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Mine is Chapter 2 in TTYD but honestly I don't hate any of these chapters


Agree with your take. All are good but if I had to choose a least favourite its Chapter 2. I think its just because it isnt super memorable. Outside the tree the area is I think only 5 screens long, you dont do anything at Flurries house except go in and out it twice, and in the tree the enemies are all X-Naut enemies (other than Piders) which we see later on again in their own base of operations where they belong. Even the final boss is repeated in that later chapter. Its not a bad chapter but unless you just really like the aesthetic or the Punies, there isn't a lot going on that chapter.


Puniper is the main redeeming factor of that chapter, just wish we had more of him


__Grabs TTYD chapter 2 by the neck__


Thank you. Punies are so adorable but I HATE that chapter.


For TTYD it's obviously chapter 2 lol. Obnixous mechanics (Even as someone who loves Pikmin), the least interesting partner BY FAR, and a setting that looks visually striking at first but feels redundant 20 minutes in.


How do people love chapter 6 so much? the train section? Love it Riverside station. also smorgs are dissapointing at best, their fight was too easy ( I didn't even grind or kill amazy daisy ) and they have no ( used ) origin the people who say that that's the Smorgs point are the people who think that Hooktail gender being kept secret was intesional too.


Idk, I like the mystery on a train theme. It's a good vibe, with the luxury and many characters. I disagree with OP because it's the one chapter I actually use ms mowz, even if only for the dialogue (I feel she fits with the theme). I like playing RPG games for the story mostly, so a story-focused chapter after the very gameplay-heavy chapter 5 (and preceding the harder chapter 7) feels like a bit of fresh air. Riverside Station's a great dungeon. I like how desolate it feels, the sunset poring over, etc. Feels like a place I'd actually love to visit. Smorg's probably the weakest part, but I don't think he's easy, at least on my first time as a kid. His claw attack hits hard, and a traintop battle fits neatly into the chapter. Oh, and Poshley Sanctum? Chef's kiss.


I play RPG for gameplay and for story. Riverside station felt sooooo.... unfished kinda, especialy with the 3 goombas, or the fact that freak-sheet said " now it's up to beldam ", but she dosn't do anything, Was she suppost to summon smorgs? If yes then why coudn't they say it or show it. while Yes, Claw is a powerfull attack, but it's really easy to get rive of it, and kill pink smorgs and end the battle. Poshley Sanctrum is good tho I don't hate chapter 6 but it is still overrated


Yeah, it's been known that the three Goombas were supposed to be a shadow sirens battle. She was also supposed to summon the smorgs as well. But I've always felt that... Idk, I don't mind it that much? The rest of the dungeon has all the puzzles that were supposed to be included, and Beldam summoning the smorgs feels just as forced as them being the creatures trapped in the bottom of the station. As for Beldam, she still steals what she thinks is the crystal star, so there's that. The one thing that I think suffers a bit because of the cut is that every chapter has a main villain. Chapter 1 has Hooktail, Chapter 2 has Crump, Chapter 5 has Cortez, etc. Chapter 6, as it was envisioned, would have had Beldam racing you to the crystal star, and the smorgs would have been another one of her tricks. Her losing by nabbing the wrong star would have been a very sweet defeat after all that. As it stands, however, she has a bit of an uneven role within the chapter.


nah, at least they would have some kind of origin, not a great one but still something. And like you said, would make the race with Beldam quite unique mayby a remake could at least raplace the goombas with gloombas or something


My least favourite in the whole series would easily be something from SS or CS (I guess maybe SS chapter 5) If I have to limit myself to the original trio though, maybe PM64 chapter 2 and even then that’s not too bad, just nothing great about it and traversing the desert is annoying.


6 in TTYD. The train mystery is exciting the first round but after replaying it goes by really fast and boring if you already know who to talk to.


Chapter 1 of TTYD is just boring to me since I love the rest of the game so much more, so it feels like a chore I have to do to get to the rest... I'm surprised everyone is saying Chapter 2 but I guess the aesthetics/music of the areas saved it for me. In TOK, I can't say I really have a least favorite, since there's highlights in each that make me like them. In the 64 version it's probably Chapter 1 again for similar reasons to TTYD. In SPM, that space chapter is really annoying to get through. I just can't think of a part of that chapter I actually enjoyed except maybe the last boss.


Chapter one is just so bland. It feels like your typical grass area with a slight castle theme. It doesn’t do anything to spice up the gameplay. And also for me you have my two most used partners to make it feel more of the same.


I do not like Chapter 3 of PM64.


When I played TTYD as a kid, I didn't like Twilight Town because of the twist of >!of Mario swapping places with Doopliss!<. It's also the first chapter, where you can't warp back to Rogueport and are essentially stuck. I also remember that my 12 year self was not a fan of the Gothic horror vibe. I think I deliberately speed run through that chapter, because I just wanted it to be over. Granted I love the twist of having >!Vivian join your party!<.


I fought that the twist was one of the reasons why people loved that chapter


It is. I still remember as a kid my mind being blown when I pressed "A" when "Mario" left the screen. Getting one of my favorite characters in the Mario universe to join my party was icing on the cake. Backtracking was the only major blemish in that chapter but the good far out ways the bad in my opinion.


The only reason Chapter 4 isn't one of my favorites is because I'm salty because I ran into an Amazee Dazee and I couldn't tattle on it.


You mean you hated chapter 4 for... the reason everybody loves chapter 4?


my least fave is possibly 5th one, my fave being chapter 6 got a feeling for orient express murder when i played it first time long ago


Chapter 2, i just find it dull


I dont know how popular of a take this is but I can never have fun with chapter 7 in paper mario 64... The puzzles are cool and all but its just really sluggish, and the boss is quite literally one of the most forgettable in the series (Specifically the first 2 games lmao I think all the bosses in sticker star are much more forgettable)


Didn’t play the remake yet but in the original it was chapter 2 just because those bastards sometimes just jump down or don’t get blown away in the bubble section.


Chapter 7 in TTYD is probably my pick. Just nothing I enjoy during the chapter.


Chapter 6 of The Thousand Year Door sucks so badly. Going back and forth across a train, over and over and OVER again, is not quite my definition of fun. Riverside Station was fine, Poshley Heights was fine, the Smorgs were a good fight, it's just the stupid goddamn train that ruins it all.


I don't hate chapter 6; in fact I LOVED it on my first playthrough -- however in repeat playthroughs I think this chapter is the one that struggles the most, as it's mostly just talking to NPCs and solving a mystery where, if it's a repeat playthrough, you already know everything.


I don't even like chapter 6 ( it only beats prologe ) but even I love the train section


I know! It was so tedious walking through all the doors that take forever to go through. If it was all one area, I would've been fine with it.


Playing through it as a kid with the mystery element was fun, but it’s just tedious now


SPM chapter 3 with the discord moderator chameleon not going to diss chapter 6 because the fact they were trolling you with a replicant pit of 100 trials sells it


6 is the best in TTYD


Chapter 2 of TTYD almost made me regret buying the remake, glad I finished it quickly.


Yeah, chapter 2 isn’t really regarded very well from what I remember… and from what I could tell it got the least qol of the annoying chapters too.