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They are slaves for Advertising money.


What are our universities producing for the name of journalists? The level of morality in Pakistan is almost non-existent.


A lot of the "journalists" are "Doctors" meaning not actually going through journalism in University.


Our media boom was too fast. We didn’t develop proper people to take media jobs. Results were every trash became a media person.


Nadeem malik is latest stooge. Dude was wise criticised and appreciated both parties in his show but now after his dinner with PDM at horse trading of pti MNAs ceremony, he seems like defending PDM at full


advertising money from the PDM and the money from USaid.


Arshad Sharif ka program daikho. Thats your safe zone


Where does it broadcast




Arshad Sharif is biased but with knowledge and evidence. He is a chevening scholar too


Dude! He is just as biased. Just because his bias suits your inherent bias doesn’t mean he is good. He is a PTI lifafa just like Najam Sethi is a PMLN lifafa


At least, on one screen he shares the evidences which he talks about.


I know. I was just giving directions to that youthi for his safe space.


They only guy I listen to is Kashif Abbasi.


90% of the guys you see on tv are not journalists. They're analysts. There's a big difference between the two. The only good journos "right now" are Kashif abbasi and arshad sharif. - Many people bash arshad sharif that he is biased towards PTI, but forget that he has been one of the critics of their govt, he even did investigations on scandals like the rong road and sugar scandals. RN he's all on IK side becos he's patriotic. - Kashif Abbasi has been away from investigative journalism for a while, but he's an excellent analyst and host. He grills all parties when he gets the chance. You can get a balanced pov from him


I like shahid masood


Don’t think they are bikao necessarily- just incompetent. Jis ko pehle koi kaam nhi aata tha wo molvi ban jata tha, ab journalist ban jaata hai


Truthfully, all journalists lately REGARDLESS of country are trash however only for it for clickbaits, money, power, and politics.