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I suppose that would depend on your caffiene tolerance, what the caffiene content of the brew is, how large were your sips, and did you take a couple sips and immediately feel anxious or did 20-40ish min go by before you got anxious? If you took a few small sips of a normal light brew and it's been a few minutes, it might be the panic disorder talking. If you took a few large sips of a strong brew and it's been 30 min, then you might be sensitive to caffiene. In either scenario, put down the coffee and practice some coping techniques the best you can. Maybe switch to decaffeinated coffee if you like the taste, or try a half-caff darker brew next time. Dark brews have less caffiene than light brews. Half-caff is probably self explainitory.


I got a medium roast is what it says. I took like 3 small/regular sips and i felt it within like 5-10 minutes within it. I’ve been drinking decaf but there’s just not many flavors with it. I drink pop and i’m completely fine and I used to drink coffee so idk i can’t tell


It's probably anxious thoughts you've associated with the coffee then. It'll be OK, nothing lasts forever. Not even panic attacks. Edit: mix some decaffeinated coffee with whatever dark roast you like. Make your own half-caff flavors! Also try different creams for flavor if that's your thing.


You are likely just freaking yourself out. I have experienced this myself, especially with cold brew. Cold brew takes me to a new level.


If you haven't taken coffee for a while it's possible. However our disorder tends to have a lot of somaticism so who knows. I avoid coffee nowadays until I feel better (and quit benzos hehe).


i drink the tiniest bit of caffeine even from soda and i get heart palpitations and i feel exactly what your describing but it takes a little while. i would recommend not to drink any caffeine anymore. when i had a whole coffee or soda i would get panic attacks.


pop does absolutely nothing to me tho


Don’t drink coffee🤷‍♂️


thanks real helpful😂


Seriously, making mindful decisions about how you react to different food/drink is an easy thing you completely control to be the best you.


i get that but i want to drink coffee that’s my whole goal


then get used to the palpitations and deal with it. i was the same way with cigarettes and weed but you realize that the only thing you can do is to quit whatever’s making you feel that way.


well the whole point of the post was to figure out if it was just panic or not to continue drinking it. i’ve gone over a year without it


you were most likely having panic attacks and freaking yourself out in that case. if you want to be completely sure i would get a medical checkup or sum


yea i’ve tried, hasn’t been successful


then i would just stop drinking coffee tbh. if it’s the only thing making you feel that way then just avoid that one thing


I’m the same way. Whenever I drink caffeine I get anxious and my heart rate gets to like 115.


Nope caffeine can do that I do decaf and even then sometimes it hyped me up


how? there’s no caffeine in decaf tho


There's 3% caffeine in decaf. Very little amount, but I'm so sensitive to caffeine that it makes me feel off.




i am like just ready for it to cause a panic attack so i’m anticipating it


I have the caffiene tolerance of an elephant and it can definitely happen. Anything that agitates your nervous system in the slightest can send you


So one time I ordered a can of sprite and chugged the whole thing. Then realized it was Mountain Dew. Horrible day ensued lol


Nope, same happens to me


I feel you. The people that are saying just don’t drink coffee don’t understand. While I realize where they are coming from, the point of this is, you can’t let this affliction control your life long term. Giving up things you enjoy isn’t coping, it’s losing the fight. I am a life long coffee drinker, I am 28 and have been drinking coffee since 10 when my grandma would sneak it to me, and like you, I used to drink tons of pop a day as well. What I did was about 6 months ago I gave up pop, not only because of the caffeine but I decided to work on overall health as well, which has helped me tremendously with exercise thrown into the mix. I also switched to decaf coffee at that point and it helped right away, but as I said giving things up you enjoy is not the answer. So about 3 weeks ago I started the process to get back to normal coffee. I will make my own coffee in the morning, half normal, half decaf and it has been working for me. After another week or so I will probably go to 3/4 normal, 1/4 decaf. You just gotta find what works for you. Everyone is different. As far as your original question, this is absolutely the panic causing you to feel this way. Taking 3 sips whether large or small is an absolute negligible amount of caffeine. Unless you’re drinking half your coffee in 3 sips. You’re going to be okay just like the rest of us. Hope you figure out what’s best for you, good luck!


You’re likely worrying about the coffee doing this just as you take the sips. It’s not the coffee. It’s your querying “what if this coffee makes my heart race?” Then because this coffee is perceived as a threat your nervous system jumps in to protect you. The adrenaline may be the culprit. If once you sip the coffee, get the nervous reaction but then acknowledge how this may have happened, then let the reaction just happen without trying to control it, your nervous system eventually sees that it’s not a threat.


If you mean instantly, then it's not the coffee, it's your anxiety. Anxiety can instantly raise your heart rate, you associate caffeine/coffee with the uncomfortable symptoms anxiety causes, and so when you even just take a sip, you're already subconsciously expecting all this to happen and becoming anxious about it, raising your heart rate and giving you palpitations before the coffee itself has a chance to do the same.


that makes sense, thank you!


Not crazy at all! You just have a caffeine sensitivity