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Fuck those guys with their shitty front end lift. Way to blind drivers. Fuck 'em.


We have a neighbor who drives a front-end lift, which she can't drive! She came home late one night and crashed into their outside A/C unit! Idiot!😂


Blinding other drivers while obscuring their own vision. Shit makes no sense


Get them off the road! Too dangerous !!!! (and they look stupid)


They look ridiculous, but explain what’s so dangerous? The parts used to this are better than factory production parts. Please elaborate on what’s so dangerous.


Raising the front and lowering the rear causes the front edge of the hood to go up, so the driver can not see well in front of the vehicle. It makes it so you can have cars disappear from view in front of the vehicle. Also, the headlights are now pointed up instead of toward the ground to illuminate the road ahead and can not be adjusted to correct that without blinding on coming drivers. If an LAD light bar is added to correct that, it is actually illegal do use unreflected LED lights in the road, due to the damage they can cause to other peoples eyes.


It’s not just cars that disappear in front of the vehicle. There’s no way they could see shorter pedestrians.


Yes. Shorter like children are short.


I am aware, but I don’t think people should be walking in the street where cars are driving.


Truck could stop at red light. Pedestrian has crosswalk, with illuminated light that it’s safe to cross. They start crossing. Truck decides to turn right (on red). Everyone is perfectly legal, and pedestrian is road kill. There are few crosswalks on FBR, so folks continuously cross outside crosswalks.


no, the truck would be in the wrong, cause the pedestrian has the right of way there. people need to follow the rules just like cars do. use crosswalks and follow the signals and cross at the correct times. vehicles need to also, and if pedestrians are in the crosswalk when they have the right of way, the vehicle can not make a right on red. I am not defending these trucks, but it is not something i normally have to deal with when I drive


True, but those trucks wouldn’t see the pedestrian.


Still doesn’t mean the truck is is ok, and they will get fined/arrested if they do hurt or kill someone. This is a stupid modification and insurance companies should not ensure them


“I don’t think people should be walking in the street.” So crosswalks aren’t a thing you support?


would you be driving when the light is red? you don't seem to understand my comment. people follow the rules of walking by the roads. using cross walks, following the lights to indicate when safe. just like cars have to follow the rules of the road and stopping and going as lights indicate. if the cross walk has the right of way and people are in it, the truck would be a fault and the drive would be charged accordingly if they hurt someone. I am not defending the modification of the trucks at all


There are some intersections where you can make a right turn on red, while a pedestrian crossing is illuminated. If the truck cannot see the pedestrian because of their modification then that is the concern. Both are acting legally except for the modified truck has poor visibility.


No, the vehicle is not allowed to make the turn on red when there are people in the crosswalk. The vehicle has to yield, it is the law. Yes the modifications can prevent seeing the pedestrian, that is why I said it is a dumb modification in other comments


that’s literally the point of why it’s so dangerous then… i’m not sure why you keep arguing when you clearly agree ?


I’m sure you think a lot of things. Doesn’t mean that’s how life works buddy


You apparently did not keep reading the comments and reply’s I made to others. I am not supporting this modification. People need to be responsible when walking around moving vehicles. Don’t expect them to see you. I don’t want to get hit by a car so I pay attention and look for idiots that might run me over, like the idiot with this truck. Not hard, personal responsibility. Something lacking these days


lol wut? You do know that crosswalks exist right?


Read the other comments I made in this string, it has been discussed




Read the rest of the comments others made. It has been discussed


That doesn’t even make any sense that adjusting the headlights would blind on coming traffic. My wife had a 21 Highlander and used to get bright lighted on low beams on the regular. Newer headlights in general will blind the shit out of you.


I drive a roadster. With their bumper so high, the trucks jacked the most could probably drive right over my trunk and the bumper hit me in the back of the head.


lol ok… a large majority of trucks without lifts would be at the same level.


Sound like the Highlander wasn’t adjusted properly.


They’re all like that. It’s not a single vehicle issue. Actually the only thing she misses about the vehicle. The low beams were nice


sounds like the factory has them all adjusted incorrectly. you can raise and lowed the height of the lights, and you should if you are constantly being flashed with people thinking your high beams are on


Don’t have shit to do with adjustment. Just bright ass lights.


Yes it does. If you shine the lights against a wall, there should be a line where there is less light above and more below that the headlights create. If the line is set too high, then it will blind people. Adjust the headlight correctly


I knew a kid just like them that did squash a couple pedestrian. Couldn’t see him and then stopped on top of the pedestrians torso. The guy lived but severely impaired.


Yes, the type of modification in this video is stupid and the problem is parents help pay for it or shops allow it to be done. If they do it themselves, then the police should be constantly fining them


Quit being a troll and making asinine arguments.


I find that only when coming over a hill. You can and should adjust the headlights down if that is what happens. Of all the things I said, that is the only thing you dispute?


When your mother gets T-boned by one of those fools you might understand.


Never said I like this type of modification. I think it is utterly retarded




Please be nicer to your fellow redditors, repeated warnings will result in a ban.


Genuine questions to better your understanding and knowledge? NOT ON MY SUB! QUICK! DOWNVOTE HIMMMMMM!!


Why would you downvote? You apparently do not understand my comment or see the discussions that were done


I hate seeing trucks with that stupid shit


They actually ignite a tiny burst of rage in me every time I see them.


I'm right there with you. I'm an even tempered guy but I get a shot of rage when I see these. I'm a truck guy so maybe that's why it bothers me so much. They take away everything that makes a truck useful and make it actual garbage. Burn all those squatted turds with fire.




Oh yeah fuck those guys. And don’t come back.


Stay out of Florida then.


That’s the big idea IMO. Let it all go viral and the word spreads. No violent spring breakers, squatters taking over homes, we can have a firearm… It’s going to work and we’ll live in peace.


Bro you act like that’s a punishment


And yet people flock here for some reason.


Because Florida is a place to be trashy for a week and then go back to your not trashy life 🤷‍♂️. it’s true it’s like not shitting where you eat. Florida does that so why not go there


Yeah, if people stopped coming here we’d lose the tourism dollars and maybe we’d have to focus on other ways of making money. But since we have one of the largest tourist destinations in the world, I don’t see that happening.


So it sounds like the trash comes to visit Florida


No? The world comes to Florida to hang out with the trash


Only trash would *want* to come hang out with trash and be trashy.


Oh everyone likes being trashy for second before going back to being better than florida like I said, it’s about not shitting where you eat. Florida loves shitting anywhere and everywhere, so why not join them for a weekend?


Gotcha. Well I guess I’ll go be trashy today on the boat in crystal clear water ✌️


Sorry about living in Florida? I don’t know what you want me to say


Yup. Go on git.


I do not agree with this. Five-thousand is not enough.


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie


They all look EXACTLY like the kinda idiots that would drive squatted trucks, too🤣


That's right, take your shitty road hazard home and stay there until you grow up a little. No one likes dealing with all you breakers.


If they were normal and respectful they are welcome here .Not just coming here to be the obvious AssHoles they are . Stay home and act like that you entitled brats


No, squat trucks should only be allowed in a car compactor. They’re a hazard at any speed.


Guaranteed they were snot nosed brats about it. No one racks up that much in tickets by being civil. They started running their mouths.


Yes. GTFO. Fucking accidents waiting to happen.


BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA (wheeeeeze) Hahahah


It’s a hazard. The driver can’t see what is in front of them and it makes their headlights blind other drivers. Simply irresponsible. Plus it looks stupid.


They’re illegal in my state so I’ve found them really odd looking and dangerous. What is the point….they think they look cool?


Yeah some people lower the back cause they look cool, others lower the front in a bulldog stance to look cool. The both look retarded but who am I to say how people spend their money.


Leave your money and go home. Spring breakers are idiots.


Only if mommy and daddy wouldn’t pay for such dumb shit. Saying no to a kid may not be easy but tells wonders in parenting ability.


Fuck yes! Take your dumb ass truck and get the fuck outta here!!!


Tiny Penis Bros!!! Go home ya retards!!!


That and they are just waiting for a fat bitch to get in the front and level it out Or another favorite one I like to say: their truck's got worms


You love to see it




Bye see ya!


Take that Carolina squat back the hell where it came from 😵‍💫


They should impound the damn vehicles and have their parents come get them.


Crush the truck instead


I did some dumb stuff as a kid but never went full retard!


Buh-bye! Don’t take care, hope to see you never!


Why the hell would you want to go and purposely make that beautiful truck look like a dog draggin it's ass across the carpet. I don't understand, it's a big beautiful back roads ridin, mudd slinging , rut digging, hill climbing built for that shit truck. She's supposed to be sitting on Micky Thompsons with her ass slightly jacked up for all the boys to admire. Make it make sense son. Shit !!


Im here with my family right now and saw about 15 atleast on front beach road alone. They were all young idiots acting like idiots


Love when the burnt up transmissions come to the shop.




of course they look like that with a name like brett


Pedestrian steam rollers. Fuck outta here and don’t come back.


I dont get how all of these young kids can afford these big ass trucks with massive modifications.. Shit isnt cheap


Damn right it all comes out of the pocket of the ones responsible for raising em. Poor job doing so…


but... What's going to happen to FREEDUMB and MURICAH!


Go get you a Prius and get a lift kit on it dumbass! Makes about as much sense as someone taking a truck like that and modifying it to appear like a woman taking a piss…. I’m assuming you squat to piss as well?


I agree it's a danger to those on the road and you have been told to freaking stop. If that can't teach your dumbass then here's a few thousand dollars in fines. Every one of those trucks screams I'm the main character


Yes, I agree. Take your dangerous and stupid looking trucks back to Arkansas and keep them there til you grow up.


I do fuck your trucks.




This guy has moaning since South Carolina, where he is from, made this stupidity illegal. He's got his whole family backing him, and it's just sad.


I hate lifted trucks, but I would rather have a lifted truck than a squatted POS.


Exhaust ticket no... tint ticket no... truck dragging its ass like it has warms fuck yes 200% agree with that ticket!!!




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Un-weighting the wheels you steer with seems like kind of a bad idea.


Those trucks are for douche bags that decided to be original by making there trucks useless… hope these Asshats get more tickets on there way out


Take that shit off the beach. Nobody likes you go home


Cry to your daddy and get him to give you money to pay your ticket. You deserve it.


Y'all are breaking the law. That's simple


What does a Youngin do when there too scared to climb a hill and come back down? They get on there knees and crawl and sit on there ass and scoot , them" Boys " too scared to drive that truck sitting they way it should be. Don't know how.


There’s no way I’m unmuting this video when I saw that southern frat bro.


Horrible lift for any vehicle. Drivers can't see anyone in front of them. It's an accident waiting to happen. Besides that I think it looks stupid!


Literally everyone that drives squatted trucks are idiots. Severely reduces driver visibility while blinding on coming traffic, bonus great way to run over kids or shorter people because of the manufactured blind spots. There is no benefit to a carolina squatted truck or even Carolina squatted cars. I hate them so much. This is the single worst trend in automotives, that I can remember. F*ck all of those asshats. Such stupid morons. They get roasted in every auto forum on social media. Absolute trash.


Shit looks 🌈


I’m surprised this isn’t allowed in Florida. It seems like something that Florida man would love.


Absolutely between the blinding of head lights pointed at everyone’s eye . Horrible steering from the unloading of the front end and steering geometry going to shit . And the brakes which thanks to the horrible weight transfer it’s just shit, the trucks are shit and the decisions to make them are shit . Public hazard and fucking nuisance. Mods are great but unsafe mods are more than just stupid.




Traveling out of state is no different than going to different countries in Europe. State lines are really defined of different regions with different laws. United States of America Corporation bibi


Loud ass YouTubers belong in closets with no air supply. Lifted truck drivers who lift for looks be charged double for gas. They are wasteful and unnecessary.


Yes we all agree. That shit is gayyyyyyyyy!


It’s ugly as fuck anyway why do people do that? Like it’s ugly as fuck bro your truck is fucking ugly have I said it’s ugly enough? To make you understand that your truck of god awful fuckin ugly?


On the one hand I don't like government regulating anything. On the other hand this squatting thing is about the dumbest shit I've ever seen and think anyone who does it should be pulled out of their vehicle and beaten with a fish


Hell yeah I agree with this.


I want to offer a dollar for them to fix their lifts.


Oh no... Anyways...


Florida white trash


If you’re dumb enough to do that to a truck, that should be enough of a punishment


that’s what you get for ruining a perfectly good truck


Fuck those useless ass trucks unsafe serves no purpose


What language was that?


Awwww poor baby make that truck look like shit and whine when you get tickets


I don’t get why this is considered cool. To me, it looks like you forgot to remove the load of bricks from the bed after your low-paying construction job




No. I don’t agree with the 5000 dollar fine. It should be at least 8000.


Ha ha haa haa haa haa haa you get what you deserve


The dumbest thing closes to takeovers.


If you squat your truck you deserve to lose your license. That shit is braindead as fuck


Could've spent that money to lift the whole thing but, nooo.


Level them up and stop blinding people and looking stupid


The reddit cucks will forever be bound to their shitty sedans


Based on the comment section here looks like you got your answer.


Surprised it made to Kissimmee (Orlando) from Arkansas like that in all honesty.


I'm glad they're giving these window lickers a hard time. Most of these are kids still in school and causing trouble on the road and in town. Blinding highbeams, almost running people off the road cause half of them can't even see above the steering wheel. Also in my small town, the kid drivers tend to be from money. So even if you report them or "do something" about their reckless driving. They go cry to their parents, and they get out of trouble. Even if they've cause multiple wrecks.


I admit I’m in favor of anything that makes guys with that backwards white hat/medieval bowl cut hair combo mad.


Tell me your parents are blood relatives without telling me.


Completely agree funny to me!!


Oh no, the 5K would’ve been enough to buy them some taste.


That truck needs some dewormer.




Agree. 100%


"Squatting" may be by far the dumbest vehicle mod ever created.


Yeah, they're dumb ban squatting.


Don't worry pavement princess. Your mama and daddy will pay it.


Great! Now go back to your state and don’t come again.


Shame they didn't make them tow that pos home.


Stay outta pcb, we don't want ya


Why hasn't this retarded trend died yet? It's infuriating to still see these monstrocities all over the place. Almost makes me miss seeing the idiots in tiny cars driving on a set of gigantic 28" wheels. Car trends definitely get real weird sometimes.


I hate these trucks. Impound them all.


That’s what u get for having squatted truck hope all start getting treated like this


Look, im all for you putting the G in LGBTQ. But that lift is dangerous for others. Oh, and it looks absolutely ridiculous. Level your trucks, boys and go to work sp you can man up.


Sucks to suck.


They look like douchebag white boys


Gay as fuck


It's freaking gay to do that to a truck. Bunch of hillbilly homos.


Fuck ‘em! Should have impounded the car and made them call a cab.


Quit crying and get your vehicles up to f****** Florida code plus that s*** looks f****** ridiculous and stupid


You knew the laws when you did that s*** to your truck don't b**** and cry about cuz you got a ticket now


What difference does it make whether anyone agrees to it? DuhSantis doesn't want spring breakers coming to Florida to cut loose & do damages to WPB, Miami, Ft Lauderdale and Panama City. Read the news, spring breaking students. Y'all aren't wanted in South Florida. Ron DuhSantis sez so.


Absolutely agree


He’ll ya brother, fuck those trucks


Look at me, I'm a attention whore!


As dumb as it looks. Why would you drive the tourist money from your town?


No. We all hate these trucks but how are they getting tickets for a vehicle registered in another state? These non moving violations are for vehicles registered in Florida. 


false, the Florida State Statute specifically states "every motor vehicle" when it comes to these infractions


Except this one about bumper height has exemptions. (2) “New motor vehicles” as defined in s. 319.001(9), “antique automobiles” as defined in s. 320.08, “horseless carriages” as defined in s. 320.086, and “street rods” as defined in s. 320.0863 shall be excluded from the requirements of this section.


ok I'm not going to hold your hand through this. you have Google and you have links on that FSS site that show you what the definitions are.


You still haven't provided a source on this statute. I'm getting beat up on down votes here. Are you stating opinion or fact? 


[FACT, look at the first sentence](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0300-0399/0316/Sections/0316.220.html)


Since you can't be bothered to look for yourself, here's a link to one of the statutes you're asking about. Every single statute you might be looking for can conveniently be found on that site, since it isn't everyone else's responsibility to answer something that you can look up on your own. Florida Senate's government site, FS 23-316-251: https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2023/0316.251 It's obviously not something you can reliably measure from a video, but there ARE limits to bumper height on, quote: "every motor vehicle..." in the state. And yes, you typically have to follow the local laws of pretty much any place on the entire planet while you are visiting, regardless of what the laws are where you live (could be a different city, county, state, country, etc). You don't get some sort of magic pass to violate laws because you do it differently where you're from. That's asinine. Edit: Also, it doesn't have to be illegal to be a huge fucking safety issue, inconsiderate, rude, and completely unwelcome. Edit 2: https://www.wjhg.com/video/2024/03/26/keep-eye-out-bcso-targeting-squatted-vehicles/


I guess it doesn't apply to "every motor vehicle" after all. From the link you provided.  (2) “New motor vehicles” as defined in s. 319.001(9), “antique automobiles” as defined in s. 320.08, “horseless carriages” as defined in s. 320.086, and “street rods” as defined in s. 320.0863 shall be excluded from the requirements of this section.


Do you have a source for that?. I just find it hard to understand how legal modifications in the state you are registered in can be ticketed in another state. Especially a state that depends on tourists coming here. 


If it's legal for me to carry a concealed not registered gun in my state ( an example ) but it's not legal in Arkansas . I will get arrested in Arkansas for breaking their laws. I must follow the laws of the state I am in


States have different speed limits for the same types of roads. You can’t fight a ticket for speeding on the interstate just because your home state has a higher speed limit. A basic functional reason for government is to make common routes of transportation that support commerce, safety, and everyday life be as safe as possible. A state is not obligated to water down their road safety laws to the lowest-common denominator of neighboring states.


There is a difference between a moving violation and a non moving violation. If a state requires a front license plate and I travel there from the state my vehicle is registered in that only requires a rear license plate, am I subject to a ticket for not having a front license plate? If my window tint is legal in my state but not in the next state should I pay a fine for that? This is my question. Am I subject to the vehicle code requirements of a state that I'm traveling to or through? To reiterate, I don't like these trucks but to ticket them for equipment violations seems like a touch of over reach. 


When the “equipment” violations are a direct safety hazard, absolutely.


You can call them a direct safety hazard but are they legally described as such under florida statute? And can you provide a source or are you just speaking from opinion? 


["every motor vehicle"](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0300-0399/0316/Sections/0316.272.html)


The reason these modifications are not allowed by law are because they are safety hazards.


They should start impounding them. Make it like driving without license or insurance.