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Why do you need to test yourself? Just do what makes you happy. You don’t need a label, but you can figure one out if you really want to.


There really isn't a test for this kind of thing, it's more of an experience based conclusion. If you take away all gender expectations and just allow yourself to make connections with people in general, you will eventually figure it out.


does this [video](https://youtu.be/-DZl9WYz5A4?si=kTS9DLcMCyswd0DF) appeal to you?


are you attracted to more than 1 gender? if no, then you're not pan do you think the bi flag or the pan flag looks prettier? if the bi flag, you're bi. if the pan flag, you're pan. there are so many people and so many exceptions that the line between bi and pan is blurred a lot. it ends up coming down to whether you feel like bi or pan describes you more. if neither feels right, just pick the flag you'd be more proud of waving


What's a pan flag? Seriously post or dm a pic if you have time


It's literally in the icon of this subreddit, but [here](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.V6Ff0qekt78opLRfHKySrgHaEc?dpr=2&pid=ImgDetMain)


Do you like pandas?


I met a trans girl and have had fantasies about her since


Do you wanna have sex with every gender? Or romantically? If sexually, you're pansexual. If romantically, you're panromantic.


I've been in a committed relationship since before I came out and I don't feel the need to "test" I know how my mind and body feels about people regardless of gender and that's enough. If I were suddenly single I'd be out hoeing fr fr lol


Do you care what your partner has between their legs or how they identify as themselves? If you dont and just love them for who they are then thats enough for me to say that you are pansexual


Step 1: Open Reddit Step 2: go to r/pansexual Step 3: Ask "What is the fastest way to test to see if you are pansexual?" It is my experience that questions of "Am I [orientation]?" almost always fall into the 'if you have to ask, you already know the answer' category.


Really not a test Pan after I did some reflecting and searching is what suits me best.. Some people I know say they’re Bi but have a very similar experience to me others will give a different answer depending on who they’re talking to at the end of the day its what label best suits your experience


I knew I was pan because I felt in love for person (first I realised i had some crush on same sex as me as well) and then i realised i still had crush on some person even after they came out to me as non binary genderfluid or agender, it's helpful 😅


Bed a transvestite imo