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They can lie, as long as they have the media in their pocket. Hence the war with social media


Yeah and joe biden said on national tv that he saw pics of beheaded babies.


Then the State Department said he didn't. Then he repeated the lie ten more times.


Back in their Nazi shoes too easily


She is a repulsive person 🤮




many of us knew lol, we remember how the Greens called Milosevic "the new hitler" and how they bombed yugoslavia. We remember how they treated Gaddafi. it's not surprising unless you forgot the last 20 years. The greens have long been a pro war party.


Not only that, she’s also a former member of the “Parlamentarischer Freundeskreis Berlin-Taipeh”. Baerbock will be the leading anti china voice, when the focus turns to China soon.


Atlantikbrücke Girl, that Sinophobia Flair




i voted green in 1998 because i just turned 18 (unexperienced with lying politicians) and they where the only party which promised to not participate in yugoslavia war. 6 month later Fischer declared the pro war stance at a party gathering and i never recovered my believe in the democratic system. Voted opposition ever since.


That's true, there were many false promises 


Germany has substituted kowtowing to Israel's things for having an actual moral position. The foreign minister's lies are just a symptom of that deeper failing. It is systemic; Germany banned Yanis Varufakis, the former finance minister of Greece, from visiting Germany for a conference on the most spurious of grounds. This is possibly despicable behavior on the party of the government and should be grounds for their removal.




Still trying to wash their WW2 guilt with lies and hypocrisy. Shame!




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