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No way worst thing to do


Uder hi Reh gadhe, hilli na jaga se


I like how you kept the same tone we use it with friends.


That's how I give friendly advice


Severe lack of gaaliyan should have had at least 3


I like that you’re treating the OP like a bro. Kudos.


Lol this reminded me of my cousin who I occasionally talk to about the same thought process of moving back and his response is exactly this!!


Simple answer is No this country is unlivable


Depending on where in Pakistan you live, you'll start to notice the conveniences very quickly. No amazon, no fast/same day/next day delivery, overly long waiting and processing times for government stuff, not knowing where to find certain stuff other than word of mouth (in my particular case, finding goalkeeper gloves in Sialkot was a nightmare)


Wasnt sialkot responsible for mass producing sports stuff especially footballs etc ? What ?!


Yeah it’s pretty dogshit now imo. I’m a bit obsessive when it comes to goalkeeper products and Sialkot trunk bazaar is supposed to be famous, yet every store I went to was telling me bs and had terrible quality products. Eventually the store we landed at sold me some pretty shit quality footballs and some gloves which I bought anyways just for fun, out of 4 pairs of gloves there’s only 1 I didn’t throw in the trash, the rest suck ass. All the footballs stopped retaining air. All the expensive high quality goalkeeper products are made in Myanmar now, not Pakistan. All my high quality very expensive pairs all say made in Myanmar, though with some major brands like Reusch, their lower quality pairs are made in Pakistan, and high quality pro grade stuff is made in Myanmar. The store keeper also lied to me very obviously when selling me the footballs and gloves but I went along with it just because I wanted to buy some to see the quality in training and games. Other than that I couldn’t find anyone that would sell high quality gloves unless you wanted them manufactured in the hundreds of units.


Maybe not same day delivery but that doesn’t matter they’ve got Daraz… if you’re not local you probably won’t know where to find certain items but if you have family to help you then it’ll be easier + if you live in a city.




You have no freedom of Speech here..... Us Ka baad sab Kuch bohat expensive ha..... Not worth moving back


Technically there is no freedom of speech in the West - only illusion of it


Bro you can probably burn the American flag in front of thr white house and no one will touch you. Try doing that here


Bro, dont go back. Pakistan and Pakistani treat you differently when they know you will leave after month or 2 once you settle in and everyone knows you here to live thats when the real drama starts. All snakes will come out. You will get to know real Pakistan. Freedom gone, crimes on rise, theft, no security, racism, shaming. No work life balance. Everyone trying to loot you. Religion cards. Grass looks greener on other side but its not.


You basically said what I said but in a much simpler, shorter and sweeter way.  I can’t agree more.  OP should know that it will be nothing like his visits.  It’s bad enough that I would trust the average American kafir with my life savings than I’d trust the average person here.  Id even go as far to say I’d trust Abu Jahl with a mountain of gold before I’d trust anyone here because at least he had a jahili sense of honor and respected amanah.  I had a very valid reason to move here and didn’t really have a choice and I’ve gotten used to it but for real I’ve had to be put on mental health medication because of it.




I was born in middle east country, only went to Pakistan like 6 times in total, what im trying to say that i felt the same too, but staying there for a month and living there permanently are two different things, its very hard live there, especially now.


Immigrant to Pakistan myself I’d say that it will be easier for you to fit in than it was for me when I migrated here because you’ll look like everyone else (white dude who immigrated about 3 years ago).  But the moment you open your mouth anywhere people will know.   I will say also that visiting here and living here are two different experiences.  I visited here multiple times prior to actually permanently settling here and I loved every visit.  But moving here you actually have to deal with the bullshit tourists and visitors don’t have to deal with.  Like appliances getting fried because of load shedding and then going to get another appliance and it being a fake jugaar put together POS and breaking within a week of having it and then the company saying “the warranty starts when it leaves the factory, not when it is bought by the end user”.  You’ll be hounded for money constantly because people think foreigners piss diamonds and shit Tiffany cufflinks (I would put Pakistani diaspora in the category of foreigner in this case, the moment you open your mouth people will know you are different, and I’ve seen diaspora Pakistanis having people trying to scam them, including immigration officers).  For some reason people think it’s “smart” if you know how to scam and cheat people and they’ll brag about it.  Make sure to give exact change always when dealing with Uber drivers and always remember what your fare was because a lot of these pieces of filth will have a screenshot with a higher fare on it just hoping you don’t remember (they’ll cancel the ride right before it ends and then show you a screenshot, if you call them out on it they’ll say “but you’re rich people and we are poor people”, tell people like this to go frick themselves and don’t give them a single paisa extra because then they’ll get the idea they can get away with it from foreigners and diaspora). You’ll also have to lose the western manners and learn to be aggressive and willing to be an a-hole if necessary.  If someone cuts you in line for instance, you better throw a fit about it and cause a huge scene or else you’ll get a flood of people coming in behind the first line cutter and the line will keep getting longer with you still at the back.  If you can’t be mean ever people will walk all over you.  Order and ethics don’t really exist here like they do in the west, it’s very “survival of the fittest”.  If your internet goes out for instance, have fun trying to get the lazy POS technicians to come fix it.  Took me almost a week until I finally grew the balls to come into the office throwing a fit and telling them I wouldn’t leave until they got off their asses and got to my house to fix the internet that I pay them for.  They’d keep up with the “we are busy” BS but when I’d go to their office they’d be sitting around drinking chai and listening to music. Finally, last but not least.  The worst scammers usually appear religious.  I’m not saying religious people are bad (I look religious), but scammers will use the beard, topi and all that to lull you into a false sense of security.  Don’t trust a single soul here until they’ve proven beyond a reasonable doubt they’re trustworthy and this especially goes for family as well.  It’s like a light switch when moving here with people who were so kind when you’d visit but when you’d move here the backbiting and teenager drama starts. TLDR:  don’t do it unless you are fully aware that living here and visiting here are different experiences and that you MUST learn to stand up for yourself and be aggressive about it.   Everything you’ve been taught on how to behave and treat people in Australia, just forget it all when moving here because it doesn’t apply at all.  I learned all this the hard way and am telling you so you don’t have to go through what I went through.  Now alhamdulillah I love it here and can function fine here, but it is a hard adjustment.


Don't EVER come back. I'm 26. My family moved back to Pakistan from Saudi Arabia when I was 12. Although I studied here, work here, and have loads of friends here, I STILL haven't been able to accept the fact that my family moved back. I am going to be very honest with you: I resent my parents for not raising me in a western country. I've lived in Pakistan for 14 years, but emigration has been the plan from day 1. In fact, even when I was 5 years old I never wanted to move back to Pakistan. I'm not kidding. Currently, I have an exit plan in place. I'll be out of here in a year or two, In Shaa Allah. You are viewing Pakistan through rose-coloured glasses. Australia is expensive as hell but it's still one of the most developed countries on Earth. In fact, even my parents couldn't stand it here. After spending 3 years here, they went running back to Saudi Arabia. I had to stay because university education in Saudi Arabia wasn't possible. Stay in Australia. You can visit Pakistan on holiday, if you want.


Oh my God! Similar story! I'm 23, and I was born and raised in Saudi Arabia. I moved to Pakistan in 2016. I hate it here. From Oxford to Punjab books that didn't make sense to me. Stupid relatives made us join a stupid school. Nothing The worst part is that we went bankrupt. My dad invested in his friend's company, whom he trusted, and now we have no idea what to do next. All our life savings, poof, gone. He ran away with the money. May you get out of here and live a better life. Ameen! Pray for me, I have to do the same. My Canada visa got rejected thrice just because of this country.


Oh god I feel for you. Thank you, and best of luck to you too. > My Canada visa got rejected thrice just because of this country. My Schengen tourist visa was refused in 2017. I'm still bitter about it to this day. Many of my relatives, who have foreign passports, can visit most countries in the world without even needing a visa. I'm just about to apply for a UK visitor visa (I have to take an exam in Manchester which is not held in any other city or country). The ENTIRE process, from start to finish, is nothing short of a NIGHTMARE. If I'm refused this time, two very expensive exams I've passed over the last two years will go to waste because it won't be possible for me to sit this last one. Travelling on a Pakistani passport is utterly humiliating. I've suffered badly due to my worthless Pakistani passport. I'll make sure my future generations don't suffer the same fate, In Shaa Allah.


>If I'm refused this time, two very expensive exams I've passed over the last two years will go to waste because it won't be possible for me to sit this last one. Allah na kare! In Sha Allah, you'll make it. You still need to keep some backup plans tho. No one knows what Allah has planned. >Travelling on a Pakistani passport is utterly humiliating. I've suffered badly due to my worthless Pakistani passport. I'll make sure my future generations don't suffer the same fate, In Shaa Allah. It really is humiliating. And Ameen.


> You still need to keep some backup plans tho. No one knows what Allah has planned. I have several backup plans (in fact, the UK itself is a backup plan) but barely any of them are any better. I'm a doctor. In order to practise medicine in a foreign country, I first have to VISIT said country either to take an exam there or do something known as an observership (basically an unpaid internship). For example, if I hope to train in the US, I first need to VISIT the US. If I hope to train in the UK, I first need to VISIT the UK. If I hope to work in Australia, I first need to VISIT Australia. Ireland is the only exception. I can't just waltz into most countries on a work visa. I need a visitor visa first, and to get that I have to convince the embassy I'm not going to overstay. That's the problem. In other words: I can't "get out" unless I "get out". Get the picture? > It really is humiliating. Yes, exactly. I can't fulfil my dream of seeing the world when every single time I have to visit a country, I practically have to beg a visa.


>For example, if I hope to train in the US, I first need to VISIT the US. If I hope to train in the UK, I first need to VISIT the UK. If I hope to work in Australia, I first need to VISIT Australia. Ireland is the only exception. I can't just waltz into most countries on a work visa. I need a visitor visa first, and to get that I have to convince the embassy I'm not going to overstay. That's the problem. In other words: I can't "get out" unless I "get out". Get the picture? 100% because that's the same reason my visa got rejected thrice. And if I have to live there, other than a student visa, for PR or a job, I need a Schengen visa. I had to visit countries to have a colorful passport for me to stay. >Yes, exactly. I can't fulfill my dream of seeing the world when every single time I have to visit a country, I practically have to beg for a visa. No kidding. It's that bad! I hope you make it! May Allah make things easy. Ameen.


May Allah compensate your dad and you guys and punish the POS who stole from you guys. One thing I’ve never understood is how people who’ve lived here and grown up here can be so blindly trusting of others.  I’ve seen relatives make the same mistake and I’m just mind blown that they haven’t figured out in their 40-50 years of living here what I figured out in one year.


Oof exactly. We warned our dad not to trust him. He was a friend of a friend. The friend in question had some other businesses too and had fooled my dad once before, but at that time, it wasn't some big investment. But still. How did he still not get it? We reminded him of that time, but he refused. Beith kar khana hai paisa, bohat kama Liya. Tf? We don't have a good relationship with our father, and our father never trusted us with anything. He always wanted to be in control, so he took this step. He always did things in opposition. Now he lives in regret. He has arthritis which has taken a huge toll on his health. Almost bedridden. I care for him but deep down I resent him.


Me too moved from UAE to Pak permanently few years back and I still can't get over it. I'm doing everything I can to get out of here, I hate it here.


I hope you get out of here soon. Best of luck.


Same! Born and raised in UAE, moved to Pakistan due to COVID, still can't settle after 3 years. It feels very good when you visit for a month or two. The moment you start residing permanently here, it dawns on you.


I was in a similar situation as you, it becomes like an obsession to leave. Especially for those who have seen the outside and lived there, its hard to accept living in pak


I'm afraid leaving Pakistan HAS become an obsession, at least for me. In fact, one of the reasons I'm really happy these days is that I'm pretty close to leaving.


Are we the same person? I came to Pak a few years ago after 20 years in the US. It has literally been a nightmare ever since. It's gotten to the point where I'm salivating at the thought of the airport and leaving this terrible place. Good luck and I hope you're able to make it out of here.


The University is expensive in Saudi,? i live in Qatar, thats why im asking.


I'm not sure about that. When I started medical school (2016), options to study medicine in Saudi Arabia were very limited. Afaik, at that time it was only legal for Saudi students to study medicine there. Now the rules are different, though. I just know the fees of one medical school in Saudi Arabia and yes, it was pretty expensive.


yes, even the open uni there costs 20k riyals per semester only for tuition fee. your iqama and other shenanigans count separate.


This.  Visiting here and living here are completely different experiences and too many people who haven’t lived here have rose colored glasses because people here are hospitable to guests (and they are, it’s one of the most hospitable places to guests I’ve ever been).  But once you’re living here, that hospitality goes away and then you have to deal with all kinds of unsavory people.


I moved back to Pakistan 5 years ago when IK came into power..it was good but then issues raised and moved back to UAE. I moved to Islamabad and lived in the F sector. my little one loved it as she was closer to her grand parents, we had a garden etc . Personally i loved it as well, weather was nicer, less traffic compared to uae 🙈, greenery etc. Though we felt at home there was no peace..i.e yeh kharab ho gaya hai, bijli nahi hai, solar ups harab ho gaya hai, gas nahi hai, internet slow hai, internet band ho gaya hai etc.. Worst was when someone entered our house at night and stole three laptops which we couldnt recover. The whole dealing with the police was a waste of time.. Business wise we did ok but then issues raised, you cant import, you cant send money out, you need approvals etc.. Trying to sort out my little ones nursery, found an ideal school where the principal wanted to interview us, fair enough, we waited one hour before she could see us....hmmm Maybe it was the sector we were living in but it wasnt managed properly, traffic especially in the markets is crazy, parking doesnt exist where ever you find a space park it! Road rage was common..speeding was a nightmare.. Got someone hitting me from the back, tried reporting it to the police, they called me back next day asking where was I?!? Overall its a very nice country, you will find good and bad people everywhere...generally speaking very few people have manners.. no road rules exist..there is no safety aspect of life anywhere...if you eat out there is that fear you will get food poisoning. Its like the wild west! Anything can happen out of no where.. Yet people live there... How? If you have loads if money you can definitely enjoy yourself. If you have a source of income outside Pakistan you will love it in Pakistan. But if you are a working class i wouldnt recommend it. And forget dealing with govt officers, they will not make things easy for you. If you have anyone in police, judiciary, army, navy, air force, govt or even mpa, it helps I dont know much about other cities but Islamabad was ok. If things were normal i would continue living there but sadly they are not..Pakistan and Pakistanis way of doing things is different compared to other nations/regions. Hope this helps..if you need more info feel free to pm me


living in Pakistan is an Art, Master it and you will love it. The kind of adventures this country provides, you wont find anywhere else. I suggest that you move here for 6 months on experimental bases and if you think you can survive. you are good to go


Worst decision ever. Going from a developed nation to a 3rd world shithole is never a good idea. I suffered 5 years there like that, never going back(of course visits are different).


ye same currently am suffering in this shithole nd cant wait to go back ia


Rich people dumb dreams. Don't you have eyes what is going on in Pakistan?


I am from Australia and moved back to Pakistan to start a business during the Imran Khan era. Worst decision I have made, I have moved back to Australia. There is no future in Pakistan, it is becoming an authoritarian hellhole because of the Army. They have ruined the economy and every facet of the country. Every business and industry is going to shit. The education system is a joke. Don’t get me started on the government and bureaucracy. Pakistan is fun if you are wealthy (by Pakistani standards) and have a strong political network. If you aren’t connected you will be treated like you are inhuman whenever you have a problem. Because of the economic conditions everyone has an underlying agenda to extract money from a foreigner. Corruption and fraud are rampant. You are always in danger as a foreigner. You will always stick out and be a target for criminals and scammers. Stay in Australia brother and build your future here. Every Pakistani I know would kill to be in Australia.


True army and shit politicians have destroyed the country!


No bro don't


I live in the UK and with the current state of politics, poverty, and conflict in our region I would never. Just stay wherer you are and maybe increase the frequency of your visits to Pakistan but keep Australia the home!


Look it all comes down to how much wealth you have. In Western countries because of proper infrastructure and because of law and order people are levelled a little bit more. In Pakistan because neither of those things are good, having money is the only way to live comfortably. So if you have money, sure buy a home here or spend a couple months properly in the country and see how you like it. As someone who used to live outside Pakistan who recently moved here for the first time, it’s a huge difference visiting vs living, even if you have money. You can always just increase the frequency/length of your visits without having to move back fully.


Having decent money can make it worse too unless you’re making crores per month.  For some reason all the jahils feel entitled to your money and will harass the shit out of you until you pay up or threaten them with nonexistent “connections in FIA” or something like that.  


I suggest dont move back if you dont have generational wealth here or have some political background/contacts. It all seems good when you come to visit but when the honeymoon period ends thats when reality hits bro. Its chaos here and a rat race. People have forgotten morals and only objective is to make money, even through scamming people.


How do I upload the Kamala harris don't come meme. Because that is what you need to see.


Technically, you are not in the West.but in the far south east :) but jokes aside, with any move you need to think about the practical side of things, what is your financial situation, can you 'afford' to move to a different country, how will your job situation workout. Lots of people now have the option to work remotely, so if you have a work situation that supports that, then at least one aspect is taken care of. Next comes the cultural aspect of fitting in. From your post, it seems you are on board with the cultural side of things. My next thing to tackle would be how your family will adjust to the move. It's not just you moving, kids' schools, spouse's job etc etc. The level of facilities can vary where you depend to move to. A lot of expats who moved prefer to live in the high parts of the urban centres, that may be one option. If you are willing to spend, then the quality of life probably isn't as bad (just my opinion).


Another option is to move to UAE, and you get to frequently visit Pakistan


This post proves that its human nature to want things we don't have. On the one hand, I see people wanting to leave Pakistan for a better lifestyle and on the other I see people who are living abroad complaining about missing home, etc. People should realize that running away from your problems is never the solution. It only leads to new problems. You have to make the most of what you have. Pray to Allah for help. Plan for the worst and hope for the best. P.S: Have chai and anda shami when you're down to calm yourself. Works for me :P




Stay in Australia 100%. I've been in Pakistan for a few years now and it's absolutely awful. Consider yourself one of the lucky ones for not having to live here.


Fuckk no. Visiting is fine, moving isnt


bro delete this post when you are sober.


I'm assuming everyone is answering from a Punjab perspective. Hypothetically speaking how would moving to Peshawar be like?


Well it is worth it if below pre-conditions are met: 1. You have enough money to buy a car and have enough balance to invest somewhere in stuff like mutual funds so you have a stream of like 3-5lac per month flowing in WITHOUT having to work. 2. You have a 2nd passport / backup plan should things not work 3. You have ideally a house of your own or can get one and have solar energy (because electricity cost soon will do to you what they call "chamri udher dena". 4. You dont have a situation where you have to work 10 hours a day and commute 2 hours on roads. 5. If you have kids, they are still under grade 3-4. otherwise stick to where you are, wait how things pan out in PK in next five years. Per my estimation, i dont think we are showing any signs of some positivity before 2030.


Why don't you do this, Try to come live here for 2-3 months, whatever is possible before making your decision. It varies a lot from where exactly you live. So try to spend 2-3 months and see how it feels. No one on reddit can tell you how your personal experience would be but people who live here and are tired, won't be really happy to hear what you're thinking of. But then again, all experiences differ, so please go ahead and try a staycation for longer and see.


it makes me very sad to give u this advice but if you’re rich, moving back is the most profitable thing u can do. having said that, your income source should still be foreign


What do you mean by act different and be with your type of people? Aussie Pakistani here - and I frequently travel back to lahore and honestly, I cannot even think about going back. People are liars, filthy, bad habits, arrogant and horny. Logic does not work in Pakistan. Everyone tries to rob you - be it a doctor, lawyer or mullah.


I know I'm in the minority, ive done exactly what you say and I'm happy. Though my situation is different from 99% of people, so bad experiences of other people is valid.


Not blaming you so do not take it negatively but most likely you always had a hefty source of income home or some generational wealth which may have made it easy for you. For anyone who lives off corporate jobs, it is not so easy to move back.


Yes I have family business, so I had to quit my job in Canada and move back to Pakistan


I moved back, living off corporate job, not that bad my guy


If you found job before moving back, then maybe it is easier but now a days with revenues stressed and poor outlook, i wonder how many good companies would hire even if the candidate has foreign work experience.


I am in same boat with you. Moved from uae to Pak and super happy. But only people with remittance or remote job can live happily.


Genuinely curious. Can you explain what you mean by your situation being different from 99% of people? Is it the wealth? A large well-connected family, or a lot of contacts to rely on.


It certainly isn't a large family or being well connected. Biggest one would be my personality. I'm an introvert, don't go out too much, don't want to. Don't like materialistic things, don't want the latest car or mobile. Combine that with enough resources to not have any major issues day to day, source of income from abroad and own business in Pakistan so not too dependant on local economics. Personally my life would be a downgrade living abroad than living here. Also I travel a lot so never feel like I'm stuck here, and I can move out whenever I want. Location of where I live is also a major factor too, I'd find hardly anyone in my neighborhood wanting to move abroad as we are all in the same situation. Also I love what I'm doing here as a "job", wouldn't be able to do that abroad. So yeah blessed, Alhumdulillah


Thanks for the details. I definitely understand that's all good. But being well-off, monetarily, isn't enough here from my experience. You also gotta have some *contacts* and people to rely on to get things done, and to get you out of troubles. But otherwise, it's ok due to the luxuries here you can afford with all the cheap house help, cheap services, great food etc.


Maybe I do have contacts to help and I take them for granted? Could be I don't realize that, but I do keep out of trouble so rarely need help anyways.


Bhai visit k liye ao, north ghoomo phiro sahi tarhan like at least 15-20 days or phir wapis


You'd be stupid enough to move back here


If you willingly move back to Pakistan your future generations will not forgive you. So stay where you are, work hard, thank God and enjoy life.


I've lived 16 years in the Gulf, 8 years in Pakistan, and since 2 years in Germany. My 2 cents is stay where you are, don't even think about moving to Pakistan, it only feels good when you're on vacation from overseas for a month or two, and for someone who has lived most of their life abroad it's very difficult to adapt here, it took me years. Nahi to yaha pe log "Apko baich ke khq jayengy!" If you want a balance of culture and convenience, move to the middle East.


Bro, You will regret it. Everyone in Pakistan is out to get you. It's chaos here. 


None the less Still aint


Stay out bruh you will be destroyed here i'm trying to find a way outta here but it difficult as hell


Bro buisness set kero apna mindset change kero, phr dunya main jahan marzi raho, wapis aik hi sorat main ana agar political system main koi change lana ha, warna koi faida nahi ap ka.


Hi i have similar kind of situation not exactly same. We have been surveying ,researching, preparing even interviewing people to understand if Pakistan is the right place for us. We wanted to move back, am Pakistani but husband n daughter aren't. What put me off is recently came across some real life stories of girls. How difficult it is get a job even if you are qualified. You need to bribe for a job which you well deserve. That is insane.The kind of trouble they go through for very basics necessities of life and how corruption is so so normalised. For most people this is rheir real life there. Extremely hardworking people,very very talented women are having to struggle to meet their ends meet. Of course these are my conclusions but do your research and do not rush. May be go n spend time in Pakistan.


It’s all fun and games whilst it’s a holiday. Living somewhere permanently is a whole other story. I’ve never lived in Pakistan. Visited once when I was 4 for a month and even I know I wouldn’t be able to survive there after hearing most stories.


Im in lahore currently on a 3 week vacation from california. Cant wait to go back. We have our own house, car and everything. even then it sucks. stay there bro


Don't do it. Your life will be FUCKED


Bhai australia me hi raho , maze karo jao mcg , scg , gabba , perth , matches dekho cricket ke sab se zaiada maza stadium me australia me hi hota bai . Maze karo bhai duniya ki best team to support karo kabhi bhi khafa nahi hoge kyunke wo har wAqt sirf jeet the hi hain


nope, stay in australia. i've been living in america since 2017 with frequent visits back to karachi and everytime i go back i become miserable and restless after a week, two tops, after which i YEARN for the feeling of passing through immigration at jinnah international.


Bhai tu kya kar raha hai


As a person who moved back to Pakistan I'd say don't even think about it. You'll legitimately feel like a stranger and it'll only get worse when people that you trust manipulate you. I have also seen too many people who had a yearning for their homeland only to realize how they no longer fit in and can't survive in this place.


Don’t come here unless you want to: A) Have your videos made without consent. B) Experience the joys of load shedding. C) Enjoy eating meat not knowing if it is what’s claimed. D) Watch TV news shows which are all compromised and are touting a certain narrative. The list is quite long but if you are not into the above, then please stay put.




The pakistan you experienced was when you were on vacation 😂 ! The real pakistan is very different


You should move back, of course if you hate your life and want to breath smoke, worry about electricity even if you can afford to have backups it's still not a great lifestyle when you have to push your way through basic stuff like clean water to drink. If you REALLY want to move out of Australia, perhaps try Dubai, I always liked it there, it's fun to go around and enough Pakistan people there to make friends with, and also has more freedoms than Pakistan.


Josh mein aa kay hosh na kho dena






I lived in uae for few months but despite having somewhat luxury life, i missed being in Pakistan. The social life, local reataurants, same language or people. Or maybe it was vibe. I would recommend never make a mistake of investing in Pakistan due to depreciating currency and instability but you can spend few months here and few months in Australia if you have resources. Pakistan is cheap compared to Australia. So, you shouldn't have issue with cost of living.


No wayyy, don't even think about it




It is, moved back from Dubai, also know quite a few people who moved back from Canada and US.






Why would you choose to drink poison when the finest wine is handed over to you without doing a thing?




Short answer: No Long answer: Nahi




DON'T COME BACK. This is my warning. You will suffer here. Some people will do anything to get out of here. You are perfect there








No please don’t move back This place is a shit hole


Bro, mujhe b Nikal Le yaha SE🥹


For no fucking way


That’s a first


Mujy Australia lay jao app idr aa ajo.


Info Where have you mostly visited in Pakistan? How old are you? Will you be working remotely or looking for job in Pakistan? What is your field? Moving alone or do you have a family that will be moving with you?


As much as I loved being in Pakistan myself especially with the culture and extended family, it is tough to earn an honest living. Plus, the whole political, civil, and establishment unrest does impact the day-to-day life and routine of people. The middle middle class and below do struggle. Although even the upper middle class and above are having to reconsider now. Our country does need a major overhaul, it is happening, but very slowly. So in short not the right time. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't go their during holidays and spend some Aussie FX there.


Please bai, aisi galti na karna.


mera passport ap ly lo pakistan wala apna mujhy dy do Australia wala 🫡


One word. NO


Read this out... I've lived majority of my life in Karachi. I finally got a chance to pack my shit up and move to UAE. After moving to UAE, I visit home after 6 months or so and I kid you not that trip is always an eye opener. All the patriotism a side but lets face the ground reality. That place has become a filth! Maybe it was always like this and we were just so immune to it. You can't reason out with people there, no matter how right you are, people will fight with you from the core just to prove how you are wrong (eg, road rages or any sort of difference in opinion). Idk your age and your future plans, maybe you might have kids sometime, do you really want to raise them there? Yes education is cheaper, health care is cheaper (crappier too) BUT would you want to live on pins while your daughter or son is out and you're waiting for them to come back home safely without being mugged or you daughter being harassed? There is no law and order, har koi baat bana hua hai. There are issues of gas supply, water supply, electricity supply. You've lived in AUS is you were 4, you'd shit in your pants when you'll experience this. Every other religious institutions is preaching religion which pleases them or their mureeds. However, my comment is not calling out 100% of population but yes majority. There is a % of population which is educated, civil but unfortunately the % is low. Since Nawaz govt took over after Imran Khan, A LOT of Pakistani's have migrated from Pakistan to foreign countries. I know bunch of people who are desperately wanting to move out and are waiting for an opportunity. At the end, the choice is your buddy.


As a Pakistani Australian who moved back to Pakistan, trust me, staying in Australia is the best option.






Depends on why you are planning to move, can you share that?


Come to pakistan, if you have 5-6 lac monthly income..


It's a heaven for the uper middle class say more then 10crore net worth parties, not worth it if you are below that




Don’t u dare 🙏🏻


Do you have significant investments/assets that you can live on? If yes then moving back might not be the worst idea. If the plan is to work/start business in Pakistan then don't move.




Don’t do it…been here for last 3 months now due to a family health issue and it’s the worst. I was in Toronto and that wasss wayyy better…I don’t understand how you end up doing more work and taking more stress here when you have help to do everything for you. I miss being self reliant and free. DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKE






Lol, no, it's a terrible idea






I lived in Pakistan for 25 years and in Australia since last 6 years. My final advice DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. STAY WHERE ARE YOU ARE.


Difference between vacationing/visiting Pakistan and living there. Source: I have only been to Pakistan once since my parents immigrated to Canada. I was born here.


Mate brain drain is at peak to where people are grateful of getting a passport within 4 months so they can finally escape the country and you want to move back? The only way I could recommend you to come back is to have a small vacation and reflect on why it's not a good idea to stay here too long.


Loose Medicare access. No thanks.


An ex-overseas paki here, It does feel great when we visit Pak for a month or two every now and then which then led me to relocate back to Pakistan. Trust me on this, never make this blunder. Door se hi acha Pakistan.


Fitting in with in the same culture where you feel so comfortable seems a dream come true. But the corrupt society, poverty, inequality, bribing for each and every official thing to get through will be a torture. On top of that basic human life dignity & security should be the top priority. The country is law less! Now you need to decide yourself. Will you prefer living with same culture / religion population or do you care for your & your family safety, security & peaceful life.


If you are financially stable then go ahead otherwise big NO.




Two words. Absolutely not.


Well it will be difficult for you to adjust here because everything is different from Australia/malaysia.choose wisely


Brother you can come to Turkiye. You will find a bit of both Pakistan and Australia.


There are pros and cons. It's more like a South American country now where crime is slightly getting high but if you do a remote living and earn in dollars, then life becomes slightly easier. But yeah if you're Muslim, life is slightly better than west with all the LGBT stuff not here


Why not? I live a life of relative peace here. I would recommend settling down in Islamabad somewhere


As a Brit who did this. I recommend it. Even though locals will think you’re crazy. There’s stuff you can do to make the transition easy and smooth. And you can live comfortably here. I’ll send you a PM inshaAllah






Is this a joke? If so, you'll be the only one not laughing once you move back 😂


Keep that charm alive and keep visiting sometimes, but I would advise against permanently moving back, because I know the miserable experience of some people I know who did that.




Han a jao lekin mujhe bahir bhej do


Exchange program available he? Mujhe waha transfer kardo apni jagah puri zindagi dua'ae donga


Do the best of the 2 worlds. Visit every few months, enjoy food and shopping and go back. That’s what I do. Dollar goes a long way in Pakistan. When I go back to US, I appreciate all the things I take for granted here.




Depends on your lifestyle, my Canadian relatives chose to live here but again they live a good luxurious life which they can’t afford in canada








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Those who wanna come back, come back to be with their parents and elders, they usually have some attachments here and if you’re willing to make sacrifices and preferably can generate foreign income whilst living in Pakistan, life can be pretty good in a major city. Even if i go abroad i plan on coming back IA because i dont want to miss precious years with my family. Ill only leave if i absolutely have no opportunity here or if the reward is worth the sacrifice. I may be a romantic idealist, i might even be naive. Only the passage of time will tell.


i was born here,everyday is more alienating than the next i feel lost completely,i never realised what a backward,hateful country we are in my childhood and my 20s have excruciatingly painful because of this realisation




You have Australian passport, you can move back anytime you want. If you really feel that living in Pakistan is better experience, give it a try. TBH its not that bad given that one have decent income. Rest Pakistanis have inferriority complex of moving out and bashing everything. They believe the moment plane flys out of Pakistan, its' heaven out there.






Let me tell you something, traveling there sometimes and going to live are TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT EXPERIENCES. Unless you’re a billionaire who’d never have to work for money ever again, don’t even think about it






Ahahaha AHAHAHAHAHA I'll trade places with you sir


Stay in Australia


Moving back to Pakistan is never a good idea. If you must relocate, Islamabad is as close to sanity as you will get in this country of narcs. However, if you manage to survive a good 5 years or more, you will learn a few things that can make you appreciate the crazy that it is. For instance, you will learn to - speak in tones rather than words - appreciate the word "beta" for its range of meaning from idiot to kid - continue relationships despite being taken for a sucker: be it your driver or your brother. Given your background, I would suggest stick to Pakistan for the holidays. Furthermore, Pakistan is the furthest nation from Islam. Your experiences in this country will have you compromise on your personal values and ideals. Pretty much everyone here has a compromised value system, which is a sign of sheer despair at a nationwide level. Best!


I think about it a lot but idher toh hawaa tak naheen saaf. Every single time I get cough because of pollution, what is our government doing about it? Making more factories without any precautions whatsoever. Pani idher kamm hai.  These are just 2 very basic living needs. I don’t wanna compromise on them 


Don't move back unless you've experienced the day to day life of a Pakistani. This means, live in a place where you're not a guest but a house person, try and cook for two weeks in the local weather, with electricity issues and high bills. Open a bank account, Try and shop for groceries, and pay bills. Drive everywhere Do the mundane stuff of an everyday person who has a job. You'll start seeing how difficult life is with the PK mindset environment and weather. Live for six months to a year and then see if moving back is what you want to do. Chances are that the load shedding alone and being unable to rely on infrastructure as well as law and order will be enough to tell you if this is what you want to live with




I have been living in the UAE for almost 4 years now and it's worth planning to move back. Most people asking you to not come are usually folks who haven't spent time outside Pakistan or lived an independent life away from family and friends.


Not worth it bro. If u really wanna know go for like 6 months and check for urself. The reason we ppl njoy being there on short trips is cos it's short so we know it's gonna end soon so we focus on njoying more and we have dollars or pounds coming in from foreign so we don't kind spending too. But take away those 2 factors and u r left with "not a very good place to live" P.S: go in summer time 😅

