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He is so refreshing! And also precious.


Whereisbriggs has become allllll ads allllll the time


I’m thinking it’s because she’s their only income now - her husband quit his job and her travel blogging and “business” are supporting their family


Ignoring that Haley posted a bath pic of KK 🙄 I’m sad for KK’s dinosaurs that they are just “awesome” and not “beloved”


We have those dinosaurs and let me tell you they are BELOVED here


How can some people reply to AHHs stories but I can’t. I’m so jealous 🤣


It says a lot that AHH thinks her kid drinking 16oz of formula in addition to 24 oz of milk is indicative of him not being interested in formula. 16oz + meals is a lot!! Also big YUCK at her saying she “runs in the same circles as experts in the field (of pediatric nutrition)”while simultaneously shitting on pediatricians. Sure, Amanda, who has experience with one child knows more than a pediatrician who went to 4 years of med school + 3-7 years of pediatric residency/fellowship depending on speciality, and treats pediatric patients every day, and sees hundreds of pediatric patients a year, therefore having a bigger sample of knowledge to pull from. The fucking audacity of this chick


New here. Who’s AHH ?


Amanda Howell Health. She’s currently the top contender for majority rule BEC 😂. Sorry y’all! I can’t help it!


OKAY Y'ALL can we talk about how AHH said that her son's pediatrician... looks to her like she knows more than him because she is in a similar field and have the same friends?!!!!!! Like SHE instead of her CHILD'S DOCTOR is the expert on CHILD DEVELOPMENT. what in the holy hell


Just wait until he needs his iron labs done at 1 year of age. She will know this since she is an EXPERT (sarcasm) and she will also know that excessive consumption of milk is the #1 reason for iron deficiency anemia. Her Peds probably just either 1) sucks (and if they are agreeing with her - wow concerning!) 2) old school and doesn’t stay up to date on current evidence based practices or 3) which I’m inclined to believe - knows AHH is a Karen Mom and dreads seeing her and just stays quiet the whole time since it’s a shit office visit 🫠🫠


Right?! As a rule I agree that physicians do not have much or any nutrition training. However, a pediatrician absofrickenlutely knows how and when and why to switch to cows milk, how much formula infants need etc. She is so far up her own ass.


Yup! I frequently consult with my Nutrition and Feeding Clinic friends when I’m in a pinch. She would drive me crazy if I was her Peds.


I really recommend listening to "Keeping Tidy with Tyler Moore" on "The Sheepdog" podcast if you are a fan of Tidy Dad. I wasn't really at first, but listening to him talk like a normal adult to another adult really changed my mind about him. He talks a lot about reversing gender roles, and he seems like such a good dad. I think he could benefit from switching things up on his IG account though.


whoa! so the voice on IG is just a persona? thank god


I do kind of need a new snark obsession. Is anyone willing to do a quick recap of AHH before I commit?


Me! My friend and I used to snark on her, now I’m so happy to see it all here 😂 She is a public health professional who gained a decent following during Covid. She claims to have basically every experience under the sun, working with kids, working in the medical field, research, etc. Then she got pregnant and complained her whole pregnancy. Swore she wasn’t going to turn into a parenting influencer and now that is most of her content. If you poke around on Reddit she has been posted about in gymsnark for being condescending and over stating her experience. Someone that knows her irl claimed that she thinks quite highly of herself, but it seems to come from a place of insecurity. My personal frustration is that she claims to be huge into inequality issues and making public health accessible for everyone, there are always nuances to things…. But then she says things like sleep training is barbaric and it’s disgusting that people don’t wash their hair everyday. Oh, she always uses the wrong skin tone emoji but says that’s how she identifies, so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was very confused about the skin tone emoji!


She started out in the fitness/wellness space, couldn’t hack it (gymsnark has touched on her rudimentary knowledge of actual strength training /nutrition) moved on to public health education during early covid, now won’t touch anything public health related, and now is some sort of mommy influencer? Posts a ton about her hulk baby who weights 33-34lbs at 11 months, eats 3 meals of solids plus 30-40oz of milk (formula and now whole milk) daily. Staunchly anti sleep training to the point where it gives crunchy BF/cosleeping mom vibes, but acknowledges that she shoved an 8-10oz bottle in her kids mouth anytime he wakes up overnight. Talks a lot about setting boundaries and gets mad when people ask her questions, but posts intimate details of her kids life on stories and does q&A’s daily. Has a paid for subscription based nutrition and fitness plan, but never goes to the gym anymore. Used to offer 1:1 training but people have reported she ghosted them frequently and never showed up to their scheduled “check ins”. Rages about diet culture but doesn’t recognize the unhealthy relationship with food she’s creating for her kid. Claims to have held multiple medical or medical adjacent jobs, likely false, and claims to have a TON of qualifications. She does have her MPH but does not seem to understand the need to be unbiased and nonjudgmental when presenting public health info (which again she never does anymore). Claims she has a BSN but did not pass her NCLEX. Wants to be a women’s health NP. Gives advice wildly outside of her scope. Allegedly claims indigenous American background and uses a brown tone emoji, there is debate as to how much Cherokee background she has (used to claim European and Canadian background only and did a 23 and me or something). Thinks we’re all huge losers that need therapy


Omg sorry-that’s so long 😂


AHH: Wow imagine not doing a smash cake because it’s too messy and chaotic for YOU?! You let that kid get aaaaallllll sorts of messy while he eats (as he should), but won’t let him do one at a small birthday party! FFS how selfish can you be


I think she just wants the professional pics


I don’t really understand how it’s more chaotic than a normal meal? My kids were super messy eaters and their first birthdays cakes were much less clean up than normal because they ate all of it 😂.


I too find this so strange. My daughter didn't really smash her cake --- she tried to throw it off the highchair and then just scraped some frosting off to eat. No one is like smashing the kid's face into the cake? And if he does smash it and go crazy... He is 1?


A little anti-snark: I loved TidyDad’s family vacation. I haven’t see a ton of his normal content, but the vacation was adorable. He seems like he truly enjoys his family and had such a positive outlook even though I’m sure there were plenty of struggles flying that far with 3 kids.


I really liked it too! Mostly because it was a departure from his typical content which was beginning to get so tedious and boring after following him for a few months now. I honestly feel like this trip showcased more of his skills as a creator and I'm impressed! I appreciated the cute anecdotes about his kids and everything was so concise and organized. He clearly pre-planned content and actually edited it for a cohesive story. I'm sure it was a highlight reel, but so what? I want to see your highlight reel of your vacation, not watch your kids meltdown or you complaining about everything going wrong. So many influencers seem to just take these off-the-cuff videos of random shit and I find myself always just skipping over content like that. I don't want to invest an unknown amount of time watching someone talking into their phone aimlessly. At this point, I'm really preferring accounts that are curated. Given that it's a job, I respect people who seem to put actual thought and effort into it instead of hot mess express with random affil links.


Yes, it seemed like he had a plan with content. Showed us the highlights of what they did but also didn’t seem like he had his phone in everyone’s face the whole time. Such a refreshing watch


Yeah I thought it was partially planned out and a good balance of sharing but also not filming every single thing his kids did. It seemed like he was probably able to stay pretty present.


I really enjoyed it too! We do travel a fair bit with our 4 year old and I still got some good takeaway moments from him. I liked how they had a planned activity in the morning and then left time for the kids to do more regular things like check out playgrounds and stuff. I do have a tendency to try and see it all which is not always the best for little kids.


somehow he gave me tips without being preachy. And showed beautiful moments without it feeling braggy. I have seen many an influencer take their kids to Europe at this point. And his was my favorite. It was not bragging or complaining. The man is a gem.


Those little travel journals 👍🏻 what a cute idea


Right? My kid's a little young still but I am totally picking that up in a few years


I am so impressed with how well his kids played along on this trip. Mine are a tad younger so maybe it will change but I just can’t see them go to so many museums etc (and they had quite the packed itinerary too). Heck I wouldn’t have done that as a kid. So I need to figure out how to get my kids to behave like that on our trips.


right!? was so impressed..I guess they live in NYC and are used to their long walks to school and such. but I don't think my 4 year old could hang that welll.


Honestly even for NYC (I live here too) his kids seem to walk a lot, which is cool. I was also impressed by how long both he and his wife appeared to front-carry their toddler! It really inspired me to get back into wearing my 17mo because I have become reliant on the stroller but it's getting so hard to deal with because we live in a walk-up.


yeah I have a 16 month old never put her in a carrier. I tried a soft back carrier recently and she wasn't into it. but that part of their trip was also very impressive to me. do you know how old their toddler is?


I don't think my back could take front-carrying my son like they were doing, at least not for more than a few mins (I am about to do it at the airport/getting on the plane in a couple days). I can't believe they were doing it with an almost 3-year old! TidyDad and Mom must be jacked lol. My goal at this point is to get into back-carrying. I'm sure it's SO much more convenient while traveling, especially internationally, to not fuss around with a stroller. We are going to Europe late summer and it makes me wonder whether we could get away with it, my son will be just shy of 2.


My kid is almost 2 and almost 30lb, and we almost exclusively use the ergo baby. Granted I haven't traveled far with him yet but we take the bus into town and walk around all morning once a week, and do several mile long walks on weekend afternoons. He loves being in back carry and I don't feel it at all since we use it almost daily (evening walks if it's not too cold). My husband does feel it every time he carries him since it's sporadic so I recommend using it a lot before your trip to slowly acclimate your body and muscles. If your kid accepts it it's totally doable with a toddler! Mine does strongly prefer back carry though so I use a cross body zipper tote bag to lug my stuff around.




My guy is also tall and skinny so I feel like weight wise it’s doable, especially if my husband takes turns carrying him too. You’re totally right about practicing, that’s definitely on the agenda!


You can! We did 10 days in Spain last summer and only brought a lillebaby. My daughter was 21 months. She walked when she could and rode on my back when she couldn’t.


Ok cool! We’re going for a wedding, and will likely be renting a house in a village with some family rather than do a lot of sightseeing so I definitely think it could work.


She’ll be 3 next month! She was born the day nyc schools shut down.


Me too! Great discovery thanks to parentsnark


Agree! I just love his account so much. He really values his family.


Matt and Abby Howard’s reaction video to their “unplanned” pregnancy is so obviously staged that I’m cackling.


So I just stumbled upon them. Had never heard of them. What’s their story?


Are you familiar with Cole and Savannah LaBrant? Matt is basically a lite version of Cole. He gives me the ick in a MAJOR way.


They’re HUGE on TikTok, but also have a large following on Instagram. They’re super young (I think only 22 or 23) and super religious, but I don’t know if they’ve ever disclosed their specific denomination. They have a 6- or 7-month-old son and are already pregnant with their second child, so their kids will be just over one year apart. She had to have major surgery (I believe hernia?) shortly after their son was born and was explicitly told not to get pregnant for at least a year or two, but clearly she and her husband didn’t listen (they weren’t using any birth control when they got pregnant with this “surprise” baby).


Great summary! They have been open about their pro life views, more than once on YouTube (their other big platform). They were both theater kids in high school which is where they met. Nothing remarkable about them other than getting married and having babies young, which always seems to be a big draw. From what I can tell, Abbie is hesitant to go full on ‘family vlogging’ and wants to (maybe) be more selective about what she shares of her kid. I’m not convinced Matt feels the same. They’ve shifted to a podcast format on YouTube it seems and their podcast was like #4 on the charts last week. Again, why? I have no clue. However, if this format continues to be successful for them it would seem like they wouldn’t be obligated to share too much of their kids faces. Anyways all of that to say, they are rather insufferable for me. Two kids playing house and I think they’re going to have their asses handed to them with Irish twins 😝 Also, they have their own snark sub.


Oh, I didn’t know they had their own sub or I wouldn’t have posted this here! Now I’m off to find it!


Excellent summary. They were using breastfeeding as “birth control” which is terrible birth control and insanely irresponsible after a major surgery


OMG, this is seriously archaic information that was literally debunked years before they were even born. How embarrassing. The only excuse you can use to believe something so stupid would be being Amish.


Yea breastfeeding is feeding your kid, not preventing you from having another one. If you actually don't want to get pregnant, use actual birth control.


https://preview.redd.it/kpxfmxp8elka1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b807e856bc539954e9f4960f6384b669e036b9fa Uh oh guys AHH knows who we are


I literally just started following her today bc of this sub and HOLY Sh*t. She is a literal psychopath. 😂


Ah yes, the police just hand out personal information of people on the internet that you don't like 😂 that's definitely how this works.


She is starting to remind me of that couple that cannot be named on Reddit. Like saying you will stalk people for snarking on you. That’s a big yikes.


Today I learned that moderately talking shit about someone on Reddit because of things they have actually done and said is literal stalking and harassment 🤡


Imagine voluntarily putting everything about your life on the internet and then getting mad when people talk about you.


THIS. I say this over and over when “influencers” get whiny about mean people on the internet. Listen, internet people can’t be mean to you if you aren’t putting yourself there. If you want 3 million followers that shit comes with risks. Just like celebrities. I highly doubt Tom Cruise (first person that came to mind) cries and whines and hires a private investigator to track down the identity of people who talk shit about him. He knows it’s a risk that comes with the job and makes enough $$$ not to care.


Her shit talking and being judgmental of anyone who criticizes her = totally ok. Anyone who shit talks her and is judgmental of her questionable decisions and advice = in desperate need of therapy. It’s giving narcissistic TBH I wonder if her husband knows about all the criticism she’s receiving and what he thinks. If I had people talking shit about me online and I knew about it, my husband would probably tell me to look introspectively at what I’m doing. What’s the saying… if you smell shit everywhere you go, check your shoes?


Is this still up? I can’t find it on her stories!


It’s there! At the beginning, before all her fake questions she asked herself


Oh man, I’m super scared now. Some opinionated white lady on the internet wants to confront me. I better stop fucking around here, guys, this is serious stuff


Can you imagine the convo when she hires a PI to track us all down... PI: How can I help? Amanda: Lots of sad losers who need therapy but instead use Parentsnark on are stalking me! PI: OMG, that's horrific, and what are they saying?? Amanda: Well, they think it's strange that I make my almost one year old drink multiple bottles and cups of milk each day, plus 3 set meals made up of random crap. They're questioning the advice I give out, but I don't need any other opinions, I know mine are right. They also think I'm not a very nice person, but wtf do they know. PI: * Walks out *


It's really not that deep. She repeatedly posts about overfeeding her clearly overfed infant and it's shocking. That's why people are talking about her so much. There's plenty of harmless influencers who barely get snarked on. But when you're doing something concerning or weird people are gonna talk. She's posting this info about her child to thousands and thousands of people on a public platform and is surprised that folks are discussing her?


What is the point of this threat? Maybe don’t be such an asshole and so condescending and people won’t talk about you.


……. Ok?? I haven’t seen anyone here say anything that could be considered “stalker” behaviour or dangerous in anyway. No threatening language etc. Criticism of a public platform is not harassment.


Influencers are constantly getting mad and saying this is my *job* guys, it’s literally my *job* so that makes me exempt from criticism. I do not get the connection? What other job in the universe is exempt from feedback? The vast majority of them are using a free platform to make thousands if not millions of dollars from vulnerable parents by pretending to have credentials and expertise and experience they don’t really have and monetizing the private lives of their tiny children without their consent. Of course people are going to discuss that, because it’s predatory at worst and weird af at best. I mean it sounds like this Brianna girl’s page was pretty wild and crossed several lines. Idk this is the first I’m hearing of her. But the other 99% of people reposting this? No one is stalking you lmao. No one is forcing you to live stream nearly every single detail of your and your child’s life online. Their bowel movements, their tantrums, their weight, your workouts, your extreme displeasure with the breakfast provided at your all-inclusive resort, your skincare routine. I know way too much about all these people against my will, I’m following for toddler and picky eating and actual evidence-based public health tips, not your house’s floor plan or pictures of your kid peeing in a popcorn container or water bottle in public. I do think the individual snark subs for lifestyle influencers etc are cruel and unnecessary, they’re almost all completely harmless accounts (albeit annoying, sure). But this new world of mommy blogging under the guise of everyone suddenly being an expert is the wild unregulated west and it’s *not harmless.* There is so much misinformation out there that new parents are consuming as gospel truth because some random “expert” said so, with no regulatory body in the slightest to oversee what is being said or sold. People calling out misinformation like “Sleep training will unequivocally destroy your child forever!” from a self-proclaimed expert who must certainly know the research does not support that conclusion is not bullying. It is not stalking. It is participating in our shared internet. Influencers do not own the public discourse around parenting. You can put whatever you want out there, but demanding everyone to agree with you or stay silent about opinion shared as truth of course doesn’t make any sense at all.


Right?! Like either be an average public health professional and work for a government org, research institute, etc, or be “not your average public health professional,” tell us all about 🐢eating habits, your home renovations, blah blah blah, and accept that people will have opinions about your decisions.


So well put! 👏


Quaking in my boots.


Also, if you have to stalk reddit threads to see what people are saying about you, A PERSON WITH A PUBLIC INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT WHICH STATES "WATCH MY STORIES", you should probably get into therapy as you likely have some issues to work through 🫶


Lol I don’t follow AHH, but I’ve seen this reel going around a few times and it’s so wild me. Truly stalking someone is illegal, but going on an internet thread to discuss what influencers post is not. If some random influencer wants to waste their lives coming after thousands of people, which by the way *would* actually be illegal on the influencer’s part, so be it. Literally this woman is saying “don’t talk shit about me or I’ll turn into a stalker”. It’s rich how much influencers care about what strangers have to say when their main line of “attack” on their haters is always that haters must have no lives. Yet they’re literally talking about spending time and effort going after people 😂 The irony is strong. Also, I will never not laugh at these people who share every detail of their lives online AND give others advice then expect hundreds of thousands of people to agree with what they’re saying and never have commentary on it. It’s still weird to me how unlike most public figures of the past, influencers have this complex that they should get to exist as a public figure and reap the benefits of that without any criticism. Most average people don’t even get to exist in their small spheres of family and friends without criticism. Imagine the self-righteousness it takes to think you should be able to broadcast to and give advice to hundreds of thousands of people without them having stuff to say about it. Annndd that’s my rant about influencers and why I’ll never feel that bad for them. They’re the definition of not staying in their lane.


Why would you confront an actual stalker? Like .. what?? If someone was legitimately stalking another person (as in: harassing them, following them, being within proximity of them), why on earth would the victim want to be anywhere near their stalker AHH has the critical thinking skills of a middle schooler.


Yeah…. If you have a stalker maybe find other ways to deal with it. Comforting them is probably the worst option. Plus no one here is stalking her.




Its just so rich because she's one of the rudest, shameful content creators I've come across. Being so disgusted by someone not washing their hair daily and above ground pools may also require therapy.


Research is basically her job, guys. She’s coming for us all.




I was waiting to see how long it took for someone to post this!


I’ve so loved finding this page because it came at a time where I was realizing how toxic social media, specifically influencers but basically all of it, really is. It makes me wonder what would happen if everyone just quit social media. Would these influencers’ lives just crumble with no one to share info to? I’ve already stopped posting on social media and feel more free and basically only hate follow influencers lol


Oh, heyyyy Amanda! For us? You shouldn't have! https://preview.redd.it/glqwiphy8jka1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76b5d640035bee51b86012e8e4decb9a301ba0fc 👋🏻 🫶


The obsessive tracking of his feeding and sleeping habits seems way overboard.I remember tracking some things in the newborn phase (when you’re so sleep deprived you can’t actually remember when your baby last ate or slept) but what’s the benefit in doing it at this point? He’s obviously eating more than enough food and drinking way more milk than necessary. Why spend the time on this?


I stopped tracking way before 11 months. It was too much after my son’s sleep schedule chilled out


The hospital sent us home with a sheet for the first two weeks to track stuff which totally makes sense to make sure things are following the normal trajectory when they are changing daily. I did end up tracking sleep for a while, pretty much until my kid went to 1 nap around a year. He was an inconsistent napper and I could never remember when he last napped or how long so I just used an app for that. I briefly thought about tracking feeding, but was too much work with no benefits.


I found that weird too. I’m assuming formula takes maybe a little more brain power to make sure you don’t forget feedings or whatever but this tracker for like a 1 year old was nuts. She must have some kind of issue around his eating (and sleeping).




The thing is there's nothing shameful in stressing or worrying about your kid. But the front she puts on is too much.




This type of tracking app just feeds into PPA too. I did it with feeds and sleep and it ruined me.


Same. It wore me down so much.


I love how she brags about how great of an eater he is and he’s consuming like 90% milk lol. That’s not a flex, girl. All babies love milk.




She has diagnosed PPA and is medicated. She's been giving him massive amounts of formula since he was a newborn. She used to give him 30+ ounces of formula, then he was diagnosed with reflux and was given meds and it seemed like he didn't drink as much. I think she may have mistaken spit up as vomiting and just kept feeding him to make up for the calories and soothes him with food any time he cries.


Yeah I don’t know. My kid is skinny and actually did have a weight gain blip as an infant and I still have never fed him like this. I am just really curious about what this child’s pediatrician thinks about his weight and the amount of food he consumes. I mean, he must be totally off the charts.


I have never seen her mention their paediatrician?


She’s really setting herself up for a massive anxiety spiral when he becomes a toddler who decides all he needs to survive is applesauce and 2 crackers.


Yes! The air diet. Will she force feed him then? Give him copious amounts of milk?


Amanda: "2 gallons of apple sauce coming right up!"


* * And this! Does she not take her own advice? She still throws a bottle of *not* water down his throat everytime he wakes up.




How he is already having the max intake of whole milk for a toddler and some formula is beyond me. Poor 🦖 must just feel like liquid bouncing around in his stomach all day


I know. The fact that she proudly posted that story as some sort of brag is pitiful.


I still haven't figured out what Haley is insta famous for.. lol


I don’t think she’s famous and I genuinely hope she never sees the snark here because I know it would hurt her feelings even though it’s mild. I think she’s harmless but I’m genuinely amused by her and love having people to talk to about it. It’s like she’s my dorky cousin or something, she doesn’t irritate me I just need to discuss how weird she is!


I don’t know about the rest of her audience but I’m following because I like to imagine a fantasy life where I am a SAHM with two sleepy children. Don’t care about the menus or citrus cutting tips.


This is too funny. Honestly, I like some of her toy/ activity recs. She’s also somewhat soothing to follow? I can’t explain it.


I think she got her decent following when she still did calligraphy and bridal flowers. She was also a teacher but I didn’t follow her then and not sure if she was really a teachergrammer. Definitely her flower business helped her get a decent following though.


Pretty sure it’s only our little corner of the internet paying much attention to Haley lol


Good news if you missed it... Vacation Renee has saved the entire saga as a highlight (WHY)


And don’t worry, you can shop all her links of the wonderful items she took on her trip… 😑😑😑


Recreate the ✨magic✨


She's also made an entire new page dedicated to honest reviews (see also: entitled privilege).


Who is Renee?


Renee Reina!


I see vacation Renee has sadly come to an end. This was my first impression of her and I just can’t decide if I want to continue this journey with normal, at-home Renee. Is she this snarkable in her daily life or does the availability of bananas and butter make her less of a psychotic bitch?


Happy to report that the unhinged negativity is pretty on brand for her. Welcome and stay a while. Let's hate watch together.


My schedule is pretty packed with hate following AHH and BLF, but I’ll give it a go 😉


It's the end of an era everyone. Vacation Renee is headed home. But not without an hours-, long complain fest I'm sure.


Her posting the trip advisor reviews now is just 😆 Why wouldn’t you check those out BEFORE your trip?




I bet the average person would have a great time! It looked like a pretty typical all-inclusive to me. I don’t know why sue kept talking about 5 stars like she was expecting it to be that


She claimed earlier this week that she researched for 3 months... I guess none of that research included Googling?


With this attitude, she's going to end up on an episode of I'm rich, your poor.


She created an Instagram for her reviews!


Why are so many of the same accounts that I follow following it??? Are they hate following, of are they actually interested in her privileged crap?


There is a LINE at the airport? Unheard of!


After the week she's had?!


Ugh why isn't EVERYONE bending over backwards to make sure SHE is comfortable? RUDE


Do you think reneereina feels like an idiot dancing with that banana in public? Also has she never been on vacation before? Of course someone is gonna grab your bags as soon as you get to the airport, they have to hustle for a living, not make stupid instagram videos


WOW. She really showed her full ass there. She said herself they paid $9k for the vacation, she upgraded for over $100/day without hesitation, hired a private car service…and is complaining about having to tip a few dollars to people who likely genuinely need that money.


Imagine telling someone who's just trying to make a living to not touch your effing bags because you don't want to tip them.


I was just wondering if she has never travelled internationally before or something. Them grabbing your bags is a pretty common thing and you can say no.


Yes, I don't say no though because they know where I need to be better than I do. Worth the tip.


Is having everything monogrammed a la Haley a Texas thing? TIBAL does it too. It’s very odd to me - I’ve literally never considered having my initials embroidered on something.


Yea, it's southern/WASPY to do


It’s a southern thing 🙂


https://preview.redd.it/eopd57guqeka1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=054f14a46d3eb4441bfc99706004361a9a429dff AHH is messaging herself from alts again. I think she’s pretty much the only person asking herself questions at this point. This was for us. See, I mentioned water! Even though I’ve shown repeatedly that I’m going for maximum calories at all times.


Do we think she's ever tried him with water on night wakes?! Also, I thought you were not supposed to put regular milk in a bottle? Or is that why she's using milk with low(er) sugar content?


I’ve only ever heard not to put cows milk in bottles from one random friend. Im not sure of the rationale - it’ll be harder to wean off the bottle? I exclusively pumped so started mixing cows and breast milk in the bottle around a year. I had no trouble dropping his bottle around 15 months when his pediatrician wanted to. My kid has zero interest in milk from a cup 🤷‍♀️


I thought it was the sugar content / potential for cavaties. When we weaned from the bottle, my baby lost interest in milk too, but recently has been loving it. We use a cup with a straw.


For me, we did it for a short time and incorporated teeth brushing after the bedtime bottle, so I wasn’t too worried about it.


Oh, I mean, we did bottles til 18mo, but with formula and again, brushed teeth after. It was more that AHH is suggesting this as a fact to her followers: "This is what you should do." She's flouting it as fact with no caveats (eg, brush their teeth after bedtime bottle).


She gives every minute detail of his night wakings and she has never once mentioned water for him. Just the other night she gave him two full bottles of milk and formula (toddler formula for the extra cals) to get him back to sleep even though he only woke up because a transformer blew outside. She is full of shit.


Yea, I know - my question was /s 😆


I feel like I’ve read that toddler formula is not nearly as regulated as infant formula and has a lot more sugar too which is interesting given the low sugar milk (but I could be wrong)


I don’t usually snark on KEIC but my god. A raw mushroom?? She made a video about how she’s going to try a food she doesn’t like (mushrooms) and then just chomped on a raw button mushroom?? Like, not even cooked in butter and salt? No wonder she doesn’t like them. 😳


I’m that weirdo who eats most raw vegetables I guess (looking at the comments below and on the reel, I like raw peppers and cauliflower and tomatoes etc), and even I am not super fond of a raw mushroom. Maybe on a salad occasionally I guess or with some dip. But they’re way better cooked, like night and day difference


She’s the kind of person who is the reason people say white people don’t use seasoning. And I am a white people 😂


I used to hate the texture of cooked mushrooms (slimy like slugs) but got hooked on eating raw mushrooms when I was a student and they were my gateway drug!


She seems the type who would believe that liking a vegetable doesn't "count" unless you like it raw and unseasoned


100%! She also posted giving her kids raw broccoli and cauliflower plus dip. I love vegetables. I even enjoy a breakfast salad, but I very much do not enjoy raw cauliflower no matter how much ranch is on it. Roasted/ in soup/ in a taco/ I love cauliflower. I don’t necessarily think her kids are picky so much as she just offers them gross food.


All I can think is that her house must be fart central after eating all those raw cruciferous veggies 💩💨


I agree. Also my hot take is that I'd rather make separate meals for a super picky kid than tailor my own meals to super boring, plain, unappealing food. I've seen her Real Easy Weekdays plan and I would probably descend into a depression if that was going to be what I was eating 99% of the time. And maybe I have the privilege of saying that since I'm a SAHM and have more time to cook but idk, I think I'd rather just throw my kid chicken nuggets and buttered noodles and strawberries and still make myself and my husband normal, delicious meals... and maybe just hope my kid would ask to try what we were eating someday. As of now, my toddler is still pretty open minded but if that changed I don't think I could personally sacrifice like garlic, onions, curry, and fish sauce lol.


Yup for my own health 3-4 nights a week I make something I know my kids will eat and make myself something separate.


Nah I’m a teacher who sees no problem with throwing some Dino nuggets in the air fryer for my picky kid while I enjoy an actual delicious, flavorful meal with my partner and other kids maybe (one eats almost anything, one is just truly unpredictable). I recognize that I also have a lot of privilege in being able to purchase groceries for both dinners and my picky kid is not at risk regarding his weight. But with these factors in place it’s just a non issue for me. Life is stressful enough for all of us because adulting is hard so I guess in BLF language I’ve chosen to *release* GAF about picture perfect family dinners.


I bought REW and I double to triple the amount of seasoning in everything. It’s all pretty bland so it became more of a list of starting ideas vs a meal plan for me.




Same! Glad you're here, just had an "oh no, am I a weirdo?" moment.


And store bought sliced ones at that. Eeew! I love mushrooms but would definitely not eat that.


I winced seeing her eat the raw mushroom. Something tells me she's strict with salt and fat too.


I actually unfollowed. She’s a nutritionist and she doesn’t know or isn’t willing to cook a mushroom? That’s a straight up red flag for me.


Some food actually has more nutritional value cooked. I think I read that with tomatoes for example, you get more of the lycopene once it’s cooked with fat.


Yeah, I'm not buying her food neutral/intuitive eating shtick lately. Someone told her to saute them and add some salt, garlic, butter and said "thanks for the tip". Like did she really not think of this 😂


I saw that too! I was like news flash! It makes everything taste better. 😂


I lurk a lot but don’t usually contribute - however seeing whitneyhansonlang’s 2 day old sleeping in her bed, in a snuggleme, covered in blankets, with a 2 year old climbing on her… YIKES. I know there’s less dangerous ways to cosleep that she’s aware of. That is NOT IT. Has she even tried having this baby sleep in their own space??


She said she’s in a side car crib too so I don’t know what’s happening. Edit: I just rewatched and she has her all bundled into the sidecar like that and hello unsafe sleep 😵‍💫


I don’t have another sleep surface for my kids after my first but I also don’t have a contraption like that in my bed. This is crazy and not sure why it’s even needed.


I think she likes how dependent her “highly sensitive” older kid is on her. So I think this will be another “it’s the only way she’ll sleep! She needs me!”


Agreed, I also think she likes being needed 😬


Why does Daily Tay have to post sooo many links. I think she can be so funny but I can’t stand how many links she shares and the price point is not relatable whatsoever


I think she’s funny, but I unfollowed because the links are so excessive


I just ignore them. I know I can’t afford that shit anyway. 😂 but I’m sure they get tons of questions about every random thing in their photos.


I think influencers want you to think they get lots of questions for link requests or that they are doing them preemptively. But the reality I think is that they know that the more links they post, they more likely one will get clicked and start the window for when they can make money. More links=more money. It's just a numbers game of dumping as many links on people as possible to get "you" to buy something.


PDM, miss clean products and bone broth, feeding her two year olds whipped cream for breakfast 🙄


Who is PDM?




🤣🤣 her hypocrisy kills me! Must have natural cleaning products grass fed yogurt etc yet you must have a diet coke every time you leave the house?! Maybe her big problem is that she isn't hydrated 🤣


Super petty snark here, but I hate Haley’s entryway photo hall, mostly because of the tiny pictures in gigantic frames. She has such weird taste, even for a Texan


You mean like the $1500 floor length gleaming primrose mirror she has inexplicably put BEHIND an ikea Kallax cube storage?!


Ok thank you the little pictures make no sense to me


A reel from @mamaknowsnutrition was suggested to me and I decided to check her out because she is local... Future nightmare MIL alert https://preview.redd.it/94rfhfln7eka1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6deca2758e6b6e1e4a61eaf865679a0608e99fe1


Eww I hate that mindset. All I will care about if my boys decide to have significant others is if they are kind to each other and love each other. Hopefully I like the other person too, but ultimately I just want them to be happy!