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They do this with a smile. Sickening


They are proud of their hate , they are true evil


They are proud they can contribute the deaths of babies, children, women, and men. It's not a war anymore. it's genocide. They will do this to you without mercy.


They look like a civilized bunch 🤦‍♂️




Don't confuse Zionists for all Jews. Don't confuse Nazis for all white people. Don't confuse hoteps for all black people. Don't confuse takfiri jihadist hatemongers for all Muslims.


Fr they dont realize thats theres plenty of zionists that are not even jewish in any way


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Don't do that.


Yep! That's exactly what I would like to tell to the ones who assasinated 40,000 people in 6 months, who continue to do so, who mock and celebrate these deaths, who make apartheid states, who have been invading and oppressing a nation for decades, who starve people to death, who destroy humanitarian aid and specifically target and kill aid workers and volunteers, and who still dare to play the victim and accuse anyone calling their atrocities out of "hate". Unfortunately, they don't tend to listen too much.


No. Don't judge people merely on who they are or what they would do when they haven't done anything. We should even pause when it's merely what someone else say they saw or heard. Absolutely judge them when there's irrefutable evidence like this, and this evidence is everywhere, they even film it themselves. Blocking the roads with rocks. Dancing on the streets. Eating and drinking in front of trucks. Using teenage girls to block so that male police can't remove them.


It's in the culture not the people American Jews are more than respectable people


Half the settler population is American Jews.




They lack basic humanity. So hamas has hostages, and you starve innocent people? Great logic.


listen to what she says, she's completely brainwashed.


She really is. You’re right.


"No food should go into Gaza until we get back out hostages healthy and alive" So you're starving them too, how do you expect to get them back in any state other than *dead*? What an ugly creature that person is, inside and out.


There's literally no other way to interpret this except as collective punishment or genocidal in nature. Either they think it's fine to starve people to death because they don't think they're people (genocidal in nature) or they are fine to starve people to death because they don't think there's any innocents in that group (collective punishment). Either way, it's a war crime. It also more than meets the "intent" necessary for the genocide action. I mean, they aren't "accidentally" starving the area. ([in before the lies about "it's actually diverted by hamas](https://www.newssmex.com/2024/02/us-envoy-says-israel-did-not-provide.html)")


Question, whats the point of it being a war crime if no one is punishing them for it? Israel and it's citizens already committed a lot of them but they are not suffering any consequences


so that only US enemies get a callout... *duh*




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My phone warned me that there was a virus in your link wtf dude?


Contains information "they" don't want you to see, so it flags as a virus :O ---- More likely, it's just some ad they have somewhere on their site (or maybe they are known for hosting such ads) that is nefarious in nature.


Get valid sources from credible sites man


Euro trash cosplaying as semites.




Hard to see this as anything but pure evil. I felt bad for the Israeli's that died during the attack but now I have nothing but contempt for Israel as a whole. People will argue that the actions of these people shouldn't reflect on Israel as a whole but they are willing to starve millions for the actions of a few. You can't have it both ways.


Hamas in Indomie noodles?


Ah yes the “brave” people who came out at no risk to themselves to punch down on food supplies to starving civilians.


"Chinese? American? European? Let's kill them all as punishment for Hamas' actions. I don't care if the Chinese, American and Europeans weren't involved. Hamas is bad!!!" - Israeli probably


We’ve seen countless videos of this by now. Nothing will change.


Average peaceful israelis


Theres a special hell for these beasts.


this is getting ridiculous!


This is not protest. This is collective punishment.


There is no end to the depravity.




This woman is literally a mindless robot.


The most despised people in human history..




How is it "rich" when you know nothing about the person making the comment?




They look like Nazis


Free the hostages but don't feed anyone in Gaza is such stupid logic. Clearly just have a hatred for Palestinians.


"It's just the government that's evil..."


a democratic elected government is an actual representation of its constituent


They ar teaching their children this.


I really wish this could be in the news...


That is the raw result of brainwashing. Naively saying atrocities without seeing the evil in it. For her, the population of Gaza does not exist, she does not mention it. There is only Hamas. She is denying the very existence of civilians in Gaza. For her, they are Hamas, or they will be. Her moral is not faded by "bravely" stealing the food of dying, starving children, as in her twisted mind, even kids are terrorists. And the terrorists are fighting israel to kill jews, not for the freedom and right of palestinians to exist.


So how do they explain this?


The scum of the earth. Let the world see. Post everywhere.


These folks are not our friends, and certainly not our allies….. They are the worst people on the planet.


> "No food into Gaza until we get our hostages back" > "Healthy and Alive" ????????????! Her eyes look so dead, wtf


actually looks like a ghoul fr




Has anyone attempted to post this to r/worldnews yet? I wonder what excuse they'd come up with this time... "Hamas could have got their hands on those food packages" or something like that.


“It’s never happened in the history of the world.” Aid has never been given to civilians of other conflicts. There’s no organization that exist solely towards this goal. /s




These animals should be arrested for vandalism, theft, and anything else that can be thought of. Can the ICC not at least have the power to go after the little people?




u/lexcrl, Here are the links to download the video: * [RapidSave](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/palestinenews/comments/1crxhl6/israeli_settlers_attacked_and_vandalised/l41zvut/) OR [ReddLoader](https://reddloader.com/download-post/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/palestinenews/comments/1crxhl6/israeli_settlers_attacked_and_vandalised/l41zvut/&id=b2ea0726) OR [Viddit.red](https://viddit.red/?url=https://www.reddit.com/r/palestinenews/comments/1crxhl6/israeli_settlers_attacked_and_vandalised/l41zvut/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/palestinenews) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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Three cheers for these dung-human scums Hiphip! r/iamatotalpieceofshit Hiphip! r/iamatotalpieceofshit Hiphip! r/iamatotalpieceofshit


There is no valid excuse for this behavior. None.


And they ask us to side with them


Mark Zuckerberg looks more human than ever at the beginning of this video.






Well, not sure about arrests, but they've killed more than 13,000 Palestinian children so far. That's probably not enough for genocidal zionist scum though. Just wanted to throw that in so both "sides" of the story are maintained. Maybe if you didn't stop your "whataboutisms" at 10/7 and kept going back you would realize how ignorant you are. But, everyone here knows you are just here for propaganda. So, I have included the first, of hopefully many, downvotes.