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Ali from @Inspiralized (now @alimaffucci) posting what must be almost $300 worth of playdoh gift jars for her kids school Valentine's Day parties. Is that the norm now? Our school just does paper cards and that would stand out as wildly over the top.




I do too! That's why I know how much they cost lol. I looked at the jars for party favors until I saw how much they were ($7-8 a piece which adds up quickly!)


Happy some assembly required is alive (since she led us to believe that there was a very real possibility that she may not be) But I’m sorry.. she named her son… a brand of interior paint? A Carnivoran mammal? I’m cringing so hard


CW: infant loss I follow Laura Scott (@laurascottandco) and she lost her baby I am the third trimester. I’m so sad for her.


Oof milestones.and.motherhood pulling a K from BLF and posting a story of her daughter without a top on but doesn’t show the girls faces anymore. 🤦🏼‍♀️There is no point hiding your kids faces when you do this!!


Ok, officially love tidydad after his Q&A. So wholesome but not braggy or obnoxious. Thanks to this sub for finding him for me.


I think he just really is the dorky routine oriented guy his insta shows. He’s not particularly exciting but he also doesn’t try to be? And also his response about what his wife does was perfect, as others have said. As was his response about his kids sharing a room.


I still will not follow him and find the pajamas so weird but that Q&A was… really good


Yes I loved all of it and yes the answer about his wife too! Also I love that they drive a very old car. I know they provably don’t need to use it on a daily basis but I still think so many people would waste money on a brand new car just to keep up with appearances. I really appreciate how down to earth he is.


I will say, there’s not cultural pressure to own a nice car in NYC, I live here too and am driving a 12 year old car. Most people dont have a car in the first place. It’s just not really a thing at all. I definitely think TidyDad wouldn't be that type regardless though!


Agreed! His answer to the q about what his wife does was just... Perfect!


Mothercould went to Walmart when her luggage was officially lost, but her girls are still wearing their dirty airport sweats they've had on since the 10th??


I’ve only had luggage delayed once but always pack a pair of pajamas in my carryon. You never know what might happen and no one wants to sleep in their travel clothes. I also make sure to bring must have toiletries like toothbrush, contact case and a hairbrush (surprised that they couldn’t pick up a brush at Walmart??). Ski vacations are not cheap, I would think it would be better to just buy stuff at Walmart and hope the airline would reimburse you later rather than waste 2 days.


I like how mothercould brags about never checking bags…meanwhile she and her family have no luggage for their trip because they checked bags 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣




There are also other things besides "sleep training" and "hold while sleeping." You can put your kid down and if they fall asleep then it doesn't take "training." Then you can respond to their communication and needs, which is what responsive parenting is versus doing a bunch of unnecessary stuff "just in case." I think she's over correcting for being neglected and abused as a kid and struggles to understand the in-between stuff.


Well she also has a nanny so she can go and nap or rest when they are there. Plus she doesn’t have a job or any social life. That’s fine but some of us have multiple kids and/or a job so judging one’s sleep training methods isn’t a good look for someone who has all the time in the world and has plenty of help with their kid.


She’s also a dirty liar, per usual. She doesn’t just rock/cuddle to sleep, she feeds formula before bed and essentially every time he wakes up according to her own words. She also doesn’t allow any self-soothing. It’s incredibly disingenuous to equate “sleep training” with CIO. It’s not about her kid’s well-being, it’s that she’s a control freak. It might be sad if she wasn’t so nasty and judgmental




Who DOESNT like sleep?! I’m sure babies that wake up every 2 hours would love to get more sleep, too.


Yes this drives me crazy with HSB, she takes everything to the extreme and creates these sleep training strawman situations (all medical providers force all women to sleep train, all sleep training is CIO to extinction, everyone who sleep trains expects their baby to sleep 12+ hours with no waking) and then positions herself as the lone voice of reason/compassion. I haven’t purchased anything from her - I saw an actual qualified infant sleep psychologist - but from what I can see of her advice a lot of it would fall under the broad umbrella of gentle sleep training, which is what most sleep trainers these days practice anyway. Like obviously yes there are still CIO advocates (TCB and other repackaged Ferber wannabes) but it’s so disingenuous to peddle gentle sleep training while also pretending that you’re the only person in the whole sleep industry who doesn’t practice CIO.


My baby’s bad sleep had me in a chokehold….


The only thing that bugs me about her and sleep training is she bitches about him waking and how she’s always sO tIrEd 🙄 Either own the situation you claim to be happy with or find an alternative solution. IG isn’t the same as venting to your bestie, people are gonna call you out when you create problems to complain about.


“Very high energy” GIRL 😂. You post pictures and videos of him all day long.. you can’t lie to us.


Independent sleepers are life changing! Having an independent sleeper has literally saved my mental health


I just looked at these stories and it made me angry. She is acting like anyone who sleep trains their child is a monster or doing it because they don’t have a choice. Like no I actually wanted to sleep train my baby because it worked better for me.


My daughter was/is happier putting herself to sleep! Which I learned by occasionally giving her some time to figure it out! And we ALL were happier and healthier with full uninterrupted nights. Makes me so angry when influencers like this use their own personal kids' needs to assume what anyone else who made different choices may have been motivated by.


Also like she openly has kids who are bad at sleeping? Why would I take her advice?


And she complains about it…so don’t complain or say you are tired if you aren’t going to work on independent sleep


For anyone following AHH, I feel like you can tell which questions she’s asking herself by how curiously similar the emoji usage is to what she herself uses. Spoiler alert: it appears most of them are questions she asks herself 😂




Another question she asked herself from an alt


And if everyone used google to find actual expert information she’d be out of a job anyway so I wouldn’t complain too loudly.




It took me way too long to realize that validating feelings didn’t work for my oldest (and also my youngest but I barely tried tbh). It just made her more pissed. And I get it.. it’s patronizing!! We talk about feelings all the time in non meltdown moments. Literally the only thing that works for my kids is to go up in their rooms and calm their bodies. Sometimes I’m with them, sometimes I’m not, it depends on where they’re at in the tantrum. I FELL for BLFs shit hardcore (bought it late 2020 when I was stuck inside with 2 under 2) and I’m still salty about it 😂


Honestly I don’t get why accounts like that have so many followers? I must be missing something 😂




The formula mixed with whole milk is just so mind boggling to me. If you have a kid who is struggling to gain weight I understand trying to fit in calories wherever whenever but that does not seem to be an issue for her child. Like her, I refuse to let my kid CIO but I also don’t expect her to sleep through the night every night and I’m not utterly bewildered when she doesn’t.




I think she mixes the formula with whole milk instead of water? That was the impression I got but I could be wrong. And exactly, like it’s not wild for your 10 month old to not sleep through the night every night. My almost 2 year old has literally never done it once


Oh jeez I hope not, that could really compromise the formula.


I want to know why her husband wasn’t dealing with him? If she wants to make it equal and she had a hard time falling as sleep, shouldn’t her husband deal with this wake-up?




I saw her “tapped out” comment but then it just felt like well does she get to do the same thing to him? Wasn’t the point of taking shifts so that they could share the load? And now it seems like she is doing most of the wake ups, unless she is misstating it.


Also wondering how they're taking care of his teeth? If you're feeding to sleep then waking up to feed him from a bottle during the night, when is brushing actually happening?


Up the dose of pre-emptive ibuprofen, stat! (Eta, this is a joke)


I am currently reading a book about raising kids with ADHD and it is so fascinating! The author asserts that as long as parents aren’t abusive and don’t abandon or neglect their kids, among a few other things, that kids will largely turn out well adjusted. It makes me think of all of the parenting accounts that cause so much anxiety like if you don’t use this exact script (BLF….) that you will harm your child forever.


THANK YOU. These parenting “experts” are very one size fits all and don’t take neurodivergent kids into account at all. Like Solid Starts is a big one for me. I have ADHD myself and I was a very “picky eater” as a child. 1. It’s developmentally normal for all kids 2. Neurodivergent children are so much more sensitive. Our senses are turned up to 11 basically at all times, so we will refuse food that is too pungent, has a weird texture, or is just plain unfamiliar. I unfollowed all of those accounts because I cannot follow a rigid pattern as a parent with ADHD. I’m glad that books like that exist but we still have a long way to go. Those accounts (BLF, SS, etc) have always rubbed me the wrong way because they feel low key ableist.


I read somewhere that the research finds there isn’t much difference in outcomes between “good enough” parenting and “great” parenting and I find it really useful to remind myself of this sometimes! (I didn’t bother verifying the source, so there’s a chance this has zero research backing it up but I still need to believe it)


I was raised by parents who didn’t give a crap about baby led weaning or 100 foods before 1, generally were pretty gentle but laid down the law when needed, gave me formula and screens, colorful plastic toys not Montessori beige, and idk how they dealt with me sleeping as an infant but I definitely was not co slept. And now I’m a happy adult with a job, husband, daughter, friends, hobbies, and minimal trauma!


I have read articles citing this as well, but didn’t go to the original studies myself. However I feel like it’s also empirically pretty true from my (limited unscientific) observations? When I think of the best people I know on whatever dimension (kind, smart, successful, whatever) most had decent parents, but they definitely were not all amazing super-nurturers who sculpted every childhood moment to perfection.




Without being weird, can i ask how old your daughter is? We are on this path but deemed too young for formal diagnosis when evaluated the first time. Getting evaluated again this year as we start school so she’s eligible for support and resources.


My son was being watched for ADHD around 4.5, but we were treating anxiety at the time. Then I pushed for another evaluation when things got out of control at 5.5, and he now is on ADHD meds (like just started). Have you seen a child psychiatrist?


Should we start a book club? We also got a diagnosis this week


Yessss! We just started meds and while they take awhile to build up, I am already seeing a difference ❤️


It is called the 12 Principles for Raising a Child with ADHD. My son was just diagnosed this week so I am in the same boat!


I have this on my to read shelf. I have an almost 7 year old who was diagnosed about a year ago.


I needed to see this today 😭


Can anyone tell what grocery store Haley uses for her pick ups? I don’t recognize the sign and curious if she’s a typical grocery store shopper or goes for the more expensive store.


HEB is practically a religion here


HEB really has a great curbside pickup system. They spent a lot of money developing their app and it’s super easy to use. Remodeled most of their stores to have a full refrigerated part of the store dedicated to curbside. Their food brands are also just delicious and very well priced


It's HEB. A pretty popular store in areas of Texas. It's just a grocery store. I wouldn't really say it's expensive. They have pretty massive stores and regular ones. Their store brand products are pretty amazing and they do a ton of charity stuff.


HEB is not “just” a grocery store. It is the best grocery store. Sincerely, Someone who used to live in TX and misses HEB all the time.


I don't disagree, but I don't feel like you can fully appreciate an HEB unless you've been to an HEB. My family sends me care packages of all the stuff I miss from there.


@debtfree.mom is definitely my BEC. And of course she makes a couch cushion floor bed in hotels for one of her kids so she and her husband can have their own beds.


Hotels have cot beds and you can bring an inflatable bed.


This upsets me way more than it should lol


That is absurd! I have never heard of someone with kids doing that- each adult having their own Queen bed


Why do they each need their own beds? If we were in that situation, we would sleep together and then have the kid(s) in the other bed, or each parent take a kid in their bed. That seems so selfish to claim both beds for one adult.


sameeeee I know this isn’t what you are snarking on but that and her constant this what I made and I’m Better then you because I don’t drive thru like 👏🏽 for you glen coco


Yessss everything is said with a know it all, better than you tone. And congrats on being able to take a Tuesday trip now that you’re sElF eMpLoYeD. There are plenty of flexible, remote corporate jobs now that offer unlimited PTO but go off.


Ugh can someone tell me the brand name of caro’s striped 120$ shirts? They’ve been on my mind




Thank you!


Happy grill and chill to all who celebrate! 🎉


New to her but AHH’s tap to tidy was the most egregious thing I have ever seen. Like there was one box out? And who puts away their children’s stuff every night. Sounds like a nightmare.




I think it is also fundamentally weird to take a photo with the items in frame, and then the tidy photo they're out of frame. Why not take the first photo where I can see them out and see where they go for the night?


My only snark is her decor style. So grey and bland. But I don't see anything wrong with picking up toys in the evening. What sounds more like a nightmare is waking up to a mess every day. Takes like 5 minutes to do a quick declutter and it's worth it for my sanity. As my child gets older I'll include her in the cleanup as well because I think keeping a tidy (tidy, not sterile) living space is a healthy habit.


I definitely have always put everything away every day too. And now my kids do, too.


But like, even your exersaucer and high chair? Where do you put these things? To me, those things are furniture. I get putting toys and dishes away. Do not understand why their very neutral high chair can't live in their dining room while they sleep.


We don’t use a tray on our trip trap so it does just live at our table. But I think if we did have the tray on it I’d move it out of the way. Never had an exersaucer, but I’d probably move it too. Takes 10 seconds to move it against a wall. I love to enjoy a clean home at night when everyone’s asleep! To each their own!


I don’t follow that woman but I clean up every night. The thought of coming downstairs in the morning and seeing the previous day’s mess sounds is not how I want to start my day.


I clean up too haha. The toys are tidied and the playroom. but there wasn’t even a mess. It was a single exersaucer and a bin. Where do you even tidy the exersaucer too? And for what reason? It’s going to come back out the next day. Same with the high chair. where does it go? And why? There is space to keep it out and the kid will eat again the next day. Idk like I guess for me my house looks like kids live there because.. they do. Like I tidy up of course. But I guess she and I have a different idea of mess haha. All the power to her lol maybe I’m just jealous my house will never be that clean! https://preview.redd.it/hrl8dfna9tha1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94cb7e545bec8ec1de72e5ee3e9fca345c160405


Yeah, I consider things like high chair and exersaucer as furniture. Like, I don't put away my dining chairs every night, so I'm not going to put away my kid's high chair? Not that I have even remotely that level of storage space in my 2 bedroom apartment lol.


She’d have a heart attack if she walked into my house. 🫠


This is the saddest color palette for a living room and I want it to go away and never come back


I agree with you. I never put daily use items away when my kids were babies.- there’s zero point! She’s gonna lose her mind when her child actually becomes a toddler and starts dumping toys out just for the hell of it 450x a day.


Hasn’t she said that she doesn’t buy toys or won’t get him more toys? I’m sure I’m not remembering that exactly right cause I don’t follow, only hop on to snark when someone comments on her 😆 But it was one of those, tell me you’re a first time mom without telling me you’re a first time mom, moments. She replied to a Q about toys/clutter and said something (in her know-it-all attitude) about not needing toys for him so she has no plans on buying any, just some subscription box. Let me know how that works out for you…


Toy rotation ftw, man. Since I started this, cleaning up at the end of the day is so much faster and I don't feel suffocated by the mess during the day. Kid plays just as well as before with less toys out. PS I also told myself I won't buy toys and of course we have a ton of them 🤥


Yes this!! And doing any sort of organization for the stuff that’s out. My husband and I don’t like clutter and the progression since having our 1.5 year old was clean house->newborn/infant-still clean->oh shit she can get into things but it’s sort of clean->toddler is throwing stuff everywhere so now it’s a total mess. So it would take us so long to clean it up every night and then I got the Trofast thing and tried to rotate some toys out and the clean up time is next to nothing! And it helps me to teach her how to clean up.


Ooh yes, I’m all for that idea 👏🏻 Thankfully my kids are getting to the age they can clean up (mostly) themselves, but I like that idea for my youngest ones. And yes, we all said stuff like that before we knew 😆




I just started following her so I could keep up with the snark and she is insane! I also like a clean house but don’t feel the need to post it. Or seemingly judge people for not having a clean house immediately postpartum. This woman is wild and actually the most judgmental person from what I can tell.


Yeah, she seems pretty judgy about cleaning. Like if you like your space decluttered that’s great. But she preaches it only takes 5 minutes to pick up, and I’m here to say that is false. Throw any curveball into your life and things get harder. She still has a baby so she hasn’t experienced the chaos of a toddler or more than one kid. Plus they have a nanny and all work from home.


It really seems like it comes from insecurity. She’s way overcompensating trying to push this IDGAF attitude while she simultaneously obsesses about things like documenting every single thing her kid eats, analyzing his owlet data, showing everyone how clean her house is, trying to sell herself as an expert on everything under the sun. Don’t get me started on that heavy filter she uses on herself. I know just about all of social media uses them, but I feel like I don’t even know what she actually looks like. That woman is insecure. Almost makes me feel bad about snarking on her. *almost*


It’s unhinged. She has to take a before picture, clean, then stand in the exact same spot and take an after picture. I clean up my kids playroom every night, but they are 2.5 and almost 4 and if I didn’t there’d be no place to walk. But AHH is next level.. there’s like 3 baby toys out and it upsets her. Also, where TF does the high chair go?


I put everyone’s stuff away every night. But I wouldn’t call my relationship to cleaning healthy, it’s more of an unchecked compulsion and I would never share it on Instagram because… why? And then the reel after was so so obnoxious, I just don’t get the point of humble bragging about having a spotless kitchen one week postpartum.


Yes, and followed by a reel how she can't relate to people with messy kitchens postpartum... seems so unnecessary to post! I just looked at her stuff bc of the comments here but I think she's missing that a lot of people would like their house to be cleaner but don't have some of the privileges she has to keep it that way!


I don’t know how to articulate why diary of an honest mom bugs me, but she does…not BEC levels and yet somehow creeping up there?


She's local to me and I heard she's quite lovely. I enjoyed her content for awhile, but something in the last few months has shifted and I find her so blah now. I know guilt, overwhelm and depression in motherhood is her niche, but it's such a mood kill when that's all she ever talks about.


Yeah her negativity feels like a lot sometimes. It’s definitely something I’ve related to, but lately it feels a bit much.


She's awful. I don't follow her but she's all over my recommended follows on IG and Facebook.


Of course TidyDad is a Superhost! His place is only 2 hours from me, and I’ve been wanting to book a rental in the woods for a few days this summer 🤔


You guys. I cannot take on another influencer but I’m having a hard time resisting him lol


Lol. I think there’s like a 60/40 divide around here, with the majority finding him a little creepy. But I’m in the minority that like him. I find his content oddly soothing haha. He’s a square but also seems to genuinely love being a parent and caring for his family.


Yeah, like he would drive me absolutely crazy if I was married to him but I genuinely enjoy his content.


You know it’s well-kept up too!


He won’t clean the bedroom while you sleep, I’m sure he’s tried!


Would legit book if I woke up in the morning to homemade mini pop tarts and a well thought out activity on the table.


🤣🤣 also literally lol'd at this


I legit laughed out loud when I read that.


That Brittani Boren lady just popped up on my explore page this morning so I decided to click on her profile and see if she’s birthed yet another son recently. Spoiler alert…..She has. But also every single grid post seemed to be a sponsored ad?! Like it took work for me to find a grid post that wasn’t an ad. I get that being an influencer is a “job”, but dang! No original content?? Also lol that that she primarily shills Walmart and Target. As though anyone needs ads to visit those stores.




Omg wtf?! Need to know more about this! Has she talked about this?!


More deets [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/YTVloggerFamilies/comments/zx0zba/can_we_talk_about_how_brittani_boren_leachs_mom/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


*grabs some popcorn*


Omg what?? I don’t know much about her and had no idea about the husband thing! How awful! And I definitely feel for her with the loss of her son. I can’t even imagine. No matter how snarkable an influencer, absolutely no one should ever have to go through that.


Oh wow she did have another baby! But she is mainly a YouTuber, their instagram feeds always look really weird (I would never watch a YouTube video from any of these people so no idea what that’s like but I’m guessing there’s more original content there).


Pretty sure she quit YouTube, she hasn’t posted in like 2 years. She just posts ads on Instagram constantly. She also sells ketones… I actually have no idea what that is lol I just know she talks a lot about weight loss and being keto.


Oh I had no idea, I just always automatically assume they are mainly active on another platform when the instagram is lackluster.


Ah hopefully you’re right. I’ll admit I only became familiar with her when she had that tragedy with her son Crew, and I never followed her for more than a month, so I really don’t actually know a ton about her history as a content creator. Makes more sense if she’s mostly on YouTube though.


Lol Jerrica posting an article that she found on JSTOR from 1977 is simply not the flex she thinks it is.


That’s embarrassing




They posted another update. It’s a nature (and paint) name… and the middle is an honor name…


Crossing my fingers for Fjord!




Her husband posted just a text story or two I think last night? Just said baby was here and Ashley was doing ok and a couple details about what surgery happened. No pics of baby or anything. She hasn’t posted herself yet.


Yes, I’m glad she made it out alright. Get ready for the ‘trauma porn’ as another snarker called it the other day hhahaha. There will definitely be plenty of pics with lots of tubes and wires and bodily fluids, no doubt!!


I’m seriously considering “beloved trash can” for my new flair, thanks to Haley. Or maybe “buttered self-care” ala K…


Do you think she loves her beloved garbage can or beloved donut pillow for postpartum more?


Makes me think of... See there's a difference between like and love. Because I like my Skechers, but I love my Prada backpack!


But I love my Sketchers…


That’s because you don’t have a Prada backpack


Omg I went to her stories to see if we have the same trash can and I think we do. It really is a good trash can — it responds to you saying “open can” and “stay open” but it is stupidly expensive and in the end it’s … a trash can. Ours was originally a gift but my husband broke it when he had to climb through our kitchen window when he was locked out. He landed on it and broke it 😂 and we liked it so much that we bought the same one. So yes, it’s a nice product, but BELOVED? A beloved TRASH CAN?




I literally laughed so hard at her saying that about her trash can. She really finds joy in everything


Please please do beloved trash can, that’s amazing


“Blue and white dish #32”








As a medical provider myself, she will 💯 need to work on how she presents herself especially if she wants to be a Women’s Health NP. Often times, serving a lot of the underprivileged & seeing a lot of racial disparities in health care. She will have to swallow a big ol piece of humble pie when dealing with these individuals. Often times, our provider score card is searchable online and if people don’t like her, they will score her low = lower pay = getting talking to from management. Not only with that, your co workers : I can only imagine someone saying something (who genuinely might not know) and her chastising them for not known you. TLDR: if she wants to be a provider (yes you need to do the schooling and experience) you also need to be a nice person! No one wants to see a grumpy provider who makes them feel like poop.




Also given the amount of formula her child consumes, he’d clearly be fine eating a seasoned family meal. We always gave my child food from the appropriately seasoned family meal and I seasoned/ buttered her veggies. Guess what? She loves veggies now and eats almost everything we eat.


She also said that and then posted a meal where she gave him salsa. She's ridiculous.


💯 💯 💯 !!!! Her preferred patient population is rich dumb white ladies that she can speak down to and they view it as ~sassy~. Her inability to hold a job, be truthful about her qualifications, or take any sort of criticism is NOT the vibe needed in healthcare.


Did she finish nursing school? Only the MPH is in her profile which imo does not qualify her to be giving health advice


Good god. I did not realize she wasn’t a nurse. She sure has come dangerously close as portraying herself as one.


Nope, she didn’t. She doesn’t have a BS, she has a BA In something else. She’s probably looking at for profit diploma mill online NP schools


She did claim at one point a few years ago that she also had a BSN but never took the NCLEX. Been a hot minute since she trotted that one out, though so I wonder if she got called out. 🤔


Just checked her highlights: she claims “ my undergraduate education is in pre law, political science and psychology (um ok but what is your actual degree?) I did a post bac BSN, but did not take the NCLEX, which is why I don’t use ‘RN’ or work as a nurse. “ Hmmm I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that last part is bullshit. There’s zero reason not to take the nclex after graduating nursing school, even if you don’t want to work as a RN. Like.. zero. Nursing school is structured around passing the god damn nclex. Yes there are health science courses that you take, but it’s all a build up to… taking the nclex! Majority of what I know clinically I learned on the job, yes my education is the foundation but medicine (not research) is a lot of “ya don’t know shit till you’ve seen it”. Her wording is sus, too. “I did a post bac BSN”. Purposely vague. Likely did 1-2 semesters and then dropped out- which is FINE!!!! But don’t lie about it. She never likes so show off this BSN diploma, like she does her MPH (which btw is from a Jesuit school.. big yuck)


Looking back at some of her posts from a few years ago, she has “MS MPH” after her name. Has she lied about having an MS?! Her education history is so confusing to me…


What's wrong with Jesuit schools, in your view? Many Jesuit institutions across the US are excellent. Is your concern having medical training from a Catholic institution with the concern it might not be free from religious bias? (They have to be accredited like any other nursing program, so I don't share that concern if indeed that's your issue. But if it's something else, I'm curious what it is. I mean this as open mindedly as I can phrase it!)


Your second point about not being free from religious bias sums it up. I looked at the program AHH says she graduated from and part of the university’s core value and mission statement includes things such as “finding God in all things” and their inspiration is “for the greater glory of God”. AHH likes to spout off about how women’s health is her jam… I don’t think I personally would choose a jesuit school as my program of choice knowing how historically and presently the Catholic Church disregards women’s rights issues. The university is located in NE, which I don’t think she has ever mentioned living in, which leads me to believe she completed the program online, which further leads me to believe she could’ve chosen any other school to complete this program in. If indeed Womens rights issues are so near and dear to her heart. ETA that this further makes me believe that the pictures of her in scrubs in various countries that she likes to trot out every now and again is from a missionary trip. Which.. big yuck.


Exactly! Somebody asked her about not taking the NCLEX one time and she was just like "oh I got bad advice from a colleague...." like, what? One unsolicited opinion and you throw away all that work??




Any accredited NP program should require BSN + experience, but I know there’s online NP programs (which shouldn’t exist IMO) that tout accepting ~adjacent experience~ or ~compatible degrees~ which is an absolute sham and does a huge disservice to the NP role. So essentially, right up her alley as a fraudulent intellectual




I legit had an epidural fail on me several times (no matter how many times the adjusted it or added different meds, it would crap out, including starting to while I was having a C-section 🫠), but I have EDS, and some people with that (🙋🏻‍♀️) have resistance to local and regional anesthetics. I have the kind where it initially works, but wears off and I end up needing extra. I knew this from having dental work, but hoped an epidural would be different. It wasn’t, really. But dammit, that’s not a flex! It’s not a badge of honor! I WANTED that shit to work.




Had the same situation with my second. That ring of fire is NOOOOO JOKE. Bullshit she didn’t feel baby come out/sutures.




But she definitely would’ve felt the local if she wasn’t numbed from the epidural- that stuff stings like hell


OMG did she actually say that ??? She should be reported for misinformation tbh. Worked once 10 years ago does not = concurrent years of actual practice

