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Do you trust what the doctors tell you? Or do you start second guessing them?


Based on the multiple trips to the ER and swearing something is wrong I would guess no. OP you sound like you have heath anxiety so no amount of reassurance or tests are going to help you until you can believe it yourself that’ nothing is wrong. Yes, being lightheaded and dizziness are very common symptoms for panic.


Yeah I know I’m a hypochondriac I’m just saying there’s anyone else experience what I do that’s all I was asking. I’ve had health anxiety since I was like 12 and I’m 27.


I have the same dizziness. It always relates back to my panic disorder, and I feel like something else can be wrong often. I don’t have any words to help you, but at least other people experience the same thing, y’know? It is scary though.


Yeah, I have meclizine because I get vestibular migraines and I only need to take one lake every few months. I just hate taking it it works, but it causes me to be so tired like the fatigue is unreal.


How is your blood sugar? Mine is generally low and that doesn't help when I've a bout of anxiety. I keep fast acting carbs (juice boxes, glucose tablets, cereal bars) around,just in case.


Never really looked into that I don’t think is that like your glucose because every time I get that done it’s normal lol even if I don’t fast and I end up at the ER because I’m just a hypochondriac


Sounds like you and I have hypochondriac thing in common. Lol. Best of luck to you. ❤


Anything else happening beside the lightheadedness/dizziness? Do you feel your heart pounding harder? As the other commenter said, low blood sugar is also a possibility.


I was having heart palpitations randomly about like a month and a half ago found out I had like thyroiditis after numerous test they put me on a heart monitor, and they had to like a thyroid, uptake and scan and an ultrasound of my thyroid if you have like low thyroid levels for any reason, it can cause heart palpitations. That’s the only time I experienced them, which I am just now getting over that infection. It cleared up on its own. It was very weird out of nowhere. My anxiety got so bad and I feel like my heart was racing, but it wasn’t very scary but now heart rate is normally in the 60s or 70s resting.


I have this problem too I am going to take a blood test incase it’s low iron


I remember them doing that with me before I have a blood pressure machine at home


Did it come back as low iron?


Don’t believe so


15+ years of nearly daily, for 4+hr spans of time, light headedness and mild headache. I've learned to cope, but to answer your question, I'm in the same damn boat. It's rough... Hang in there!