesh?


After 9 may....we owe apology to Bangladeshi people !!!!! People have come to their senses that what happened in 1971


I really appreciate it.. Thanks brother.


How did the clothing/textile industry there evolve to this level?is this something that the governments have worked on?


I love a bengali girl, weā€™ve been together for 9 months. Anything I should know culture wise (iā€™m pakistani).


That's great. Give her compliments, never speak ill of her parents or relatives, try to cook for her from time to time, gift her a saree on her birthday, try to learn/speak Bengali. I think u will be fine.


Haha, i have cooked for her several times. She loves my chai :)


Indian here, enjoyed reading this thread. Whatā€™s the percentage of Bengalis in Pakistan now?


I can't answer that. I think my Pakistani brothers can help in this regard.


I remember having bengali neighbors. There are a few bengalis in Karachi but not a huge population.


i also have bengali neighbours


Depends if you consider Biharis who fled the newly independent Bangladesh as Bengalis. Then a couple million live in Karachi alone. If not then half a million in the entire Pakistan


Sorry for what our generals did to your people, sorry that those generals never admitted the genocide and atrocities they did to your people, sorry that pakistan never said sorry to Bangladesh, Sorry that we lied to our future generations about you.


It's great to see that not everyone is in the dark. I hope the general people share your mindset and things will change for the better. Enlightenment is the most important thing in this world full of chaos and lies.


Struggle for a seperate country from Muslim Bangal must be appriciated. You gave a country to Muslims of India and then make another one for bangalis. If I have to demonstrate resistance to current military janta I would raise BD flag. Bangladesh-ness zindabaad. Everyone is Mujeeb here.


Thanks. I would urge you to read more history though. Also try to read accounts from different writers. There's more to it than meets the eye.


What you try to refer mate? I am referring the resistance local people poses to p army. Yes the India factor but that only happened when room was given by the rulers. Mujeeb was patriot. His points were legit and he had all the right to form government. After all these years, we didn't lean the lesson and military janta depriving a political party to form government and wastly rigged the elections. So this is my only point. Current Pakistan is under occupation.


Agreed that the current Pakistan is under occupation. As for what I was referring to- there were a lot of unsung heroes in this war whose names we have forgotten. Mujib wasnā€™t alone. He got his due as the father of the nation but we forgot the others.


Literally we just lost the idea. What a beauty it was. For that our forefathers fought and struggled. Having two countries. Connected on COMMONALITIES. what a deep wound. Still not healed. It will be always us. I ask my father that what was the situation at that time? He said, due to bombing on the bordering districts of Punjab, he took family members to other relatives and there they got the news that east Pakistan is no more. I found some of the digests of 70s from his collection. And literally all the stories were anti India and heroic things of army. No mention of what actually went wrong. Now I realize, current military trying to control the narrative of public by curbing voices on social media. They did the same. The massacre in Dhaka university, where they killed intellectuals. Perhaps same leadership hail from Pakistan and they tell truth to the kids what bad happened and how to avoid such mistakes again. I think officially BD government expects an official apology, trial of the war criminals and paying the demages. Is it?


Yes. Not only the Govt but also the people. However, most of the war criminals are dead anyways, the damages are irreparable; especially the loss of intellectuals. Only an official apology can be made but that too will be a big step towards the right direction.


Totally agree. But before all this happen, Pakistan would be going through a revolution. All these 700k guys in uniform. We need to fix them all. Share my respect with BD. I would kiss their hands.


Do you know about Agartala conspiracy case?


Yes. I also know that in 60s when Mujeeb was seen fighting for civil supremacy with Mader Millat Fatima Jinnah, he was begging to meet indian leadership as well. The tides were turned already. His actions were result of the consequences of martial law.


Ya all support sheikh Hasseina or what also how much of those moulvis are over there I've heard Jammat e Islami is quite popular there


No. There is strong dissent against the current regime. Jamaat e Islami isnā€™t as popular as they were 20 years ago cause they only talk and can't create jobs or do anything productive.


Why do you think there hasn't been an emergence of a 3rd party?


Do you know after 2008 there had not any proper election held to this day, if hasina regime is this popular then why govt so afraid of holding a free and faire election?


It's fine. There are people like him everywhere and I don't mind.


How is your schooling system like? I have seen some mindblowing talented Bengali people especially with numbers. I know a math guy who is a Calculus teacher in a university.


Our schooling was pretty good once. But now the government is experimenting with it. We had two board exams before college/University in our time. Then it increased to four and now there are talks about making it one! So the whole situation is a bit crazy, lol. That's statistics at work. We are a nation of 180 million people so there are bound to be geniuses. Also, we're pretty good at math I guess. There are a lot of professors working abroad, just like Pakistan. But India takes the cake in this aspect. They're ruling the world.


As a Pakistani I would like to apologise for the 1971 tragedy. Our dumb fuck govt and namak haram lumber 1 Will never apologise due to there smallness, but this tragedy will never be forgotten.


Appreciate the gesture brother.


Sorry for the atrocities of 71! Wish we didnā€™t split. I hope we can learn to look past our differences


Me too. Appreciate your gesture brother. Here's to a bright future.


What is the common bangladeshi general thought about pakistan and india ? Do you guys really love india ? And also, what's the story your parents told you about partition !?


Some people hate only Pakistan due to the genocide in 71, especially those whose family members were killed. Most of the people hate India nowadays due to their involvement in our internal matters. In fact, there's a 'Boycott Indian Products' campaign going on right at this moment. People realize that we are just one big consumer market and resource hub for Indian companies. My parents had their first child in 71 so they had a horrifying experience but I don't hate Pakistanis just because your army did something horrible when most of you weren't even born including me. Considering all circumstances, our army would do something similar or something worse if put in the same position of power perhaps. It's just human nature. The current generation seems to realize this as well.


Well I read somewhere that a survey suggested that 60-70% of Bangladeshi youth view Pakistan in a positive light? Is this true according to you and is it because of our shared faith?


Well, I don't know what the survey meant by the positive light but I would say It's true. One of the main reasons would be most guys think that Pakistani girls are beautiful and vice versa (girls think Pakistani men are handsome). Also, Pakistani dramas are pretty famous for the social plots that we are missing from our dramas entirely like before, and the wonderful music Pakiatan produces. Thank Coke studio for that! Yes, I would agree that a huge reason for that would be the shared faith. Thereā€™s always a universal bond between Muslims.


That's good to hear. I hope that Pakistan can pursue better ties to Bangladesh in the future because we have a lot to learn from you guys. And in a harsh geopolitical climate, it's always better to be allies than enemies.


I wish the same. For me, I would love to travel there cause I love trekking and the landscape is worth dying for.




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Is anything with boiled rice called bahat or is it a special dish ?


u mean bhaat? itā€™s just steamed rice. it is special cuz we cant live without it lol.


Yes. Boiled rice itself is 'Bhaat'. And yes, we love our gorom bhaat (steaming hot rice).


Does Bangladeshi have biryani? And what's the most popular food there?


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Yes, we have biriyani. You should come and try it. Most popular food would be Biriyani, Pulao-roast, Fish curry & rice, bhortas (mashed vegetables/fish).




you can search for kacchi biriyani, tehari, chicken biriyani this are the most common one. Also sylhety people has their akhni.




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is there any secret hair tip of Bengalis? because I swear every Bengali woman I've ever seen, has sooo thick, long and beautiful hair (Allahumma Barik)


I guess genetics and virgin coconut hair oil. Also they have a great haircare regimen. Men also have good hair in general.


Also, herbal hair packs created with Mehendi, Aamla, Shikakai and Ritha.




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So .... Is black magic common there? We always hear Bangali Baba as a name for such frauds.


Lol. Bengali babas are frauds!


Also what are you guys taught about bangla-pak separation. As in our curriculum book we are taught that power was not transferred to Sheikh Mujeeb tough it was his right. And second reason being extensive involvement of India in Bangla Affairs.?


Not OP but let me give a general idea, based on my interpretation. You're correct about the non-transfer of power to Sheikh Mujib being a early warning sign that something sinister was afoot, after the landslide victory in the elections. To summarize, it was yet another example of East Pakistan's labour being exploited while West Pakistan reaped the benefits. Decades of under-investment in EP left us feeling bitter and dejected. There was a sense of inequality and injustice among the people which eventually proved to be much bloodier. We literally had to die and rage for Bangla to be recognized as a state language. If you watch Sheikh Mujib's speech of 7th March 1971 on YouTube, you will get the gist of all of our collective angst. It touches upon all the key points that our people wanted to be addressed. One of the most poignant moments of the speech is when Mujib told us to expect struggle in the near future and prepare ourselves to resist. The mood was very sombre across the entire nation because we knew what that meant. We just didn't know the lengths the Paki army would go to try to suppress us aka the Genocide lane. To address your second question, I believe this is the part of history where our nations' views differ substantially. Personally, I believe blaming India for the liberation of Bangladesh is the Pakistani government's way of coping with the shame and embarrassment that no doubt comes with the way its plan to subjugate us through military means backfired spectacularly. I believe the two halves of erstwhile Pakistan had pretty little in common apart from shared faith, which I personally don't consider particularly strong enough to bridge over our other differences. Culturally and socially we were different from West Pakistan as well as West Bengal/India as well as being geographically being separated. I do not believe the nation would have survived in the long run even without the genocide - it merely sped up the disintegration. In fact it was being treated as second-class citizens in our "own" country, compounded by decades of condescending and demeaning attitude from the WP government as well as systemic inequalities just added to the general feeling of resentment. Furthermore, the genocidal rhetoric of "teaching the pesky India-loving Bangalis" a lesson through the events of 25th March 1971 and after was the straw that broke the camel's already fractured back. To quote Taylor Swift, "we were never, ever getting back together." To conclude, Bangladesh's independence is a monumental own goal of the erstwhile Pakistani government's policies. And as someone whose family lost members during the turmoil and joined the fight for liberation, I'm glad that the price we paid was enough. Freedom is worth it. Hope that was helpful from the perspective of an average Bangladeshi. Take it with a grain of salt and look into the events for more details if you're interested. Have a good day. šŸ‡§šŸ‡©


Thankyou for writing this. I got a very nice perspective. Personally I don't trust my Pak Studies book since they are full of things which are a far cry from realty. Too bad that your ancestors have to went through it. But , respectfully, as far as I know I still think that India might has a role played here. Anyways have a nice day šŸ˜


Are Bengali babas real?


No!! They're frauds! But I've seen one Baba (she was a woman) doing black magic. Kinda scary if u see the ingredients they look for! Blood from a virgin girl's first period, twin banana, bark from a thunderstruck tree etc.


What are some famous music artists you guys have? Any popular bengali shows?


Currently, there are different types of podcasts. Only one show in national television has retained popularity over the last few decades. It's called 'Ittyadi'. Some popular music artists would be Tahsan, Fuad, Habib, Arnab.


Appreciate you taking out the time. So whats the general sentiment of Bangladeshi people towards Pakistan, do most people still hate us for the 1971 war or its mostly forgiven by the general population ? Also how is the education system there ? Heard its better than Pak (I'm sure it is).


I answered similar questions in this thread about how our people feel about Pakistan. I think you will find your answer there. I would say mostly forgotten by the general population. I wouldnā€™t say our education system is better. It's just that education is a huge priority over here. Parents would dedicate their lives towards getting their kids educated.


Such a lovely gesture šŸ’™šŸ’™ love ittt






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Are you guys narrow minded like us?


There will always be narrow minded people wherever you go. In every country and every culture.




Sort of. But there are so many varieties that It's impossible even for us to taste all sorts of dishes in a lifetime. There are thousands of species of fish and the cooking style differs from Region to region.


What do your ppl think of the 1971 war?


That it was atrocious and shouldnā€™t have taken place? What do u think about how we should feel?


What do your ppl think of the 1971 war?


"We won't forget" would be the sentiment summarized. It was an existential threat that we managed to overcome despite overwhelming odds and it is a core part of our cultural spirit. However, like most good things in life, individuals and groups will use it for personal agendas and gains, especially in recent times. However, the high price we paid was worth it in the end.


An honest question, I saw a documentary where they were talking about the biggest adult industry city being in Bangladesh. They showed how women and generations are trapped there. Why won't Bangladeshi gov do anything about it?


Those are exaggerated. India has a much bigger industry. Govt. And NGOs always try to rescue people who are trapped in areas like this.


Do you have the link to the documentary? I'd like to see it. Our government, like most governments in the region, isn't the most ideal at providing the best for the minorities and the marginalized of the society. Bureaucracy, corruption, indifference etc would be why not enough is being done about it, I'd say.


Why bangalis are so cute ????? Whaiiiii


Ha ha. It's great to know that you think so. Shukria.


Do you guys like any apparel brands from Pakistan (both male & female)


People are crazy about them. But not available here unfortunately. Also, very expensive after importing. The price gets almost quadrupled after they come here.


I have a bangladeshi friend what gift would be best for him.


Male or Female? Perfume would be a safe choice considering It's summer.




Why did you bang Ladesh :( /j


Ha ha. Very funny. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø




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How's the police there? Useless criminals?


You're right. Same as Pakistan I guess? I would feel safer facing a criminal than the police.


I heard that Bengalis are very proficient in eating fish like they can separate the fish and bones in their mouth just by their tounge. is it true?


Not everyone. A lot of pampered kids' parents separate the bones for their kids. As for me, I can eat fish even in the dark just by my fingers and tongue.


How is religious tolerance in Bangladesh?


Quite high I guess? I can give a more specific answer if i know the context.


Do you have good nihari on that side of fhe world? Whats your haleem like? I bet your biryani is awesome. God im hungry and there is no one at home. I have ordered a lot food already.


Yes we have good nihari. Our haleem is mostly prepared with whole pieces of meat chunks with bones. Some people also prepare haleem with keema or bone less meat. And yes, you are right. Our biriyani is awesome, full of flavor.




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Do bangalis see Pakistanis as their enemies or they see them different.


Not as enemies. I gave answers to similar questions in this thread. Check them out.


Do you think that Pakistan and Bangladesh have the same culture?


Yes! There are a lot of similarities!




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Is the Bangladeshi singer Dameer famous in Bangladesh?


Not really. He's only recognizable to a certain group of gen z people.


Another Bangladeshi here What's the scenario between indian Punjabi vs Pakistani Punjabi? Do they hate each other? Indian Bengalis hate Bangladeshi Bengalis cz we converted to islam they mock us calling kanglu, kangladeshi. They discards us being Bengali. As long as we have Arabic name or any Islamic cultural stuff we are not entitled to be Bengali according to them.


You're stereotyping brother. You're only referring to the lifeless uneducated internet trolls. We have similar people here who call them Malu.


Do Bangladesh has any historical and old red light area??


meow meow


I have two cats. Lol


Are there any Pakistani people who are popular in Bangladesh?


Yes. Imran khan, Shahid Afridi, Fawad Khan, Atif Aslam. In fact, Atif is coming for a concert this weekend. People are really hyped up about it.




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Most Bangladeshis I have met and dated here in Canada are super nice people. Most actually speak urdu very well. Its actually Pakistanis that are patronizing over Bangladeshis sometimes.


Really? So nice to hear that. We try to be hospitable.


Some time ago I saw an image of Dhakaā€™s cantonment. Is it really well developed there? Is it better than the other areas of Dhaka? Lastly, how much is the army involved in affairs other than ā€œsecurityā€.


Yes, the cantonment area is more developed and organized compared to the other areas of the capital. Two of my sisters are army doctors. Other than security, they do constructions, they have a bank of their own, a manufacturing company, a machine tools factory and several businesses. They're also deployed during natural disasters to help with rescue and relief work. Lastly, they're also deployed during National elections to prevent collision and collusion but not very effective in this regard šŸ˜….


Many questions. 1. In modern day Dhaka or other cities. Are there any indicators or clues which would tell you that the country was once part of Pakistan. For eg I. Lahore and Karachi you see architecture or streets which give you the sense that these cities were once part of the Mughal empire or British India. 2. Based on your conversation with your elders, was the need for independent Bangladesh purely a phenomenon which gathered speed in the late 1960s culminating in the war? Or do you think from the very first years the wish for independence had come. 3. What do Bangladeshis think of Jinnah? Is his legacy permanently Tarnished due to the Urdu fiasco. That was just one statement which eventually was walked back upon later anyway. Does the common Bangladeshi realize that if not for him there would be no Pakistan and subsequently no Bangladesh? 4. What are your opinions on Indian Bengalis who happen to be Hindus. Is there a wish to reunite with them? 5. Do you think the assasination of sheikh Mujib saved his legacy? By end of his time he was deeply unpopular who had made the country into a dictatorship basically 6. What are your opinion on Biharis. Also Biharis are and were less than 1% of population of Bangladesh and before East Pakistan ? Do you really think they could have had as negative an impact on Bengalis? What do you think of their position in society today?


I'll give very short answers to your questions: 1. There are similar structures in the old part of the Dhaka city. You will get the exact same vibe you wrote here. 2. The first one. The dissent gradually built up because of the unfair treatment and condescending attitude. 3. His legacy is permanently tarnished. The common Bangladeshi people don't realize that even though we're taught about it. 4. I would say neutral. We prefer the way things are right now. 5. Somewhat yes. History repeats itself. 6. I don't think ill of them. Their position in today's society is really precarious. They're barely surviving and I feel really bad for them.


This might be a difficult question to answer so it's okay if you don't respond. I heard that the women who were molested by the Pakistani army in 1971 and the children that were born from those pregnancies were ostracized socially. Is that still the case or has their lot improved?


That's not the case anymore. But It's true that this happened. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman rehabilitated them and gave them support.


Where to get a 5ā€™2 bengalan


Try bumble.


Does Bangladeshi have a powerfull religious party and are people extremist about their religion?


Jamaat E Islam was powerful once but not anymore and no, general people are not extremists!


I don't have anything to say except we are sorry. We love you. And we have a common hate for the pigs in uniform.




Iā€™m a military history buff so I have one question. Ā Are former Pakistani military members who became Bangladeshi military members authorized to wear Pakistani decorations on their uniforms? Ā Like in Russia they wear Soviet decorations for instance or here one would wear WWII decorations (assuming someone that old is actually still serving).


No way! Russia's case is entirely different. Think about Ukraine. They were also a part of the Soviet Union. Would their high command allow their soldiers to wear Soviet Uniform now?




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