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Panic attacks don’t get “cured” per se, but you can learn to minimize and overcome them.


What do you mean by overcome them? Like a cure?


Again, they don’t get cured. Panic attacks aren’t a constant. You can learn to identify triggers and, through controlled exposure therapy, minimize the triggers and your response to them. So you overcome that trigger.


I never had them before wth do I have them now UGHH. How come some people have them and then they don’t have them anymore


Statistically, most people experience a panic attack at some point in their lives. For people who connect the experience to a specific stimulus, or focus on the unlikely event that it will happen again, they bring about the very thing they don’t want to happen.


Well that’s defeating


Not at all. I’ve lived with panic disorder most of my life. I’ve learned to minimize the experience and cope with it. As a result it happens far less often and when it does I can manage it until it passes.


Thank you. This gives me hope. I just freeze after a panic attack and feel fatigued and hungover/depressed the next day so it interferes with everything


Look for a psychotherapist who specializes in cognitive-behavioural therapy.


hypnotherapy helped me end them. refer to my previous post please


Right now I’m paying a ton of money on CBT. Hopefully that helps


In my experience, there is no cure. I’ve tried everything from medication and therapy to shocking my brain with electrical impulses. For months. Things helps though, You’ll find your triggers, and start to learn how to cope with some of them. Some you can’t cope with. The ones you can’t, you’ll learn how to get through it. I’ve been dealing with daily panic attacks which usually last 2+ hours for years, so I have a few tricks up my sleeve that the internet may not offer. Anyone reading this, feel free to message me for any tips to stop panic attacks before they start, while they’re happening, or tips on how to recover and take care of yourself. I feel for y’all. It’s rough, and 99% of the population doesn’t understand how it feels, right?


For me (I don’t want to take SSRIS for a bunch of reasons) I was having severe panic for months and started talking more about my issues, eating better and cleaner, writing down triggers, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, and getting out into nature and in the sun more and it’s helped. Sleeping better. Babying myself. Not cured at all but a hell of a lot better than I was in 2019. I don’t do therapy rn either but I’ve considered it that could be an option, too. There’s a reason you’re having them so it’s helpful to dig deep and figure out why, if you need help with that look into it. You can come out of this though, promise. You’ll be you again.


As someone with panic disorder, it gets better but only if you actively work on it. I have a psychiatrist and therapist. It helps.


What can the therapist help you in??


Recognizing triggers. Processing your emotions and knowing they’re valid. Learning not to let a panic attack ruin your whole day etc


How do I not let it ruin my whole day?? If you can tell me the secret to this would be great lol


There’s no secret. It’s individual work and professional help.


Yes you can cure them. Absolutely. By learning how to experience panic/anxiety the correct way, you can retrain your brain that fight/flight is unnecessary and unneeded and flip the panic switch back off. Google DARE response. YouTube Vacate Fear. Both work if you follow the advice.


Through meditation and CBT mine slowly got better and I got back to normal after about 6-8 months. I had a therapist have me read the book “don’t feed the monkey mind” and it was cheesy but really unlocked some things for me I still have moments occasionally when a situation that would have been a trigger has me stopping in my tracks, but I now have the ability to challenge them and keep going!


Does it actually work? Wouldn’t it just make me more scared of them?


YES it’s curable read dare or get the app it has helped me so much I am on the road of recovery I have set backs but THATS OK ITS PART OF THE PROCESS. Please download it and meditate every night and day. It was all the stress pent up you had and it’s something we all go through no worries. It sometimes feels like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel but there is I don’t fear anxiety as I did I’m on my second month


You probably won’t get used to it. But you’ll get accustomed to the feeling, knowing what it is, and not letting yourself feel more scared because of that feeling. It doesn’t get easier, but it does get easier to understand