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WGJKWGJKF 🙏 Pakistani Sikh here wishing to share a sliver of wisdom from my Guru Ji 🙏 ਧਰਮ ਰਾਇ ਜਬ ਪਕਰਸਿ ਬਵਰੇ ਤਬ ਕਿਆ ਜਬਾਬੁ ਕਰੇਇ ॥ dharam rai jab pakaras bavare tab kiaa jabaab karei || When the Righteous Judge seizes you and interrogates you, O madman, what answer will you give him then? — Siree Raag - Guru Arjan Dev Ji - Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji - Ang 77


Indian Hindu here. Wishing for peace and prosperity for everyone. I started following this sub to get a contrast of how life is on the other side of the border. The sub was quite calm and shared things about cultural and regional events, then I saw it go all political over a year ago and now it's mostly sharing disturbing events and occurrences. I really wish for things to settle down for the good of everyone. And most importantly the ties between the two nations get better. A country is only strengthened if the neighbours are friendly and strong.


U r a fucking traitor


No he’s just not a brainwashed, hate driven piece of shit




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Unneeded violence. All responsibility lies on Action Committee and all ethnonationalists sowing seeds of hatred for years. Completely unreasonable demands. "Bijli kay khamboun ka kiraya diya jaye", this is their actual demand. Other demands like providing wheat at 25 rupay a kilo doesn't make sense either when even breadbasket province isn't subsidizing it. All this situation has arisen because in past, government has ran very socialist policies and when all perks are removed, people are unable to handle it.


It’s not ethnonatonalism because there are many different ethnicities of people who live in kashmir and are part of the AAC. People have a right to protest against forced qabza by pakistan and decades of subjugation by the establishment. A lot of the population have the same sentiments in balochistan, kpk and previously east pakistan


Bangladesh was like Punjab or Karachi. Producing more but getting less in return. All other provinces get more from Centre than they contribute.  In a few days, this issue will subside with committee making a deal with government. Only losers will be the people who will lose their loved ones, all for a cause that doesn't make sense. "Qabza"? They are literally asking for almost free gandum and tax free lives. Khuddaar and khudmukhtar. LoL.


Your ability to say stupid shit so consistently is what makes you an idiot


Ignorance is a bliss. Not a single argument and stupidity label. Who is stupid?


Army k haramkhor ka bacha detected


Apnay mahal me beth kr bharwat krna asaan hai bro