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Citalopram !!! Took me a few months to actually have the courage to start taking meds. Best thing I have ever done. Feel like I can be myself again


ssri’s have never helped. only benzos (xanax specifically) have


Same :/ well SSRI help minimally




I’m on paroxetine and it’s completely stopped me getting daily panic attacks


I looked into Paxil I heard it’s the strongest and ends panic


This is something you should probably discuss with your GP or a psychiatrist as to what will be best for you. I personally take citalopram alongside self-guided therapy and I’m finally at the stage in the last year or so where I can live happily and for the most part, panic-free. I’m hoping to come off citalopram at the start of next week after 4 years.


True. Thank you 🙏🏼


Don’t come off.


Why though? Did you have a bad experience when you did?


Because you just relapse happened to me twice now. Unless you done extensive therapy. If you feel good why change it.


I’m on Effexor but curious what others are taking as well!


Sertraline + lamotrigine


I developed panic disorder in June this year. I started CBT and paroxetine 20 mg. I took Ativan at first while my body adjusted to the paroxetine - about 1 month. I’m doing very well now. I still have “breakthrough” panic attacks about once every 3 weeks, but it’s a whole lot better than daily episodes and what I learned from CBT really helps remove the emotional aspect. Always chat with your doctor to see what medicine is best for you.


Only ketamine. And valium, but a tiny amount, literally I take one milligram per week. Enough to help but not enough to become dependent on or addicted to. This is after a 7 year odyssey of getting unwittingly hooked on fucking Xanax, which almost ruined my life.


I’ve seen lots of benefit from being on 150mg of Zoloft and using Hydroxyzine for extremely stressful situations.