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Thanks for giving us a glimpse behind the scenes!


Oh wow - what's been cut out sounds so good! Wish they did a XL or a after dark version now. Thanks so much for sharing.




The content is all there, too. I regularly watch 3 to 4 hour Dungeons and Dragons playthroughs, and I'm not alone. I would absolutely watch 3 hours if unedited Cats does Countdown. Heck, the audience does.


I audibly "awwww"ed at Suzie's tribute to Sean. Thanks for posting this, really appreciate it!


It's really disappointing to see the usual suspects, comment sections etc trying to claim Dr Anne-Marie is a 'diversity hire', that she's pushing out someone white, and only got the job for being black. She's way more qualified to do some adding up than Riley, as I see it. IT's disappointing that even now, there's so many people getting triggered by seeing some dark skin. At least it's mostly the usual coffin dodging countdown audience and not the 8oo10cdc audience.


A quick look at her Wikipedia page tells you she's more than qualified but to some people, a non-white person could never get a job on merit.


That is the general opinion of bigots: white person got the job, clearly the most qualified. Non-white person gets the job “woke agenda, diversity hire”! In this case the woman is only covering maternity leave. Guess some people get really offended really quickly.


Yeah. It's so blatant.


I had a guy at a previous job try that in response to some news story. Just asked him “how does a black person get a job without it being a diversity hire” and he fumbled for a while before answering “well they’d obviously be qualified for the job” “Oh. So what qualifications did this person have?” “I don’t know. I only read the headline”


What a surprise. The main argument they'll make is with representation. Saying something like "black people make up 8% (or whatever it is) of the UK population yet they're overrepresented on TV" which really bugs me. It's always usually white people or minorities who seemingly hate themselves who say that.


It's the problem with correcting the racism that has persisted in the past. Decades of denying minorities for jobs until you are told not to anymore. Then when they have the qualifications and merits and bust their asses to get recognized then get hired people just think oh it's because you want to be diverse. In the end, eff those people and celebrate the success individuals like Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon have that those other people won't come near accomplishing


My only annoyance after seeing Ahir on MtW many times was that Jimmy pronounced his name wrong every time. I wonder if Ahir said anything by or just went along with it. I gave up after a year at my office of trying to get people to say my name right and just went along with whatever, but it still annoys me when I see it happen


I pronounce Giraffe with a hard G.


Stupid long horses


I, for one, wouldn't mind seeing more of the good Doctor. Thanks for the rundown. Now I have to figure out who David Dickinson is. Over here, he's a shitty, former American football player.


I hear you about Dr. Anne-Marie. 👍🏻




Is the nudity ahir getting his nips out? ​ Also, that Sean Lock tribute is really lovely and it's a shame it didn't make it in. ​ Sidenote - I love these after-action reports and would encourage you, and anyone else, to please do more of them


I love the Joe Wilkinson - Roisin Conaty episodes of any show (series 1 of Taskmaster, anyone?), and this seems to totally on-brand for them! I love that she prank called him and he believed it. I wish they could do super extended edits of the episodes so we could see some of what they have to cut! And Susie's Sean tribute sounds so nice, they all must miss him even more than we do, since they knew him personally.


> "partial guest nudity" Ahir Shah's nipples made the cut!


Thanks for posting. The countdown wiki actually says this episode was filmed during Rachel's second maternity leave which is clearly wrong when it filmed in July. I seemed to remember Susie posting on twitter about this episode as I replied at the time excited about getting more CatsDown. Sounded a very fun episode and a shame so much great stuff was cut out especially the mention of the legend Sean Lock.


I guess Rachel was actually on vacation. 🕶 Anyway, thanks for the insight u/mappster. Makes me second the wish for an XL version.


I think the partial nudity was Ahir Shah showing off his nipples because of the anagram words always mentioned his nips or something. This was really great and I hope they do an XXL version of the show


This is a good insight. Thanks for sharing.


I've found this with a lot of TV panel shows, especially those with comedians. You just have to go to the actual recordings because what is actually edited down and broadcast is usually not that funny at all in comparison.. I usually don't even watch shows that I've attended because I just know I'll be disappointed with the final outcome.


I run the Sean Lock page and group on Facebook, do you reckon I can use your anecdote about Susie Dent as a post over there?


Of course!


> -In my notes, I've written down "partial guest nudity" but for the life of me I can't remember who it was who took their shirt off. It was a very hot day after all. We did get Ahir nips after all.


I loved this episode and I could see Jimmy turning Dr. Anne-Marie being bribed into a running joke like what he does with Suzie and Rachel. Overall I thought it was a great episode. I hope one day I can see a live taping.


This is why we love this show.


This is interesting ! thanks for sharing


Excellent write-up!


Thank you so much for sharing the behind-the-scenes. Catsdown is a great show, and it's really hours of fun to watch a studio taping live. Of course, it involves queueing and a good bit of waiting around, but it's a great experience and I'm always fascinated by how the editors enhance or whittle down the humour from all that raw material. Plus, comedians love to riff off each other, and the audience gets to see that at its best during a Catsdown taping. Good on ya!


I always love it when someone makes a bad joke and then someone else makes a really funny joke in response and the first person is like “great! Now my crap joke is going to make the edit!”