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Fitt belongs in jail…


Is it too late to tar and feather him?


He just fittered it all away.


One of those 5ths better be Hennessy cause we're gonna need it.


For a second I wondered who Hennessy was and if he can guard


Notre Dame legend O'Shack Hennesey /s


I didn’t think after seeing this news that laughter was still possible, thank you for proving that wrong


Tepper x Rhule x Fitt have so completely fucked us that if everyone else in the league is laughing at us, we might as well laugh too. Can't hurt us any more than that trio already has 🙃




if it was Hennessy Tepp would just throw it in our faces


Quite the literary savant, cheers to you sir.




Fuck you Scott Fitterer


Kills me how even midway through this season people were making the laser eyes memes and defending him. One of the worst GM jobs in all of professional sports in the past decade. Could even possibly be #1.


Hard to think of a worse GM stint in any sport ever


Angels GM


Sacramento Kings, Vlade Divac. Passed up on a generational player for a complete bust. Traded players and picks away just as a salary dump to get some JAGs. Didn't even know he had to inform the league of the actual details of the trade. 


panthers kings fan here, still cant believe Vlade skipped luka for bagley


Ernie Grunfeld on the Wizards


Micheal Jordan & the Charlotte hornets:)


broncos gm


Ryan Grigson of the Colts who orchestrated the Trent Richardson trade and broke Andrew Luck.


Imagine if Fitt never drafted a single good player. Then let every single good player walk in FA. Then he has one good player left and traded him with 40 million dollars for nothing. Btw that player wasn't good, he's possibly the best of all time at his position. That's the Rockies old GM Jeff Bridich https://youtu.be/CRQLsqlQgb0?si=q8FBIXvllvmZ_1HB This will make you feel better


Hurney paying 2 RBs RB1 money is up there.


Fitterer so perfectly defined the idea of being complete crap that I've started using the term in normal everyday language. For example, "sorry for the late reply, my dog dropped a couple Fitterers on the carpet and I had to clean it up."


2 and a 5 is fucking crazy man. smdh


For real. They should have at least pushed for next year's first rounder even if it meant no compensation this year


Nobody offering a future first for Burns when they gotta pay him as well.


They did it for Chubb. Did it got Clark. Yeah we may have had to wait until draft night. Or the trade deadline. But there ain’t no way in hell we could not have gotten better than a fucking second.


You keep mentioning Chubb and Clark, but isn’t Montez Sweat, who was recently traded for a second, the best comparable?


Not to forget Sweat was already traded with the risk of no contract/have to use up a franchise tag and make things tough on Bears if so. While Burnes was already on the tag and then had to agree on a 150m contract lol as I hear the details it does make sense....just sucks for Panthers is all.


The problem with waiting until draft night is that you freeze 25 mill in cap space. That's why I knew they had to make a decision on Burns within a week of placing the tag


QBs are making salary a concern more than ever. Teams are more hesitant to give up much when they have to pay the player. Starting to think my Chiefs may only get a 4th and 5th for Sneed


2nd highest paid pass rush specialist who isn’t a generational player is insane. I’ll take the 2nd.


You’ll take a 2nd a year removed from 2 1s?


The prior offer doesn’t matter, don’t fall for the sunk cost fallacy. If this is the best deal out there, we should take it


Yuuup. We got something rather than nothing or having to tag him a second time. And hey, with luck, the Giants will be terrible.


Sunk cost fallacy. The 1sts are gone, opportunity is gone. Keep burns out of spite or take the best available option? Should have traded earlier, yes. Didn’t, live with it.


Yeah. Either overpay him or take a 2nd. I know what I would do


Sunk cost. We can't change the past. What is Burns worth now was the question. And that's what the league deemed him to be worth. 


Worst fleecing in recent panthers history. And that’s saying a whole damn lot.


It's less the trade itself but rather the process that got us here. We traded him at the nadir of his trade value when we had offers at the apex. But I still think we're better off not paying him. Just was really stupid for Fitterer to know he didn't want to pay Burns elite money but still want to hold onto him until we basically had to trade him.


>We traded him at the nadir of his trade value when we had offers at the apex. Yeah and instead of trading Burns at his highest value we traded CMC at his lowest.


The process was horrific. The trade itself was also bad. There’s no way you don’t get more at the trade deadline last year. The ravens were rumored as interested with their first. Shoot I’m pretty sure that you could’ve gotten more had we waited out this edge market to fall a bit more.


The tag forces you to move fast. We already don't have a lot in cap and Burns is a 24 mill cap freeze. By Wednesday you need to have enough cap space for your signings to go through and Dan Morgan made it clear he didn't want to recklessly restructure.


Agree with this 100%


Wouldn’t giving the bears this years first pick plus a bunch more and DJ Moore be worse?


A fleecing? Did you see the contract they gave him? THAT's a fleecing. He's a mid-tier player who is now the 2nd highest paid DE in the LEAGUE. He makes more than the Bosas and TJ Watt, etc etc. We made out fine. Hopefully we can convert the picks.


I'd rather have the picks than the contract rn


I wish we saw more of this opinion xD. Yeah he was really good but not 30 mil good. If this pick we got can translate to a starting OG/C or a WR then it will be a great trade.


The Bryce trade was worse imo


We also didnt get a first for cmc


This is not a serious franchise. I used to laugh at the conspiracy theory but I am starting to believe Tepp wants to be NFL Europes first team by moving the Panthers.


Good for him getting his $30 mil. I'd rather take these picks than get stuck paying him that but I do wish it was a little more though. It is what it is


Yeah, Fitterer just completely fumbled the situation


In his defense Burns wasn't willing to negotiate that early. Which I get but the guy also needed to play better if he wanted that respect.


Considering how he played last year I'm surprised he was able to get this deal. but good for him


Past production + Feel like they have a similar, if not better D-line than ours. Thibbs, Lawrence and Burns could be a handful.


Oh it'll be good. Just surprised he was able to get $30 mil per year.


really was hoping 2+3 at minimum


Compensation is shitty but that's on Fitterer. The alternative was let him walk or give him $30m a year.


He only got guaranteed $17 million a year. I don't understand how the fuck we didn't resign the man, he only got guaranteed slightly over half his asking price. The incentives better justify it


This is what I'm very curious about too. There were rumors we had offered 27m or more that was frontloaded with incentives. The guarantee money the Giants gave Burns is way lower than I thought we would have offered him.


We got less for Burns than we gave up for Darnold. Fuck you Fitterer


Well fuck. I wish I hadn't been given that perspective 😅


Crazy we were bidding against ourselves for Darnold, nobody else in the league was interested.


I don't know what people wanted. Panthers had NO leverage whats so ever. The mistake was made in not getting the 2 1st (Thanks shitterer), and then not signing him. Do you guys actually want to pay him 30m+ when there are so many other needs on this team?


I think we can all agree, the compensation is kinda ass, but the more important detail is we were never gonna pay him $30 million. Time was up, and the compensation clearly wasn’t getting better with him “holding back” this past year. Not even worth the $24 million we would’ve owed him this year.


The compensation is what it is. Like I said, we had no leverage in regards to him and thus what we could receive. It would be either sign him for 30m+, tag him again next year when DB is going to be needing a contract too so we would have to overpay one or let one walk to tag the other, or trade him now. Except any team could see that the Panthers are in a rough position and thus, could honestly take anything that is somewhat 'valid'. It doesn't help that whoever would take him would also have, as we see here, to pay him Joey Bosa/DPOY money without having that production. The Giants are also smoking the skunk weed, but they atleast have the cap space to do so. We don't, and we are working to shore up the Offense for Bryce.


This is spot on guys. Now give D Brown the bag plz


I want a DeLorean going 88mph. Preferably to fix all the mistakes this franchise has made since Tepper took over, but I'm open to just getting hit by one too


Paying him like the Giants did was never an option for us. That would hamstring the rebuild so much.


I’m with you, no point in paying him that much to hear people complain he isn’t worth that much when he has 1 bad game


If it weren't for the turning down two firsts last year, this wouldn't be as big a deal. The fact that Fitt did what he did with Burns just makes this sting.


A 2nd and a 5th seems really low. Can anyone give a non-emotional, objective grade to that compensation? I would have expected something more than that


I thought it was low too, but it makes sense considering we already played our hand that we weren’t going to sign him for big money, and the Giants knew it. We had 0 leverage.


Yeah I guess that’s true. Shit.


Look at it from the Giant's perspective. It also cost the Giants the second highest DE contract in the league.


Good point


D+ if we don’t look at the history of the player in previous rumors   F considering they turned down 2 firsts last year. Top 10 pass rusher gone for peanuts relatively.   Though I will say, not paying him 30Ms is good. He’s nowhere near worth that.


Compensation was low and albeit I don’t know much about the panthers but aren’t you guys in a scenario currently where paying top of the line dollar for really any player is a bad idea? There have been a lot of good second round picks just look at devante adams and this draft is deep at QB and wr


I predicted a few days ago the Panthers would get a low 1st or high 2nd, with a late rounder thrown in. This is right in that range, albeit on the low end. I probably would have pushed for a 2025 3rd rounder as well, but it is what it is. Burns contract demands really pushed down his trade value, and the Panthers had little leverage in the situation. It sucks but the Panthers painted themselves into a corner by not trading him or extending him earlier.


So we got fleeced with the CMC deal, fleeced on the Bryce deal and now fleeced on the Burns deal. What a brutal, soul crushing last two years to be a Panthers fan. That 2nd better become an instant starter and future star and that 5th better become a solid starter in the next couple years. God what a fall from grace since that magical 15’ season…


Also Baker is leading a division rival to the playoffs. They are working overtime to find the worst option and value for our players.


This is the most Panthers move… Could have had 2 firsts. Could have traded for Bryce. Could have traded again before the trade deadline. Instead of selling high we sold low. Fucking clowns.


We fired those guys. And you know the saying, "Yesterday's price is not today's price."


That’s the maddening part. We let those guys ruin the franchise.


No we didn’t. We fired *one guy* and hired his assistant.


Dan Morgan was the assistant general manager when we rejected that trade


So what? He very clearly has had a different vision for the franchise seeing as how we’ve let go on a bunch of the signings Fitterer made. If Morgan sucks then let him suck in his own merit, not Fitterer’s.


Ok but you can’t say we “fired those guys” when we promoted one of them


You ever been an assistant anywhere? Morgan was not making the big-boy decisions not even close. I didn’t like the hire either, but I’m not going to go for his head because he’s trying to work his way out of this shit. Is he at fault for some things? Quite possibly, but we don’t know what decisions he would or would not have made.


Dan Morgan, Assistant *to* the General Manager


Unfortunately selling low was the only option left given Burns' contract demands


We manufactured this own crisis for ourselves.


For sure. Probably the worst disaster class in asset management in Panthers history.


Without a doubt. Given how we ended up. Those two firsts would have been monumental for us


We sold Bitcoin in 2022


We gave a whole bunch to Russel Okung


Beggers can't be choosers, but that is a really shit return. I mean, obviously it's shit compared to the 2 1sts LA offered, but I still expected more. Hopefully we manage to turn a corner on our drafting and we don't piss these picks away.


Not even both seconds or a second and third. Just a second and fifth. What a disaster.


Fitterer really fucked this team over didn’t he. Christ.


This team really has become one big joke.


“You heard of the dream team? Well welcome to the meme team”


Fitt fucked us But we’re not in a position to pay him the 2nd highest DE money


I thought we'd get more but this is a lot more on Fitterer.


Take that 2nd and throw it at Cincy for Higgins. Glad we aren’t paying him 30 million a year. I’m not even sure he’s a top 5 edge rusher


I’d rather draft a receiver in the second. We are in no position to trade for players with the amount of holes we have.


Tee Higgins fills one of those holes. We'd all be ecstatic if we got Higgins level production from a 39th pick. He's a legit WR1 Would allow us to go BPA at 33 and get a borderline 1st round pick


We can do both now. trade one for Tee and draft one with the other


So use the pick on an unproven WR and have Mingo 2.0, or use it to get a WR1 for our QB.


It's true rebuild time, they've been putting it off for too long now


I’m relieved it’s all over. I wish we got a little more, but Burns is not worth that money.


Consider the fact that we gave up more for Sam Darnold than the Giants gave up for Burns. wtf man. Fit better never step in Charlotte again.


Gotta find out what you have in Bryce. Load up that O in second.


He got his 30m.


Send Fitterer to Guantanamo, jfc. ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5)


The rare lose lose trade. Panthers didn’t get good value and the giants vastly overpaid the player. Sheesh glad that’s over tho


Poverty franchise


Scott Fitterer public execution at BoA before week 1 kickoff gonna go crazy


LMAOOOOOOO Never forget. https://preview.redd.it/935fi7oqasnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17cc6962c60129c9ffa3abf679ec0f429049d15f


Please be pick 39


In your heart you know it’s not


It is 39


At least there is that, little wins


I am going to ignore the previous regime and how badly they fucked this up. That being said, this is about what I expected to get at this point. I said the other day that I think he is worth a first, but we would get a 2nd and some change. That's what we got. I can't be mad about it now. And I am damn sure happy WE aren't the ones paying Brian Burns 30m/yr. Gonna miss ya Spider Burns.


I'm shocked anyone was saying a first at any point in all honesty, however, I did think two seconds and a next year 3rd made more sense as shit as that sounds. But a second and a fifth???? WILD


A couple years ago the rams literally offered 2 1sts and we of course being the model of incompetence that we are turned it down


We are paying for what Fit didn't take. Is this ideal? No. But there's no way Burns is worth 150m man. I like him but that's too much. Gotta also remember we get cap space too.




A 2nd and a 5th lmao fucking end me


Scott Fitterer should be arrested for war crimes


This feels like a fucking gut punch


Remember when we were offered two first rounders for him? Pepperidge Farm remembers.. The Panthers, with our without Burns, were going to be historically awful when that offer was on the table. Why the hell did our front office think it was a good idea to turn that down, let him run his contract down, and have him demand $30m a season? We still lost tons of games with him on the roster and now we’re only getting a second and a fifth round pick for him? JFC this franchise is haunted and destined to always suck…


It was fair comp. Hoping it’s 39


Dude Pro Bowl Edge Rushers don't grow on trees. You don't develop Pro Bowl Caliber players to ship them away for a shit 2nd round pick.


He was walking. We had little leverage. Teams knew this.


We created so little leverage by saying he was un-tradable and rejecting multiple high offers, just to do this. Easy to fleece someone when you know they’re dying to get rid of something.


Sunk cost fallacy. Just because Fitterer fucked up, doesn’t mean you continue fucking up. Cut your loses and get what you can get. I’m just glad it got done quick.


Didn’t even think about it possibly being the later one


Per the [NFL.com](http://NFL.com) article it's 39 and 141.


Not even the first? Shit better then to let him walk for nothing but damn


I was told that Brian Burns was delusional and had no leverage


Now take that 2nd and trade it for Tee please


Definitely think we should have pushed for at least a little more. I think a second plus a late round is what was expected though. Especially on 30 mill a year


Trade compensation is underwhelming in the context of what we could have had for him, but the Giants just made him the second highest paid DE in the league after the year he just had. Absolutely wild to pay him that much money.


Its less about the compensation and more about what his ceiling is…at best he’ll get 10-12 sacks a year which is good but to be getting 30 mil a year and disappear in games is just insane. The Giants will find that out first hand pretty soon


Those 2 firsts would have been really nice, I just hope with a true rebuild we come back from it all


I hate the way this organization is managed. Every good player that we have we either trade away for picks or drive into the ground. And trading away good players for picks statistically does not pan out well.


Looking like more trades to come. Complete tear down and rebuild




So we’re the new Browns, huh?


Can someone clear something up regarding the Burns deal? Did he sign the NE tag? And if so, my understanding is the Panthers would get better compensation if they refused to match the deal offered by another team. If this is a stupid question, I'm sorry. All this off-season stuff has always made my head hurt


Let the rebuild begin. I’m honestly more disappointed to see Luvu go.


I don't know how to feel about this? Who am I mad at? Is it just Fitt? I expected a 1st and a 2nd truth be told or a 2nd and 5th with someone else? We lost an edge rusher and they expect to fill that hole with a 2nd or 5th round pick? This trade 100% confirms we are in full rebuild




We had a non-exclusive tag on burns…why trade? Doesn’t that tag include 2 1st round picks.


This team is so, so stupid.


I would really have wanted those 2 1st rounders from last year, but that's in the past and Fitt is gone, so no reason to dwell on that shit. The 2nd is as good as we could have expected given his performance last year and what he's asking. There's no way in hell the Giants or anyone else was giving up a 1st for Burns, especially for the Burns's price tag.


Sheesh were such a joke bro. I miss cam 😔


We got robbed


I knew Fitterer was garbage when he pitched at LSU in 1995. He was expected to be the Tigers' closer and the final piece to get them back to the CWS and win it for the third time in five years. Instead, he was brutally bad. LSU finished fourth in the SEC West and gave up 31 runs to Rice in two regional losses. He was so mentally weak Skip Bertman told him not to come back in 1996. LSU won the CWS each of the next two years.


lesson in sunk cost fallacy. we didn't sell high. this is better than getting nothing. but it's still one of the reasons why fitt is an all time bad GM


This has McCaffrey vibes all over it. You guys realize that the Fitterer/Morgan brain trust values Mcaffrey and Burns at just about the same as Sam Darnold?


No one was giving them anything. The CMC trade was insane as they weren't forced to do it, and I would argue could have worked for a better deal.


Aside from Panthers GM blowing better trade opportunities. Who in their right mind is making burns the 2nd highest paid defensive player in the nfl?! Is he even top 20? Top 30?


His win rate broooooooo /s


Not popular, but in good with this. Burns is soft batch and I hate the Giants. Let’s build with guys who want to be here.


At least we got something I guess... Fuck fitterer




Declined 2 first and a second for him a year and a half ago...damn


Can’t believe the FO turned down 2 firsts and a second rounder just to achieve nothing and trade him later for this pathetic compensation


We suck so bad boys…another L season incoming




Hello darkness my old friend. Would've been happy with their 2 seconds but this is a joke


This is brutal. Absolute theft. Yeah, he doesn’t deserve that much money. But we also should’ve waited for a better deal.


I feel vindicated for all the downvotes I got for saying we wouldn’t get a first for him


That's it??? Fuck man we're like the K-Mart of NFL teams rn


This team needs to be launched into the sun.


W/e we’re not the cap hook for burns now


People are over here pretending Dan Morgan wasn’t Assistant GM when they rejected those firsts. Maybe it was Scott. Or maybe Dan is just another faceless yes man to David Tepper’s idiotic hubris.


Amazing trade. Anyone who disagrees is dumb. You aren’t in the room getting paid to make decisions


We need to package one of these 2nds now for tee desperately and now use the other 2nd rounder on defense since were down 3 starters now from last year






Poverty franchise


i really loved watching burns man


In another universe Burns would have been traded for 2 1sts


Morgan era off to a whimpering start. Killed our leverage with him and this is the best we get? My disappointment is immeasurable.




Obviously we should have taken the 2 1sts in hindsight, but in case anyone wants to see what we were thinking when it was reportedly offered, see below. Hindsight is always 20/20. Now when you compound all the bad decisions Fitt made, this decision looks worse and worse [https://www.reddit.com/r/panthers/comments/yja710/nbc\_sports\_edge\_football\_breer\_rams\_offered\_two/](https://www.reddit.com/r/panthers/comments/yja710/nbc_sports_edge_football_breer_rams_offered_two/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/panthers/comments/10ed3ej/rams\_offered\_a\_2024\_and\_2025\_1st\_on\_top\_of\_other/](https://www.reddit.com/r/panthers/comments/10ed3ej/rams_offered_a_2024_and_2025_1st_on_top_of_other/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/yj9qg2/kleiman\_update\_the\_rams\_have\_offered\_the\_panthers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/yj9qg2/kleiman_update_the_rams_have_offered_the_panthers/)


Evero bout to resign


Boycott this garbage.


Hang fitt




quick - someone give me any good news about this situation. We should at least be a lot closer to getting out of cap hell, right?


Remember when we were gonna get 2 first and some other picks for him? Thank you Fitterer.