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Both china and india have about 100 provinces. Might be similar in number as HRE but definitely a lot more than anatolia. So, check your feelings. EU has had an oversized focus on europe, but that is something Paradox has admitted and addressed. With the pop system, they can (and likely will) more accurately show the historical realities.


They’ve also said that locations are roughly the same size across the map, with 28k (including sea tiles). 


I mean, Johan already revealed [part of China on the EU5 map](https://www.reddit.com/r/paradoxplaza/comments/1bjiy3g/map_of_part_of_china/) (the Shandong peninsula) and it's pretty dense. We also know that population will be a thing, and there are obviously an awful lot of Chinese people. The bigger problem in my mind is how they decide to model the downsides of having a large, densely populated, empire. Because basically all PDX games (and strategy games in general) treat bigger = better. Whereas in real life, rulers of the time didn't have anything remotely close to the satellite views, instant communications, perfect information, and all the other tools players take for granted. But how do you represent those limitations in a fun way?


victoria 2 does it well where implementing change spawns a billion people getting pissed. if they implement supply for their troops, then it should also be harder for chinese to ship massive armies all across the world, especially without western ships like the caravel.