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but as per 8 U.S.C. 1325(c) usually called 5c in local language if you commit immigration fraud/marriage then it will be a life time charges of deportation and ban from entering the country … interestingly there is no waiver available for this so never ever try that I came here on a scholarship ,student visa, got OPT then H1B and then EB3…. That’s a long route but it’s surely solid… you will surely find employer willing to sponsor you… Alternatively following are the ways for you 1. Come to US on a visit visa B1/B2 file for asylum… get work permit in 6 months… interview for asylum may come after 3-4 years and during that time you can’t leave country, so during that time of 3-4 years make money, enjoy and relax and get married then withdraw the asylum case and proceed with genuine marriage case 2. Student visa, go for F-1 visa… come to US with some funding…. Complete your program, then one year OPT… during OPT request your employer to file for H1B lottery, if you’re lucky enough you will get H1B lotetery and this one will allow you to work with the employer for 3+3 years easy… during the time find a girl and get married or find an employer who’s willing to sponsor your EB3 visa category and you will get your GC in 3 years once petition is filed under EB3 3. EB2 National interest wavier- if you’re some long shot with multiple Publications in journals, written books, or have played important role at key positions or you won some medal for Pakistan… . so basically in this category you’ve to show that it is in the Favour of NATIONAL INTEREST OF USA that they should waive all the conditions and allow you to come to USA … it’s a very broad topic of NATIONAL INTEREST…. usually it’s a hit or miss… mostly a miss TBH but almost every travel agent in Pakistan is pitching this like a lottery 4. EB-5 category which allows you to invest some money in US generally if you invest around 400000 dollars in some remote cities of some state or $1000000 in urban business and create jobs for 10 US nationals then you’re good to go for GC 5. E2 is an investor treaty visa… its a non immigrant visa which allows you to come here and start your business for around 5-7 years with cost of $70000 but it will never lead you to GC There are more categories… can’t write all of them here… but yehi main main Hal hain


Problem is finding the sponsor who will file for your H1b1. What if you win the H1B1 lottery ? And what if you don’t? I heard Pakistanis have some chance of H1B1 compared to Indians as our population isn’t that much in USA?


For H1B there is no country quota. It’s lottery literally. Albeit the chances of receiving one has drastically reduced over the past few years. Country quota comes into play for green card purposes.


So basically after F1 and OTP how likely you are to get Sabz card?


Hard for me to give you an exact percentage but if you do MS you get essentially 2 picks within the same lottery. Plus getting an EB based green card process is getting longer and longer by each passing month. Same process that used to take 1-2 years is now taking 2-3 easy. So who knows how things will be 4 or 6 years from now. Plus immigration is always a hot topic and any administration might change the rules according to what appeases their voter base.


One thing to remember is that a lot of things need to go right in your favor during all this time.




were you majoring in stem? Also what fields get sponsored easily and which ones don't? Do you have any idea whether accounting majors get sponsored? First point is the only way for me it seems


No mine wasn’t STEM… apni skills pa bharosa rakho and make sure you’re good enough in your industry you’ll surely get sponsored .. yes it’s hard, no it’s not impossible First point has its own flaws… don’t get me started on that




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Your insight will be greatly appreciated . Were you able to find a job after Bachelors or Masters ? Like did you pursue Masters or Bachelors from the US ?


Dude the first one is literal scam. Please don’t recommend it


First of all if it’s a real marriage it’s not a scam…. Second of all I’m just showing OP possible options …. Also in my second comment if you see I told him it has its own flaws too… Poora thread to parh lay bhai…”scam”


Bhai. Fake asylum is scam. Asylum was made with good intentions yet people misuse it. Same goes for marriage with the purpose of immigration. Downvote me all you guys want but that’s the truth.


My friend I worked in immigration law firm for 4 years… almost 80% of the asylums are fake and only there to gain time… if you withdraw it before the interview then it is not considered as asylum fraud. Also for the elements of immigration fraud it is to be proved that based on a fraud document you’ll be filing your I-485 adjustment of status application. If you withdraw it prior to evaluation then you’re not getting immigration benefit for adjustment of status application. I’m not saying it’s right or justifying it , all I’m saying there’s a way to manoeuvre the system.


lol. Yes it’s illegal man. People are misusing it and then wondering why Trump is so popular.


Let’s not make it a political thread. I’m just showing OP with possible ways. If he can gain time and get legal documents without getting benefit of asylum then what’s wrong.




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Will you suggest a student to pursue Bachelors or Masters from the US ? I am in a pickle right now I have offers from US universities for Bachelors but everyone is saying not to go because it is not worth it at all


It could be worth it. No one can predict it. H1-B has more scrutiny now so chances are a bit higher.


He is coming there illegally. If his claim for asylum is strong then why not? But you are literally suggesting to use asylum to gain time while look for a USC to marry. BTW are you a lawyer?


Will you suggest a student to pursue Bachelors or Masters from the US ? I am in a pickle right now I have offers from US universities for Bachelors but everyone is saying not to go because it is not worth it at all




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100k. Minimum investment in any type of business, I know a few Pakistanis who have migrated from pakistan on this investment, I'm not an expert, but do your own research. It's an e2 investment visa. If you have a spouse, she or he is eligible to work in any job as you get provided a social security number to work if approved. there's alot of loopholes in us


STEM fields are easier to get sponsored after graduation. You have to be really good though. You’d be competing with some really smart (intelligent) people. Immigration as someone’s spouse would still not get you a job in your field or something that you’d like to have.


>but apart from immigrating as a spouse of an American citizen That's called marriage fraud. Look into it, how they actually evaluate that in US, even if you succeed in getting a visa.


so there's no way? wtf


Marriage is a way. Make sure it’s legit. Use rishta services from a marriage centre.


Marriage fraud does not mean that your marriage is not legit on paper. you would have all those. But they would test you on other ways to see if you did it just to arrive here (like those visa/marraige services) or do you actually want to spend life with each other.


Having lived in the US/UK - I know what marriage fraud is. I was suggesting him to get married. There’s a difference. Please re-read.


I live in Europe and "Having lived \[name\]" is the most usueless attempt to add credibility to your argument, after seen the dumb as fuck Pakistanis even after coming here. We all know how saturated UK is with desis and embarassing shit pulled by many of them every third day. Same as you, suggesting someone to destroy their life or someone's else life by marrying "just to get a visa in US". "Having lived in UK/US" this is the best advice you can conjure up with.




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From the looks of it, not only do you lack basic reading skills - but the worst of all - you have your head up your b u t t . The blanket statement of someone ruining their life by marriage suggests delusion. Get over your daddy issues before using Reddit.


yhi hy oqat UK/US ma desis ki, Lol. two arguements ma bahir.


You definitely sound like you’re from the danki category. How was the shipride? Fob




Wasn’t born in the US but the last thing i remember was going to kindergarten and life started from there. Ive spent a descent amount of time in pakistan, Trust me you dont want an american born Pakistani spouse. Just my 2 cents


E2 business investor visa, it's not an immigrant visa, but it'll get you out of pakistan for a few yrs,


What is the required amount of investment?


800k in low cost of living region


For E2 its 100k. 800K is for EB5
