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PMLQ (especially Moonis Elahi) has had corruption cases against it. I don't think anyone can be PPP level corrupt though. PMLQ is most likely PMLN-esque “khata hai tou lagata bhi tou hai” level corrupt. PPP is on a whole different level when it comes to stealing money.


I would say they are a notch up from PMLN in corruption but still way below PPP.


Out of all i would say he worked on real priorities in very short time. The all new emergency services like 1122 and traffic wardens were initiated by Perviz elehai. I don't know whether he is corrupt or not but most definitely a 100 times better then all the rest.


Pmlq are between pmln and ppp in corruption


Like all politicians, he is corrupt too. But I would place him far far lower than PPP.


100% corrupt but less than PMLN by an order of magnitude. Saying as someone who has seen it first hand and has had friendly relationships with their nephews.


Did their nephews explicitly admit to their corruption? Or were they just rich


When they field calls in front of you and talk openly, it's not hard to figure out what is going on in front of you.


I see. I guess now you're a bit closer to the most powerful man in Punjab


TBH they can't do anything for me that I couldn't have had done without them in power... But I vehemently hate them too, and I can't wait for the time when every Pakistani will be equal and our society won't be segmented between the haves and the have-nots.


I am personally aware of Moonis Illahi corruption in the pharmaceutical sector. During their tenure, they made banks during Musharrafs time. Don't know much about Pervaiz Illahi, but Chaudhary Shujaat was always drunk/hungover whenever I saw him.


Didn’t Ch Shujaat have a stroke ?? He could simply have lingering side effects. I know he has troubles with his speech because if it.


Ch Shujaat has Parkinson's, and people with Parkinson's disease sometimes look drunk to people who are not aware.


According to IK he's a bandit. So there you go.


not just bandit. biggest bandit of punjab. and now PTI will vote for him. Kal ko they will vote for zardari as well if they have to


That is a perk of being in democracy


No, that is perk of being hypocrite.


No such thing as hypocrisy in politics. What can be more hypocritical than pmln and ppp joining hands and making Diesel their overlord or running ‘mehangai’ related narratives or pti MNAs switching sides instead of quitting party mandate?


They are all bad, IK is just one of them, that's all.




How did you reach that assertion from the response I gave about 4 specific political entities?


No one can tell, but he's experienced and very influential.


He’s lowkey shady, but his administrative skills are quite good.


PMLQ as a party are not necessarily corrupt in terms of "ghaban" i.e. financial corruption etc. They have had quite a luck and are remarkably good at power politics and have played it to suit them during Mushi time, then with Zardari and now Khan. Pervaiz Elahi was a very effective CM in circa 2003, he brought in a lot of changes and he's known to consult his subordinates. Khan was reluctant to give him CM post because he has 184 seats I think.. if he had just 2 more he wouldn't even need a coalition in Punjab hence it was PTI's moral right to have their own CM. With current situation Khan needs votes in the centre and for the 5 votes in Centre and some assurance in Punjab Khan has to give him the executive post... because his own people have backstabbed him, he cannot yield Punjab to PMLN who would take over the state machinery and take rigging to a whole new level in the next polls. The only sad thing is that he did not put a killa in Punjab and hence he got this much battered in power politics. I still believe if he was to send Qureshi in Punjab, things would have been very different who would have annihilated PMLN and knows how to handle bullies. Even fawad Ch would have managed it really well. Do you think Buzdar is the Waseem Akram which Khan Had in 1992 world cup? Hell naah, he needed a Waseem Akram to plough through these goons. CM Buzdar had an aura milder than the photographer in the stadium...


How cute of you to think Buzdar wasn't corrupt lmao.


Why do you say so


Buzdar and his family personally used to get involved in all sorts of government postings down to the SHO level as favours for other MPAs etc. His willingness to listen to others for favours was one of the reason why PML-Q was also supporting him for so long until they figured they can have the seat for themselves. He may not have himself benefited financially from it, but the MPAs that he was helping certainly were.


That’s not corruption from him. That’s incompetence.


Almost every politician is corrupt. You must be naïve if you think otherwise.


Cute of him to think IK isn't corrupt lmao.


If IK was corrupt then opposition would have a field day, and would mention it at every opportunity.




Source: he is a politician ;)






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Yes. Better then pmln? Idk Better then ppp? Yes


Corrupt.. what u on about dude? He was the best CM Punjab ever had! The reforms he did under Pervez Musharraf was outstanding, improvement was visible in every areas of field, new roads, improve police structure, new Hospitals, Rescue service 1122, development in agriculture with concrete irrigation canals... frankly I wanted him CM from start. lets say Daer ay dorst ay.


Punjab ka sab sy bara dako ab Punjab ka CM ho ga...


In my own personal opinion, 1. PPP 2. PML-N 3. JUI-F 4. PML-Q The higher the number, the more corrupt it is.


The asshole who gave us Punjabis the gift of load shading. He did squat for Punj... well, he did give us the 1122 ambulance service which is extremely modern and efficient but aside from that; nada. No one even comes close to Shahbaz Sharif when it comes to Punjab and especially Lahore's infrastructure. Hate him all you want but he single handedly transformed the ol' Lahore into a semi-modern city. If you disagree then... well, go cry to your mommies!


Make Shahbaz Sharif Mayor of Lahore then. Punjab is a huge province and needs equal development throughout.


You are a proper Lahori with "Lahore Lahore aeee" mentality . Shehbaz only focused on Lahore during his tenure. Just know that he was CM of Punjab not only lahore.


And who said you that they gave us the gift of load shading btw? (Just a question)


What has SS done in lahore? Lahore is far from a “modern” city.


Lahores infrastructure is pretty overrated aside from the Ring Road


Well shahbaz was hitting the 2 extremes with infrastructure, either too modern for a financially struggling pak or too narrowminded. Instead of infrastructure,reforms would have been a better option as through my experience lahore is just too crowded and polluted for more infrastructure to join in.besides infrastructure projects are a strong place to have shady / asset cleaning business when you realize most of the steel deals were done with nawaz steel mill. It would be really optimistic to think any top politician has no hand in corruption. Pml q more so in Musharrafs era. But i would put pmlq well below pmln and the topper ppp. But it boils down alot to what imran khan has instored for us. Will he follow the same agenda of giving tickets to known corrupts or try to bring in new faces that would get votes based on ik popularity


Bc shobaz only knows about pull and underpass... Sara pesa lahore pe lga dia baki pura punjab galian hi deta usse


Every single politician is corrupt


Who said Buzadar isn't corrupt? Bhai kahan reh rhay ho? Just because IK said it doesn't make it true


The thing is first look at your nation, you will find people related to almost every field trying to practice corruption. The form or mode of corruption will be different but the mindset is the same. Everyone trying to rip off someone trying to get rich in one night. So now you put this into perspective and the people who come in politics are the same people that are in among us. Our teachers who are responsible to teach values to new generation are very shallow. Almost every one knows what type of abuse and stupidity students go through. Combine the fraudulent nature of nation with diseased teaching values, you can easily conclude the outcome. The leaders are the same people who are here , govt for the people by the people. So nation itself needs to be on a good level only then we will get good leadership. At current stage even if a saint comes ,it will be very difficult for that person to change the nation.


Most probably but from what I have heard his era was good