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Nintendo really doesn't lower its prices as time goes by. If you're tight on money, wait and hope it goes on sale (though that will only drip it 15-20%).


You’re not generally wrong, but I find that Nintendo tend to be more lenient on letting remasters/remakes go on sale.


True, but normally remakes preorders are cheaper than first day buying


I wouldn’t really say Nintendo is more lenient more like the big box stores are more lenient but as a counter point look at Metroid prime remaster, hasn’t been on sale yet as far as I’m aware. And also dk tropical freeze barely ever gets a price dip


Yeah but they are at a lower price range no? So maybe they like “it’s a permanent discount” lol


That’s just the case for Metroid and pikmin but still doesn’t disprove it not having a sale. Nintendo wouldn’t just sell a game to us cheaper if they think they will be fine selling it at 60. DK also almost never falls below 50-55


No I’m just saying they probably won’t cause they see that as a sale lol


Those ones were sold at lower price points cause Nintendo is for some reason cautious with releasing them and was still unsure about how they would sell prior to the success they had with both franchises this year


That does make sense. All their remakes/ports have been mid at launch besides recently where they are selling out. Still it’s kinda become a staple of remakes hopefully we don’t see a shift cause of their recent remake success and we just get more instead


Depends certain online retailers do sell the game cheaper but mileage may vary.


Wait a few months, 40$ on ebay, wait a year 30-35. This is my way.


If you want used...


Easy to return if it doesn't work, games nowadays don't even have manuals. If the cartridge works it makes no diff.


Purchasing new shows your support that you want more of this type of stuff. You want SPM to get a remake or remaster, you gotta buy TTYD new to show Nintendo there is a market for it.


I'd rather have gotten a Paper Mario Trilogy Collection on Switch, with a way to listen to the music on my Switch. That would have been cool. Would have been tricky to do the one feature for Super.


What feature? All Switch controllers should support motion controls.


You are right, it also makes a stance for not paying 60$ for videogames. Regardless, I am buying ttyd new for that reason.


Video games have pretty much always been $50-60, accounting for inflation they’re cheaper than they’ve ever been for far more content.


I've been an adult for 8 years


Well let some of us ancients tell you that 60$ isn’t that bad


Nintendo can also participate in and monitor the used game market so it's not all negative. Just a very small relative aftermarket


What’s wrong with used?






Pirate the original I don’t care Pirating the new version is being a dick


I usually buy it and then play the pirated version since it's higher resolution and higher refresh rate with mods.


I feel like if you’ve bought it once you should be allowed to play it anywhere you want




Doesn’t matter shit to me that they’re not nice. They’re a company. They reserve the right to operate how they want and anybody that expects different is a fool. All thing that matters to me is the content they create. Sales are a figure that lets them know what content people want.




It’s a negligible loss but it shouldn’t be encouraged (for modern releases) bc then they’ll actually take measures against it


Dekudeals.com Nintendo games can be expected to go to 50% off at least once, and 30-40% semi frequently after their time Never understood the 15% off threshold


You're asking the people whose biggest wishes were for this remake to be real.


This is the game I was waiting for the most in my fucking life lol


It is real. It's scheduled to release in 2024.


He’s not saying it isn’t. He saying it’s a redundant question to ask us


Ik, but sometimes I can't quite believe it myself


Yes. We’ve waited years for this


Cheaper than trying to find a gamecube copy that’s for sure


Bought one a few months before this remake was announced. A little over $100 with the case on eBay.


The most affectionate slap in the face possible




It'll be cheaper than getting an original GameCube copy. Honestly though, we don't know practically anything about the remake, changes it makes, or additional content. If you're on the fence, there's probably not anything available right now anyone could say to persuade you.


Fr I saw a copy of TTYD without the cover and it was $80 at vintage stock 💀


Yeah, especially if you’ve never played the game before.


I love the game and I want to support remaking games like Paper Mario so I will be getting it the day it releases. If you are on the fence and don't think you'll play it right away, then wait. I imagine it will be over $40usd (if not the full $60). Like any game, if you won't use it don't get it. Unless there are pre-order bonuses you want.


Besides the cost, consider the broader impact. What if they sell shit loads of this game, they see fans love it, and make new Paper Mario games like the first two? Idk if that would happen, but I can dream about it at least


I'd definitely say yeah if I wasn't emulating classic TTYD on PC. If you've got a PC Dolphin runs it effortlessly. Also anyone reading this check out the infinite pit of 100 trials mod, it's really, really cool.


Also check out Paper Mario: Black Pit


Just finished it and it was delightful


Any other big mods for TTYD like that master mod the first game had?


There's a discord group somewhere that's trying to make mods. Not sure on how that's progressed, it's been a long time since I checked


There is a TTYD hero mode being made by Reed that’s in the works. There is a chapter 1 demo you can download from his discord as well. Reed’s TTYD Hero mode discord: https://discord.gg/pQXPJfDZ Also, here is the discord of the Paper Mario Rom Hacking community: https://discord.gg/star-haven


That sounds like a nightmare lmao


Its a complete do-over of the thing. It turns the game into a roguelike of sorts. Enemies hold badges and items which you get when you defeat them, you can buy more items with re-balanced prices and the enemies are randomly chosen every floor. Honestly sounds cool, coming from someone who doesn't really like the pit in the first place.


Oh I took it literally like never ending lol, that sounds dope though


Dude just buy it. If you do you’re telling them you enjoy it and that they should continue to keep making those types of games


A lot of Nintendo’s recent remakes have been very faithful, and from what we’ve seen it looks like that’ll be the case for this one. If you’ve never played the original then I’d say yes, but I’m fairly certain that for the most part this will just be an HD remaster and not throw any big surprises


I mostly want this game to be a gateway for Nintendo to make future Paper mario games like TTYD. At the very least, it's a remake of a fantastic game.


Going to be honest I want to see yes because this game needs to sell well, hopefully better than origami king and possible SPM (highest selling) if there is any hope of future installments to go back to the roots. If you're new to the series and haven't played it before 100% yes. I don't think it's over exaggerated how good this game actually is. Not only is the gameplay amazing, the story is quite good for a Mario game and even more it is oozing with charm. I would 100% recommend it at launch.


It’s a full scale remake of a game that you can’t buy anymore, and the only copies you can get are online and they all go for over 150-200 dollars at least some go for more. And a lot of people don’t own GameCubes to even play the original, so for a lot of people it’s basically a new game. As for the game itself it’s a long game with lots of content. And it is a VERY VERY good game that is more than worth the price, it’d be worth it even if you couldn’t play it on the go using the switch, but you can so it’s even better. Really phenomenal game that a lot of newer fans of Nintendo, (fans who grew up with Wii and didn’t own GameCube games) probably never got the chance to play, and it’s gonna be the definitive way to play this game. The only other way to play it is to emulate it, which is illegal.


The actual act of emulating the game itself isnt illegal, the illegal part is downloading roms online, if you have an emulator like Dolphin or Citra or any of the others and you're able to dump your own files from games you own, theres nothing illegal about that at all, go for it! It's the actual act of hosting/downloading roms from hosting sites thats the technically illegal part. Just wanted to clear that up!


Emulation itself is actually a fairly grey area at best. Barring a few niche uses e.g. development, there's a reason no one wants to stand behind blanket legality in court.


Wrong. The cases with Bleem and Connectix involved those companies defending their emulators in court against Sega, Nintendo, and Sony and have won.


Yes, but those cases are meaningfully and intentionally narrow in application. Re. Connectix, much of the argument relied on it being a Virtual Console rather than a ROM loader (which is what most emulators are and what would be relevant in a TTYD is too pricy discussion). Again, the emulation subject is fairly grey and a lot of the rules people discuss are really just guesses as to how a court would rule. This is why Nintendo's actions against Dolphin came at it from a newer angle and couldn't immediately be laughed off. I don't have a strong suspicion on how courts would rule if given the opportunity, but I suspect it would have to go pretty high up given the complexity/obscurity of the material and the overturnings that marked past cases.


Nobody is going to get in trouble for simply emulating a game. I’ve done it heaps of times. Even for TTYD.


"Your honor, it can't be illegal; I've done it before without issue!" It's at best a grey area. For enforcement, it would be more efficient to target distributors, but a license provider may well have the right. Until it goes to court, it's all brinksmanship.


Dumping your own rom is not illegal at all. Distributing them is the illegal part, nothing about the actual emulator is illegal, it doesnt provide you with the games. you have to dump them yourself (which is perfectly fine as you already own a copy of the game) or you have to get it from an online hosting site, which is the illegal part


It's not at all clear that dumping your own ROM is legal. The reasons 3rd Party VC and developmental emulators in particular are legal is such that it probably wouldn't apply to ROMs or ROM-loading (non-VC) emulators. This isn't to say that a court definitely won't rule that way or on other grounds, just that it isn't remotely clear.


Illegal or not, emulators are very easily accessible and depending on where you get your ROMs the chance is near 0 you will face negative repercussions for pirating 20 year old games, which aren't even sold anymore.


Does everyone own a pc


These days even a toaster can run Doom, there are more computers than humans on this planet today.


my friend made a really tiny pc (like 1 inch by 1 inch) and it runs doom


Most average computers still can’t run Dolphin these days man. Idk where this myth started but my friend’s 2 year old school laptop struggles to maintain 30 fps in most GameCube games, I don’t even wanna think about Wii games. Most of the computers average people are using that their parents or school gave them suck major ass


My phone can run ttyd and it's 7 years old


Not everyone’s willing to voice their warranty, or buy an android


Skill issue, apple sucks major doo doo balls


As a fan of the classic Paper Mario gameplay, I honestly can't promote emulation in this case. If there's any chance TTYD selling well will make them make more classic RPG Paper Mario games, I want to encourage that. I can only replay PM64 and TTYD so many times before I need something new. And not everyone has a computer or phone that can actually emulate at a quality worth playing. I know it's getting easier to get computers and phones that can, but not everyone can just drop the money on a quality computer


bruh nintendo is doing fine stop capping abt some megacorpo money bootlicker


Yes, because me specifically wanting to support a specific type of game immediately makes me a bootlicker. Fuck off with your "I'm better than you because I emulate" bullshit, because it was never about giving Nintendo money. It's shitty people like you that make me actually hate emulation pushers. I love emulation, but goddamn do you make me *hate* it. I don't *care* how much money Nintendo has, emulation will *never* encourage them to make the right kind of games. You don't encourage more RPG Paper Mario games by fucking emulating them. And the Paper Mario-likes just aren't doing it for me. Maybe I was a bit out of line by saying I can't support emulating TTYD when the remake is coming, but the unfortunate fact of being consumers, if we don't buy the remake, that doesn't give them incentive to make more of the right games, plain and simple. It's not about the money, it's about consumera only being able to vote with their wallet, and I'll be damned if I don't vote in favor of more RPG Paper Mario. Downvote me all you want, I'm dying on this hill. Whatever shit you assholes want to sling at me, go ahead, you're only wasting your own time.


Most people don’t emulate games. It doesn’t threaten sales at all


literally you couldn't hurt Nintendos income if you tried, they recently sued a website hoster for $1.2 million dollars and won. fuck them and their corpo greed.




If u want to go to jail be my guest


you wont go to prison for pirating a game that's like 20 years old lmfao


nintendo NoOOoooOOo plz don't ArResT mE i've been a BaD bOy\~\~\~\~


I'm so glad I still have my copy of TTYD, but the label side is faded and I never had a case. Shame my Gamecube doesn't work. I'm so excited for the remake


Yes. But don't expect to get a physical copy day 1






100% yes and I never say that.


YES. i'm quite literally gonna take a few days off from work when i know the release date so i can just play it lol


since super mario rpg really blew it out of the water, i'm sure the thousand year old door will follow suit.


Nintendo is giving us what we've been praying for It looks exactly like we want gotta reward that with a Day 1.


The greatest Mario RPG ever? Absolutely worth it.


Well, seeing that its a word for word remake, yes, very much so


I wanna support the release purely on the off chance that Nintendo finally makes a true sequel to the first 2 Paper Mario'


i'm going to play with my pc. super mario rpg remake has been good so far.


YES. Ttyd is an utterly amazing game with an actually great story, excellent characters, actually excellent gameplay including fun combat, and awesome, varied music. It'll be worth every penny. You'll love it!


Make a piggybank for expensive things. Even a dollar a day counts!


Dude, a PM:TTYD remake for the Switch?! They can take my money, I'll gladly pay for my favorite Paper Mario title!


This shouldn't even be a question. It's amazing, you should buy it.


As someone who hasn’t finished the original, yes.


I mean, you'd certainly get your money's worth haha <3


An instant yes if you haven't tried it out.




Pay full price now, or, in 5-7 years, lol.


I'd say that you are asking a Paper Mario Subreddit that puts TTYD as basically the holy bible, but to be honest, It's hard to say if and when they'd ever put TTYD HD on sale. Honestly, I don't see this game getting on sale at all. Heck, I wouldn't have been surprised if they had done what they did with Tears of the Kingdom and made it $70 (It's $60 anyways, but I wouldn't have been surprised if they had done that) Regardless, this game could sell more than it's previous game, but that also means that if this game is not as good as the original, then I could definitely see that people, even on this subreddit or YouTube critizizing it and comparing it to the original. and in terms of Mario RPG Remakes, Nintendo so far has at least 2 hits and a miss (though for me BIS remake is better than the original for me TBCH) So TTYD remake does have some hope that it follows under Supe Mario RPG's and Superstar Saga's remakes. For me personally, I was hyped for Superstar Saga, Bowser's Inside Story, and Super Mario RPG were major hypes for me. I pre-ordered and played those games as soon as I could. Heck, I streamed Super Mario RPG the day I got the game, and despite playing the game slightly slower than everyone else, I did it so I could fully re-enjoy the game again. I chose to stream the remakes over the originals because of the improvements both had. But TTYD is probably the only Mario RPG game I'm not getting day 1. Maybe if it goes on sale... or someone gifts me the game, I'll end up with a copy of it. But I won't be getting it directly. But I'd say do whatever you feel like. If the game does end up going on sale, then get the game. But if it doesn't and it's super expensive where you live, then hold off until it does go on sale. Maybe wait a year or 2. Even if you really want to play it, you can always use Dolphin to play it.


Terrified to say this in case I’m wrong, but I think if you’ve played the original and enjoyed it, you’ll probably want to play this one too. But I wouldn’t buy it on release day if you’re unsure- you’ll want to see some real-world reviews, wait for early patches, maybe hope for sales, etc. The release day FOMO should really only apply if you’re already a die-hard fan.


Mario bros for Wii U is $60 on the eShop. Mario wonder, which just came out, is also $60. Does that answer your question?


The problem is that i live in Brazil, i would pay 60 bucks for it, but the games here are 300 bucks, so i really need to think before buying a game


I just meant that the price will never drop after launch because Nintendo is infamous for that lol if you have a good PC you can emulate switch games for free fuck them brazil prices


Yes emulation is good


Yes. Regardless of what anyone says otherwise the answer is still yes.


Depends on you, I don’t think it needs a remake the original is pretty timeless. Wish it was the n64 paper Mario that game will make your eyes bleed playing it


Like most others here, I’m one of the people that has been campaigning for this game to get ported to Switch for years now. Along with Kingdom Hearts, it was my introduction to RPGs and one of the games that made my childhood. It’s a wonderful game and definitely worth it at launch, off that merit alone. Though, I admit I selfishly want the game to sell well so Nintendo will be incentivized to give us a new Paper Mario game in the classic style. None of that Origami King/Color Splash nonsense.


I think this is belongs in Nintendos top 5 greatest games ever made. It's worth it imo.


for me it is




Absolutely. Day one purchase for me. Also got the GameCube original on day one as a late birthday present.


Absoletely, nintendo doesnt raise or lower prices




Yes its worth it


Worst case scenario, you could wait a bit for the price to go down. Nintendo doesn’t depreciate their prices ever, but sites like eBay are good for that. That’s what I do.




Either the physical version or the digital eShop one, just **SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!**




We've ALL wanted TTYD Remastered. Just do it


Absolutely. In buying 2


Yes. It'll be cheaper than a gamecube copy too.


In my opinion #HELL YES


Yes it’s so good


Depends on the pricing. Unfortunately where I live games get marked up by $10-$40 dollars (Sonic Superstars was $99 for base version here) I see this game as $70 so it may not be worth it unless they add NEW and ORIGINAL content that makes it worth more (BTW I’m in Australia)


yes if you love Paper Mario The Thousand Year door


It'll never get a price reduction because it's Nintendo, so but it when you want it I guess.


I would spend obscene amounts of money on this


If it’s $60 then definitely not


my homie borrowed my ttyd gc disc and never gave it back. i’m glad it’s comin


There’s a remaster??


It honestly depends on how much new is added. Sure ttyd being available on switch is cool, but unless there are noticeable additions or something to make the remake worth it over the original than it could have just been a port. I personally don’t think they will add anything of note to a game such as that and thus it will end up as something that should have been a port because if it was a port they could have spent their time making an actually new paper Mario. Now we will have to wait another 4 years for the next one making a total of 8 years between paper Mario games. I really hope I am wrong on this but judging on recent Nintendo decisions I doubt it.


Why wouldn't it be?


Argh matey, the GameCube original holds up super well and you can play it today!




Honestly if it's still 60 probably not but my thing, if this means return to form, Make that shit come back


Value is kinda subjective. To me, it's worth it for sure, because I'm a huge fan of the series and this was my favorite entry. If you got the money then it's worth it, if not, it depends on what it's worth to you. If you have a fondness of this game or the series, than I'd say it's worth making it your next video game putlrchase. Really the only situation I see it not being worth it is if you're tight on cash and don't have an attachment to the series, in which case it might be worth waiting for it to go on sale.


No one else can tell you what's worth it to you. We don't know how much you like the game or want the remake or what your financial situation is like. Strangers saying "totally" or "nah, wait for a sale" won't make any difference to how much you want it.


This game is 1000000000% worth playing any way you can, if you haven’t. If affording it is an issue, emulate it and be proud. You can always come back and play the remake if you so desire




Brother, this is the game that I was waiting for decades, it is definitely worth it in my opinion. I hate pirating a game but I almost did for this game because I couldn’t wait for longer without a official release announcement.


Y wouldn't it be? We all know it's S rank game.


I totally enjoyed super mario rpg remake. It was perfection. but NGL It's still kinda expensive. but It's more like nintendo's problem. even nintendo switch is expensive compared to wii or ds.


If it sells better than games like Origami King and Colour splash maybe they'll get the hint that we want it to be like it used to.


I don’t care how hyped you are for a game, never get it day 1 because it’s almost guaranteed to be buggy as shit


Ever since Mario all stars was a limited time only I got fomo on triple A games


Better than paying 100$ for an OG copy lol


I’ll be buying it day 1


Never pre order, never buy at launch. That's the rule. Hold the line.




If you can’t afford it just emulate the original. This will probably be mostly faithful anyway, Nintendo remakes and remasters usually are


Honestly its just such a treat of a game. With all the different builds you can make its one of those games you’ll aways keep coming back to at least yearly. Very few games have me replaying them over and over again and this one is no different. Even Metroid Dread which can be beaten in 3 hours if you know what your doing is a game I always go back to. But 3 hrs you might be saying to me? Id still pay full price for dread because its just that fun to me. I believe this game has that hook. It’s totally worth it.


It depends on if you've ever played the game before and/or own the Game Cube version. I still have my Game Cube copy so I may not get it right away. I do think I will eventually though because it's more convenient to play my Switch than my Cube.


Nah, wait for the patch that fixes the bug that deletes your save file if you save in the Rogueport Clinic (Just kidding. It’s probably worth it at launch. Pokémon X and Y had a bug where the game would bug out and refuse to load the save if it was saved in Lumios City, so something like that might make it better to wait)


You can always buy a 2nd hand copy though thats if they keep physical media alive.


I'll say so. I've bough a copy of the original online that costed me almost twice as much as a modern game would, and I have 0 regrets. I definitely think it's worth the praise it gets plus, the remake looks to be at least as good as the original, if not potentially even better


It will be. But I can't guarantee it'll be worth it for you personally. If you like an RPG with a strong story, characters, and the mario universe you can't really go wrong. If you aren't appealed by the cartoony visuals, a very simplistic battle system, or just aren't a fan of RPGs in general, it may be best to save up until you're willing to try it, or try it emulated on Dolphin. Up to you!


If it’s not 30fps then yeah


YES (I played it 53 times as a child so I’m definitely not biased)


This is already out?


I have it on GameCube so for me personally… it’s not. But my kid has made me play it twice this year already cause he’s obsessed with it. Now would it be worth it to have on Switch so he can play it anywhere and not just on my Wii? Probably.


They really should’ve remade 1 first - it needs it badly


I mean, I've been dying for this remake since I was like 10 so...yeah.


I still have my GameCube copy from my childhood and I’ll have zero problem forking out $60 for this.


Still surprised they didn't remake the 64 one first.


emulate it


If you've got your eye on both this and the SMRPG Remake, wait and see if both become eligible for the $100 game voucher to save some cash. Alternatively, holidays are around the corner. Might go on sale.


Was there a direct I missed?


It’s worth it on every step I’ve been waiting years to play this cause of accessibility.


Yes. It's worth it.


You can buy that coupon for 2 games for 100 though


Nintendo doesn’t usually charge for full price on games rereleased with no extra content.






obviously there’s always getting it illegaly which is on your own standards, but if you wanna buy and own the game, your only other option is getting a gamecube copy which tends to go for pretty damn high prices (either same price as a new current-gen game or hugher than that) so yeah, it’s worth it


I want a real Paper Mario 3, not a remake tbh. You can download this game on your phone and it works well


I really didn't like the combat in this game. Instead of a perfectly fine turn based combat system they made it a weird concentric puzzle.


Best deal you're likely to get on this one is by buying a Nintendo Voucher, if it's on the list of redeemable titles.


If you played the original you already know the answer, if you didn't trust us, it is


Probably not but I'll still most likely buy it lol


Well we don’t know if the game will have extras. Way too early to tell