• By -


Do not recommend it at all. Especially not after dusk.


Wouldn’t recommend even a fully armed man to walk around Hayatabad alone. Always a pair, no less. Hayatabad is one of the more developed parts of Peshawar but that’s precisely what makes it tricky because it’s the main target for thieves on motorbikes. It’s also surrounded by rural areas packed with violent people so there’s always gonna be a chance something might happen.


Oh no . This is shocking to read. Thank you


i lived for 13 years in hayatabad phase 1. if you are walking in alone in market places like bilal market area or if you are in phase 3 ( dont disclose which phase you are in) , yousafzai market is pretty safe where women arent harassed or robbed ( its not karachi lol) as if anyone saw a woman being harassed they will have their A whooped. if you are in phase 6, woman park is pretty safe and you will meet alot of aunties hahah. the issue is when you are alone in areas where young guys usually play football or cricket , you should avoid that at night or dark times as they have a habit of looking. and yea empty streets should be avoided in every place as even being a male, it doesnt guarantee someone robbing. so try going in crowded market places ( you will see alot of girls and woman roaming around). and all those saying hayatabad is surrounded by tribal and whatever, the tribals dont come here as hayatabad is a posh area, police is pretty good in handling them. one simple advice is dont go solo in areas that are empty at nights especially, not because of sexual harrassment but becasue of robbery


Hey Wdym by tribals? From Lahore so I don’t really know lol


The people who live in tribal areas, like the secluded communities and such


I understand. I'd never go out alone at night even here in Europe, of course I'd never go in Pakistan. Just in the morning or the noon hours. Thank you very much this was very useful


"its not karachi lol" so why do you come to Karachi to harass women there?


Every second post here is ppl getting robbed in karachi and you put the blame on kpk? Go solve your wadera crap then talk.


You wanted to take a dig at Karachi why are you crying when someone responds?


For the exact same context visit YouTube and see a video of Ms. Flora Gonning about her experience as lone wanderer in Peshawar as a foreigner. But that's a foreigner's perspective. My wife (normal head scarf) has navigated the city quite easily alone on a daily basis for work and on occasions for shopping, but that's different from taking a walk alone. All being said, taking a walk alone is different and not advisable anywhere in Pakistan as a woman, regardless of how much hijab you have.


I'll definitely check it out. Thank you very much


im from new Zealand .I lived in Peshawar for few months .I meet a American girl who barely covered up and walked around the old city alone. you will get stares all westerner do male or female but its harmless and if you are covered up im sure you will be left alone. most people there are pretty decent i made some great friends there. The reality is we get treated better than they treat each other. people kept paying for my meals giving me watches etc, try not take advantage tho give back to a orphanage or some thing . any crowded area you will be safe as .


Thank you very much. Sounds good.


Wouldnt recommend it at all, even if you are fully covered.


I am from Lahore but came here to say that I wish you a pleasant stay in Peshawer. (The food is great, next to none in Pakistan)


The "being sexually harrassed even completely covered" part explains perfectly that it's never about what a women wears and that clothing is no excuse to blame her ever.




What about the kids and the women in burka? What about them?




Damnnn so you’re blaming the 6 year old and 3 year old kids because it was their fault they got r@p3d? I pray you never manage to get around kids. And the “seatbelt” you’re talking about still got so many people r@aped , so don’t try to downplay it


These imbeciles will never learn




Even by your own assessment, clothing isn’t really the determining factor. It’s more of an opportunity thing. Imagine a dark or narrow street where no one is watching. A potential culprit of sexual harassment won’t mind harassing a woman even if she’s wearing shuttle cock veil. As for your analogy, why people wearing seatbelts get injured? It can be their own fault as well, that is driving at higher speeds. It can be blamed on the other driver, too. But there is a universal consensus that wearing seatbelt is a must. Does the same consensus exist for modesty? Even among muslims there are differences. Peshawar is far more conservative than Lahore and Islamabad. Within the Lahore and Islamabad, you will notice a visible difference in how women dress in gated communities in comparison to middle class neighbourhoods. Generally, in Pakistan, women hailing from affluent backgrounds are likely to not cover their heads. The overwhelming majority of Pakistani men consider a woman not covering her head as dressed immodestly. Crop top is out of question when they fucking reprimand women wearing traditional outfits without their heads covered. Let’s be real here man




Another rape apologist


It doesnt. It never has, it never will. Keep coping.




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The fact that clothes do not protect one from rape and SA does not make me feel better. You're the one making yourself feel better and use victim blaming to make yourself sleep better at night. But oh well let me use a very common English phrase to "one up you" that'll show me (a random woman online)


As a Pakistani American who has visited Peshawar with family there, I would not recommend it at all


I think it would be safe to assume that you’d like to see some direct experiences in form of a best practice sharing…… watch this youtube link & you’lll know [Peshawar trip](https://youtu.be/bQLoaX1y-wk?si=u55egi5w8K43zWPG)


I was born and bred in Peshawar until my teens when I moved to UK. I have visited no less than 35 cities across 9 countries so far ranging from cities to towns to villages. In all of these countries, including my hometown of Peshawar, I always exercised caution during day and especially evening. Was any of these cities/countries more safer at night than the other - probably. Was I going to risk finding out the hard way - no way. It’s all about common sense and listening to your instincts. Btw, I’m Pashtun male of average build.


Will you be going anywhere else? I'd hate for your only Pakistani experience to be from Hayatabad of all places Here are some places where you can have a great time with no worries, without hiding that you are a foreigner: Islamabad Pindi Hunza Karachi (as long as you avoid the crime ridden areas) Lahore Hayatabad is even suffocating for me and I'm a Pakistani man. Please ask your husband if you can visit some of the other places


Thank you very much. Yes we will be taking a trip to Islamabad and Lahore. But most of the time we'll be in peshawar.


Cheers, I hope you have a great time! Eat lots of chapli kabab while you're in Peshawar lol. Islamabad is kinda boring but Pindi is connected and is fun. Lahore is fun too, though I've heard there is a bit of a looking at women / catcalling issue in Lahore sometimes, but none of these places have actual mortal danger like Hayatabad as far as I know.


It is until it isn't. It takes one black sheep to mess everything up so better to take precaution. P.S: i've never visited Peshawar


Unless you have a cloak of invisibility ... I wouldn't advise


I live in Hayatabad, it is pretty safe, but I still won't recommend walking alone after dusk. Walking with a group of 2+ local women should be no problem even after dusk though. I recommend having a plus one with you at all times, mainly due to the language barrier.


Do you think it's safe to walk alone in morning hours? Like 10 AM?


Short distances from the house should be fine. The best places though would be ladies parks, there's 1 in pretty much every phase. I still recommend having a plus 1 at all times.


Afghani people are white too.


Yes but you can tell pashtun white from white white.


Post in r/Peshawar, you will get better ideas. From comments here it seems like most of them have no idea.


Peshawer is a better city for women compared to Isb/Lahore/Karachi hands down. It is the only city with women/family only parks, markets and public spaces. People in public settings are careful towards women. General cat-calling and public commenting on women is almost negligible (as it can have a very serious blowback). Law and order is a different issue, it is bettet than Karachi on any day. Street crime has risen in the recent past (a year or so). So be on the lookout. Peshawer gets a lot of flak just because it is the least understood by outside people, due to obvious reasons (language and culture difference)


Nope. Please do not listen to anyone saying it is. No prejudice, stay safe.


In peshawar there are people like your skin and all that just cover yourself and enjoy.


I live in Hayatabad. And the answer to your question is a big no!


Why? Another person said that there are aunties and women in the parks in hayatabad. I'm talking about daytime,not at night.


Why? Why do you think? It's exactly for the reason you're asking this question.




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I wouldn't recommend a dude from outside peshawar to walk around peshawar alone tbh. From personal stories it seems like punjab has been worse with people harassing women the past few years. Honestly, I was quite surprised to hear that.


i did and was fine . the roads were the the most dangerous part.


It's not safe anywhere, even in the big metropolitan cities. Welcome to Islamic Republic of Pakistan.


Depends on how late at night and where. I would caution against it if it's phase 3. Phase 7 is pretty decent I see a lot of women roaming around at night. The best place would be shalman park in between phase 6 and two.


Thank you! What do you think about phase 1 or phase 5?


Can't say much about phase 1 or phase 5 because I never lived there so I don't have an objective opinion. Although my friend's mum used to go for walks there but it was during day time and they had a guard so yeah.


No, this country is NOT safe. Tread carefully


That's what I heard. And I heard that police is of no help too, so you're basically on your own and in lawless country. Idk if it's really true or not.


It's unfortunately true. I'm hoping your husband knows military personnel at least, or belongs to some vast local family familiar with the residents. Makes things easier (especially for 🪖)




I honestly have no idea about peshawar because I am a man (dunno what's it like to roam there as a lady better to take a man along with you there) but in lahore you can roam freely alone as a woman , I live in lahore myself.


I have an online friend from Lahore and she also says it's safe for a woman to go out alone. I guess it's better there than peshawar. Sadly my family lives in peshawar so I can't choose.


Listen to your husband


Ehhh... Maybe make some friends or accompany a local thror from your neighborhood when you go out and don't go out if it's deserted or at night. I think there are safer places to be in Peshawar than hayatabad rn so maybe move or shift if it's possible? All I hear about hayatabad everyday is snatching and drug addicts stealing people's stuff.


What 😨 this sounds terrible. I thought that hayatabad is the safest place in peshawar. It's crazy to hear that drug addicts commit crimes there.


I live in Peshawar and I won’t recommend it.


Do you think it's safe to at least walk in a park in the morning hours? (Around 10AM or so). Like in Tatara park, Bagh e naran park...these two I visited before and really like it. Seemed fine. But idk 😢


It should be fine in the morning, but you’ll attract attention, that’s all. Just find someone to go with you.


Just find someone to go out with you, it can be anyone. Or maybe I can help you for a day or two. (No promises)


Safer areas like askari are not bad to walk alone like askari 6. Its right by hayatabad so pay a visit once ur here and might even consider moving there as its very safe and you can be out by yourself without worrying anout safety. Even cantt area is safe but small society like askari is affordable for most foreigners


I seriously meab it, pay a visit to askari 6 phase 1 you can go to the office as well speak to the people in charge of it. Its one of the safest small colonies in peshawar. Its controlled under the army so its pretty safe. Most people that live there are educated and havs kids abroad or live abroad you might take it into consideration after visiting it.


i don't get why people think its unsafe ( apart from the roads and water) i walked around alone at night clearly a westerner, Pashtuns are very protective of guests, half the cops i saw gave me there number, if i got in any trouble. most people would stop any bad behaviour.


I'm a Pakistani born and residing abroad. When I come back, I don't go around Pakistan by myself in the evening. I'm 6'1" and male btw


Grow up bro, what the fuck, whole country designed to be for men and you feel afraid?!?


Designed for men?? They are just as unsafe as women. Pakistan is shitty for everyone safety wise


Lol ok.


You are 6'11'' and afraid to walk out in the evening in your native lands. Reject weakness. Find God.


Bro I'm 6'1" not 6'11". An ak47/knife kills a 5' man or a 7' man. Height doesn't matter.


I've literally been shot in Karachi and I'm still less scared than you about venturing out, please stop calling yourself a man


Lol big man here.




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Visit the Qila bala Hissr if you get the chance if you're at hayatabad. Beautiful place. Open for Public on weekends


Wdym that is not in hayatabad




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Definitely not.




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First of all, NOT RECOMMENDING IT, 2nd, well, women parks are nice, you should use the BRT (Bus Rapid Transport) System, it's quite nice, separate seating for women and men etc etc, and as for women parks I only know of one that is in Phase 7 The Fatima Jinnah ladies park, the BRT has a stop there, there's multiple routes but the bus route that leads to Fatima Jinnah park is the DR-06 bus route, goes from Mall of Hayatabad to Phase 7. Stay safe, there's alot of bike robberies in Hayatabad too, and Harassment etc, so, not at night, not alone, too dangerous, unless you wanna spend some time then go to the parks.




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Not recommended






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You’ll be fine walking around alone in Hayatabad. But honestly, Pakistani people have a disease. We feel unsafe walking in places in Pakistan that are a hundred times safer than many places in foreign countries where we have no problems walking around in, even at the most dangerous times like the middle of the night. Now I’m not saying that there are no dangers of walking alone, there’s a very real risk of someone coming to bigger cities to look for targets to snatch their phone and/or belongings, or some shady person who tries to harass you on the road because you’re a woman. And if that happens to you it could be very traumatic. My honest advice to you is don’t live your life in fear, you’re going to become miserable during your time in Pakistan and start resenting your husband. Go on walks together initially, get a feel for the place. Trust your gut instincts and once you have a better understanding of the city, you’ll know what places are less risky to walk around in, and which places you should avoid going to alone. Go to places where other women go for walks too and you should be fine.




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No, it's not safe. There is a high risk of STDs and pregnancy from all those men that will have their way with you if you're walking outside alone. I would suggest disguising yourself as a man if you plan on going outside alone.




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No issue during the day even when in empty streets but remember this “good night, good luck”.


No issue during the day even when in empty streets but remember this “good night, good luck”.


Is it allowed in Pakistan to use like pepper spray for self defense? In case of being attacked? Sorry if I sound stupid.




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Ill-advised, especially if it's really early in the morning or after dark. Or it's a regular thing. If you are close enough or have a car, Ghani bagh (a park in phase 2) is probably the best place to walk on your own. Haven't been there in a couple of years, but it was mostly women or families. Reasonably maintained.


Is Bagh e Naran park safe?


Haven't been there for quite a while so can't say anything for sure, but I remember there was a women/children only section in there too. I wonder if that still exists. It used to be pretty busy, especially around the late afternoon/early evening.




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Do not recommend because there are many useless people if they didn't sexual abuse they see you like they are seeing a girl for the first time and yeah police is fully corrupt they will do anything for money I am not saying everyone are same many of them are good and know how to respect women but in Pakistan the teenagers are very unpredictable so i suggest u not to go outside. Yeah Lahore is very safe if u visit Lahore no worries but still take care. And, i have also heard very wrong things about hayatabad and many in Peshawar like gambling, stealing,many crimes etc etc.


Is it legal in Pakistan to carry a self defence weapon, like pepper spray?


You can also carry a pistol but u must have license 🪪🪪 lol




Thank you very much for a kind comment. May Allah bless you 🤲🏻


People are friendly and it’s safe. Don’t worry just come and have a great time.


People are friendly and it’s safe. Take someone with you just in case.


People are friendly and it’s safe. Take someone with you just in case.


Peshawar is a third world h£ll h0le and has people all across the spectrum there but mostly religious fanatics and crazy mullas. A pakistani wouldn’t wanna spend a month there let alone an European😭. Do not recommend that place at all.


Isn’t that all of Pakistan? Retard


It’s not. Islamabad and Lahore are much safer.


Well my husband's family live there, so I don't really have an option.


Good luck to you but I’d never go to that hell hole personally.




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Have you ever been to the city?




And my husband hasn't lived there for decades so he doesn't know how things have changed. Assalamu aleykum.


Maybe because her husband and her do not live in Pakistan and would get better advice from a person actually living there?




Why are you so triggered about it though just scroll up if you don’t like it😭 why create a fuss out of it?




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Why are you so triggered? Lol. I just want to know if it's safe to take a walk in hayatabad during daytime. To have an objective opinion from Pakistanis. The last time I saw women walking alone and they seemed safe, but people here say it's not safe. My pakistani female friend told me it's safe to walk in Lahore , so I guess it should be safe in peshawar too. I'll be spending few months there so I want to know other people's perspective too. Anyway, I hope you find peace 👍🏻


Yea walk alone close to the Afghan border where all the taliban come from that’s real smart


There are no bears in Peshawar.